View Full Version : You and your character: relations

01-18-07, 11:52 PM
Im curious to see how the rest of you feel about your characters. In other words, if they were real, would they be a friend of yours, just the topic of your bardic tale-telling, or otherwise?

I for one think of Shen as a good friend. Someone there to talk to when there really isn't anyone else there. If she were real, of course. For now, I can personify her if I need to, but other than that, she's just someone I write about.

01-18-07, 11:58 PM
Fucking right, Atzar would be my friend. He can teach me how to use magic ;)

Atzar probably would be my friend, though, in all seriousness. I put a bit of my own personality in his, so we'd probably get along well. After all, people tend to base the intelligence of others on how closely their opinions match.

Or we'd butt heads and end up mortal enemies. Who knows?

Cyrus the virus
01-18-07, 11:58 PM
Luc would not be my friend. He's way too much of a bastard for me. He's raped and killed, and that sort of thing has only just begun for him. I'd probably try to get on good terms, though, just in case.

Izvilvin would most definately be my friend, if I wasn't scared of him. He's a good person, and could fight anyone who I wanted him to, ha.

Madyrn could convince me to be his friend, but the whole thing would be a sham on his part. He could probably convince me to place him in whatever role he wanted me to. Scary.

Zook Murnig
01-18-07, 11:59 PM
I feel that Caduceus is a version of me that I wish I could be. While I study the Qabbalah, I know very little of the actual language of Hebrew and rely on the sources I have accumulated so far in much of what I do, as well as in my writing. I don't know if many of you actually do any research before posting, but I feel like it's necessary for me to do that in order to get into the character even more. He's very intelligent and insightful, and not afraid to ask for help. Sometimes, he gets in a little over his head, as will be seen in the solo I'll be posting eventually with him (as soon as it's actually finished).

I'll say nothing of my other characters, since I have no real attachment to them anymore. They were all good ideas to begin with, but, for me, a character has to be a real part of me to be something I can use over and over again.

01-19-07, 12:16 AM
My super hot lover.




The cutest friend I'd ever had. The kind you wanna give noogies to.

01-19-07, 02:55 AM
Letho is too cool to be my friend. Plus, I'd probably spend too much time ogling Myrhia, so he wouldn't like me very much. Small wonder given the fact that Myrhia is in fact the embodiment of a perfect woman/girl for me. I could definitely see myself with her. :D

I wish Rheawien was my friend. And that I was a woman. ;)

I could see myself getting a beer or something with Victor and discussing sports or something. I based his character off myself more then any other, so I think we could be friends.

Malagen doesn't have friends. We would probably wind up killing each other, or rather, he would wind up killing me because he's badass and I can't wield a sword. :P

Jared... See Victor.

01-19-07, 06:24 AM
Friend? Pro-tip: Elrundir hates humans. Wait, scratch that. He hates non-elves.

Christina totally could, though. She would be like the funnest friend ever.

Storm Veritas
01-19-07, 06:57 AM
Storm is my id. I haven't done a great job making him consistent, so depending on which thread you've read will give you a different take on him. For the most part, he's just extraordinarily impulsive.

I'd probably love hanging out with him, but it would be very, very bad for me in the long run.

01-19-07, 07:28 AM
Damon is essentially my super ego. I'd want to hang out with him, but he'd be too busy saving people to hang out with me.

Molotov is pretty much what would happen to me if I lived through a rough childhood, lived on a planet where killing was considered an acceptable form of employment and gained mutant powers at the age of 19. Hence, we are absolutely nothing alike. Still, I imagine we could be friends, especially in a stage where he isn't a hero.

Brock/Corin/Kedx is just an asshole. For that reason, I would think he was pretty cool.

Raspien is just a vampire. Seeing as I don't want to uhh... die, we wouldn't get along very well.

Djakara might either piss me off or be my best friend. I'm not sure. He tends to try and justify some of his behaviors that can't be justified, and that really pisses me off. However, he does have other areas where our personalities are very similar, such as both of our high emphases on trancendence and we tend to believe in the same general set of social facts.

01-19-07, 07:42 AM
Hmm... well,

Witchblade and I wouldn't be friends. She hates humans, well she practically hates everything and I'm sure she'd love to rip me limb from limb, slowly, painfully, cripplingly. Not to mention she has the kind of personality that would irk me so much were I to meet her in real life, I would want to strangle her only to find out she can kick my ass and I'd be dead in two seconds.

Ira, now she's a completely different story. Ira and I would get along great, she has a very caring nature and she's actually the kind of person most people can easily get along with.

Both of my characters are based on certain aspects of my own personality and then twisted and changed into something new. So though there is a chance I could get along with both of them, Ira is a definite and Witch most likely not. She just likes pain too much for my liking.

01-19-07, 08:12 AM
Raelyse would be my sensei

01-19-07, 09:49 AM
Yay my thread was a success!

Shenjara would be a really good friend, like I said. She's a magic user, a bit cooky, and an all-around loveable character.(^_^)

Kishurin and Mac I could see as my weapons instructors. While I already am quite proficient with bows and blades, I'm about average, at best. Then afterwords, I'd take them out for a round while I sit there drinking sassafras(I'm Irish, yet I'm drier than a bone). Alcohol isn't my cup of tea, pardon the pun...unless it's a twenty year-old scotch. That's something nobody of Irish desent can resist.

Artifex Felicis
01-19-07, 04:14 PM
Leon would probbably be a good friend of mine. Minus of course the whole cat thing. Though, it'd also be one of the friends you couldn't stand a couple days with, but the one you always call on when your bored and need some actual excitment. Hell, he's basically me, just sorta closer to my Id to go with Frued.

01-19-07, 04:31 PM
yeah I'd get along with my characters. I mean both Nova and Doji have more energy than me but I don't mind people with energy if their nice and they both really nice.

01-19-07, 04:38 PM
*giggles* so the kitsune has expanded her weirdness to cybernetic furries, now? As they say in Japan..."Kawaii!!"

01-19-07, 04:41 PM
Komo would be someone I could call on to get myself out of a snag, and he might be a friend. Not a good friend, mainly because it's hard to make friends with a shadow.

Koran would either be a very good friend or a very difficult one, but a friend none the less. His personality is never quite settled or predictable and he is almost always changing his motives, most of them on the fly or without much reason at all. But he'd also be much like Komo, in that I could call him to help me out of a snag.

Reann, whom I hardly mention or even write as any more, would be a good friend, if a reclusive one. He'd be adventerous and probably be one of those younger more energetic friends you sometimes make, when he's not being deadly serious.

All three would get along together fairly well, but all would hold each other at a small distance, as none of their personalities quite cooperate.

01-19-07, 07:03 PM
I'd end up giving Lucien a blow job and regretting it three days later. I'd probably make poorly crafted snide remarks and end up calling him a douche whenever I can. In short; Lucien sucks and so do I. We'd never connect. Sex might be alright though.

01-19-07, 07:07 PM
Tshael and I would get along rather well, I think. I know we'd hang cool in her old personality, and with Nashiara's will taking over, I still think we'd drink and fight together. Hopefully not each other tho. I'd die.

Skie, I think, is a great deal like me, only more proactive to her ideals.

Avery would have alot of sex with me, and who doesn't count that as getting along?

Aesdana would freak me out. We couldn't be friends, because I'd end up hitting her and then she'd curse me.

Paz is someone I couldn't like at all. She's a loner by nature anyway, so she wouldn't give a flying flip.

Kor would hate me. I'd want to hump his leg, and he'd kill me. It wouldn't work at all. He would murder me so coldly. And be gleeful.

01-19-07, 07:33 PM
First thing about Karuka: She'll be anybody's friend. Hell, she's already got a half-drow swordsman and a homonculus as travelling companions, and while she COULD be all freaked out and "this is a NIGHTMARE" she's got a kind of "que sera sera" attitude for now.

So, she'd be my friend, and an always chipper one, too. She'd talk so much I'd wind up tuning her out, but she's used to it and chatters on anyway. But I know that she'd listen when needed to listen.

She'd also be one to kick my butt to Hel (yes, spelled RIGHT) and back if I started hating people just for the sake of hating people. She's the type to see good in everyone...until they cross her or one of her friends, in which case, as she told the Mime..."y' dinna cross an Irish lass, e'en on a good day."

Ravenok Kinnes
01-19-07, 07:38 PM
My two characters, Ravenok and Rokusho, are simply two exaggerrated parts of my personality. Obviously, they are to a great deal, but I myself do sport some similar characteristics to both my characters. Though this, I really made them to demonstrate the evil and good halves in everyone. I split my own good and evil sides into two characters. Hmm, now you would think that since they're embodiments of my own feelings, that we'd make great friends too? But the truth is, absolutely not. I mean, I may be able to become good friends with Rok, but that's just because it's what he does: Make friends. But I may not actually enjoy his company that much. Ravenok is too much of a solo man to have or want any real friends, so he'd probably just end up wanting to kill me.

Further on relationships, I made Ravenok similar to me in that I love martial arts, and actually have been doing them myself for years now. Also acrobatics, which Ravenok specializes in, I love. Rokusho is my typical but still original knight in shining armor, which is what I used to want to be when I got older, in some way. He also shows my love for gigantic swords, because I watch a lot of animes like Bleach.

01-20-07, 05:52 AM
Seth: This is hard to explain. Both me and Seth share a few attributes, but in the end I don't think we'd get along. Seth is far too much the victim, he likes to pretend that he can ignore things until they go away. While he can take responsibility for things he wont, and that means I would loathe him. Hes far too free spirit to be my buddy. We'd be aquaintences but not friends.

Sarah: She'd be the kind of girl I'd fall for but never get. I have this knight in shining armor complex and unfortunately she'd set that off like no other. In the end I'd get burned and she'd have a good laugh at my expense. More again an Aquaintence.

Liliana: I think we'd get along but it would be more a brother sister relationship. I'd kinda like her, but we'd be too good friends to move on. Kinda depressing cause I'd love the hell out of her, but in the end, not something that will go beyond friendship. So yes she'd be my friend.

Taviri: Oh god, I'd hate him far too much. The holier than thou attitude is making me far too angry even thinking about it. Hell no to friendship.

Chris: He'd be a buddy, but I'm not sure how good of one. He'd be like a drinking buddy, probably not much beyond that because Chris tries to remain detached.

Drusilia: You're kidding right? The Racist drow and a Human? Lets move on...

Corvus MacCallum
01-20-07, 09:05 AM
Corvus : Probably though I can imagine a lot of competition, we`re both cuisinely curious and carnivores which dosen`t make for comfortable rib ordering.

Mime : Easy to get along with, he could probably be a friend of anyone and it never hurts to know a musician.

Nymph and Dragon
01-21-07, 12:27 AM
Eltarri: I think I'd laugh at her in public because she doesn't act very bright. Unless she was still deaf, in which case she wouldn't be saying something stupid and would be quite a nice companion.

Twyla: I think we'd be friends if she could get over my humanity and inate obnoxiousness. Not bosom buddies, but sit-together-and-make-fun-of-other-people friends.

01-21-07, 03:48 AM
I don't know where to begin with this little thread...

Yamihara: Hey~! How about me?

Me: You? Well... *Tugs at his shirt collar* Well... You're like a sister. A really cute younger sister.

Murakama: A-hem. *Glares my way*

Me: Ehh, and you, too. So I guess I have twin sisters. ^_^;

Murakama: Whaddaya mean by "sister," dude?

Me: Ermm... Myao~?

Mikami: Phwee! Kitty~! *Flying-tackle*

Me: Gak! And you would be my next-door neighbor.

Mikami: Reh~? Why am I just a next-door neighbor? I wanna be your sister!

Murakama: Hoy. You and your schizo complex, Master Raven... *heavy sigh* Seriously. One of these days you'll have to take meds and say good-bye to all of us.

Minxia: Don't worry~! I'm still here, right?

Me: H-hey! Where'd you come from?! O_o;

Gak. I guess this happens when there are too many people occupying the same body... ^_^;

Raven: Says you, Mreow~! ;)

01-21-07, 04:50 PM
I guess when you've got 4 girl personalities to one furry boy personality, things can get a bit...ahem...hairy. :P My brother agrees with and envies the Raven personality.

01-24-07, 07:26 PM
Banda would be my best friend I guess his personality and appearance originate from me anyways.