View Full Version : Hmm..now what do I do??

RPS & Po
01-15-07, 09:25 PM
I had this great idea..

Voice #1 in head: "Lets make a character based on that old game, rock, paper, scissors!!"
Voice #2 in head: "Yeah, that's a great idea!!"

Then Cyrus said: "He is too powerful, tone him down a bit."

Typing on the keyboard, we went back and forth a bit and arrived at the current situation.

Voice #1 in head: "Uh...what do we do now??"
Voice #2 in head: "I don't know, this was your idea."
Voice #1 in head: "Oh...well...err...lets see...uh....we can...hmmm..."

To make a long story short and an up-to-this-point useless thread useful...

I have this character. I think he is a good character. But I am not really sure where to go with him, the problem of not having a substantial history to point me in a direction.

Does anyone have a use for or advice for an oversized hand that can summon Rock, Paper, or Scissors?

01-15-07, 09:31 PM
Make him get drug/tricked into fighting in an Arena. And you can think of something from there. I mean, come on, you thought of your char. didn't you?

Corvus MacCallum
01-15-07, 09:43 PM
Could recommend a bit of being hunted by sorcerers and alchemists considering his uniqueness and magical qualities.

Max Dirks
01-15-07, 11:01 PM
Make him like Ragtime Mouse on Final Fantasy IX. Battle just to ask random trivia questions, and if they get them wrong they get the rock! Your character's sole purpose can be to annoy the hell out of other characters as they search for things (for example, friendly monsters to allow their weapons to reach Ozma).

I think that'd be cool.

Zook Murnig
01-15-07, 11:11 PM
I believe that was FF IX, Mister Dirks. But that's a pretty good idea, though. But what if they get it right? They win the bout?

Max Dirks
01-15-07, 11:21 PM
LOL, I was watching Advent Children earlier, cut me some slack.

01-15-07, 11:23 PM
I think you should use your occupation of resolving conflicts. maybe even do it in a superhero fashion. There's a war between two nobles over whether fox girls or cat girls are cuter, it's a job for Po. Couple's having arguments, Po'll be there.

WEll if that doesn't work, try drawing inspiration from similar characters. Thing from the Adams Family might be helpful.

Zook Murnig
01-15-07, 11:44 PM
WEll if that doesn't work, try drawing inspiration from similar characters. Thing from the Adams Family might be helpful.

Or you could grow long hair and speak gibberish that only NPCs can understand. Cousin It.

01-16-07, 12:38 AM
*Stifles a laugh at Nova's postbit* I knew you'd bring that up sooner or later. :D

Here are a good deal of advices and I'll throw mine into the ring as well.

...No, wait. I can't think of any beyond what the others have said. Sorry. ^_^;

It's your call, RPS. A giant hand can be really nifty at times and a wonderful challenge to play. Maybe start him off in the Peaceful Promenade and see what kind of stories your character gets drawn into. If you're going the "accompanying troupe" route, that is. :)

01-16-07, 10:02 AM
A hand, eh?


I can't do it.


I have the perfect job for you! XD

Aaaanyway, you could be some kind of deus ex machina! You solve problems with a game of deadly rock-paper-scissors!

Or a Freak Circus could be nice.

RPS & Po
01-16-07, 11:24 PM
A fascinating smattering of ideas, some rather good, some rather...well...less than practical, shall we say. :-)

Naw...really, I appreciate the input. I will probably take something resembling the "join a story" route just to get started and get my character headed somewhere. Maybe a random Citadel battle would even be in order.

Maybe eventually I will have him discover a race of massive giants that always play RPS. He will be rejoined with the body that he was severed from years ago and I will come back as a 40 foot tall giant. Now THAT would be sweet. Then I could run around Alerar stepping on dark elves and we could do a King Kong re-enactment with their airships.

Hmmm...maybe later. For now, if anyone WANTS me in their story, let me know. Otherwise, I'll just start browsing.

01-16-07, 11:59 PM
...Whoa~! Now there's an idea I've never thought of before...

Interesting indeed... Though I suggest you keep the "rejoining" of your giant around level 4 or 5. Of course, that's just me. You can take it up with the RoG people for their individual input. :)