View Full Version : Aurelious Cadori

04-08-06, 08:19 PM
Name: Aurelious Cadori (Aurel)
Age: 37
Race: Harpy
Hair Color: Pale Brown
Eye Color: Light Grey
Height: 6'4
Weight: 149
Occupation: Hunter

- He tends to be an independant person. He certainly talks, but usually to himself, much to the disdain of others around him. He is gruff and sometimes harsh in judgement, but only because he finds that people who are not given certain punishment are weak.

- Like most of his kind, Aurel is tall and lightweight, though he still has a sturdy build. Although he is partially a hawk, he has only slight claws, and his fingers are slightly longer than a normal human's would be. He does have sharp teeth, but they don't seem that way, not until you're bitten by them. He dons a very light-gray, almond-shaped eye type, with messy, light brown hair. His wings are pure white.

- His first layers consist of a long, baggy, black shirt that has wing holes. He then has a slightly heavier shirt, almost a sweater but not quite so heavy, which also has wing holes. Finally, he wears a navy blue flak jacket, also with wing holes. His hands hold gauntlets made from a hard leather. There are wrist cuffs around the wrists of the gauntlets.

- Aurel also wears a black belt with a pentagram as the buckle. He wears baggy black pants, not jeans but khakkis. Then, he has lightweight boots with ankle cuffs.

- The day was a bright one. The sun shone on the village as a baby was born. As always, it's wings were not yet developed. It was a boy. The skin was a bit risen on it's back where the wings would one day protrude. Clothes were already readied for it, for twenty years, so that it could wear them without the hassle of pressuring it's wings.

However, the boy did not reflect the weather that day. He was only ten when he started to show signs of rebellion. He refused to listen to his parents, his acquaintences, his teacher, nobody. Not even the village elder could tell him what to do. He was completely rebellious towards every single person who went near him. Five years later, this would reflect where his life would go.

He left the village in a flurry of wings. He had gone to a village only a few miles out and found a man who would take him in and train him in the arts of combat. There, he learned many things about both swordfighting and hand to hand combat - those were the things his master, Cadori Heinler, was the best at. He was his master for five years. He fed him, gave him a place to stay, and even provided him with a weapon.

That changed when Aurel decided he wanted something different. He killed his master, took up his master's sword, and left. The sword was a one-of-a-kind, made by his master's master, and constructed to be both lightweight and powerful. The metal was so rare that few had found it, and it had been constructed into one of various weapons and given to fighters in a great war. These fighters became legend. The original owner of this weapon was one Aurelious Ambrosious, from the Dark Ages. Ironically, him and it's new owner shared names.

And so he took up the occupation of a hunter. He hunted everything from rats to people to necromancers and zombies. It was his life, killing things for profit. And he did get a good profit. Now he wasn't a bounty hunter, he wouldn't do any job without having to take a life. Bounty hunting included simple retrievings, and that wouldn't do for Aurel. So he was simply a man hunter. And he was hunted as well. But nobody could take his own life. It was an impossible feat.
(( Yes, I realize there's a lot of time going on between then and now ))

Flight - Harpies are a humanlike race of creatures who have grown birdlike as well. They have wings and claws like birds, as well as sharp teeth, but they are human otherwise. As most harpies can, Aurelious can fly using his teeth. Aurelious' wings are frail, and can only hold himself up, and even then only for two turns. Afterwards, he must rest for five turns, or he will permanently damage the wings.

Speed Up - Harpies have a talent for speed, being that they are a birdlike species as well as humanlike. Therefore, they can give themselves a boost in speed by simply bringing some of the power they have in their bodies used for flying to.... fly faster. They can also use it to run at rapid speeds. This raises Aurelious' speed by one and a half times, meaning (1.5 x current speed).

Iron Longsword - A longsword crafted by a master from a common mineral of iron.. It is extremely lightweight yet durable, therefore easy to wield and usable with one hand, rather than with two as is the case with most normal longswords.

Iron Claws - These are claws attached to Aurelious' righthand wrist cuff. They can extend, detract, and be used as throwing knives, as well as being used as normal hand to hand combat claws. There are four claws, and they extend over each finger but for the thumb.

Cyrus the virus
04-08-06, 09:09 PM
Lifting 'any weight' with his wings is far, far too powerful for a level 0 character. In fact, flight on a character who is battle-capable is pretty frowned upon. I'll let him be able to fly for a limited amount of time, say 2 posts of flight in any battle or quest before he needs to rest (5 posts without).

How fast is this speed boost, both on land and in the air?

Oricalchum is too powerful a metal to be used at level 0. We only allow steel or weaker, so please change that.

How many throwing knife-claws is he currently carrying?

04-12-06, 03:28 PM
Alright, thanks for the tips. I changed the things you told me to, though if you want I will elaborate further.

Cyrus the virus
04-12-06, 03:59 PM
Approved you be.