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01-15-07, 12:16 AM
Just his luck…

He ran his hand through his hair, with a flattened palm, and he rubbed his bum with his free hand. The wince came naturally although his “landing gear” didn’t hurt all that badly, he still had a wicked killer headache. It felt as if someone was trying to squeeze a lemon (His head) through a keyhole with the added force of a boot to the back of his cranium. But what could you expect? He just go sucked in through a glowing circle in the middle of his dining room floor; his goof father constructed that. Mom told him not to construct foreign pentagrams in the hard wood flooring. Dad never listens. This was probably a dream anyways, but if it was a dream, shouldn’t he have woken up after he landed on his hinny. Even if this wasn’t a dream it felt like he just caught a first class jet plane trip to Amish town, there wasn’t a car in sight, let alone a plane aloft in the air, the most he had seen was a huge forest, a giant tree that looked like a house, and some little people walking the road towards that looked like a village.

As wisps of dirt rose with his heavy steps he thought to himself “How could this of happened to me?” All facts considered this was one of the least logical, and lease predicted occurrences that could have honestly ever happened to him. Seriously, being flung into a world that looked like it could be drawn from a fantasy novel, talk about dramatic. But it could have all just been a carefully organized rouse; there was no excluding that conclusion, so why not just go with it? The obvious disbelief that the circle could have brought him to another Universe never crossed his mine, at least not consciously but there was always that nagging suspicion as the boy from a different time kicked up dirt on that dusty road.

Darin shoved his hands into the pockets of his hoodie; the rhythmic swish of his pants seemed to take his mind away from the predicament he was put in. Soon he began sway slightly from side to side, his head bobbed to the self-produced beat that soon flooded into his ears, being composed of several different over tones of sound that could be danced to. Soon he was in his own auditory zone, counting the beats between the swish of his jeans, by the beats of his feet that struck the ground, compared to the thud of his heart in his ears. It was that naturalistic sort of rumble that burst through his chest, sparked by the simple recognition of his pants that lead to the sudden push forward off the ball of his left foot, onto the heel of his right. And right after he began to glide, he realized what was the point? It wasn’t like there could be a competition here anyways.

His somber attitude returned eyes cast down to the ground shoulders rolled forward. Right hand dipped back quickly behind his head to pull his hood up to mask his face and hair. The hoodie was zipped to half-mast, just enough to show part of the DC logo on his t-shirt.

“How did I get stuck in this crumb basket of a world?” He muttered to himself, snorting before he hocked a loogie onto the dust ridden ground. It was going to be a start of a grand day.

01-15-07, 01:25 AM

Somehow she'd been thrown from her home town into the blue sky and was quickly being pulled down by gravity. What had happened? Had her magic somehow backfired? Had someone matching her own skill thrown her into her own mind?

Aura squeezed her eyes shut praying that the impact of body and ground wouldn't be deadly. With luck on her side, or maybe her will did her bidding in her own mind, the illusionist hit the ground sprawled out on her back. The fall would definitely leave pain there to make sure she didn't forget it but she would live.

The last thing Aura remembered was sitting on the steps of an old, run-down house in a small French town. The night was lit by the full moon and many little kids were having to much fun to want to go inside. Her usual crowd of gawkers had come to ask for a show and as usual, she obliged. It was nothing out of the ordinary.

It was when she was just starting on another string figure that she felt something unseen push her back. Aura had been shocked when, instead of the steps on the porch, she'd been caught by darkness. With a surprised shock, she'd closed her eyes, the sound of the village kids crying out in horror.

When her lids flickered open, the young illusionists eyes were blinded by the heavenly blue sky. A delayed cry escaped her lips, her cloak billowing up as if trying to slow her. She wondered how long had she been falling? Even more importantly, she'd wondered how long it'd be before she hit the ground.

Now here she was, sprawled out on what she assumed to be earthen ground, in a state of shock and swirling emotions. It wasn't certain how long she laid there, staring at that familiar but somehow strange sky, when she heard a male speak from some distance. She could just make out the last bit; something about being stuck in a crumbly world.

"Am I really alive? Am I dreaming?!" Aura shouted out loud, half hoping the stranger would hear her.

The black-haired woman didn't move; she wondered if she could but she was afraid to find out. As a test, she willed her hand to move back and forth over her dusty landing place. She was mobile. Now did she really want to get up? Maybe the lad would be nice enough to help.

02-16-07, 09:30 AM
“Topaz… Topaz topaz topaz…” Reinhardt mumbled absent-mindedly as his hands, unusually dirtied from his scavenging, dug with an almost mindless ennui around the diminutive patch of rocky ground he had literally stumbled upon over an hour ago during a bored foray into Underwood’s surroundings. Geode lay abandoned several feet behind him, the translucent shaft of the large staff catching the stray rays of sunlight, causing a cascade of multicoloured light to refract onto the pale limbs of the sparse trees surrounding the crouching Ecylian. The small, broken mass embedded into the dry ground had seemed a perfect location for crystal foraging, but with each passing minute the blonde, green-eyed Jewelcrafter grew increasingly restless. Finally, with a quiet snarl, he stood.

“The Thayne damn topaz, and all its variants!” He barked with irritation, exhaling cold air over his dirt-encrusted fingernails in a vain effort to clean them. Reaching for his staff, the young man dusted his knees with a belligerent sigh and stood still, wondering what to do now his anticipation of the possibility of a new gem was long gone. A nearby panicked yell seemed to answer his silent question.
What in Auryl’s name was that?
Casting a glance in the direction of the sudden cry, he spotted a heap crumpled on the arid ground what he estimated to be about a hundred yards away. His curiosity getting the better of him, he strapped Geode to his back and made his way towards the figure.

Approaching the enigmatic mound, Reinhardt noticed another figure- male, slightly shorter than himself, darker skin, garbed in strange attire- nearing from the opposite direction. Before he could speculate on the appearance of this man, the heap, now several yards in front of him, spoke rather loudly.
“Am I really alive? Am I dreaming?!”
Female… thought Rein with mild surprise. Raising his eyebrows and throwing a questioning look at the nearby man, he spoke with mild trepidation.
“Alive, yes… Dreaming? I do not think that as likely.”

06-02-09, 03:46 PM
This thread has been siting for over a month and a half. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to the Peaceful Promenade.