View Full Version : Super Quest Idea - Input wanted

Kak Zalta
01-14-07, 04:03 PM
This is an idea that I am not planning on executing anytime soon, but in preparation for possible execution, I am seeking others input on the idea.

The basic idea is to create several characters for the specific purpose of carrying on a never ending story with those characters as a group. Share gold, equipment, etc.

Possible features:

Story with a LONG term goal
Extensive IM conversations to create dialogue and to plan
Long term commitment
In depth story
Passing through other storylines
Guest PC characters, including having the group rely on an outsiders to lead/GM sub quests
Careful planning
Characters designed for the quest and as a group
Losses and defeats
No use of fluid time with these characters
Minimum 3-Maximum 7 full time characters
Writers must have a record of commitment and consistency
Don’t be a jerk, have a good deal of creative flexibility and willingness to compromise
Group could, at times, split apart and run independent quests with volunteers to accomplish parts of a story. Also, the three characters could join a non-related quest together.

These are just rough, very incomplete ideas. Any thoughts, positive or negative, are welcome.

Devin Argente
01-14-07, 04:25 PM
First off, I really admire your enthusiasm. Really, if you're able to dedicate yourself to writing in a fashion that a story arc of this size would require, you're exactly what Althanas needs. I, myself, would not be able to join such an epic in the short term, but if you manage to pull through, I would probably love to join after I graduate in real life.

But I have to say that I've tried this numerous times, with great ideas, and they all turned out to be a failure. Unless you have experience writing really long stories (novel or longer), there is a great chance you'll drop off prematurely, which is a shame. Now, let's say you are able to invent a brilliant, basic storyline that keeps you going, day-in day-out. You'll still have to deal with all the PCs that join in, all with their own, complex histories. Believe me when I say I have a hard time planning out the story of this character and a single NPC, and that's in solo threads (!).

Now, don't take that as discouraging. What I've learned is: give it a try, but never aim too high. Start out small, perhaps a solo, perhaps a single other writer, and make plans from the very beginning. Build your story further from that point. Not everything will go as planned: new, better ideas will dawn while the writing is underway. If you're able to keep going with all that, I commend you.

Kak Zalta
01-14-07, 04:36 PM
Good input, thanks. One thought...

You'll still have to deal with all the PCs that join in, all with their own, complex histories. Believe me when I say I have a hard time planning out the story of this character and a single NPC, and that's in solo threads (!)

This is why I would suggest CREATING characters that are connected from the very beginning, and design them together so their stories stick together. They would be the primary actors for the length of the story. Other PCs bringing IN their story would be temporary additions whose story could cross and intersect the groups, but the group would not try to integrate other characters independent histories into the story.

By the way, Bob Dylan's "Rainy Day Women #12 & 35" just came up on the shuffle of my iTunes and it makes me happy.

Devin Argente
01-14-07, 04:43 PM
This is why I would suggest CREATING characters that are connected from the very beginning, and design them together so their stories stick together. They would be the primary actors for the length of the story. Other PCs bringing IN their story would be temporary additions whose story could cross and intersect the groups, but the group would not try to integrate other characters independent histories into the story.

Possible solution. I just want you to know that people tend to think of new, awesome additions their characters, and they'll try to implement it while trying to stay true to the storyline (but in fact sowing the seeds that will later grow into the fake roses of main-story divergence). It's very hard to keep a group like that together. I'm only saying this because it's happened to me multiple times, and it's easier to cope with if you're prepared.

By the way, Bob Dylan's "Rainy Day Women #12 & 35" just came up on the shuffle of my iTunes and it makes me happy.

I just pushed Motörhead's "Ace of Spades" to the highest volume my boxes could handle. Unfortunately, I forgot that it was around midnight here.

01-14-07, 05:40 PM
One problem you are facing is that if you have all these characters, you become reliant on everyone being around. With Althanas, that might not always be doable. I might suggest somethiing a bit loser, like a long involved storyarc that has one protagonist, but weaves people in and out routinely. I have done that in the past with Zephyriah. The two characters started out with a small battle, and that eventually morphed into increasing battles and a "climax" event which was a 100 post quest. However, Zephyriah left the forum, but I have wanted to continue these adventures, which is something I've been able to do by having other side adventures with other characters (such as Taliel Escabre) to establish some continuity, some recurring NPCs who could by all rights be PCs of their own, and bringing in new people where necessary (Storm Veritas plays an important role in the most recent adventure).

My suggestion is instead of doing something this overly planned, start with something more organic. Never really plan more than one or two adventures in the future. Everything will seem less forced, and if there is continuity, you can have a huge payoff every now and then.

Nymph and Dragon
02-24-07, 04:46 PM
I think that's a sweet idea, if you can, as was said before, keep people from ditching your thread after a week.

Or you could make the people who play the characters interchangeable with open/shared accounts, so that if one person ditches you could find a new one to fill their place. That way, people would get to play different kinds of characters as well.