View Full Version : Would You Use an Althanas Chat Room?

01-16-07, 12:09 PM
Cyrus has been bugging me about this for a long, long time, so I decided I'd ask all of you guys - would you use an Althanas mIRC room if I created one? Would you chat in there when you had time? Would you idle in there when you WEREN'T chatting? Thanks - if there's interest I'll see about registering a room.

01-16-07, 12:12 PM
it would require me downloading Mirc, so probably not. The only way I would go into an Althanas chat room was if it was the most efficient way to discuss a thread with someone.

01-16-07, 12:13 PM
it would require me downloading Mirc, so probably not. The only way I would go into an Althanas chat room was if it was the most efficient way to discuss a thread with someone.

You could use a browser-based client - it wouldn't require downloading mIRC.

01-16-07, 12:21 PM
It sounds like a great idea! I'm all for it, especially sicne I've recently downloaded mIRC. It would definitely make it easier for communication, RP-wise, and it'd have plenty of unforeseen bonuses too, I'm sure.

01-16-07, 12:26 PM
You could use a browser-based client - it wouldn't require downloading mIRC.

Well then I would, but only if there was a reason to go in. However, I support the idea, if only because some of the more inane discussions on the forum would move to the chatosphere.

01-16-07, 01:58 PM
I'd use it every day, because even though i have over 200 people on my contact list, not everyone uses AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, or MSN.

01-16-07, 02:40 PM
I'd use it. Even better if I don't need to download mIRC. I've bothered with that program once too often in my short life, thank you very much.

Sighter Tnailog
01-16-07, 02:50 PM
I think it would be nice to have an mIRC just for functionality, but if it strained the site in some way I wouldn't support it. Personally, I will continue to use something like AIM as my preferred chat room source, but I could see the benefit of having an Althanas room.

Would this be anything like the old thing where you could get a room "key" or whatever it was? Because I never could figure out how to make that hack work.

01-16-07, 03:16 PM
No, this would be just your standard mIRC chat room, and its hosting wouldn't have anything to do with Althanas.

It's not like the old Hotel hack, no, haha. Way different thing.

Cyrus the virus
01-16-07, 03:26 PM
I'd use it if I didn't have to use mIRC, which blows hard. But yeah, I'd be in there more often than I am in the AllRPG one, certainly.

01-16-07, 03:29 PM
If you all play nice and send me gifts, I imagine hosting a web-based client on our server would be a definite possibility.

01-16-07, 03:38 PM
If you all play nice and send me gifts, I imagine hosting a web-based client on our server would be a definite possibility.

Cory, you know what to do.

Anyways I support a chat feature on this site as long as it doesn't hinder the site in anyway and I don't actually have to download any software to use it.

Slayer of the Rot
01-16-07, 03:42 PM

01-16-07, 05:28 PM
No. I generally find better uses for my time (like writing) then watching twenty people simultaneously go back and forth in a chat room. But to each his own.

01-16-07, 05:39 PM
No. I generally find better uses for my time (like writing) then watching twenty people simultaneously go back and forth in a chat room. But to each his own. Not such a waste of time when you're getting free hentai out of the deal, aye Letho?

I'd be all over this like a cheap suit, but mIRC, not sure about it. I tried to work it over at the ToL, but the bitch just didn't want to work with me.

01-16-07, 06:11 PM
Just a note:

IRC is a protocol. mIRC is a client. For example, just as multiple clients can connect to the AIM protocol (the AOL client, Trillian, Adium, etc.), multiple clients can connect to the IRC protocol. mIRC is just one example.

To find other clients, just google "IRC clients". Or, if you use an all-in-one client already (like Trillian or Adium), support for IRC is likely already built-in. Or you can also utilize our web based client when I install it.

Ayithe Solete
01-17-07, 07:29 AM
I think it would be a nice way for everyone to interact.

01-17-07, 07:39 AM
Well then I would, but only if there was a reason to go in. However, I support the idea, if only because some of the more inane discussions on the forum would move to the chatosphere.

I agree with everything this man has to say. Bootylicious.

01-17-07, 08:00 AM
I'm a bit hesitant about using a chatroom... Mostly because when I get on, no one is. :p

Trouble with living on the opposite side of the globe, I tell you. Other than that... Eh. I think I might drop by from time to time. :)

01-17-07, 11:01 AM
Okay, so...

As it turns out, our server doesn't allow an IRC portal to be installed. In lieu of that, here is a web-based application that you can use that's actually quite good: http://ircatwork.com/

I also highly recommend you use your own client.

The Althanas chat room is in testing stage right now. We might be moving servers, and we might be getting rid of it all together. We'll see how it works for a little while and then make the decision. That having been said, here's the connection information:

Server: irc.lunarnet.org
Port: 6667
Channel: #althanas

Cyrus the virus
01-17-07, 05:47 PM
I'm totally in the chat (I think).

Slayer of the Rot
01-17-07, 06:23 PM
Everyone who is on right now should come into the chat room, or the consequences will be dire!

Cyrus the virus
01-17-07, 06:28 PM
We're in chat! Like four of us! MORE MORE MORE!

Chat'll be fun if we use it :) I encourage everyone to enter while you're online, even if you don't have time to check the room every few seconds.

Cyrus the virus
01-17-07, 06:59 PM
Once the chat is at 5 people, nobody else is able to join =/

01-26-07, 07:55 AM
mIRC is gewd. As much as a noob's opinion counts - I'd use it.

In the current chat right now. Tis' empty. Sad times. Maybe 8am isn't the best time to visit. *whistles*

I can offer two options if you like, but both are a bit painful.

You could try sucking up to giveupalready.com's IRC operator to allow Althanas their own room. You seem to have a bit of a relationship already though I could just be misunderstanding. I don't know that it's a good nor tactful idea but it's a thought.

You could also switch forums, god forbid. I've had good experiences with the built-in chat on Ezboard and am relatively happy with their forums in general but how difficult it is to apply your custom coding on them, I couldn't tell you. It of course costs money to do it also, but as I recall it's not too unreasonable, and you get no banner ads in with the chat package ("Gold status"). Whoopiedoo. Althanas seems to have a rather large fanbase - I think donations could go over rather well. My poor self may even pitch in.

01-26-07, 08:57 AM
Our server does not allow IRC gateways, so it's nothing that ezboard would be able to help us with unfortunately.

I've yet to personally join the chat and see more than 0 people there, so chances are pretty good that we'll be eliminating the channel soon.

01-26-07, 09:34 AM
Ezboard's chat uses Java - I don't believe it's in any way, shape or form connected with IRC but please enlighten me if I'm wrong. 0.o Also, the forums are, if I recall, all hosted on their servers for security purposes, so if it did contain any features not supported by your server, it wouldn't apply. You just need to redirect the domain name to the given forum addy, and you're good to go.

01-26-07, 03:34 PM
I wouldn't sacrifice control of a server just to have a Java chat room. We heavily utilize SSH, which I really doubt we could have offered by an ezboard server.

01-26-07, 04:06 PM
Nobody is on the chat...V_V...

01-26-07, 04:24 PM
Chat rooms suck balls. They are a good waste of time though.

01-27-07, 12:08 AM
I remembered Master Raven saying something about an embedded chatbar... That other website that he goes to is Realm of Chaos and they have one in their index page. Just like a chat program.

I dunno. That's what he told me.

Cyrus the virus
01-27-07, 01:44 AM
The only reason I don't do in is because it only allows a maximum of six people, or something. The first time we used it, when six of us were in and someone else tried to join, they were booted immediately with some message about capacity... Something something.

Too bad we can't do java chat. Ah well... Take over the AllRPG chat?

01-27-07, 11:26 AM
IRC is a protocol. Java, IRCatWork, mIRC, etc. are all gateways to that protocol. Every time you connect to a chat room anywhere, you are most likely connecting to IRC.

That having been said, there is a way I can raise the maximum occupancy limit on the room (why would they make the default 5...), but I'm not sure if it worth the trouble given it's very, very low usage.

Cyrus the virus
01-27-07, 02:32 PM
At first it was being used, at least. I just left and never went back because of the limit :p But I can't speak for everyone, and it's very likely not worth your time.

01-27-07, 02:37 PM
In a worst case scenario, we can always run an Althanas chat through AllRPG's applet, if our host doesn't let us do anything.

I could let you take a look at the programming for that web page too, Serilliant, if you like.

Rajani Aishwara
02-05-07, 01:23 AM
Seeing as we always have at least a few people on the forum at the same time, I see no harm in having a chat room available.

02-05-07, 02:12 AM
I wish there was an Althanas chat. My AIM is pretty lonely at times y'know. I want to meet and talk to everyone here in Alth eh. :P

Slayer of the Rot
02-05-07, 02:16 AM
I wish there was an Althanas chat. My AIM is pretty lonely at times y'know. I want to meet and talk to everyone here in Alth eh. :P

alcoholicslayer, baby. Awww, yeah.