View Full Version : Methos Hallaguard

Gods Toy Soldier
04-08-06, 06:54 PM
Name: Methos Hallaguard
Age: 23
Race: Human
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Light Blue
Height: 6;3
Occupation: Works for local guilds. Usually takes on 'hit' missions which involve killing a specific person or persons. Doesnt normally do escort missions and is well acquainted with most of the women down at the guild areas.

Personality: Although he doesnt get drunk he acts like he is, although he doesnt think he does. Most people call him a loudmouth, and most of the women he comes around call him a pervert after a couple of minutes of talking.

Appearance: Tall with light brown spiky hair that comes down to about his shoulders and shoots up around his forehead except for a couple of long strands that drop down to his eyes and one especially large bunch that drops down to his nose.

He has a lean build with a flat chest except for a few stiff lumps that barely pass as abs. He wears a long black jacket that comes down to his knees and a keychain that has 3 letter. G-T-S.

He has a white tattered shirt on underneath his jacket and black khaki-like pants with soft slip-on shoes that are black also.

History: When he was just a small boy his village was raided by hooded men who burned down the entire town and killed many people in the small town, destroying crops and kidnapping the young men who were strong enough to join in the hooded group called ‘The Menace’ which is a group of powerful warriors who take in children at a young age and train them with one sole purpose: To be the strongest warriors.

They take the children from their parents and friends, leaving them with nothing. All they have is a 2 meal a day diet and a few pairs of clothes to survive on. ‘The Menace’ trains warriors at a large academy in the deep mountains where they can train in many environment such as woodland (since the area around the mountains is thick jungle), mountains, water (the jungle around it has many lakes, and the mountains have a few hot springs). The warriors have teams into which they are divided the entire time they are at the academy. Sadly, there is a final test, the warriors must fend for themselves for an entire year on a large brutal mountain with harsh living environments wearing nothing but their pants and a white t-shirt or a long sleeve white shirt. Needless to say many of the warriors die, such is the reason they are constantly recruiting, and why that there are such few numbers.

When Methos was little and they recruited him he was the only one in the entire village to be chosen, and he was only five. He survived the academy and when he was 18 went up to the mountain for the final test and survived.

Methos left the academy and declined the offer to work with them, then made his way across the continent on a ship, leading him to a new life. He survived on the new continent by stealing and eating 1 meal a day until he finally left that continent for another, where he is now.

Skills: High Jump, Groove cut

He can jump twice as high as most people and the distance grows each time he levels up. A drawback is if he falls froma great height it hurts him much more.

Equipment: A long blade too long to be a kunai and to short to be a katana. Most of the blade is made of bronze, but just enough steel was added to make it look like a full-steel blade, with no bronze color in it. The handle has bronze in it, but that is the only part that you can tell.

Blade is curved at the end and the hilt is twisted the opposite direction so when he swings the curve slices into the enemy and carves the spot where the blade contacted with. At the starting level he is rather poor with his sword, and can barely block, but each time he levels up he gets better.

Gods Toy Soldier
04-08-06, 07:17 PM
Obviously this other dude doing his profile has no idea what hes doing, so can we get some real profiles judged?

04-08-06, 07:41 PM
What metal is your blade made out of?

Also, you do not mention skills with it. You need to mention that under skills section.

Gods Toy Soldier
04-08-06, 08:27 PM
There ya go.

04-08-06, 08:53 PM
Alright...first of all, You should put something along the lines of Basic skills with the blade, or at most average.

Secondly...you mention some copper ((which is metal)) and the rest is metal...The metal has to be something. Iron? Bronze? At most steel? OR, a type of metal, comparattivly that strong.

Gods Toy Soldier
04-09-06, 12:00 AM
lmao, I got confused.

Gods Toy Soldier
04-09-06, 12:02 AM
There you go, I fixed it...

04-09-06, 12:19 AM
Skills: High Jump, Groove cut

What is groove cut? is it average skill? Because...I still don't see average skill there...or below average.

Gods Toy Soldier
04-09-06, 12:24 AM
I explained it already. His sword is curved at the end and its backwards, so when he swings it hooks into the person making the cut worse, leaving a sort of groove inside the person where they have been hit.

I dont think being able to jump high is above average or below considering people have big powerful protective spells.

04-09-06, 12:30 AM
Well, that's an attack yes...but it's not really skill with a blade. You can niether defend yourself or attack in a different pattern. That's what I mean by blade skills. Like a warrior with a sword, a soldier might have average swordsmanship. He can think on his feet, and doesn't need to do the same thing over and over again. The Groove attack you have it's really for combats sake, save in times you use your blade. Average, or below average skills with a blade give you more freedom, because unless you put those, you cannot do fancy swordtricks in threads. ((Keep in mind, you may still have the groove thing for a move, even with average or below average bladesmanship.))

Also, I'll allow the Jumping as is, but I just wanted to know if you wanted true blade skills.

Also, you know have the cutest avatar ever.

04-09-06, 12:35 AM
Hack, don't post in other people's registration threads.

- Cyrus

Gods Toy Soldier
04-09-06, 10:20 AM
Do I have to change the groove cut thing? I just put it in there because I thought it was interesting. I figured it would help me add some detail in fights.

Is this approved?

04-09-06, 10:55 AM
You don't have to change Groove cut, but I'd like to know if you really have 'skill' with the blade. I can wield a sword like I see on T.V., and copy one move they have, but that's not going to help in a combat sitiuation.

Just answer me this, can he defend himself in battle, or can he only swing blindly with the blade, and do Groove cut.

If you do have skill with the blade, just add to your skill section, *average or below* Skills with the blade.

Gods Toy Soldier
04-09-06, 02:10 PM
I mean, hes just average with his sword, he can defend and attack like normal people, and he gets stronger as he levels up and his abilities with the blade increase.

04-09-06, 02:29 PM
Then edit that into your skills,a nd you'll be approved.

Gods Toy Soldier
04-09-06, 06:30 PM
there ya go

04-09-06, 06:37 PM
This is the last thing. Move the 'poor skills' with the blade, under skills, instead of your equipment.

06-12-06, 11:10 PM
Profile closed and unapproved due to more than two months of inactivity.