View Full Version : Trouble in Venesia. (Closed to the 5 I PMed the link to)

01-18-07, 07:59 PM
"Today, yet another town was burned down in a raid by bandits. Authorities point out that all four of the towns to share this fate have been neighbors of the city of Venesia. Though unable to figure out the reason why, Authorities assume that this group of Pyromaniacs want to destroy Venesia next. When these terrorists strike next is still a mystery, but the fact remains that the residents of Venesia are asked to remain on guard. Though the authorities are concerned about the wellbeing of the residents of Venesia, they claim to be investigating more important matters."

Melissa put down the newspaper as she finished reading it aloud to her brother, Quinn. "Now do you understand why we must leave? All of the towns that we depend upon for support have fallen, most of this city's soldiers have been decimated while attempting to lend support to those other towns, and most of the other people in this city have already fled. This town is doomed no matter how you look at it, the question is, whether or not you want to burn with it."

Quinn looked back at Melissa with a concerned look on his face. "So what? Are you just going to give up? Most of the soldiers that made it back from those towns are too injured to move. Are you just going to leave them to die? they risked their lives for you, You should at least TRY to return the favor."

Melissa started out the door. "I hate it when you are right. I am going to see what kind of army I can round up within this city. There are bound to be at least a few warriors left in this town."

She was hardly able to take even a step outside, when an arrow whizzed past her nose. She attempted to step back in to grab her weapons, but a bandit grabbed her from behind, putting the blade of a knife to her neck and a hand over her mouth.

"Hey there, Bitch." The bandit whispered to her quietly. "The boss asked me to kill everyone on sight, but I don't think he'd mind if I got a little enjoyment out of you first."

The bandit began to slice her shirt off, but it wasn't long before she stomped on his foot, forcing him to scream out in pain, drop the knife, and let go of her. Melissa took full advantage as she went inside, grabbed her weapons, and started fending off the bandit when she saw at least 200 more run into Venesia destroying everything in thier path.

"Fuck!!! Do these guys even know what overkill means?"

Vamrsh Skylare
01-19-07, 11:15 AM
"Today, yet another town was burned down in a raid by bandits..."

Vamrsh read the paper intently trying to find out the whole story of this attack. It seemed to him that these people were in great need of help if all the bandits from the previous towns attacked. He decided that this was the time to stand up and fight for something other than himself and his foolish ambitions. He wanted to help people again and this looked like the perfect time to start.

5 hours later...

After finding a map to Venesia and a man with a small horse-driven cart to take him there, Vamrsh was on his way to the town of Venesia. The man had told Vamrsh that he would only drive him to the entrance since it might be getting dangerous around there soon. Vamrsh gratefully took the ride and thanked the man while getting in the back of the cart to rest up for the inevitable fight ahead. They were nearing the entrance when from no where the cart stopped and the driver started sprinting away screaming "Bandits!!!" at the top of his lungs. Just then a group of 5 bandits were chasing after him. Vamrsh saw that the man was in great need of help and bolted off of the cart after him. Just then a small blur flew down and created a cloud of dust between the bandits and the man...

"Good boy Rygor!" Vamrsh yelled as he caught up with the bandits. Catching the first two by surprise and stabbing his elven blades into the back of their spines, and ripping them out to prepare for the attack from the other three. Just then the dust cleared and the bandits spotted the elven in a black cloak standing over the dead corpses of their fallen comrades. Two of them charged at Vamrsh but the other was frozen in fear until he dropped his dagger and ran into the distance.

Vamrsh parryed the bandit on the right and used his free sword to cut a gash into his chest. The bandit fell from the pain just as the other came charging at the elf. Vamrsh used his higher speed and agility to duck away and stab the bandit in the heart. Just as the bandit fell Vamrsh looked up to see the 200+ bandits ravaging the town....

"Oh shit..."

01-19-07, 11:57 AM
Crum had been wandering around a town bored to death just wanting a good fight to breakout; he was going to get more than he bargained for. The town was just like all other towns he had ever been in before.

Suddenly someone yells out “bandits!!!”

This made Crum very happy.

“This wont be fun if there are only a few.” Crum said to himself as he heads towards the scream.

Suddenly 6 bandits loomed up in front of Crum.

The bandits thinking this kid was going to be an easy kill recklessly charge Crum.

The first bandit Crum cuts cleanly in half, the rest realizing something was not right about this kid and came at him slower.

Crum then smiles and tosses his sword at the nearest bandit and descended on the rest with only his hands. He finished them in seconds, received his sword from the bandit’s chest and looked around for his next fight.

Suddenly his eyes go wide in glee; there was an army of over 200 coming to the town.

Crum lets out a childish giggle of glee.

“FUN! FUN! FUN!” he laughed while covered from head to toe in blood and headed toward the advancing army.

Rok the Blade
01-19-07, 08:35 PM
It was yet another peaceful day of travel for the weary knight. A quiet daylight stroll through the town of Venesia after checking out some sights in the woods, killing time while admiring the natural beauty surrounding him. The sun beat down relentlessly on his armor, though it didn't really heat him up. Cooled down by a brisk, cold breeze bringing in various aromas. The most pungent, for some odd reason, was that of sunder. It smelled as if the whole town was on fire, perhaps from the bright yellow orb in the sky bombarding it with rays of light. There wasn't really much around him naturally to be in awe about, just some one story buildings of no particular design. Behind him there was nothing, just a dirt path that led off out of the town into the woods. He had just come back from them. He made it a duty to get up every morning and check out the local flora and fauna. Nothing made him feel more at home. Ahead of him was just a span of town. It looked like a desert town, the ground was just plain dirt and even most of the building had that sandy-colored look.

Surprisingly, it was lonely today. Rokusho, his feet recovering from the toll they took while travelling through the region, didn't see many people wandering in the streets today. Whomever he did see was too much in a rush to greet him. He had been here for a couple days now, and when he first got there the place was bustling. Now it was a ghost town. Maybe there was some festival going on today, because he heard screaming in the distance. That was probably it. This would be yet another quiet day for Rokusho, and he would probably leave for the next town in the night... Or so he thought.

If Rokusho would have blinked at that very second, he would have missed what he saw: A single man, poorly dressed in some leather armor and armed with a knife, dashed by across a street ahead. The knight was dumbfounded. Not only did he have a knife, but he had it in his hand as if he was going to use it. He turned abruptly, towards Rokusho, made eye contact, and made a mad dash for him. Rok's eyes widened, what was going on here? He looked behind him, for some escape route, but he turned around just fast enough to be able to twitch past an arrow that was shot from another bandit. There was a gang of them behind him, and he looked forward again to see that the bandit that was running to him was now accompanied by a few more men.

"What is going on here!?" He said quickly, reaching behind him to Redeemer. The greatsword easily came out of it's sheath and it sang through the air as he pulled the giant blade to his front. He didn't know what to do, now there were two groups, one on each side, racing towards him. He couldn't fight all of them, there was no way! They were closing in on him, he would have to think quickly.

Just as soon as both groups of bandits reached Rokusho, weapons reared to slash, leaped to the side, towards one of the surrounding buildings. He pushed his back towards it and bent his sword down so the blade was facing diagonally towards the ground. The bandits surrounding him hesitated to come closer, for fear of being sliced in two. But rather than slash, Rokusho's free hand ran down the length of the blade and quickly following the blade flashed. It looked as if a bolt of lightning had struck him, and almost instantly his sword was surging with electricity. It looked like enough electricity to shock a man enough to melt his brain. No one dared come closer for the time being.

Then, slowly, the door to his left opened, and the door opened so that it blocked the group of bandits from view of whoever opened it. One of the bandits rushed around the door with his knife and whispered some words. Rokusho wondered who it was, but when he saw most of the other bandits smirk and then look surprised when he heard that same bandit scream of pain, he reacted. Rokusho screamed, some sort of war cry, meant to intimidate the surprised bandits in front of him. Most of them flinched when he brought his electric sword into the air, ready for a downward slash. The crowd parted into two as the greatsword was burrowed into the ground after he slashed. He completely missed all the bandits, but it was deliberate. He pulled the sword back out of the ground, turned the blade to the side so that the blunt side was the part he was slashing with. The crowd, parted into two, did not react quickly enough to get back in before Rok was ready. He stepped forward, holding the sword outwards, and began to spin. The blade was turned, so the each bandit he hit, was batted down rather than cut into pieces. He felt the metal connect with bodies, and watched as most were flung to the ground. A couple dodged it by dropping to the ground.

When he was almost done, he turned the blade so that the sharp edge was slashing around again, and he angled his spin so that the blade was driven back into the ground. Rokusho stopped, and he was able to quickly recover from the disorientation. He let go of his sword, leaving it burrowed into the ground, and pushed off of it towards one of the two bandits getting back up. He was to him before he knew it, and was down with a punch as the second one came up behind Rok. He was armed with a flaming cudgel, probably to burn some homes down. But instead, he used it on his armored opponent. Foolishly, rather than whacking Rokusho on the head with it, he decided to take his chances by hitting him square on the back. It didn't do much but leave a black mark where it struck, but it did get Rok's attention. He spun around with a punch and connected with the man's face, dropping him.

"I'm coming to help!" He shouted to the woman, who he discovered was the person who came out of the building and seized by the bandit. She was fighting the bandit, holding him off. Rokusho saw many, many more brigands come into the town, from all sides. Most of them didn't bother coming to where this group was.

01-20-07, 11:51 PM
Jon was sitting at his camp, talking to his familiar Max when he heard several rustling footsteps and wood cracking here and there. Max shot up and started growling.

“What is it boy?” Jon said as he sat up his hand tingling with magic. Max shot a disgruntled look over at Jon as he bull rushed him. At that same point in time Max had opened up a Mana Gateway right behind Jon.

A Few Seconds Later……

Jon was doing backwards flips across the ground through a nearby town. To his right he saw two people fighting side by side, one had a huge great sword beside him and the other , a female, was fighting what looked like a bandit with her shirt have off. Jon slammed his hands into the ground to try and stop him so he could get up and help those two fight. All he ended up doing was sliding on his back.

“Why oh why does this always happen to me?” Jon asked as he looked to his left as he passed an intersection and saw a kid maybe no older then 14 covered in blood.

Jon kept sliding. He slowed down and stopped as he saw several bandit heads looking down at him.

“Umm … hey?” Jon said as the bandits started to attack. He rolled to his left and used his momentum to launch himself up to his feet where he screamed “Max!”

At that very moment a bright light appeared at his right hand side and out came a six foot tall wolf with fangs showing. And when the bandits looked at him like saying ‘come on’ a bright white light appeared in his left hand that went cylindrical for about 2 and a half feet each way, for a five foot staff.

“Okay come on.” Jon said as he pointed his fingers at an opponent in the shape of a gun when he fired a pure white orb the size of his palm at a bandit sending him flying backwards. At this point Jon actually saw how many bandits were there, there was at least a solid ten here.

An arrow came out of nowhere and missed Max and narrowly missed Jon.

“Max ATTACK!” Jon screamed as his staff in his hands became solid and showed as a steel staff.

A few moments later…

Max and Jon after only a few minutes had killed off five bandits and at this point they were both really tired. At this point another arrow flew in out of the forest and hit Max dead on inn the side.

This killed Jon it felt like something inside of him died and another thing had finally snapped.

“MAX!” Jon screamed in rage as he pushed one end of his staff into the ground and discharged as much mana as he could while still being able to walk sending all remaining five bandits flying into the air.

Jon then rushed over to Max’s side and examined the wound. At this point he realized Max wasn't breathing. Jon hugged Max’s corpse and started crying, when a tear hit Max’s corpse he started glowing a bright white light blinding Jon. When the light subsided all that was left there was a female body in only a corset barely living with an arrow in her side.

“Max?” Jon asked as he moved in for a closer look.

“I’m not Max; I’m not a guy Jon.” The female said faintly.

“But...but you are my familiar right?”

“I was your familiar you have set me free.”

“But you were the only friend I had I didn’t trust anyone else.”

“It’s okay I won’t leave you I l…” She said as she passed out.

“Hey! Wake up don’t die on me” Jon said as he picked her up and started running towards the nearest building with a door open. As he was running the female wrapped her arms around his neck whispered something in his ear and past out again.

Jon arrived at a building ran in the door yelled at the people inside and placed her on their couch as he yelled for some bandages some hot water and for them to leave now.

01-22-07, 07:36 PM
Melissa looked around, feeling helpless. There seemed to be no chance of her getting to the other houses in an attempt to find other warriors, yet there was no chance of her surviving without help. Suddenly just when she was about to give up, she heard someone yell out "Bandits!!!"

Hearing this gave her enough strength to continue fighting, because she knew that it meant help was on the way.

With a renewed burst of energy, Melissa tripped up the bandit that had attempted to rape her, sending him face first into the dirt. As Melissa was about to put away her Bo staff and pull out her sword, in order to finish off that bandit, another bandit took a slash at her. She faintly heard someone say “FUN! FUN! FUN!” As she quickly dodged out of the way of the slash.

Assuming incorrectly that it was one of the bandits commenting on how she was fighting with a shirt half cut off, (she was wearing a bra underneath it, though) Melissa went into a rage, slaying the bandit in front of her with one swing of her sword. She quickly rushed in to kill the other one, but was once again denied the revenge she wanted to get for the man who tried to abuse her body as an arrow hit her in the back of the leg.

She was in extremely bad shape, but not bad enough shape to be unable to hear a man yell out to her that he was coming to help. She got up and pulled the arrow out of her leg, she then stabbed it into the head of the bandit that had tried to get a sexual favor off of her, finally getting her revenge. Looking around, she realized that she might actually stand a chance with the small army that had come to her aid, Especially if the man who rushed into a nearby house with some woman in his arms was willing to help fight. What Melissa didn't realize was the fact that soon things were going to get much, much, worse.

Vamrsh Skylare
01-23-07, 10:42 AM
"This is going to get ugly very quickly." Vamrsh said, seeing the hoards of bandits rampaging through the city. Now looking more closely to the situation, he found that there were some other adventurers fighting as well. Inside the city was a woman and a man in shining armor fighting close to each other. Farther from them was a man running into a building with an injured woman in his arms. He decided to run through and assist the 2 fighting together for a moment and try to get past them to help the one that ran into the house.

Thinking of a way to fight such great numbers, Vamrsh rumaged through the dead bandits belongings and found a small bottle of some kind of gas, probably used to light their torches with. With bottle in hand he finds a light burning torch, possibly dropped during the initial charge, and takes it. He covers his blades in the gas and uses the torch to light them. With his flaming blades and his hands covered with cloth from the bandits clothes, Vamrsh charges into the mob of bandits. Slicing back and forth cutting through the crowd making his way towards the group.

"I'm here to help" he yelled over the roar of battle cries from the bandits. Slicing a few bandits throats that were charging behind the knight.

"I am going to check on that man and woman that ran into the building." declared Vamrsh as he started making his way through the bandits, his blades no longer burning for they were dosed with blood. Blades were flying everywhere and Vamrsh was getting cuts along his arms, legs, and chest yet he continued to plow through enemies, not trying to kill them, yet trying to reach that house.

Upon reaching said house, Vamrsh ran inside and closed the door behind him, bandits pounding on the door from behind him.

"Don't worry *gasping for breath* I'm here to help as much as I can." Seeing the man standing over a woman on the couch and some people grabbing bandages and some of their belongings.

"heh, if you don't mind could I take some of your bandages also... but after you help them of course."

Vamrsh started moving some furniture to block the door, hoping to at least buy them some time to regroup.

01-26-07, 07:24 PM
Crum looked around and saw that he was not the only one having fun killing this pathetic human bandits (what is fun to him he thinks is probably fun to others to…).

Amongst the people who are fighting also where a woman who was barely holding her own, a Drifter of obvious fighting talent, a knight, (Crum doesn’t like knight’s much,) and a merc, the merc had fled the flight though, with a strange girl an his arms, (Crum didn’t like the smell of the girl the man was carrying.)

But before Crum could think on this matter more another foolish human bandit attacked him and actually get a hit on him, it was barely a scratch but that didn’t matter to Crum, a lowly human had hurt him and now that human was going to pay.


And Crum entered his half-dragon form and put his hand clean through the fool and tore him into gory shreds.

All those bandits where going to pay for what their comrade had done, he was going to kill them all, and any one who tried to stop him.

Crum charged the nearest group of bandits and got to work at sating his need for vengeance.

The first bandit fell before he even knew what had even seen Crum, the rest on seeing the blood covered half-dragon fell in panic, and died on Crum’s blade.

“DIE YOU PETHETIC HUMANS!” Crum shouts in anger.

Seeing the bandits trying to get into a house struck a nerve in Crum, that was an innocent’s house (when Crum was young Honor was drilled into him, but most was abandoned once he got older but some still remained.) To Crum attacking an innocent is the lowest thing there is, so he spread his wings and jumped into the air and flew to a fair altitude to dive bomb the fools.

Once Crum felt he was high enough he tucked in his wings, pointed his sword straight down and went into a spinning dive. Crum knew his accuracy wasn’t that great and there was a fair bit of wind blowing but no matter what he was going to protect those people.

On impact with the ground all the bandits within 5 feet went flying in all directions and most were either seriously injured or dead.

Crum was still on his blade holding himself perfectly vertical, almost all his nerves temporarily fried from the power of the impact. The bandits still couldn’t see Crum through an obscuring cloud of smoke.

Crum slowly got down from his blade, then shook his hands in pain, made a quick check to make sure the house was still intact, it was.

He than picked up his blade and advanced toward the bandits.

01-27-07, 11:35 PM
(yo melissa said i could join k :))

Sherin awoke suddenly when a man burst into the home of some nice people that had let him live there for a while.

There was man was carrying a strange woman in his arms and the man was yelling for bandages and hot water.

‘What’s this man yelling about?’ Sherin inquires to Shensho

‘It seems that this is a familiar of that man and… it was originally a wolf…’ Shensho responds after reading the mans mind ‘this is very confusing to him.’

‘Nah really…’

Sherin decides to help so he gets up and aids in the collection of bandages.

Suddenly another man fairly bedraggled man runs into the house and slams the door shut behind him, then the sound of pounding sounds from outside.

‘Bandits, a lot of them, to many for an average force.’ Shensho reports before Sherin can even inquire.

“Don’t worry, I’m here to help as much as I can.” The new man says, “heh, if you don't mind could I take some of your bandages also... but after you help them of course.”

Sherin looks at the mans wounds and decides the man needed some more help than the woman who was already being well cared for.

“here use these to bandage yourself.” And hands the bandages to the man.

02-01-07, 12:20 AM
Within a few moments several people had entered the small hut Jon had rushed into. one had rushed in barraced the door and asked if he could help in any way. he also stated he would be better suited for bandaging Jon's once familiar. The other Man threw the man some more bandages and Jon thought it was for he man seeing as he had a few injuries of his own. He was about to break out in protest when a loud bang erupted from outside.

"Excuse me people that live here is there a way i can get on your roof from inside?" Jon asked as he saw dust rise from a few blocks over.

"Yes, go upstairs and make a left then u can openup that window and climb out onto the roof." Said the oldest man

"Thank you sir, if u happen to see any bright flashes of light or loud noises dont worry it's just me." Jon said as he held his hand out to his right almost as if he was going to shoot a fireball when a solid rod of light the size of a big steel staff appeared. "... and if any of you guy's follow i can't promise that i might hurt you by accident."

Jon then rushed up the stairs with the light at his side. he reached the turn and he grabbed one end of the light with one hand and the other rnd with his other hand and broke the light into two pieces. He then turned the light into a solid piece, he was no wielding two steel staffs the length of longswords.

Jon jumped onto the roof and surveyed the surroundings while standing up. The dust that was a few blocks away was disappearing now but the arrows were still flying like mad. At that moment one of the bandits he had knocked down got back up and started rushing towards the back door of the house. at that moment he saw the blood on his sword.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH! YOU'LL DIE FOR HURTING HER!" Jon screamed as rage built up inside of him and the air around everyone else got a bit heavier.

Jon then opened a mana gateway and appeared infront of the bandit and clothes lined him with his arm. With the bandit on the ground Jon stompt on his neck making the man cough up blood as Jon spun the one steel staff sorund and put a whole straight through the mans head squirting blood up all over him.

Jon looked up and saw what appeared to be a dragon but in a human form on the ground ripping apart bandits with his bare hands.

"Hmff, interesting." Jon said as a arrow whizzed past his neck and stuck into the house.

At that moment he looked from where the arrow had come from and saw many more bandits atleast 20 more rushing towards him.

"That's IT! You guys will now leave or die!!" Jon said as he felt more rage built inside him putting more pressure in the air as he charged the poor Bandits that were now immobilzed from shock of this new pressure.

((this pressure can have different effects on everyone it all depends on their legs all PC players should have minimal effect but if you want a more u can change the effect it has on you and you alone))

02-08-07, 09:04 PM
I have no clue as to where Rok the Blade went, but I can't let this one continue to sit still.

It seemed as if the bandits had finally met a force they couldn't handle. The bandits seemed to turn tail and run away all of a sudden. It seemed a little odd that the bandits would give up so quickly, and Melissa was quite sure that it wasn't over yet.

Melissa started to chase after the bandits out of both anger and curiousity. It didn't take her long to realize that the bandits had only run away in order to take a different approach. A large iron ball flew over her head as she started to catch up to the bandits. It was obvious to her that these bandits owned a catapult, but as she started to retreat, she realized that the enemy had yet to even start trying. While she had been chasing these bandits, about a thousand more had come in from the other direction.

The Iron ball hit the tower where all the injured guards were, . The tower stayed standing, but it appeared as if another hit would send it crashing down on itself.

Melissa hurried out back to town as fast as she could go.

"Everyone, Get outside now!!! They are trying to destroy the....." Unfortunately, Melissa was unable to finish her sentence because of a bandit cuffing her upside the head.

Vamrsh Skylare
02-12-07, 02:36 PM
Sherin looks at the mans wounds and decides the man needed some more help than the woman who was already being well cared for.

“here use these to bandage yourself.” And hands the bandages to the man.

"Thank you." Vamrsh takes the bandages and applies them where needed. Hoping that they are all he will need. After seeing the man run upstairs and lots of commotion outside the door, Vamrsh decides to head back outside and continue his assault. Since the door is blocked Vamrsh goes to an upstairs window and climbs to the room to scan the battle field.

He can see a half-dragon man beating the bandits around him aggressivly, and a man with two staves casting some spell... just then he felt a slight change in the air pressure. It wasn't enough to effect his movements from his higher agility but it will probably hinder the movements of the bandits to which they were facing.

While preparing to jump off the roof Vamrsh saw the woman from earlier chasing some bandits and her stopping as a black blur flys overhead and into a tower. She screams something but there is too much comotion to hear her, before she could finish though, a bandit came up and cuffed her.

Vamrsh took this action as a motivator to get off the roof. Leaping off the room Vamrsh landed on a few of the bandits around the door of the house and quickly regained his balance to dash off towards the woman, slashing away at any bandit within his arms reach.

Upon reaching her he took out the bandit standing over her. Now he could see what had shot the iron blur... a catapult... and it was almost loaded again. He kneeled down next to the woman to check if she was consious.

"Can you continue to fight?"

02-12-07, 05:09 PM
Crum sees a man come out the window of the house he was protecting and decided it was safe enough to leave them and have his fun for now, being slightly stunned from the dive he had just done (he was cursing himself for doing something so stupid) it took him a little while to realize what was happening when the first iron ball hit.

“Shit fuckers brought a catapult man I really hate those things.” Crum says to no one in particular and took to the air.

From his vantage point he could see that the town was just holding the bandits back and in some parts where winning, but Crum’s main target was the catapult so he started a dazzling mid air assault and the catapult.

“DIE YOU PATHHETIC HUMANS, YOU WILL ALL DIE!!!” Crum laughs with glee at the frightened looks of the bandits near the weapon, as he started his deadly barrage at the fools.

02-19-07, 05:49 PM
Sherin watches as the other people hop out the window to go and fight.

“I guess ill help to.” He says with a smile and hops out the window, and was surprised at the amount of bandits, “this is going to take a bit more than I expected.”

‘Nah really?’ Shensho responds sarcastically.

Sherin grumbles something unintelligent and looks for his next fight.

‘To your left it looks like there is someone who could use your help.’

Sherin sees the man he had given the bandages to lean over to check to see if a woman was alright when he sees a bandit begin to swing his sword at the man, so Sherin used his lightning step to get in front of the bandit and was just able to stop the attack.

“Leave now or I will kill you.” Sherin said sadly

“DIE!” the bandit yelled.

“I’m sorry.” And killed the man with ease, “may god have mercy on your soul.” He glances back you should get ready many men are coming, don’t worry about her, my friend will wake her.” And smiles.

02-27-07, 09:07 AM
Jon was not thinking straight he was rushing at the bandits almost in a blood lust and for once in his life he was enjoying chaos and destruction.

”You pathetic Bandits I will slaughter all of you in the name of the King!” Jon said as he remembered the Beautiful woman which was once his familiar and he knew that if he continued this and she was here she would of back handed him even in the middle of battle, at least his familiar would of kicked him.

Several bandits had now circled him attacking one by one.

“Hmmph! So be it I will take you all on.” Jon said as he blocked one Bandits attack sending him sprawling back a few feet then rushing towards the bandit placed his staff in the perfect area for the bandit to block and when the bandit did, he brought his knee up to meet the bandit in the chest and then moving back a bit kicked him in the stomach sending him flying through the bandit crowd knocking over several others.

At that moment he felt a puncturing feeling on his left shoulder as a bandit had slashed down at him from behind. Jon for once in his life feeling the actual pain of a sword wound spun around ripping the sword from the bandit’s hand.

At that moment in time he felt another wound on his other shoulder. At this rate he would die to lowly bandits and he couldn’t do a thing about it. Then he felt like something was taking control of him. He felt his power increase significantly as the swords in his shoulders exploded in a bright white light that blinded him temporarily and then he saw several mana veins running from his shoulder all the way down to various places on his arms, his staff had exploded at the same time the swords had so right now he was weaponless. For some reason he wasn’t frightened at all right now.

It was more so his thoughts of killing the bandits that had hurt him and tried to kill him.

“HEH! These bandits are nothing.” Came Jon’s voice yet it wasn’t “If you really want to kill them give me full control of your body!”

Jon realized whose voice this was in his head.

“FATHER!” Jon screamed as he got up and looked down making him look amazingly evil making the bandits stop in fear, for he was able to get up with the two huge gouges in his shoulders.

Jon did not recall anything after this point in time.

He stuck out his arm as his eyes started to glow a deep dark blue almost chilling the air immediately around him, as a bright light formed in the palm of his hand then with his fingers traced the outline of a sword. The sword burst out of the light and he lunged at the nearest bandit with his sword which was about 4 – 5 feet long and wider then most blades coming to a curved arc at the top.

He sliced right through the bandit as a hot knife through butter as he turned around and stabbed another bandit in the stomach. Several more bandits ran away in fear of their lives as a few more parted allowing a man that looked to be their leader approach him. Jon’s now controlled body didn’t care who this man was he was all the same to him Bandit lord or Bandit.

Jon and the bandit lord locked in battle matching each others moves blow for blow.

(( in the fight I am with the bandits have circled us and are not advancing and not retreating they are cheering on the ‘lieutenant’ I am not sure if u want the bandit lord introduced yet so right now he is the lieutenant so if u want the lord introduced he is the lord. Plus me and the bandit lord will do some incredible saves on each other from attempts that to an average swordsman would be deadly with normal reflexes ^.^))

p.s I don’t mean to power game but this is leading up tell future abilities. (if I don’t learn them in thread I cant spontaneously get them upon leveling up ^.^)

03-01-07, 11:12 AM
No, lieutenant is just fine. As for the powergaming, I don't mind that too much either. It just hurries the story along. (Insert evil laugh here.) Don't feel too bad about it though, the following events would have happened eventually anyway. I had planned them from the start.

Once again it seemed like the battle was being won, but the town's fate was about to take a terrible turn. Out of nowhere a human sized ball of ice hit the ground nearby like an icy meteor. Melissa looked up to see where it came from just in time to see a five headed dragon being ridden by what had to be the head of the bandits, or the bandit lord. Each dragon head seemed to be a differant color. From left to right they were green, silver, red, yellow, and black. Seeing as how she was sure that the silver one had to be the ice dragon head, Melissa assumed correctly that from left to right, the dragon heads were wind, ice, fire, lightning, and darkness.

The body of the dragon seemed to be clothed in reflective armor of some sort, too, meaning that neither spells nor weapons would work on the body. Melissa had other concerns though, she knew that none of her weapons could reach the dragon at the current moment. Not even her arrows were able to fly THAT high. Plus, the bandits were still attacking the town.

"A little help here please?"

Vamrsh Skylare
03-02-07, 10:26 AM
"...you should get ready many men are coming, don’t worry about her, my friend will wake her.”

Ok Vamrsh replies feeling he can trust this man. Vamrsh returns to his feet and begins to kill bandits around himself and the girl one by one. First he finds one looking in the other direction so he sprinted up to him and slit his throat with both swords flying outward from his neck and spilling blood all around the front of the bandit.

After this sight five or so bandits started running away from Vamrsh and his blades, now covered in crimson blood. Unfortunatly for them they ran right under an ice ball that hit the groud with massive force and sending the bandits reeling into the air.

Vamrsh looked up to see where this ice ball came from seeing as it was a warm, sunny day, and found to his dismay a five-headed dragon flying far above the city with a man riding it back. The man seemed to be someone with great power, being able to ride a dragon. This could be the leader of the bandits himself... which would mean that things were going to become difficult.

"A little help here please?" he heard that woman say just as he was recovering from the awe of seeing the mighty beast at this city.

"Yes, we need much help to beat this... or even touch it."

Vamrsh stood looking up at the dragon, not knowing what could be done against something with such strength.

03-03-07, 12:12 PM
Crum glances back quickly once he hears a giant crashing sound as a giant ball of ice strikes the ground.

“Shit!” Crum mumbles to him self and starts to turn around, Crum glances up and sees a massive dragon floating in the air. This infuriates Crum, how dare a dragon serve a human, that human WILL DIE!

Suddenly from behind Crum hears a whooshing sound. A human Crum had believed to be dead pulled the lever that launches the giant steel balls.

“AH HELL!!” a steel ball crashes into Crum and takes him along with it, the speed it was moving at disabled Crum from getting off. “SHIT!” and the ground comes rushing up to meet him. (Yo I hope you don’t mind but the “familiar” Crum is going to get I meant to give it to him when I first made him, but I forgot) suddenly Crum blacks out, suddenly an angle with black wings appears before him.

“Why do you live?” the angle asks.

“To kill all, to fight, to taste the blood of my enemies.”

“Perfect, then you may use my powers to aid you.”

Crum awakens to find the earth fast approaching, but he can’t remember what has just conspired, the weirdest thing was that the air pressure that had trapped Crum was suddenly gone.

Crum flips himself so that his feet are pointing to the ground, and tries to stop the ball.

When he crashes to the ground for a few seconds while he is slowing, he doesn’t even feel the ground below or the ball above.

Crum smirks in glee and throws the ball back at the catapult.

Crum falls to the ground in pain, “dam that took all my strength.”

He watches as some bandits charge toward himself.

“SHIT! THIS IS NOT MY DAY!” and tosses his blade at the nearest bandit and goes rushing after it.

“DIE PATHETIC HUMANS!” and cups his hands together and punches forward.

Crum watches in surprise as a line of bandits get blown in half. All he sees is an almost invisible disk going threw them, break in two and come careening back to him, so he braces himself for the worst but all he felt was a gentle wind, so he glances down and sees 4 almost invisible spheres going around him.

The rest of the bandits getting over their surprise of their friends getting blown in half continue their charge.

“It worked once, why not again?” and attempts it again but nothing happens. “Shit!” and wades in punching, quickly Crum notices that two of the orbs where surrounding his hands. “DIE HUMANS!” he cackles.

03-04-07, 06:29 PM
Sherin watches as a large chunk of ice strikes the ground right where a bunch of bandits were.

“HOLY SHIT!” Sherin says in surprise.

‘A dragon, no ordinary one either, it has 5 heads each with a different ability, this is going to get annoying.’

“Nah really?” Sherin watches the dragons approach in interest, he had never seen any dragons before.

“Hey you think you can do anything to help?” Sherin asks to Shensho out loud.

‘maybe I’m not sure but I’ll give it a try.’ And sends a strong mental shock wave at the dragon.

03-05-07, 11:43 AM
Melissa was still trying to figure out how to hit the dragon when it launched another attack. Lightening shot out of it's fourth head, she jumped out of the way just in time, but it still created a decent sized crater. She saw the half dragon strugglig with an iron ball launched from the catapult and then start a rampage. She realized that if anything could hit the dragon, it was the catapult, but before too much more happened, the dragon started acting oddly. Suddenly, it's heads all turned to the rider and they all shot at him at once.

This is all due to the mental shock wave breaking a weak hypnotic grasp that the rider had on the dragon, but as far as I know, none of our characters know that.

The shots seemed to hit at first, but when the dust cleared, the man was still standing. It seemed he had shielded himself from the dragon's attacks with magic, but thtat would make him more powerful than the dragon. Yet one good thing did come from this, when the dragon turned on it's master, it had gotten low enough for Melissa to fire at with her bow, and she did just that, directly hitting one of it's wings, forcing it to land. Still, when she realized that the leader had survived all 5 blasts, she ended up saying: "Heaven help us."

Vamrsh Skylare
03-08-07, 10:27 AM
Just as Vamrsh had lost hope he noticed the mood of battle change. He looked up to find that the dragon was attacking the rider on his back. But even more surprising was that the rider had lived through it and didn't look phased at all.

Then he noticed the woman next to him take action and fire an arrow from her bow and peirce the dragon's wing. As it hit the ground he noticed another of the warriors throw a giant iron ball back at the catapult but miss by a small amount.

"The Catapult!!!" Vamrsh exclaimed. That would be the best shot at hurting the great beast and hopefully damaging the mighty rider on its back.

Vamrsh looked back at the man who threw it and shouted to him... "Come help me load up the catapult!" after saying this Vamrsh moved to the catapult and found a few bandits guarding it and trying to load up the catapult themselves.

When they saw him they pulled out their short swords and clubs and charged. Waiting for the opportune time to strike Vamrsh help his dual sword's hilts with the blades running up his arm and lunged forward in a dash towards the first of bandit to his left. He parried the sword as came down towards his head and spun to the side using his momentum to shove the same blade he parried with into the back of the bandit killing him.

Next two bandits attacked him with wooden clubs swinging wildly. Unable to block the first few strikes Vamrsh takes a few bruises on his arms and chest but finds an opening and ducks under on overhead blow to get directly between the two. While standing up he puts both swords up to their throats, they freeze in place waiting for his next move.

Vamrsh sighs knowing they were just following their leader and trying to get some money. "Put down the weapons and run away from here. If I ever come across you doing something like this again do not expect such mercy."

With this they dropped their clubs and ran like they were on fire. The last one was still trying to use the catapult so Vamrsh snuck up on him and took his weapon from his side.

"How do you fire this weapon? Answer now or I will kill you."

"Just put the iron ball on that platform and pull the lever over there." the bandit stammered while pointing to a lever on the right of the platform.

"Ok now get out of here... NOW!"

"Yes sir, thank you."

"Now to load this contraption and try to hit that dragon." Vamrsh said to himself while waiting for the other man to come help him lift the ball onto the platform, and aim the machine towards the dragon.

03-08-07, 07:19 PM
Crum easily hears the mans cries and goes over to help.

“If we hit that dragon, know that I will kill you.” And loads the catapult, aims it toward the dragon and gets it ready to fire.

03-08-07, 07:23 PM
Crum watches as the elf and half-dragon run toward the catapult and get it ready, so he turns to the woman beside him.

“I think we should go and give them some support. How about you?”

He doesn’t wait for an answer and sprints toward the catapult to keep the bandits off them while they aim it.

03-08-07, 09:34 PM
((skipping my turn *evilglare*))

WIthin moments So much had occured Jon had fianlly droopped the bandit he was fighting dropping to a knee he started to breathe heavily as a giant icey meteor hit the ground. as he looked up he saw a huge 5 headed dragon.

they shockwave from the meteor hitting the ground sent Jon flying backwards and into a solid iron wall.


Jon woke with a start, his muscles wouldnt move and everyone else seemed to be gone just a dragon sittin gon the ground roaring in rage as a man sat ontop of it.

"THATS IT!" Jon screamed as he got up this man had killed everyone else in the village killing his familiar or what was his familiar and he opened up a mana gateway under neath teh man's feet that was ontop of the dragon. within a few second sthe man was infront of Jon looking confused. thats right u idiot me and u right now. Jon said as he started swinging his mana sword at the man non-stop.

03-12-07, 09:43 PM
Melissa looked over at the others. All of them were going after the catapult except for one who went after the bandit leader. It was odd, but noone went to distract the dragon. Ok, maybe it wasn't THAT surprising, but still, it needed to be done if neither the city nor the catapult were to be destroyed, and seeing as how everyone else was busy, it had to be her with the insane job.

Melissa rushed in and bonked the red dragon head on the noggin with her bo staff. All the heads turned to face her, but she slid underneath it's legs before it could fire off it's blast. Melissa hit electric dragon on the head with her sword in an attempt to slash it in two, but the scales just deflected her blade. Melissa once again dodged underneath the dragon, but this time, all 5 heads were ready for her. They fired at her all at once and barely missed as they created a huge crater in the ground.

The bandit leader noticed Melissa distracting the dragon when he heard the loud bang, and fired off a blast that was just as strong at her. This was actually the same blast the dragon had fired at him. He had absorbed it and saved it until later to use against them.

Melissa was caught by surprise and unable to fully dodge the blast as burned her left leg. At this point she was totally at the dragon's mercy.

Vamrsh Skylare
03-15-07, 10:28 AM
“If we hit that dragon, know that I will kill you.”

"Have you lost all sense of sanity? That dragon is destroying anything around it. If we don't stop it now all of us will fall to it." Vamrsh shouted to the man in confusion. "Besides the catapult wouldn't kill the dragon it would merely stun it, hopefully long enough to bind it so it won't move."

After loading the catapult Vamrsh looks around and see's the man holding off the bandits and another man fighting the bandit leader, somehow the bandit leader had closed the distance between the two... or maybe it was the other way around.

Lastly he saw the woman distracting the dragon for them and doing a good job until the bandit leader pulled a foul trick and shot a blast at the woman, resembling that which the dragon had fired at him earlier.

The woman was hit in the leg and she didn't look like she could move. Seeing she was in trouble Vamrsh shouted back to the man at the catapult.

"Fire the catapult when there is an opening! I'm going to get the woman out of there."

Vamrsh looked for a clear path to the woman and found that nearly all the bandits were dead or gone. Because of the clear path he used all of his energy to sprint directly at the woman, scooping her up and diving behind a house that was barely intact.

Panting from exhaustion Vamrsh asks, "How bad *gasp* is your injury?"

03-16-07, 12:36 PM
Crum grunts at the man and continues to aim the catapult at the bandit leader.

“Dam this is really starting to get annoying.” He grunts.

The catapult was almost ready to fire.

03-18-07, 04:16 PM
Sherin grunts in pain as he blocks a particularly hard swing from a bandit.

‘Dam my body still hurts from the lightning step’ Sherin thinks even as he strikes down another bandit. ‘Hell if these bandits don’t stop soon I’m going to become really pissed really fast.’ And continues to fight the bandits.

04-11-07, 05:01 PM
the people he seemed to be fighting with seemed to have a plan. Two were loading the catapult and one was destracting the Dragon barely. partially From Jon's eyes being glued on the girl as the dragon narrowly missed her, and partially from the loud bang, the Bandit leader turned and shot a blast just like the dragon shot at him earlier in her direction.

"You! Dishonorable Man!" Max screamed as a bright white light erupted from his eyes temporarily blinding the Bandit Leader and trapping him inside the realm of Mana, and completely draining Jon. "I think that will hold him."

he said as he collapsed on the ground disappearing into someone's Mana gateway where he lay unconcious until the user of the mana gateway wants him out.

few moments Later.

"Jon." came a sweet feminine voice infront of him as a soft warm hand was running along his face.

Jon grunted as he opened his eyes very slowly for they hurt for a reason that eluded Jon.

"Woah woah woah settle down Hun. Don't rush things your allies are doing fine out there."

two things got him thinking hard. one was teh fact he was called 'Hun' and the other was 'Allies', he had no Allies or none he knew off

"Jon Get up we need to go!" came the same voice

Jon grunted and groaned as he got up to the Bandit leader emergin through the gateway to Kick him so hard he went through the stone wall of the house and out to the feet of the Dragon.

With more grunts of pain Jon opened his Eyes to see a blurry outline of the Dragon. "Ohh! Why hello Mr.Dragon fine day isn't it?"

04-19-07, 11:48 AM
Life can be funny sometimes. When Melissa recieved that blast and got hit in the leg, she was pretty sure she was going to die and all that she could think about was the many many ways the final blow could be dealt. She could be eaten, stomped on, roasted, carried up and dropped from a high height, frozen, electricuted, her skin could have been torn off by intense winds, and heaven knows what the dark dragon head could have done to her. Then there was the bandit lord who could cut her to pieces or blast her with the magic blast again. The fact that she didn't know how she would die almost made her forget that she was about to die. Still, Melissa was relieved when she was saved by one of her allies.

When asked about her injury, she looked down at it. Her leg was burned pretty badly. In some places it was black as hell.

"Pretty damn bad. I don't know how much I can do to help you, but I swear to continue fighting."

Suddenly it dawned on Melissa.

"I think we can take out two heads with that catapult. We have to play against the elemental weaknesses of these things. A normal rock should take out the electrical head and if we were to light something on fire, I bet we could take out the ice head too. Taking two heads out should at least give us a chance, right?"

To her the plan sounded perfect, the only problem was how to take out the other three.

Vamrsh Skylare
05-11-07, 11:15 AM
Hey sorry I have had tons of end-of-school work and family on the computer I'm just gonna do a quick bump post.

"Hmmm this elemental theory makes sense, I just hope the others will be as ageeable. They don't seem like the most sane kind of bunch." Vamrsh flashed a smile to try and lighten this grim moment then rushed off towards the catapult to try and help them aim the catapult again, this time for the lightning element head...

06-03-07, 06:43 PM
Crum growls in annoyance, 'when are those two gonna get out of the way!' Crum thinks to himself, then look around quickly.

"Might as well have some fun while I'm waiting." Crum says with a smirk, and wades into the nearest group of bandits swinging, and laughing.

06-03-07, 06:49 PM
Sherin was really starting to to get board just killing bandits. Suddenly Sherin has an interesting/fun, and makes a quick look around, and was quickly able to find what it was that he was looking for, 2 scimitars, he then proceeds to sheathing his own blade, picks up the scimitars and lets out a quick laugh of triumph and starts to spin at an alarming rate, almost in human rate.

The bandits didn't stand a chance, since Shensho needed no sense of balance he was able to keep Sherin standing through the spin and to also guide his steps as to allow his to retain some semblance of control.

06-15-07, 02:40 PM
Jon started to get up slowly with immense pain, if there was anymore he probably couldn't get up. He then leaned on the Dragon's Leg and sighed.

"I'm too Exhausted to continue going, and in too much pain." Jon said as he grabbed his blade. "Might as well give up."

He thrust his sword to the ground as it deflected of something and hit the ground.

"Huh?" Jon said as he looked up and saw the menacing Dragon and fear went through him for the first time.

"AHH!" Jon screamed as he grabbed his sword only to be kicked by the Dragon's immense foot and sent flying into a nearby wall.

06-15-07, 07:05 PM
Melissa was watching as they were loading the catapult. It was taking too long. Sure, one of the defenders of the town was holding his own against the bandits, but another one was getting his but kicked. Melissa wasn't exactly in the best position herself. She couldn't figure out how to take care of the more than two of the heads or the bandit leader, there was also a good chance that reinforcements might come.

Melissa needed to do something about the man getting knocked around. She rushed forward towards the man who was kicked into the wall, but she was cut off by the dragon. She was not going to be able to get past the dragon, so she turned around and rushed in to help load the catapult.

As she was running, she tripped over the meteor-like ice ball shot by the dragon earlier. As she was getting up, she saw something of interest on the ground. There were a ton of icicles there. They had broken off the icy meteor. It was a longshot, but Melissa had a plan. She loaded her bow with an icicle and fired it at the dragon's fire head. The icicle bounced off.

Melissa was sure her goose was cooked as she saw the fire head turn to her. She picked up a second icicle and fired it at the dragon's mouth as it got ready to breathe fire on her. She saw the fireball start to form in the dragon's mouth and gave up all hope when the icicle melted into water when it hit the fireball. 15 seconds later Melissa realized what happened and why she was still alive. The water rendered the fire head unable to breathe flames, saving her life.

Suddenly the other heads turned to her. This wasn't good at all. She was going to die after all.


Vamrsh Skylare
06-21-07, 10:34 AM
When Vamrsh finally got to the catapult he found that everyone had left it and not even tried to fire it.

"Damn this team needs communication lessons."

Vamrsh decided he would have to turn it himself. With all the effort he had left to muster he managed to turn the catapult just enough that it was pointed at the thunder head of the dragon. While looking at the dragon he was aiming for he noticed that the girl from before had decided to get back up and join the fight again, but she was already at the mercy of the dragon's heads. Vamrsh had to make the shot now to take out the thunder head and to save the girl again.



The boulder soared in the air over the girl and hit the thunder head square in the face. The boulder carried through and landed on top of the thunder head as it fell to the ground behind the rest of the heads.


Unfortunatly because of this little stunt now all the other heads were staring right at him...

"Shit, now what?"

06-28-07, 10:07 AM
Crum heard one of the men he was fighting with yell "GET DOWN!!!" and glances quickly towards him as he fires the catapult, he watches as it soars toward and hits the dragon.

"You fool." Crum growls as he advances towards the man (ooc: bad move Vamrsh...Crum thinks the only race that deserves to live on this planet are dragons...) fully intending to kill him.

06-28-07, 10:12 AM
Sherin stops at the perfect time as to be able to watch the boulder get launched, and strike one of the dragons heads.

Sherin looks on in interest as the rest of the dragons heads turn towards his ally angerly.

"hum...this doesn't look good." Sherin mutters to himself.

06-28-07, 11:22 AM
When Jon awake from hitting the wall a few things had happened since his last memory. The Dragon's Lightning Head was knocked out, the Girl of the group was at the dragon's feet and all the heads were looking at the catapult.

"AHHH!" Painful screams erupted from behind Jon he quickly got up and almost fell again for he was still dazed. It was his Familiar or what was his Familiar at one time.

"Anger, Un-Bearable Anger with a horrible intent on killing someone." She said.

Jon was either still dizzy or he was dreaming this.

"Jon go stop the half-dragon ally NOW!" She screamed as Jon stumbled over debris and rolled out of the hole he had made.

"Now Where's My prey." Jon said as the world was spinning around him. he was barely able to make out the half dragon that was supposedly his ally. He Mana gatewayed it infront of him and made a mana platform in the air as he went for an elbow to the mans face.

07-09-07, 12:00 PM
Melissa got up and assessed the situation. One head was down and another was weakened. The only way to even romotely damage the heads was tohit them with an opposing element. The dragon's body seemed undamagable, though. One of her allies was in trouble, and another ally seemed to want to kill that ally. The entire battlefield was in disarray.

There was something nagging at the back of her mind, though. The bandit leader seemed to be standing still, letting the dragon do all the work. Was there a reason for this? Melissa had to find out. She charged in and hit the bandit leader over the head with her staff. The bandit leader made no attempt to block it. It was as if he didn't see it coming.

"Damn you, Girl." The man said, shooting her away with a wind blast that cut through her shirt and skin like a knife through butter. Melissa noticed that during the short time it took him to counter-attack, The dragon started move about wildly. She was finally able to put it all together.

"This guy is controlling the dragon, and using it's power against us. If we destroy him, we may just stand a chance." Melissa yelled to the group. Of course, upon hearing that Melissa had figured out his secret, The bandit leader made the dragon move in front of him as a shield and turned all of the heads towards Melissa. Melissa at this point was too hurt to move and was therefore dead meat if even one of the heads attacked.

Vamrsh Skylare
07-11-07, 11:15 AM
Vamrsh was trying to think of his next move with 4-dragon heads bearing down on him when he noticed his 'ally' starting to walk toward him. The look on his face showed anger and malice towards Vamrsh. But luckily for him someone else noticed this and somehow warped infront of the man and started to attack him.

At the same time the girl from before was up and at it again, this time she was after the bandit leader. She attacked him once and he didn't even try to block the attack but two seconds later he was shooting her with a blast of wind. During that two seconds of his retaliation the dragon seemed to become frenzied and move differently than it had been before. It had seemed that the girl found out how the bandit leader was fighting along with the dragon.... "This guy is controlling the dragon, and using it's power against us. If we destroy him, we may just stand a chance."

Now with the secret out they could focus on defeating the one in control, except he now had the dragon right in front of him protecting him.

One thought was in the back of Vamrsh's mind though. If we take him out, what is to stop the dragon from just continuing to destroy the town.

07-30-07, 02:54 PM
Crum glares at the foolish human in front of him, a look of disgust clear on his face, "Foolish human GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Crum cries as he starts to apply all his strength and weight behind his sword, planning to cut the man in half, Crum was sure that there was no way for the human to compete with his enormous power, and just plain strength, he was gonna regret getting between Crum and his prey.

07-30-07, 03:02 PM
Sherin hears the girl cry out her discovery and was moving in an instant, Sherin was sure the dragon was nowhere near fast enough to keep up with him, but he also knew that his speed alone wouldn't be enough to get to the girl in time. 'Shensho I need you to go save her.' Sherin commands mentally.

'You sure Sherin...you know you aren't at full strength without me...' Shensho questions, he knew ex actually what Sherin had in mind for his next attack.

Sherin smiles at the worry he could feel in Shensho, 'don't worry I'll be fine...but do please hurry back...' Sherin thinks even as he feels Shensho exiting his body, Shensho appeared as a massive glowing black panther, and took off at a full sprint to get the girl out of harms way, to any one watching Shensho would appear as a blur as he passed.

08-24-07, 01:32 AM
Jon Felt the incredible strength and weight start pushing down on him and he locked his arm above his head and he started sinking into the ground. after about thrity seconds. Jon opened up a mana gateway under his feet and teleported himself behind the man that was assaulting him and slashed at his right shoulder with all his strength and weight and after that attack he jumped back to get away from a most definante counter attack.

09-10-07, 10:49 AM
After being saved by a black blur, Mellissa looked towards the half dragon and the ally he was fighting. She had an idea on how to stop the feuding, but she was unsure of whether it would work.

"Hey, you guys can settle your differences later, but right now we have a city to save and a dragon to free from mind control." Melissa yelled out.

Melissa then turned to the half dragon and yelled out, "Honestly, Mister dragon, you are having this fight over us trying to protect ourselves from the big dragon there because you don't want us to hurt it, but even if the mind control isn't hurting that big guy now, the dragon no longer has a will of it's own. For all we know the general could order the dragon to kill itself after this battle, and because of the mind control, it would have to do it."

Melissa was unsure of whether or not what she said struck a chord with the half dragon, but when she turned around, she saw something that struck a chord with her. While she was busy fighting the dragon, some bandit reinforcements had arrived, bringing another catapult with them. As she turned around, they fired a heavy steel ball from the catapult that destroyed the house she had left her brother, Quinn, in.

"BASTARDS!" Melissa yelled out as she charged in with her bo staff drawn. She swore to herself right then and there that she would take every last one of them out, even if it killed her.

Vamrsh Skylare
12-12-07, 04:16 PM
Time to refresh this biatch

Jon Felt the incredible strength and weight start pushing down on him and he locked his arm above his head and he started sinking into the ground. after about thrity seconds. Jon opened up a mana gateway under his feet and teleported himself behind the man that was assaulting him and slashed at his right shoulder with all his strength and weight and after that attack he jumped back to get away from a most definante counter attack.

"Thanks for the save, try to teach him reason with your fists if you must."

Now having a chance to look around Vamrsh noticed that the woman was now charging at a large group of bandits that must have been the re-enforcements.

"Persistent aren't we?"

With the dragon busy trying to get the boulder off of its dead head, this proved to be a perfect time to try and intimidate the new bandits before they even started fighting. By intimidate of course I mean slay a multitude of their brethren right before their eyes.

Dashing off as quick as his legs could carry him, Vamrsh sprinted towards the center of the new group of bandits. His blade met new flesh every few seconds as he was able to cut through about 15 bandits who were too involved with their battlecries and charging blindly to their leader. Vamrsh stopped in a gap of soldiers with blood covering his robes and blades. His expression showed no emotion yet it caused much emotion in the bandits hearts... the emotion of fear.

"Chose now, run or end up like those before you."

Hopefully they would chose the first option, for Vamrsh had tired himself quite a bit in his mad dash through the crowd.

01-02-08, 09:20 AM
If noone else will post here, I will.

It is common knowledge to even the most elite warrior to never attack in anger. Doing so usually ends up with you making a mistake or taking on more than you can handle. funny thing is, it is just as common knowledge that you should avoid angering your opponent, lest you want a painful death.

Melissa knew both these things, but she didn't care. This made her a truly dangerous foe. She didn't care anymore if she lived or died. She just cared that she lived long enough to kill the bastards that had attacked her town and inadvertantly killed her brother. As Melissa charged in, she noticed one of her comrades rushing the reinforcements at the same time. Had she still been sane herself, Melissa would have pointed out how insane and pointless killing the reinforcements was. After all, every time they thought they had killed all the reinforcements, even more came to this city.

Unfortunately, though, Melissa was not in her right mind, and this fact never even occured to her as she ducked under a bandit's swing for her head and slashed his body in two. She was in a mad berserker rush as she continued to parry enemy swords and counter with dismemberment and deathblows. Even when a bandit managed to slash her arm, forcing her to drop her sword, she continued to battle onwards.

Her bow and arrow were the next weapon out, as she managed a point blank shot to the head of the bandit that had disarmed her. Melissa continued to fire her arrows, dealing multiple mortal injuries and sometimes death to any enemy that dared show it's face before finally facing the fact that she ran out of arrows.

It was obvious to anyone at this point that she had a major chip on her shoulder and had gone from being 'That annoying woman who can sort of use multiple weapons' to 'Psycho bitch from hell'. Melissa didn't care much for the fact that her enemies were backing away from her as she dropped her bow and pulled out her Bo staff. There was no way that she was going to be taken down until every single one of them was dead. So far the count was up to 23 killed, 9 mortally wounded, and 8 injured, and that didn't include the enemies she killed before her blind rage.

"Your move." Melissa said just before she realized that in her rage she had gotten more injured than she first thought. Her legs were both bleeding, as was her chest. She fell to the ground from the wounds as she realized that the adrenaline rush from her rage had forced her to ignore the pain of all her injuries sustained in the battle up to this point. This was not good. Not good at all.

01-07-08, 11:40 AM
Jon had to take action there was more bandits coming into town, there was a angry dragon and a berserk half dragon, he had to do something. so he engulfed teh halfdragon inside a mana gateway, holding him in shear nothing ness until it was time for him to come out. he then dispersed his mana sword and went in to help with the reinforcements.

He saw one of his ally's in pretty bad shape. wounds all over her legs arms and chest. he had to heal her or she would die from blood loss soon. he jumped in and summoned his steel staff infront of him.and started beating the bandits away that got close. and when he had some room to make a mana gateway he engulfed both of them him and the girl.

he brought them to the house that he was in that had saved him. and started her treatments as he let the half dragon go in the middle of the bandits. as he remembered he still had another ally out there. the one that the half dragon orignally planned on attacking.

"hey stay here for a minute all right ill be back i just have to go save our other ally from that insane half dragon." Jon said as he ran his hand along her hair line.
and he gatewayed outside and down the street to the bandits.

04-06-08, 07:38 PM
(i know is's taken me for ever sry!!!!!)

Crum caught off guard by the sudden move was tossed into total disarray that when the strike him he was completely stunned, but thanks to his scales the damage to his body was decreased to a minimum, howling in pain and rage Crum begins to randomly swing his sword in the hopes of hitting something but quickly realizes he is just making a fool of himself.

looking around Crum can see a few skirmisher's going on with what remains of the enemy bandits, he easily spots the elf, but having completely forgotten why he wanted him dead decides to kind some other prey, just as he was about to charge a group of bandits a roar from the dragon distracts him and quickly spots the bandit leader being engaged by one of his allies and decides that killing him would be the best idea right now.

04-06-08, 07:49 PM
Sherin felt weird without the gentle pressure of Shensho in his mind, and a wave of fear hits him as he charges the dragon. Sherin hasn't felt fear for so long it nearly paralyzed him to the point he couldn't hold his sword, but some how managed to keep a hold of it, before he knew it he was right at the dragon and it was swinging its legs and biting at him, and was nearly dodging each attack, but thanks to it's size and Sherin's own skill, all the attacks where at worst grazing him.

suddenly Shensho's presence returns, 'sheesh took you far to long to get back, what where you doing, seeing the sights?' Sherin asks jokingly. 'Oh shut up and lets get this finished already.' Shensho responds very annoyed. Sherin sheathes his sword as he gets closer and closer to the bandit leader, and once in range lightning strikes (Melissa i'll leave it to you to decide what happens...)

05-02-08, 08:32 AM
Jon got outside and started running towards the bandits. He then realized the insane Half-Dragon had turned and was now going towards another ally over at the dragon and bandit leader.

Jon Mana gatewayed to the bandit leader on top of the dragon. and started assaulting him from behind with his staff. missing the few dozen strikes but striking so fast he couldn't counter-attack and finally his last hit in his assault connected with the bandits top right shoulder sending him down to the ground beside the dragon.

Jon Leapt to go down and attack the bandit leader again only to recieve a blast right in the middle of his chest sending him flying in the air in the opposite direction. and the last thought he remembered having is ohh shit im dead.

05-12-08, 10:04 AM
Seeing as how thoroughly we are getting beaten, I decided to bring in two of my characters as NPCs for one post and one post only. The two I've chosen are Edward (Level 1 profile version) and Karla. Also, I am sort of mocking the typical heroic introduction many stories have these days. ;)

Melissa almost laughed when she was told to stay where she was. It wasn't like she could move much. At least not on her own, and as she watched her savior was nearly taken out too. the man, who was brave enough to attack the bandit leader, was knocked towards the top of a building and caught by a man she had never seen before. Melissa focused her elven ears on this area and began to listen in.

"Oof. You know I was just passing through here, right? It's not like I stand a chance against that huge monster. Just be happy I caught you. you would likely be dead if I didn't. Now about that dragon..."

Melissa was trying to make sense of all of this, but it was just too much. Just passing through? Who passed through cities on rooftops, also what was it that this weirdo planned on doing about the dragon. He, himself admitted that the monster was too much, so why was he going to attempt to try fighting that thing. The bandit leader yelled something that she didn't catch and the dragon turned all it's heads towards the weirdo in the cape.

The caped man quickly fired off an electrical beam at the bandit leader forcing him to dodge it, stepping right into the inaccurate attack of the other man attacking the leader. It wasn't a deathblow, but the hit forced the man to lose his mind control on the dragon for good, and the dragon flew away.

This man quickly turned and left, yelling down something about being in a hurry, but Melissa was too groggy to listen at this point as the she nearly fell into unconciousness. I say nearly, because that is when a second figure appeared.

"Oh, my. It is a wonder this woman is still alive. What happened to her, I wonder. Hey, Missy, If you can hear me, I can heal only your internal bleeding and probably some of your external wounds. Enough to keep you alive, at the very least, but you probably shouldn't strain yourself too much." the voice said as Melissa felt the warmth of her body healing unnaturally fast, do to a healing spell being cast on her.

"Now if you will excuse me there is also someone on the roof of that building that needs healing." The woman said before rushing off to heal the man who saved her.

Feel free to bunny her, Falior. And Sherin, your lightning strike hit, obviously. one thing, though. no killing off my Edward or Karla, OK?

06-27-08, 12:36 AM
Jon Opened his Eyes, he wasn’t dead. Well At least from what he could tell, There was a black figure over top of him smiling.

“Well, well, well welcome back sleepy head. I thought you were too far gone to be saved.” The Figure said as she disappeared off the roof.

Jon Slowly got up, and when he was back on his feet. Looked around, there were a few bandits left in the city ransacking what was left of the little town, the Dragon could be seen flying off in the distance, And the Bandit lord was nowhere to be seen.

As he looked around he saw a caped man calmly jumping from roof to roof through out the city, Jon smirked that must have been the man who saved him. Jon had to use the last of his strength and willpower to use a Mana gateway 20 feet down to solid ground. Once down he put out his hand palm up and summoned his steel staff and used it as a walking stick, as he approached the house he put the young woman in he saved as well as his ‘Familiar’. One of the Bandits he was fighting earlier but he had left to help his allies, was coming out of a shop with items In hand. When he saw Jon barely walking he dropped the items, drew his sword and charged Jon, with a quick kick of his right foot, he spun his staff up to a 90 degree angle and thrust it into the Bandit’s throaght cutting off his breathing. He then continued to the hut and entered through a broken window to see his ‘Familiar’ Bandaged up and the other woman lying on another couch.

“Well, it looks like the fight is almost over.” Jon said as he fell to the ground face first exhausted.

(( Sorry about delay i recently moved and did not have internet ))

07-18-08, 07:19 PM
Sherin upon seeing the dragon and the bandit leader flee he begins to look around for people he can help out and soon finds a girl, he remembers helping out in the fight, so he puts his sword away and throws her over his shoulder gently, and walks her to the place he had started form. she was fairly light, light enough that the task was fairly easy.

upon reaching the house he gently puts her down and begins a brisk check of her wounds, and after asking for some bandages quickly wraps her injuries and sees to her comfort before taking off to look for more injured.

after leaving Sherin notices the injured bandit, who, after recovering enough from a previous blow, wanting to be able to maintain his dignity attacks Sherin, and is quickly knocked out cold by Sherin.

09-29-08, 11:05 AM
...sry this took so long...
Crum watches in satisfaction as the final bandits around him fall down dead, he had taken only a few shallow wounds thanks to his scales, his blade still dripping with blood begins to look for his next opponent, but quickly realizes that there are none left.

Crum releases his half-dragon form, and begins to ensure that all the downed bandits are truly dead.

11-10-08, 09:13 AM
Although Melissa was happy that she was alive, nothing could bring her brother, Quinn back to life. For this reason alone, she almost wished she was dead. Her brother was the most important thing in the world to her, and as the battle ended, Melissa had to wonder if it was worth it. perhaps they should have just fled, but with how many bandits there were, there was no guarantee that would have gotten either of them out alive.

As she lay on her back, contemplating this, the battle seemed fruitless to her. She was unsure what she was really fighting to protect in that battle, but she and her new friends had won the battle. For the next few hours, Melissa contemplated this before she finally reached a conclusion. She decided she needed to become stronger in case she ever needed to protect anything again.

go ahead and write your closing posts, then I will turn this in.

01-14-09, 10:40 AM
Jon started laughing with his face on the ground, and his Nose bleeding. Even though he had almost died, it was still the most fun he had ever had. He slowly sat up and rested his back against a wall as he put his staff infront of him, it was holding him up so he wouldn't fall over, at that his 'familiar' came over and gave him a kiss, while about to help him up,

"No, please don't, i can do it myself plus you may want to help her instead." Jon said as he slowly motioned at melissa as he slowly grabbed his staff to use as leverage to get up.

She bent down to his ear and whispered, "Im Jessica, Im Your Guardian Angel" as She went over to help melissa out with her wounds.

Once Jon was finally in a standing position he slowly walked over to where Jessica and Melissa were and stood infront of both of them head held low in disappointment.

"I'm sorry you two, that i couldn't be much of a help to anyone" He then raised his head, with a look of sadness and hurt, as he moved over to a wall to relax his eyes and think of ways to get stronger.

((OOC: my closing post))

01-20-09, 10:44 AM
Sherin was glad that the fight was over, and after wandering around for a short while finding no more bandits and few wounded, returns to the building with the young woman he had helped, he seriously hoped they had some food there, he was starving.

Shensho was very annoyed that the bandit leader had escaped, the threat that he presented was great, but also knew that he wouldn't be returning any time soon.

((OOC: Closing post))

01-20-09, 11:00 AM
Crum walks around finishing any wounded bandits he finds, the fun was over, but he was curious about the strange power he had gotten all of a sudden, but that wasn't something to worry about at this point in time.

Crum had noticed a number of the other people who had been fighting enter and exit a certain building on more than one occasion, more than a little curious enters the building, the moment he entered he regretted it, one of the women caring for the wounded instantly screams an horror at seeing a child bathed in blood, walk in, and instantly 'attempts' to push him into the bath in the rear of the building, but a 220lb half-dragon is very difficult to move, but wanting to get rid of the blood before it stains his only change of clothes walks to the bath on his own.

((OOC: Closing post))

02-21-09, 08:31 PM
Hey hey, I’ll be judging this for you today. It’s quite a long story, and I was asked to throw in only a little commentary here and there. However, the length of the thread, as well as my very in-depth style of judging, I may throw in a little more as I go though. Also, if you’d like further commentary, just throw me a PM and I’ll help with where I can! Don’t be discouraged by the score and the comments, please just take them to heart and assume that they’re only there to help as much as possible.

Continuity – 3
The people that did give me a background as well as why you were there, did it basically the same way, with the paper that was introduced in the beginning. Sdwdrake, your intro was not only terribly written (there were numerous errors and a whole lot of single sentences in place of paragraphs which hurts Pacing) but it also had absolutely no rhyme or reason behind you joining. Rok the Blade helped keep this from getting docked more.

Setting – 1
Yeah, I was going to leave this blank... because for the most part that’s what I got from the thread. Try and remember that if you don’t set up the setting well enough than the reader doesn’t know what’s going on. In the Other Regions area it’s especially important to have setting added so that people know what the region you are writing in is. In Corone the normal reader/judge is able to at least picture the island since it’s so well known. But in Other Regions, it can be anywhere at any time, and as such needs to be expanded upon so that we know what’s going on.

Pacing – 1.5
Falior: your opening post was… ridiculously cliché, sudden, and wasn’t something that I would expect at all to open a post.

Post 22? I must say that’s not a post… that’s a barely enough for a sentence.

If it wasn’t for Melissa, and every once in a while Vamrsh, I would have given this a much lower score.

Dialogue – 2.5
When you write, please don’t repeat what was just said by another character in your post. It’s a common thing at first for writers, so it isn’t a huge thing or an uncommon problem. However, since it was just written, it’s not necessary to write it again. Secondly… DO NOT write someone else’s dialogue in ‘quotes’. It’s not necessary and detracts from everything.

Action – 4
The posts are alright, and opening up the thread with action is good, but the way you wrote out the fighting was rather… sudden, the pacing for it wasn’t really great, and the actions taken were surprising. Some of it was probably way too much for someone who’s level 0 or 1 to do.
Persona –

Technique – 1
I’m going to put it here, but not sure if it belongs here. Writing something between asterisk (*) is something that people do in IM based role playing (and no offense to people that do the IM rping, but it feels second rate and childish and that’s how it comes out in the thread itself), not something for more formal writing such as the storytelling and writing that’s common for Althanas. There is also problems with sdwdrake switching between past and present tense writing.

Mechanics – 2
Please, PLEASE, remember to capitalize the beginning of every sentence. It’s a very simple thing to correct, and its basic writing rules. Also, be careful not to capitalize words that aren’t the first one in the sentence, if you want to add emphasis to the word, you can put it in italics. Also, when you are writing it’s best not to put numerical values (such as 200 or 6) within the writing itself, but spell them out instead (such as two hundred or six). Also, when you write dialogue don’t put just one apostrophe instead of a quotation (“). You don’t need to write things in all CAPS when emphasizing things. It’s works just as well to put the stuff in italics, or at worst put in exclamation marks.

Seriously? Melissa, you put an OOC note IN THE MIDDLE of a post? Let’s not do that anymore, k?

Clarity – 3
So many mistakes that it was hard to follow. The pacing was difficult to follow, the writing was lackluster and made it rather confusing, and the multiple mechanical issues made it really unclear.

Wild Card – 3
Far too many OOC notes in the thread. You can just PM each other that kinda stuff just as easily.

Score – 21
Rewards –
[Name | (post count)] – Rewards

[Melissa | (13)] – 210 exp/ 125 gp

[Vamrsh Skylare | (10)] – 175 exp/ 95 gp

[Rok the Blade | (1)] – 25 exp/ 0 gp

[Failor | (12)] – 195 exp/ 110 gp

[Sherin | (11)] – 185 exp/ 100 gp

[Sdwdrake | (12)] – 195 exp/ 110 gp

02-21-09, 08:38 PM
Exp and GP added.