View Full Version : The windiest battle. (closed to Tal'Gor)

01-21-07, 06:45 PM
You wanted a windy battlefield, right?

Shell was wandering around the Citadel when she overheard a conversation. She didn't mean to overhear it, but the fact remained that she did.

"...It's just too dangerous. I'm sorry, but we have to close that battlefield to the public. Ever since the last fight in there, the winds have been going at such speeds that anyone who enters must be either incredibly strong or incredibly insane. I would try to fix it myself, but I don't have a death wish."

"True, but why deny people the challenge?"

"None of our healers would be able to drag a body out of there. If you lose a battle in there, you may as well kiss your life goodbye."

Shell had heard enough of the conversation to make her decision. She was tired of fighting battles and not being able to finish her opponents here.

"What room!!!!" Shell demanded to know.

"19, why?" One of the men said.

"Tell the next person who comes in here that they have a challenger waiting in room 19."

"Sorry, but in case you didn't hear, it is closed to the public."

Shell slashed the man's head clean off and turned to the other man.

"So, you willing to cooperate, or do I have to kill you too?"

"Y-yes Ma'am. A-Anything you say."

Shell wasn't satisfied with his answer, though.

"You have 3 minutes to find me an opponent before I come after you, so don't even THINK about skipping town."

"Y-y-yes M-ma'am"

Shell headed into room 19 and waited inside for her opponent to show up. The wind was just as bad as they described, it almost felt as if it were peeling the skin right off her face, but she just smiled. She lived for pain. There wasn't much in the room. In fact, it looked like five thousand tornados had all torn through the place at once, leaving nothing but dead bodies on the ground. Because of this, though, Shell felt right at home.

As far as she was concerned, this battle would end in less than three minutes. It was easy meat.

01-29-07, 11:03 PM
Tal'Gor was in a local tavern when a monk burst in frightened half to death and partially soaked in blood.

"Need strong and insane fighter now!" The monk screamed as he panted heavily

"What ever for?" A man a few seats over at the bar said

"Crazy bitch in citadel....kill me if....dont bring back a fair fight."

Almost all the men in the local tavern got up and started racing towards the door. as the men opened the door they were flown back and they all hit the bar where Tal'Gor was.

"Bakudon was that really necessary we could of beat them there anyways" Tal'Gor thought as he got up and started walking towards the door,

"YOU! Monk where is this 'Citadel' i have never heard of it." Tal'Gor commanded

"wh..what? never heard of the... oh nevermind its that great big temple like building over there on the cliff edge."

Tal'Gor didnt even usher a thanks as he got out and started running full speed with a strong gust of wind pushing him there faster.

withing a few minutes he was there, Tal'Gor tried to stop at the front doors but Bakudon didnt ease up on the wind if anything it got stronger. He flew in through the open citadel doors past the front desk past the dead monk on the ground and he slammed through the door of room 19.

"Hey Bakudon knock it off already!" Tal'Gor screamed as he saw another person infront of him female by the looks of it. when all of a sudden all the wind died down to an absolute nothing, not even a breeze.

Tal'Gor looked behind him and to his eyes only (which bakudon was visible to him and only him). as he saw him growing bigger at a steady rate.

"Bakudon you alright? you seem to be getting bigger every second."

as Bakudon tried to answer he remembered the female that was here and turned and gently started walking towards her. if worse came to worse he had bakudon here so he didnt care what happened right now.

02-02-07, 11:47 PM
Shell knew the moment that the man stepped into the room that there was something odd about her opponent today. He seemed too calm. It seemed as if he failed to even notice the fact that she was a demon. It was really pissing her off how calm he seemed, and when he seemingly showed off by getting rid of the wind, Shell just snapped.

"DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Shell yelled out as she charged in, randomly swinging her tailblade at various parts of his body.

There was no chance in hell that she would stop swinging at him until at least one of his limbs was chopped off. After all, the fact that he didn't even flinch when he saw her, was worse than any insult he could throw her way.

03-02-07, 09:39 PM
Tal'Gor smirked as he nodded to Bakudon who instantly put a shield of wind in front of him blocking attacks which made Bakudon flinch at every hit.

"For Bakudon to get hurt with this power coming into him." Tal'Gor said as he looked at this person. IT looked demon like something Tal'Gor wasn't used to seeing but he had to do something. "Bakudon give me the power NOW!"

Instantly Tal'Gor's hands started getting a grey orb around his fist and within seconds it had blocked out few of his whole hand.

"Demon, Let's see how you handle this!" Tal'Gor screamed as he brought his fist out in front. aiming for her chest, if he hit it would hurt plus a release of alot of the wind Bakudon had absorbed and if he missed he was releasing anyway. so no matter what this demon was taking the wind force and if it didnt hurt she would be sent flying.

03-05-07, 11:11 AM
Shell was confused. First she seemed to be hitting an invisible force, and then she heard her foe call out to a being that didn't exist.

"Alright, who else is here for me to kill?" Shell asked.

Suddenly the man shot a strong wind blast from his hands. Shell dodged to the left, but not quite in time. Her right arm had had all of the skin ripped off of it by the blast and the tip of her right wing got shot off. If Shell was in extreme pain, though, she didn't show it. In fact, she started to laugh.


Shell charged forwards again and started another flurry of attacks.