View Full Version : Chumley Strikes Back

01-20-07, 12:32 PM
Updates in italics.

Name: Chumley de Rochfeltingham
Age: 34
Race: elephant
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: black
Height: 6 feet
Weight: 300 lbs
Occupation: adventurer extraordinaire

Personality: Fun-loving, intelligent, friendly, musically inclinded

Appearance: A 6 foot tall anthropomorphic elephant, much like my avatar. His true appearance differs from this ill-suited vignette by the crucial fact that Chumley is dressed in the dandified decor of the late 1860's. Tucked surreptitiously within his gray and black garb, including under his black ascot and under his stovepipe hat - his personal devotion to the Great Emancipator, His Excellency Abraham Lincoln, the honest rail-splitter - are dozens of handkerchiefs, made necessary by his useful yet sniffle-prone proboscis.

History: Chumley was born and raised in Northhampton, a hamlet in England renowned for its barley ale and haberdashers, had been recognized as a prodigy on the clavier from a young age. Put on tour by his father, Sir Walter de Rochfeltingham, MP, Chumley had traveled to the New World in 1845, entertaining the likes of Vice President George M. Dallas. Chumley still remembered the worlds of that august statesman after the young elephant had played for the first time a concerto composed by the pugnacious Pennsylvanian – “My boy, not since my employment by the Second Bank of these United States have I heard such angelic instrumentation, the likes of which are given by our Lord to only a few upon this evanescent globe.” Chumley decided, upon hearing such lyrical praise, to remain in the American Republic. His father, reluctant to leave him in a nation on the verge of war, nevertheless accepted his decision and returned to England with only a harpsichord and a cracked daguerreotype as mementos of his son. Chumley traveled to the front lines of the Mexican War, volunteering in the 105th Pachyderm Volunteer Regiment, battling the hordes of Santa Ana in Baja California. Although the offensive ultimately failed, Chumley acquired a thirst for adventure that kept him in the newly acquired Western territories.

Chumley was hired by the American/Russian Railroad Corporation, a stalwart supporter of the culmination of the Republic's Manifest Destiny to reach from sea to sea and thence towards the great Russian steppes, which although surpassing the vast Continental prairies in size, are their distant second in sublimity and pulchritude. In early 1869, on a US Mail cutter crossing to the czarist shore, skirting the immense ice floes that clog the Bering artery from August to June, Chumley disappeared, vanishing into the night like a will-'o-the-whisp over a hoary bayou.

Since appearing in the benighted land of Althanas, Chumley won second place in the LCC tournament and fell in love with Max Dirks. He has implacable enemies: Mama Mia, the satan-spawn of the Italian peninsula; Mecha-Chumley, the technological marvel which has made it its mission to totally destroy Chumley, along with everything that is good and virtuous in this mortal world; a Scottish big-game hunter whose name Chumley has forgotten; and Dissinger, an Irishman and infamous libertine whose only goal in life is the defamation and ultimate elimination of the American spirit.

Skills: The Elephant's Call: Chumley toots a tune on his trunk, and is given musical accompaniment by a suddenly appearing cast of musicians, singers and choreographed dancers. Used twice per battle or per 15 posts in a quest.

Upgraded elephant's call: Now when Chumley blows his trunk, he can attract either one famous musician or his brother, Clyde. Clyde is a lot like Chumley, only with a peg leg. Clyde and the musician can only stay as long as the song and dance routine continues.

Tusks: Chumley's trunks have grown somewhat, and are now large enough to produce at least eight pairs of dentures for even the most exacting gentleman.

Equipment: Handkerchiefs.

01-20-07, 07:57 PM
Hah, Approved.