View Full Version : Golden Globes

01-15-07, 10:06 PM
I've got a few thoughts on the Golden Globes, share any if you have them:

First of all, how did The Office and Steve Carrell not win Golden Globes this year? The second half of season two was genius, and season three has been no worse. Consistantly one of the best shows on television.

GREY'S ANATOMY? Who made up this list? 24 blows Grey's Anatomy out of the water, especially the last season, which just blew me away every week. Grey's Anatomy totally stretches credulity in ways that are far too obvious for my liking.

Helen Mirren deserves everything she gets, as far as I'm concerned. Her turn in The Queen was amazing, and from all accounts the two other characters she was nominated for were works of art.

I haven't seen Dreamgirls. Has anyone, and is it worthy of all this buzz? Ditto for Babel.

I hope Scorsese's Globe translates into an Oscar. And I also hope that Peter O'Toole does better at the Oscars than he did at the Globes; it's about time he won.

That's about all I've got.

Cyrus the virus
01-16-07, 12:03 AM
Yeah, The Office shunning pisses me off. That's about it. Maybe it was the product placement that cost them winnings.

Sighter Tnailog
01-16-07, 12:09 AM
I'll vouch for Dreamgirls, at least with regards to Jennifer Hudson's performance, which was absolutely stunning. The second half slows a bit, but it's still good; as a movie, definitely worth seeing and seeing twice, even if it's not the finest filmmaking achievement this year. But let me say again: Jennifer Hudson is spellbinding and amazing. Her solo "And I Am Telling You" is what won her that award...it's simply stupendous.

01-17-07, 10:43 PM
I haven't even noticed product placement in The Office, I've heard people talking about it but I haven't been able to pick it out.

01-17-07, 10:44 PM
Apparently Hugh Laurie won. (No, I don't watch these award shows ever.) That's the important thing.

01-18-07, 02:21 AM
I know. Hugh Laurie won for House which is so deserved.

01-18-07, 09:53 AM
Personally, I don't know why anyone likes any medical show other than Scrubs.

As far as the Golden Globes go, I wished they picked something more out of left field, like Harold and Kumar go to White Castle.

Sighter Tnailog
01-18-07, 07:34 PM
I like House because it's not really a medical show. It's Murder She Wrote minus boobs plus sarcasm.

Also, product placement in the office can't be what lost it an award, because any show nowadays does it. Also, I don't see what's wrong with a character in a show drinking a coke or popping a tylenol. People in the real world often drink cokes and pop tylenols. Seems realistic to me.

01-18-07, 07:45 PM
Yeah, I don't watch House for the medicine aspect. I have a friend who's a hospital technician and she's always going on about the inaccuracies in it. It's the drama/comedy. And House's lovable attitude.

Oh, and Jennifer Morrison.

Cyrus the virus
01-18-07, 07:48 PM
Maddy, what about when the character talks about an amazing shredder he got at Target, spends the whole episode talking about the damn thing and fiddling with it, Target commercials...?

Hell, I just realized the show's on now, and I don't even care.

Anyone, even Jenna Fischer talks about Target constantly in her damn Myspace blog. And NPC did a sketch about Target recently... Like, what the fuck? It's a bit too much for me.

Sighter Tnailog
01-18-07, 08:36 PM
Well, because it's funny.

It's like when 30 Rock did an episode where they were in the boardroom arguing over whether to put product placement on their show. Then Tina Fey picked up her drink and said, "Man, this Diet Snapple sure is great!"

The show is making fun of people who get pumped about something as lame as Target. It's like the SNL skit with the lady who works at Target -- the company gets its placement, which is good because it means SNL can keep, you know, hiring people and running a show, and you get to make fun of Target at the same time.

Product placement is an economic reality, whether you like it or not, and for shows to last on television they have to do it, at least a little. Making it blatant has been one way that comedic TV shows have tried to make it less odious.

01-18-07, 09:16 PM
Oh, I didn't even notice at the time but now that you mention it that's right, they have mentioned Target a lot in season 3. Hahah, whatevs.

Storm Veritas
01-19-07, 07:01 AM
With or without product placement, "The Office" combines with "My Name is Earl" for the funniest hour on network TV, hands down.

Anyone here see Borat? As a long time fan of Da Ali G Show, I absolutely loved it. Sasha Baron Cohen's speech at the globes smashed me in the face with a shovel. (http://www.gothamist.com/archives/2007/01/16/is_good_best_go.php)

The Prophet of Zane
01-20-07, 05:55 PM
The only thing I really watch is House, because Hugh Laurie is an amazing actor and really funny. I don't pay too much attention to these award shows, either, because I think that award shows in general are excuses for Celebrity Prom Night. Alot of mutual circle jerking and who's wearing what and in the end it comes down to who got out of the limo without any panties on.