View Full Version : looking for fellow Rpers

01-14-07, 10:20 PM
hello kind Sir's and Maiden's i am looking for a few people to roleplay with me in my very first thread i need someone to let me out of something like a cryo chamber but it is full of liquid and suspending me in animation (im stuck looking 17) unless released and cannot roleplay until i am released and i want a fight where i am brought within inches of my life so i can try out my near death save.

any takers?

01-15-07, 02:36 AM
Alright... Let me check you profile first...

*Checks your Character Profile*

...Umm, OK. First off... Where is this "Lab" located in? I can't make out any kind of locale that would fit into the known locations of explored Althanas. Perhaps you can give us a vague hint as to where your body might be located in? Remember that Althanas is still very much in its late Medieval stage with Alerar (Land of the Drows) having Steam Power and is the forerunner in comparison to Modern technology.

A bit more detail as to storyline will be beneficial. :)

I will gladly show you around the place, of course. Either myself or one of my adventurous Girls will.

01-15-07, 10:21 AM
Well Let's see...


well i guess this lab could be in alerar i just said it was some lab i didnt say where.

but for more storyline i just need someone to take me out of my tube(theres a button on the side) and the actual lab could be a complete wreck and my tube is the only tube that made it through the incident. but i pretty much need a thread so i can kill atleast 5-10 bandits and then a bandit lord arrives and we have to kill him.(near death save trial) But pretty much i just require a thread where i can test all my abilities.

01-15-07, 12:39 PM
yo ill help you out of your...predicament?

Vamrsh Skylare
01-15-07, 01:54 PM
Hmmm, depending on how you're going to have this work I'll join you. I mean I can help find you and fight off the bandits or some such.

01-16-07, 01:06 AM
You won't find many human bandits in Alerar, I think. There might be some, but most of the inhabitants in that country are Drows and Dwarves.

If you're sticking to Alerar... *Looks at the Official Map of Explored Althanas Landmass (http://www.althanas.com/images/maps/northalthanaspreview.jpg)* ...Yeah, somewhere around to the west of Kachuk Mines would do... Or maybe even a little bit more to the north on Salvar's side of the Mountain range. Take note that the map is of the Known 1/3 Area of the Northern Hemisphere. There is still a lot of area that is unknown, so there's some freedom there for you.

Those are a few locations you can use, or just make one up in the Other Regions forum. There, you can say it was in some abandoned ancient city far east of Raiaera (which will be way across the sea) or even to the far west of Tular Plains. Take a look at the Map I gave you and look up some details from the Althanas Almanac (accessible via the FAQ link at the top of the page) and start planning.

Let your imagination soar, friends. Althanas is your stage. :)

01-16-07, 09:30 AM
You already know I will help.

01-17-07, 09:33 AM
Alright i figure if i place it in other regions i can make everything work instead of changing it for different land masses or anything like that so my imagination can sore *wink* i think its time to introduce Omega to the world of Althanas.

01-17-07, 09:36 AM
((Sorry for dopplepost))

ok i will take two people and right now im thinking of Seth_Rahl (because i already talked to him) and Sherin (because he seems to compliment my guy) Vamrsh i will also start a thread with you if you want but i have been told having anymore then a few threads can be complicated so yeah if you start it i will join.

Seth and Sherin post what you want for spoils and what you want to do in this thread and we will plan at the thread. Right now i require someone to let me out of my "tube" and i will get Ferin'Sha you dont have to worry about that. But yeah lets get brain storming.

Vamrsh Skylare
01-17-07, 11:06 AM
Ok np if I do start a post i'll pm ya.

01-17-07, 11:20 AM
yo ill get you out....i have an idea of how already.

01-17-07, 11:34 AM
sherin, what's your idea? Just go ahead and pm, if you want

01-17-07, 12:12 PM
yo my idea is that Sherin heard a rummor about this lab and decided to check it out, but when he get's there it is completly distroyed so he decides to go looking for anybody alive or...abominations, the mistakes the scientists made and let god sort them out.

01-17-07, 12:18 PM
Hmm...interesting. But we might have a problem. Omega wants to re-make his character, so we might not have to do that...but we'll see.

01-17-07, 12:46 PM
changed my mind i will change hiom but not remake i will remake him in thread lol Seth you know how Sherin so do you Seth start up that thread lol

01-27-07, 11:19 PM
yo when this quest starten???

01-28-07, 02:16 PM
God, Camella hates labs... She knows how it feels to be a in one of those tubes. I can't think of anyone better suited for this quest... Count me in.

PS: If you want me to create the thread, just let me know.

01-29-07, 12:33 AM
would u camella? i just want to get to roleplaying im so bored during the day nothing to do so i figure i would enroll in thousnads of threads (not literally) and post everyday seeing as i am sooooooo bored anyways

01-29-07, 10:05 PM
Sure, I will get around to it soon. unfortunately I am out of time today.

02-18-07, 02:40 PM
yo seth rahl, Vamrsh the thread is up and who ever posts first has that spot