View Full Version : Let Me At 'Em: The Match-up Campaign Thread

01-18-07, 10:48 PM
If you want to let your fellow tournament participants know of a match-up you'd think they'd like to see, this is the place to do it!

Zook Murnig
01-18-07, 11:32 PM
Atzar Kellon and I are discussing the possibility of a battle between the two of us in the tournament. Unfortunately for me, he will likely have reached level 1 by the time it starts, since he's finishing a solo tonight. Pretty much a meeting of old friends for a friendly duel in a Charms-like setting.

01-18-07, 11:33 PM
Let's roll.

Don't worry too much about level. Strength and strategy are completely different beasts... Atzar may have an edge in strength, but by no means does that mean I'll automatically win. Besides... the winner is decided OOC, so no worries ;)

01-18-07, 11:56 PM
Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing a tournament rematch in the second or third round.

Zerith vs. Murakama providing they both move on long enough until they meet.

What do you think Raven?

Lost Without You
01-18-07, 11:59 PM
Lol. Any match in Division III is going to be worth watching. This is AWESOME!

Cyrus the virus
01-19-07, 12:04 AM
I'm pretty sure, if Dan keeps up, we'll be seeing Luc-Dan III. Believe the hype, people, this would be the most destructive battle you've seen.

I should big up the first two. Or just the second >=D

The Cinderella Man
01-19-07, 03:07 AM
Given the fact that I registered Victor for this thing, the only character that he currently knows from those registered is Asuka. I think it would be interesting if the two of them fought. He would get his ass whooped because he couldn't force himself to hit her. :P

Everybody else though... I'll shoot you in the face. :cool:

01-19-07, 06:21 AM
Elrundir vs. Findelfin, etc. Don't really care when. But it would be nice if I didn't get trashed in the first round. :p

01-19-07, 09:09 AM
Given the fact that I registered Victor for this thing, the only character that he currently knows from those registered is Asuka. I think it would be interesting if the two of them fought. He would get his ass whooped because he couldn't force himself to hit her. :P

Everybody else though... I'll shoot you in the face. :cool:

Odd, I thought Victor and Zerith knew each other. At least enough to recongize each other.

Storm Veritas
01-19-07, 09:18 AM
I'm pretty sure, if Dan keeps up, we'll be seeing Luc-Dan III. Believe the hype, people, this would be the most destructive battle you've seen.

I should big up the first two. Or just the second >=D

Well, seeing as Luc damn near killed Storm in Serenti, I'd say that Dr. Veritas is gonna be looking for a little comeuppance. I wouldn't turn your back too quick to square up against Laghrah'gaha'taharam, or you'll leave yourself mighty exposed.

01-19-07, 09:24 AM
Given the fact that I registered Victor for this thing, the only character that he currently knows from those registered is Asuka. I think it would be interesting if the two of them fought. He would get his ass whooped because he couldn't force himself to hit her. :P

Everybody else though... I'll shoot you in the face. :cool:

I'd like to see that matchup for ooc reasons as well as IC reasons. I think Raven is one of the best underapreciated writers on this site, and a high profile battle against you, win or lose, could help Raven get the apreciation he deserves.

Personally, since I have no IC beef against anyone yet, I want to go against Uukan Kimari. I feel bad that guy seems to always get the worst luck in tournaments, in that his opponents never seem to be very active. Seeing as I'm always active in tournaments, I would like to see him get the tournament battle he deserves.

Cyrus the virus
01-19-07, 11:28 AM
Well, seeing as Luc damn near killed Storm in Serenti, I'd say that Dr. Veritas is gonna be looking for a little comeuppance. I wouldn't turn your back too quick to square up against Laghrah'gaha'taharam, or you'll leave yourself mighty exposed.

The hell? You're level 8 now?

Man, fuck that. Get away!

Sighter Tnailog
01-19-07, 12:21 PM
I don't have many preferences, as I'll own whoever fights me, but I would prefer to have Elrundir later on in the tourney, as that helps for drama and so forth. Just saying. Zieg will be a problematic fight as far as explaining why we're fighting goes, but it should be okay, even if we'll both have to stretch for reasons why.

As for my bracket submissions...I'm perfectly willing to change my submissions, even the division I submitted. I might have a price, but I'm willing to do it anyway. If that interests you, PM. I don't do business in public. ;)

01-19-07, 02:13 PM
Oh man, I can already tell Elrundir vs. Findelfin will be epic. I guess it'll have to be before he loses his taint though. Otherwise there's not a hell of a lot of reason for them to fight. But thank god for liquid time!

Now to survive long enough to get there...

01-19-07, 02:15 PM
lol, I don't mind who I fight. Seeing as how my character has no fighting abilities, I'll be able to write a battle the likes of which Althanas has never seen!! Either that, or I know how to write a clumsy char. :D

Sir Fedlund Overby
01-19-07, 03:24 PM
Ok, this division IV matchup HAS to go down.

Me (Sir Fedlund Overby) vs. Farmboy

The reason for the battle is PAINFULLY obvious. I am going to steal his carrots. That's right, snatch those lucious orange beauties out from right under his nose. And he can't stop me.

Cyrus the virus
01-19-07, 03:59 PM
Okay, bitches, last time Dan and Luc fought, it only ended when Luc managed to bury Dan under tons and tons of mud. We fought in a thunderstorm, with an epic battle being fought around us. There were WAR ELEPHANTS.

Slayer of the Rot
01-19-07, 04:00 PM
It was a severely badass battle, I have to admit. We showed Shyam for calling us boring the time before!

01-19-07, 04:13 PM
Odd, I thought Victor and Zerith knew each other. At least enough to recongize each other.Shit, I forgot that one thread where they met. Probably because it never got properly finished.

I'd like to see that matchup for ooc reasons as well as IC reasons. I think Raven is one of the best underapreciated writers on this site, and a high profile battle against you, win or lose, could help Raven get the apreciation he deserves.I agree. We fought once already, in Serenti, and if Letho wasn't such a juggernaut, it would possibly be a battle that could have went either way. Not to mention, we teamed up in LCC, and fought against you and Ashiakin on that freaky pagoda. Maybe it's time I lose to Raven and his badass redhead. :D

Artifex Felicis
01-19-07, 04:17 PM
ICly, there's basically only one person I'd like to fight currently, and that would be Twitchy.

However, OOCly, I'd like to hand Slayers, Cyrus, Twitchy, Pat's, and Sighter's asses to them. Mostly because I never have really fought with Slayer or Cyrus, and Twitchy great fun to write with. I want Sighter because of the Gisela a while back when I fought him with Seige, and Pat simply cause it's been a long while.

01-19-07, 06:19 PM
God damnit, the nickname is spreading...!!!!

I would love a rematch against Leon and I won't go so easy on him this time.

Lost Without You
01-19-07, 08:35 PM
Lol. Fin is SO confident he'll make it to Elrundir. If you get me in first round, Fin, I promise that you will NOT make it past me, and if you do, I will make Jake your personal slave boy for life. Yes, you heard me, for LIFE.

But you will NOT win, so I'm not exactly worried or anything.

Besides, you'd have to be the easiest match up I'd have in round one out of our division. I don't want Argente, I don't want Elrundir, I sure as hell don't want Zieg or Culix. Geesh, I forgot how loaded our division is...

Zieg dil' Tulfried
01-19-07, 08:42 PM
God damnit, the nickname is spreading...!!!!

Hehehe... I rock!

01-19-07, 08:52 PM
*pulls on Zieg's leash*

You better be careful...

I really wish I'd gotten in devision III, I wanted to battle with Zieg. But oh well, I guess I can live with the ones I'm stuck with. :p

01-19-07, 08:59 PM
I don't even understand. Is my division good or bad?

Slayer of the Rot
01-19-07, 09:01 PM
Aww, now, don't argue, everyone. After all, we all know that I'm going to crush all of you, so there's no need to contest amongst yourselves.

01-19-07, 09:14 PM
Keep dreaming. Santh's outcome had even Ira winning against you. :p

Lost Without You
01-19-07, 09:47 PM
Wow...I believe you just got PWN3D, Dan...congrats...and by Twitchy no less!

Mage Hunter
01-19-07, 09:52 PM
...and Pat simply cause it's been a long while.

Here kitty, kitty, kitty...

Here kitty, kitty, kitty...


You're dead meat kitty....

01-19-07, 09:52 PM
No less?

Just what exactly is that supposed to mean?

Lost Without You
01-19-07, 09:53 PM
Means that you are "no less" than someone else. DUH! ;-)

Mage Hunter
01-19-07, 09:53 PM
I think he's implying you couldn't fight your way out of a paper bag...

EDIT: For the sake of Arguement a wet one no less

01-19-07, 09:55 PM

I hate you all!

*drowns herself in her glass of wine*

Christina Bredith
01-19-07, 09:58 PM
It's okay, Witchy. *I* know you could fight your way out of a paper bag. ;__;

01-19-07, 10:09 PM
I can do more than that!


Thanks, Nick...

Uukan Kimari
01-19-07, 10:18 PM
I have a feeling I know none of my opponents to request a match up.

Cyrus the virus
01-19-07, 11:35 PM
I think Witch can also fight out of things! Like a mime's glass cube, or a date!

Get it? Fight out of a date? Yeah! That was clever!

People wanting me to fight Storm instead of Dan don't know shit about Dan and Luc's battles.

01-20-07, 12:13 AM
I concur. XD

01-20-07, 01:30 AM
I want to see Culix against Sighter, and the Mime against Djakara.

01-20-07, 01:40 AM
Now, I want to see, and this is just me...

Sighter Tnailog v. Elrundir v. Zieg dil' Tulfried

A three way battle that leaves them all too crippled to advance, leaving the rest of bracket 3 relatively safe.


I hope to be the only only elf advancing, so someone please beat Findelfin.

Rajani Aishwara
01-20-07, 04:29 PM
Seeing as there's a nice IC rivalry between the Peregrine Group and the Illicit Entrepreneurs it would be awsome to see a match between Khariss Sevrath and myself. I've been trying to avoid our character's meeting for a special occasion. This seems special enough.

Artifex Felicis
01-20-07, 04:37 PM
Here kitty, kitty, kitty...

Here kitty, kitty, kitty...


You're dead meat kitty....

I take that as a challenge my good man.

Rawr, I'm scary

01-21-07, 06:18 AM
Whoo! The boys are fighting over you, Asuka!

Murakama: I take it that's... A good thing?

Me: Well, they want to fight you. Is that so bad?

Murakama: ...Well... I know I have some beef against that weakling Victor... But Zerith also makes me want to beat the stuffing out of him... Argh, this is hard...

Me: Alright~! Then I'll choose Victor vs. Zerith! The winner gets to fight Asuka!

Murakama: ...I hate it when you do that... *Gripes and mopes in a dark corner with a mug of Lavinian in her hand*

01-21-07, 12:29 PM
Seeing as there's a nice IC rivalry between the Peregrine Group and the Illicit Entrepreneurs it would be awsome to see a match between Khariss Sevrath and myself. I've been trying to avoid our character's meeting for a special occasion. This seems special enough.

I'd like to go against your character for the same reason. The Peregrines seem to be the kind of people who would go out to destroy a hard earned arms monopoly.

Rajani Aishwara
01-21-07, 01:41 PM
Extortion isn't hard earned. It's hard threatened. If a monopoly is truly hard earned (Grander's Order for example) then we aren't going to mess with it. And seeing as your character's an Alerarian noble, you may want to hold off on killing Rajani. He may be making you even more powerful and rich as we speak.

01-21-07, 05:37 PM
Extortion isn't hard earned. It's hard threatened.

You say threatened, I say earned. Lets call the whole thing odd.

And seeing as your character's an Alerarian noble, you may want to hold off on killing Rajani. He may be making you even more powerful and rich as we speak.

Doubtful. Unless he's starting a conflict, or giving me weapons.

01-21-07, 11:17 PM
If the whole second conference goes thru, I want a piece of INDK.

01-22-07, 10:41 AM
If the whole second conference goes thru, I want a piece of INDK.

You've got it. I request that everyone who votes for that bracket make Tshael vs INDK in the first round. I mean, think about it, don't you want to see one of us knocked out before we go after you?

01-28-07, 08:25 PM
Wow, Zerith vs. Victor in the first round...

...Althanas tournaments hate me.

01-29-07, 03:11 AM
You don't say... *Whistles innocently*

I'll be waiting to see who will come out of this alive to face Asuka, Myao~! :D

Unless you lose to Solomon, girl.

Murakama: Quiet, you. *Glares at Raven*

01-29-07, 05:22 PM
Please... someone propose a bracket where INDK fights Manda. You KNOW you all want to see it.

01-29-07, 05:30 PM
Merry Christmas, My Indian lookin' Andy Kaufman pal.

01-30-07, 02:43 PM
Yeah, I've read the diff. opinions on mine and Overby's match. I'd rather not go the bad joke route. For some odd reason, it'd feel like I was demeaning my character. So even if it hurts my score, I will not be going Elmer Fudd all over Overby's ass...I'll be going Farmboy all over his ass. ^^

And when does this start?

01-30-07, 02:46 PM
Tomorrow at 8.

Silence Sei
02-01-07, 12:02 PM
You've got it. I request that everyone who votes for that bracket make Tshael vs INDK in the first round. I mean, think about it, don't you want to see one of us knocked out before we go after you?

I don't know, a piece of either of you up against Sei is rather tempting...

Hell, fighting you is the whole reason I wanted to be in your division :P Like, no lie.

02-01-07, 09:40 PM
Oh man, everyone's going for INDK vs. Christina. ;__; Why do you hate meeeeee?

Cyrus the virus
02-01-07, 09:44 PM
Because you aren't posting in amazing Corone threads!!!

Artifex Felicis
02-01-07, 10:20 PM
It's because you're making me write out full posts to the bazaar. Which isn't really a problem, but still I shouldn't need to do 4 posts to say "Here's your stuff!" I get lazy toooo. Either way, post in bazaar's up for you, and I would definitly read the INDK vs Christina thread.

02-02-07, 07:01 AM
Fine! I'll show you! *points wildly* I'll show ALL of you! I'll win despite the terrible odds! I'll somehow get a higher score despite getting knocked out in one hit, you'll see!

02-02-07, 12:42 PM
I really think you underestimate yourself. INDK is a poser and a shell of his former self. He couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag.

Also, I don't really see the appeal in Christina-Damon from an IC standpoint. She's a merc who lost her family, Damon's a hero who lost his family. What are they supposed to do, comiserate together?

Tshael vs Damon is awesome because its me vs. Manda, which means a really good story. Damon vs Sei is good because of backstory and their similarities as strategists and generals. Damon vs. Christina I just don't see as being a must read matchup.

02-02-07, 02:39 PM
I'm with you, Elrundir! Woot!!!

Mage Hunter
02-03-07, 09:56 PM
Alright Fenris, lets do this chum...


02-04-07, 12:15 AM
And so it begins.

TreĆ²ir is Urram, caraid!

02-09-07, 02:51 PM
all this hype of sighter vs. elrundir, and neither of them have posted? what gives.

Way too many people no-showing this tournament, including my opponent = \

02-09-07, 05:07 PM
I'd recommend posting, to at least ensure you advance.

Also, I'm going to have to think long and hard about who to let into tournaments from now on...we might have to have some sort of activity/entry connection from now on.

02-09-07, 05:29 PM
I plan to post, but I was in touch with Sighter over PM at the start about how we'd start things, and then he stopped signing on. He hasn't been online since the 3rd now. I'm just holding out for a spot of luck, I suppose.

02-10-07, 01:08 AM
I plan to post, but I was in touch with Sighter over PM at the start about how we'd start things, and then he stopped signing on. He hasn't been online since the 3rd now.
I can sympathize; I haven't heard from Zieg since the 2nd. After about a week of no posts, though, it may just be best to make one. It's a shame to see a fight start without any planning, but... Que cera cera.

02-10-07, 08:18 AM
Hushpuppy should post first in our fight, unless he wants convolutedness. Or uneventfulness... Ness ness ness.