View Full Version : Guitar Players?

Foresaken By War
01-16-07, 02:48 PM
if your reading this then you have an interest in guitar, or already know how to play guitar. Me I'm new to it, i just got a strat for christmas and am learning pretty quick.

My current Repitiore or however you spell that,

Tom Petty- "Free Fallin"
3 Doors Down- "Kryptonite Intro" and working on the 1st Guitar
Metallica- "Enter Sandman"
And Parts of the Legend of Zelda theme Song

Cyrus the virus
01-16-07, 03:31 PM
I quasi-play, in that I could be a great guitarist if I put more time into it. I can play a lot of Metallica.

Guitar doesn't really appeal to me, though, because everyone in the fucking world plays. That's why I'm a drummer. Not to mention I'm just better at playing drums.

Foresaken By War
01-16-07, 08:49 PM
Its something I wanted to learn, but i only really care about electric right now. I don't want to touch an accoustic....

If you like the drums... stick with the drums

Torin Reahkari
01-16-07, 08:50 PM
Cause there's not a million drummers, either. ;)

I've been playing guitar (on and off) for the last..7 years, I think. I have a REALLY long song list that I'm not going to put up but it's a lot of RHCP, Blink-182 (ooh, there's something to brag about), Floyd, a little Zeppelin, etc.

What kind of guitar does everyone have?

Right now I'm playing some Yamaha Fender ripoff, but I also have a red Fender Strat.

Corvus MacCallum
01-16-07, 08:51 PM
Got a big bodied tangle wood electro acoutistc,but haven`t put the practice into it,can only play one country riff thats about two notes long,need to start putting some proper effort into it.

01-16-07, 09:51 PM
I have an old mexican-style guitar that I used to be able to play like it was made for heavy metal, but it's been a long time since I opened the case. I keep it for sentimental value, now.

If we're talkin about awesome guitarists, though, Luca Turilli is the best guitarist I've ever heard. His solo in Unholy Warcry is unbelievable and poetry of both sound and motion. Like the cherry-blossom guy in The Last Samurai, if I spent my entire life searching for a guitarist better than him, it would not be a life wasted. He's just that good.

Foresaken By War
01-16-07, 10:23 PM
I have a bridgecraft strat. with a couple of fender amps.

Cyrus the virus
01-17-07, 01:59 AM
Luca's good and all, but not the best in the world.

The drummer to guitarist ratio is pretty obviously slanted in favor of guitarists. Drums are too expensive for everyone to take them up. Unless they buy Supra, ew.

01-17-07, 07:13 AM
I have a squier... :D I'll probably be a good guitarist in a couple of decades when we get back to the times when not knowing how to play your instrument is "in".

I know a couple of people who play drums, and even more who take lessons but practice on rubber or drum pads opposed to an actual kit.

Cyrus the virus
01-17-07, 09:06 AM
The drum pads are nice for learning how to hold your sticks and work a snare drum, but that takes a few months. Other than that they're pretty worthless. You could also use a hundred different items in your household with the same effect.

Stupid drum pads.

01-18-07, 08:59 PM
That is retarded. Who told you to learn "songs"? And metallica songs? WTF? Kirk can't even fucking play all that well, let alone write.

I don't care how long you've been playing you need to first learn the various pentonic scales, and be able to say the notes of it on the thirteen seperate positions. Then move on to the major scales in the same fashion and THEN learn seconds, thirds, fifths, etc.

From that, learn to CONSTRUCT chords. Then learn to play.

500 years of classical lutists don't fucking lie.

You're guitar supplier store should be shot in the throat for fucking doing this.





lol cyrus made a drummah joke.

Cyrus the virus
01-18-07, 10:28 PM

I always find it funny when people insult Metallica, heh. Not funny haha, but funny you're stupid.

01-18-07, 11:49 PM
Are you serious? You really want to get into this then we can take it to a new thread. (Unless this thread is fine for it, I donno how the rules work here excatly.) In comparison to other metal bands, metallica's repertoire is weak, in comparison to other rock bands metallica’s repertoire is strong. As I, and most other people who listen to Metallica, classify them as metal: then they are a shitty band. Hell, the only musician of note that they have is heitfield. Burton was great, but he is dead.

Comparing them to the other massive metal bands that came out at the same time, Megadeth and Slayer, then it becomes obvious just how shitty they are. Not to mention modern metal bands technical skill (dimmu borgir, old man’s child. Dragon force) it is painstakingly obvious that Hammet can’t play and Larz can’t either.

Reverting, as a rock band they are on the other end of the spectrum. While they can’t compete with shinedown in vocal talent, they crush them in technical skill and riff originality. Other rock bands that metallica easily supersede, as better musician,s would range from seether to green day. Large genre warping, I know, but when we bring it out that much… (alternative rock/metal) other talent must be brought in: and thus we come to Tool which dominates metallica on every level: live performance, vocal ability, etc. So we see that metallica is never on the top, though they may be near it.

----- The Confession
I used to be a metallica fan, too. Go to a live show. Be amazed at how larz can't keep a tempo and kirk FRETS OUT. Wtf is that? Fretting out when it is his job? Ridiculous. I am not going to pay fifty bucks to see a worse guitarist than myself.

----- The Challenge

Find any song by metallica, that they play live, and I will learn it in less than 24 hours, record it ON MY ACCOUSITIC and email it to you. If you’re having trouble with those tracks, that means, nothing from kill 'em, lightning, or puppets, and nothing off of ...and justice for all. Hell, megadeth’s David Mustain wrote most of the first two album’s guitarwork and even a few off of puppets.

*gets off of pulpit muttering, “don’t preach to me, boy.”

Cyrus the virus
01-19-07, 12:11 AM
Hahaha. Your ignorance is embarassing, but your passion's pretty good.

I don't care about how Kirk Hammet isn't a great guitarist. If I based what music I like on a single member of the band, I'd like Buckethead. But I don't, so Buckethead fucking sucks. Same with Primus. Same with a thousand other bands.

I'm far too lazy to win another Metallica debate, so don't bother trying to goad me deeper into this. Enjoy your vapid Mustaine lyrics and your Tool time signatures, which people worship far too much considering that they're not difficult at all.

Foresaken By War
01-19-07, 09:39 AM
**throwing my little nose where it really doesn't belong**

Metallica was on VH1 at a very high level for one of the greatest bands of all time. How can you agrue with VH1.

As far as you playing it in 24 hours you could easily find a recording of an accoustic person playing it, or have one of your friends record it and use it. So That wouldn't impress anyone.

On the final level, Guitar skills, I think that Jack Johnson has some alien fast fingers.

{Kid disasteR}
01-19-07, 02:16 PM
lol back to the guitars....

I play. been playin for about four years now. See the only difference between u guys n me is I want it to b my career. i have an acoustic band right now. We play shows aorund town and its a hell of a rush. U should check out my site n let me know what u think.

(its me singing too)


EDIT: oh and uh dave Matthews owns Jack Johnson. ;)

EDIT AGAIN!: To the guy whos name looks like a vagina.... F all those scales man. im completely self taught and im a pretty damned good guitarist.

Torin Reahkari
01-19-07, 02:31 PM
If we're talking about skilled guitarists, I have to say, John Petrucci of Dream Theater is right up there. He is simply amazing.

....With Dream Theater. His own stuff is kind of repetitive.

{Kid disasteR}
01-19-07, 02:48 PM
You ever listen to Tim Reynolds? Acoustic goodness right there.

Cyrus the virus
01-19-07, 04:02 PM
Don't talk about acoustic (well, classical I guess) without mentioning Tommy Emmanuel.


Foresaken By War
01-20-07, 09:05 AM
Dave Mathews isn't even good enough to wipe Jack Johnsons butt after he poops, but no matter how you feel and how I feel, we could flame each other back and fourth after a few more of these comments and get real irritated if you want. but these are all opinions. There is no scale of what is good and what isn't. Every individual person has some different tastes.

Which brings me to my next point... LOL you said Vagina. Hahahah!

... Is he the blind guy that learned how to play guitar, Sings Felice Navidad.

01-20-07, 12:35 PM
Hahaha. Your ignorance is embarassing, but your passion's pretty good.
Ignorance of what? You’re choice to listen to skillless music because it fits your mainstream idea of simplicity in enjoyment? I am sorry, I guess instead of being woefully ignorant, I am willfully ignorant. Such an idea is embarrassing to say the least. I guess we’re both blushing. Though, I can’t understand how you would assume that I would ascertain that you liked them, knowing full well that they were horrible artists, after speaking to you a scant few times.

I don't care about how Kirk Hammet isn't a great guitarist. If I based what music I like on a single member of the band, I'd like Buckethead. But I don't, so Buckethead fucking sucks. Same with Primus. Same with a thousand other bands.
You’re logic doesn’t make sense. Metallica is a band, similar to those you mentioned, with one good musician and three shitty ones.

I'm far too lazy to win another Metallica debate, so don't bother trying to goad me deeper into this. Enjoy your vapid Mustaine lyrics and your Tool time signatures, which people worship far too much considering that they're not difficult at all.

Odd that you classify the megadeth lyrics in that fashion, I thought it was credited by critcs far more knowledgeable than I that MEgadeth was one of the few bands who had lyrics with meaning. At least the megadeth lyrics have some sense of intelligence. How many Metallica songs have depth? “Give me fuel, give me fire, give me that which I desire!” Oh, nope. Close though. Before you jump on a highhorse about “one,” realize that it is just One. One song. *Head tilt* Metallica songs can rival only the beetles for depth, and that may be giving them way to much credit.

Something I am a bit confused on? You think that Megadeth is more popular than Metallica world-wide? Or was that simply a typo in your sentence. I don’t know the album sales for Tool, but I don’t recall them being that popular, not releasing albums but once every 4 years :S I might be wrong though.

Metallica was on VH1 at a very high level for one of the greatest bands of all time. How can you agrue with VH1.
LoL. Surely you jest?

As far as you playing it in 24 hours you could easily find a recording of an accoustic person playing it, or have one of your friends record it and use it. So That wouldn't impress anyone.
I have to play on acoustic because my amp, strat, etc, remains back home in KC.

On the final level, Guitar skills, I think that Jack Johnson has some alien fast fingers.

JJ is one of my heros :D

F all those scales man. im completely self taught and im a pretty damned good guitarist.
I am self taught, too. I used to sit down and mindlessly pound away at songs trying to learn them by ear. Then I met BB King (not like sat an chatted with him for an hour, just had face time for a few seconds) and I asked him how I could play like him. He said practice scales. Once I started learning scales all blues, jazz, and classical musics became a fraction of the difficulty, and 90% of rock music seems like it was written by an infant. I agree that you have some range of skill, but you will never be able to play to your full potential without scales. With specific knowledge of how chords are built (such as the rock standard: root fifth root) you’ll be able to add a dynamic to your music, not to mention that once you learn most scales build your ear training (if you go through all the keys, like I suggested) and make improvising look and sound beautiful. Learning seconds to octaves rewards you with simple complexity. For example, Dueling Banjos (a song some people have trouble with) is actually simple exercise in scale utilizing thirds and seconds (I think, I haven’t played it in a while)

If we're talking about skilled guitarists, I have to say, John Petrucci of Dream Theater is right up there. He is simply amazing.

....With Dream Theater. His own stuff is kind of repetitive.

Yeah, he is good. Too bad dreamtheatre isn’t really popular among most metalheads. I really enjoy listening to them. I think that they were at megadeths annual metal tour though, I can’t remember… fun times.

... Is he the blind guy that learned how to play guitar, Sings Felice Navidad.
That reminds me of the movie roadhouse. Then furter reminds me of a good friend of mine, also self taught, who taught himself to play like that from day one on his tele, cool stuff there.

There is no scale of what is good and what isn't.
There is a scale, actually. There are people who make there entire livings criting' music based on depth and complexity.

Foresaken By War
01-20-07, 01:42 PM
As far as you playing it in 24 hours you could easily find a recording of an accoustic person playing it, or have one of your friends record it and use it. So That wouldn't impress anyone.

I have to play on acoustic because my amp, strat, etc, remains back home in KC.

That is not what I meant. Because it is the internet it is too hard to tell so your point is null and void, we don't know what you look like, we don't know anythinga bout you. So... There for its hard to believe that its even you playing.

01-20-07, 09:19 PM
Oh. Good point, I guess.

Kak Zalta
01-20-07, 10:12 PM
Just a thought on the musical complexity of Metallica.

You should all listen to Apocalyptica, where you can hear the musical structure of the songs with a bit more clarity. Very interesting stuff.

90% of all music (basically everything but atonal and some modal based) is based off the root, sub-dominant, dominant chord progression. Everything else is just creative ways of getting from root to IV to V.

Cyrus the virus
01-21-07, 11:37 AM
Haha... Man.

Enjoy your one-man debate.

01-21-07, 12:02 PM
I've only begun playing guitar in September, when I got my electric just before the school year started. I've taken guitar for both semesters, so I'm pretty much up for playing it all year long. I know, some of the songs I've learned may seem a little "queer" according to you guys (seeing as how I'm seeing so far is Metallica), but hey, I have to start somewhere.

A good band that I can easily learn songs from is Three Days Grace. Their music turns out to be pretty simplistic, and easy to learn. I can already play I Hate Everything About You, Just Like You, Animal I Have Become, and Let It Die pretty well. I enjoy playing Three Days Grace, because they're kind of like the sound I'm going for with my songwriting and music career I'm hoping to kick off.

On top of that, I can play your classic Johnny Cash, to some of the new material from My Chemical Romance.

Other than that, I'm pretty much spent as of yet. Maybe with enough practice I could learn some Evanescense or Breaking Benjamin. That's my next goal.

Foresaken By War
01-21-07, 02:26 PM
Your taste in music is fine... I really like all of them that you mentioned. I just haven't gotten that far into building my repitoure. I really want to learn these songs fully and by memory.

{Kid disasteR}
01-21-07, 03:59 PM
Learn how to read tabs. Until you develope ur ear and are able to just listen and play, tabs will teach you any song ever.

Lazarus Corrinth
01-25-07, 05:13 PM
} | { ill debate with you about Metallica, I don't really remember anything ever saying a song can only be good if its difficult to play I also find it hard to believe that Mustaine was able to write music for Master and Ride when he was kicked out of the band after they finished Kill em' all.

Second of all Dragonforce who i've seen in concert twice now really aren't all they are cracked up to be, sure they are amazing guitarists but that can only last for so long there music becomes very repetitive and mind numbing after awhile.

So now i'll ask you, what do you think of the band "Protest The Hero"?

and back on topic, Yes I do play the guitar and have been playing for about 4 years now, I own a Epiphone Les Paul and an ESP Viper

01-25-07, 09:48 PM
} | { ill debate with you about Metallica, I don't really remember anything ever saying a song can only be good if its difficult to play
It is more than just play difficulty, but song complexity as a whole. It is a 'bleh' on the artist if they can't play (or write) complex music.

I also find it hard to believe that Mustaine was able to write music for Master and Ride when he was kicked out of the band after they finished Kill em' all.
The dynamics of Metallicas songwriting changes dramatically after M and RtL. Hell, leper messiah is clearly Mustaine's guitar riffs. What is to say they didn't steal more?

Second of all Dragonforce who i've seen in concert twice now really aren't all they are cracked up to be, sure they are amazing guitarists but that can only last for so long there music becomes very repetitive and mind numbing after awhile.

I've seen them a number of times as well - but rarely do they make misakes. The guitar that they play is to a specific audiance.

I havn't heard of Protest the Hero, other than a skim on myspace.

01-25-07, 10:12 PM
The boy I fell in love with was a wicked guitar player who could be compared to Slash but he comitted suicide shortly after his Band's first concert. If he was alive today, he would be rich because that local band really became something.

Edit: I forgot. I was a drummer as well. I dropped out of the band myself when he left. Couldn't stand the connection. ^^

Cyrus the virus
01-25-07, 11:41 PM
It is more than just play difficulty, but song complexity as a whole. It is a 'bleh' on the artist if they can't play (or write) complex music.

You know the whole reason why Master of Puppets is so loved is because it added complexity to an otherwise straightforward genre, right?

The dynamics of Metallicas songwriting changes dramatically after M and RtL. Hell, leper messiah is clearly Mustaine's guitar riffs. What is to say they didn't steal more?

Leper Messiah's the only song he contributed to on Master of Puppets. On RtL he did the title track and one or two others. Who is to say they didn't steal more? Dave Mustaine. Look it up.

Yeah, I'm totally fine discussing this if it isn't of ridiculous length (post-wise).

Skie and Avery
01-26-07, 12:06 AM
I think the fact that I used to be known as metallica_________ will state my stance on that amazing band. I will not debate. Amazing.

I hope you boys don't mind a little ol' bass player to throw in her opinion now, but seriously...

Jimi Hendrix. WTF? How did this thread get to four pages without the god of electric guitar not being mentioned? His version of Bob Dylan's "All Along the Watchtower"? "Purple Haze"? What is wrong with you people? Hendrix is a legend, for damn good reason. Jack Johnson? You people should have your eyes ripped from your head. Jack Johnson. *shudders* Jesus.

{Kid disasteR}
01-26-07, 01:37 AM
It is more than just play difficulty, but song complexity as a whole. It is a 'bleh' on the artist if they can't play (or write) complex music.

Not necessarily. If a song has a good melody, catchy lyrics and a hook that pulls people in its enough. Look at AC/DC, one of the legendary rock bands. TNT was like 5 chords over and over again and was one of thier best hits. A song doesnt have to be vein poppingly difficult to be abad ass song. Part of my whole writing is combining three separtate, simple guitar riffs to create one awesome sound. throw in some kick ass lyrics and ive got another 2000 plays on myspace

Skie and Avery
01-26-07, 01:59 AM
Because I'm too lazy to edit:

On the subject of complexity, the Ramones were known as the Three Chord Wonders. I think that's enough said.

01-26-07, 10:28 AM
Not necessarily. If a song has a good melody, catchy lyrics and a hook that pulls people in its enough. Look at AC/DC, one of the legendary rock bands. TNT was like 5 chords over and over again and was one of thier best hits. A song doesnt have to be vein poppingly difficult to be abad ass song. Part of my whole writing is combining three separtate, simple guitar riffs to create one awesome sound. throw in some kick ass lyrics and ive got another 2000 plays on myspace

Most of their hits sound exactly the same. The chorus is generally a three syllable “hook” as you called it. Thun-der-stuck, done-dirt-cheep, t-n-t, etc. I said that it was a ‘Bleh’ on the artist. Does that mean they are not famous, no? Look at Oasis, they follow the same principle, get a sound people like and reproduce it over and over. Does that mean that Oasis sounds bad? No, it just lacks evolution, progression, and complexity. Though, in counterpoint these two bands are clearly better than metallica because the musicians they have don't make blatent errors in concert.

Foresaken By War
01-26-07, 01:00 PM
I agree Jimi Hendrix the MAN! He used more than just the guitar to create his sound, plus many parts of the guitar. He would use the extended sound that you get if you stand right next your amp and everything is cranked up. Then even moving the toggle switches make a sound. So Everybody Respect the Classics Man!! ;)

Sighter Tnailog
01-26-07, 02:43 PM
The best guitarist in the world is Stephen Colbert, bar none.

500 years of classical lutists don't fucking lie.

Finally, a man after my own heart.

Cyrus the virus
01-27-07, 02:01 AM
You don't know what metal is, good butterfly.

01-27-07, 02:24 AM
Wow...have you guys ever heard about listening to music for...enjoyment?

01-27-07, 12:49 PM
You don't know what metal is, good butterfly.
I actually hear that quite often because I say that tool is metal - when it doesn't fall into any of the traditional metal genres. (Trad, Speed, thrash, black, etc) But clearly they use fast bass riff, blast beats, and then they follow into most classification of prog. metal. The arguement wether or not they're prog rock or prog metal has been going on for a lot longer than I am willing to debate with you over. Simply put: they are not metal because they are "heavy" they are metal because of the bassist and the drummers styles. Prog rock is filled with names like pink floyd, queen, and tull. While all very good bands, you can see how tool doesn't settle into that cat.

Wow...have you guys ever heard about listening to music for...enjoyment?
That is my point. I can't enjoy a band that frets out and can't hold a tempo.

01-27-07, 01:31 PM
You guys just enjoy arguing too much. ^^

{Kid disasteR}
01-27-07, 02:03 PM
lol yes we do.

and as far as enjoying music, i dont really put as much thought into as our vagina looking name friend does. if it sounds good and it hits me emotionally then i like it

Lazarus Corrinth
01-27-07, 04:18 PM
Kid Disaster FTW