View Full Version : Ah, the troubles of life...

01-22-07, 09:33 PM
As a high school student, I am to recieve my grades soon. Unfortunately, my parent's standards are high, and so is their standard punishment. So I might be rather inactive over the next few months. I will try to slip on every so often when I have a chance, but other than that, things will be slow.

I will miss you guys while I'm gone, especially my Raven plushy*huggles*. So don't run off on me. 'Cause you won't get far anyways. Happy hunting, everyone!

Christina Bredith
01-22-07, 09:35 PM
Tch, grounding is so archaic. Still, I hope you'll be back quicker than your parents can say "Aren't you still grounded?"! It works well enough for my brother. >_>

01-22-07, 09:54 PM
ouchies I hate being grounded. though I've only been that for a weekend or so. I usually could blame bad grades on bad teachers, whiich is sadly true that many of my teachers weren't very good and didn't teach me much and it wasn't for lack of trying.

well good luck and I hope to see you soon.

01-23-07, 04:13 AM
I once falsified a report card in high school, so my parents thought I did better then I really did. Got away with it too. :P

I hope you manage to return to full activity soon.

01-23-07, 04:19 AM
Yeah, yeah. I know I can't really get away... *Grumpily tugs at his leather collar*

Good luck and chin up! If you know you did well, all is well in the end. If you know you didn't go all the way... Well, good luck.

01-23-07, 12:09 PM
I found groundings a lot easier when I had my own comp in my own room.

*Is the family recluse*

Anyway...good luck with that.

Slayer of the Rot
01-23-07, 12:50 PM
I once falsified a report card in high school, so my parents thought I did better then I really did. Got away with it too. :P
Really? I thought communists like you were born fully grown from eggs, like snakes.

01-23-07, 01:16 PM
I once falsified a report card in high school, so my parents thought I did better then I really did. Got away with it too. :P
It even works on colleges.


01-23-07, 01:24 PM
It even works on colleges.


And Graduate school...

01-23-07, 02:35 PM
Im a baa-aaa-aaa-aad girl. I decided to MS paint my report card if it comes out badly. I feel like such a bad person. But it will save me the trouble of wiping my dad's spittle off my face and clothes....he can yell pretty darn loud.

And so, I might still be on here after this is all over. I can only hope this works out well. If not, well....it was nice while it lasted. If it does, yipee!

Sighter Tnailog
01-23-07, 02:43 PM
MS Paint?

If your dad falls for that, HE needs to go back to school.

Artifex Felicis
01-23-07, 03:24 PM
I kinda need to agree with Sighter. Try to use a higher level art program to change it I wqould suggest. If one isn't avalible and you have the time, try the "GIMP" as that's basically freeware Photoshop.

Also, good luck. I'm just glad that my D- Math exam only brough my grade down to a B- in the end. Of course, I still got the boot because of said bad grade...

01-23-07, 03:28 PM
Eh, if careful, you can get any color out of MS Paint. Take enough time, and it COULD look decent.

Max Dirks
01-23-07, 03:59 PM
ROFL, I love computers.

01-23-07, 04:00 PM
Oooh...but I forgot to warn you.

Make SURE you have the right sort of paper.

Printer paper normally doesn't cut it for report cards...it's either too thin or too thick.

Something I learned from my paper-nut mother. ;)

Artifex Felicis
01-23-07, 04:05 PM
I love both the maturity level and the fact that frankly we're telling each other how to cheat at life.

I love Althanas

01-23-07, 04:13 PM
Nah, this is how to effectively lie.

I would LOVE to know how to cheat at life. But if I could, it would mean less time online, and I like being online too much.


01-23-07, 04:15 PM
I once told my parents that there had been a reform and that 0 was now a perfect score.

Not only did they not buy it, but I forgot I failed either way. >.>

Since then, though, I've learned the greatness of Photoshop. Y'know, I could help you, for a fee...

01-23-07, 04:17 PM
But hamnat would STILL need the right paper, or all the effort for none of the prize!

01-23-07, 04:34 PM
Rofl... you people are amazing.

Hamnat, good luck... more power to you if you manage to lie and get away with it. Remember, though, that it is a risk: if you lie but get caught, you'll get mulched.

01-23-07, 04:45 PM
Lying is immoral.

There, someone had to say it.

01-23-07, 05:03 PM
Lying is moral.

There, someone had to say it.

edited to protect the integrity of the immoral.

01-23-07, 05:06 PM
You know; with all these amazng cheating ideas, I can only wonder why half you folks have actually tried this. I mean, with this creativity and commitment, why not just do the actual work?

Anyways, I failed two classes in high school and got a few D-s and Cs. Still, it all evened out to a nice 85 GPA. If college asks, I just blame a drug addict mother having an episode.

01-23-07, 05:09 PM
Because it's more fun to find a way out of the work than it is to just do the work.

01-23-07, 05:13 PM
It's also less time consuming.

01-23-07, 05:16 PM
Besides, you could argue the point that you're honing the edge of your creativity for later in life. These excuses, after all, have practical merit: cheating doesn't stop when one enters the workplace.

01-23-07, 05:33 PM
Oh, my grades in HS were fine, Luc.

They're decent in college, as well.

I just know EXACTLY how to get away with stuff. ;)

01-23-07, 05:36 PM
God I feel so guilty....

Must wash my hands in virgin's blood to get the feeling of morality off my skin.

Anyways, yeah um...drugs are bad and Althanas does not condone thee totally cool crime of Forgery.

01-23-07, 06:36 PM
If you're going to cheat your way through school, at least grow a pair and learn to hack into the school's network to alter your marks manually. Your parents won't be able to pin a thing on you, not a thing, you hear?

01-23-07, 09:25 PM
Care to teach me? :P

Kak Zalta
01-23-07, 09:38 PM
Wow...this is terrible. I can say with complete honesty I never cheat and still manage to maintain a perfectly healthy degree of laziness.

Rather than learning how to work AROUND the system, I learned to work THROUGH the system. As in, I do a paper in half the time but get twice the grade. No need to cheat when your the best.

Kak Zalta
01-23-07, 09:39 PM
Maybe I shouldn't have said that. Oh well, lifes no fun if you don't do and say remarkably stupid things.

01-23-07, 09:47 PM
If you're going to cheat your way through school, at least grow a pair and learn to hack into the school's network to alter your marks manually. Your parents won't be able to pin a thing on you, not a thing, you hear?
I have now heard from the master how to cheat at life.


And it won't affect my online time, as I can't hack anything, lol.

01-23-07, 10:02 PM
I had a strict mom, too. Got grounded at the drop of a hat. I pulled an F in Chemistry class because the teacher was so boring, she'd put me to sleep in a few minutes of class starting. Mom freaked about the grade, so I started crying and told her that I couldn't be everything she wanted me to and asked her why she didn't just love me for who I was. I didn't get grounded, but she started supervising my homework completion in the class.

Zook Murnig
01-23-07, 10:03 PM
I've never actually had to lie about my report card or anything. I've covered up the grade until report cards came in, though. Pretending to have done homework and such. Key to having good grades in classes you slack off in, though, is being friendly with your teachers/professors and commenting in class.

I did none of the papers for my second semester of College Composition my senior year, and I was dreading my grade in the class. Until I got the report card. B. I spoke my mind in class, so that covered for stuff. I never read the material, but I still managed to bullshit my way through it. The only paper I did write was a collaborative essay done in class.

Hell, I got by with the top grade in my chemistry class my sophomore year, and I spent the whole class period reading Dungeons and Dragons sourcebooks. I just listened and looked up every once in a while to make everyone else look like idiots.

In short, don't cheat the system, beat the system. If all else fails, BE the system.

01-23-07, 10:06 PM

But, Zook...it's fun having ways around the system in case it ever decides to smack you down like the wee red-headed step child.

Zook Murnig
01-23-07, 10:09 PM
In the end, honesty is the best policy. In the end only, however.

Kak Zalta
01-23-07, 10:10 PM

But, Zook...it's fun having ways around the system in case it ever decides to smack you down like the wee red-headed step child.

Stay in the system. Smack back harder.

01-23-07, 10:14 PM
I do b'lieve y' misunderstan' me, laddie.

I dinna ha' t' cheat th' system, i' works ay well fer me.

I jus' enjoy a wee bit o' maniacal plottin' every now an' again.

Cyrus the virus
01-23-07, 10:18 PM
Everybody is banned for being cheating ugly people.

Artifex Felicis
01-23-07, 10:18 PM
In the end, honesty is the best policy. In the end only, however.

I have saved my ass many times by openly admitting what I did wrong, why I did it, why it was bad and how I planned to fix it to people. Truth often isn't expected by people, so it can throw them off gaurd and you can capitilize on it rather easily. Woo for being prepaired for the worst.

Granted of course, it can also back-fire. Bad.

01-23-07, 10:23 PM
I have saved my ass many times by openly admitting what I did wrong, why I did it, why it was bad and how I planned to fix it to people. Truth often isn't expected by people, so it can throw them off gaurd and you can capitilize on it rather easily. Woo for being prepaired for the worst.

Granted of course, it can also back-fire. Bad.

I think that's the best advice. really the thing you do is do your best to get on track, once you do that you'll be ungrounded. Trying to cheat will only cheat you in the long run.

01-23-07, 10:30 PM
Care to teach me? :P
*gasp* Are you implying that I would cheat? I may have the brain of a criminal mastermind but my soul is as pure as a newborn child. Wait, don't catholics say they're born with original sin or something...? Well, anyway, I'm innocent!

(No, seriously. I don't condone cheating! And I won an Academic Excellence award too. So tread the straighter path, my children! (^_^)b )

01-23-07, 11:18 PM
Flunking is tough, but sometimes it's just the right thing to set you on a sturdy path. Heh, I flunked Calculus and Physics my freshman college year. But the teachers were fine and my parents, though literally throttling my neck at home, helped me through.

Being grounded isn't really that bad. A lot better than serving time behind bars, anyways.


Then again... I have no life. :(

01-23-07, 11:23 PM
Oh, I failed Calculus too in my first year of university. I think half the class did. My parents didn't care, though. My dad failed it too in his first year! Like father like son I suppose. I came pretty close with Chemistry too, but I squeezed by. Thank god I'm done with those landmines.

...yeah, university was like a slap in the face compared to high school. I miss it. Appreciate what you have, younguns! It doesn't get any better! :( Well, that's not entirely true. Second year is going much better than first, mainly because I don't hate 4/5 of my courses like I did last year when they were all pretty much mandatory. So there is some hope.

But still! Don't cheat! Colleges and universities don't put up with that! And you'll probably find their servers harder to hack into, too... not that I would know or anything...

01-23-07, 11:29 PM
I asked the runes about the veracity of your statement (oh yeah, I took my char's rune divination gift from my OWN abilities, thanks kindly...she's just way better at it), and they said, in essence:

Elrundir was not thinking about the task he was assigned, therefore his mind was not prepared to spew it forth, he therefore encountered obstacles and thereby screwed himself over.

Ing, Hagall, Eoh inverse.

01-23-07, 11:33 PM
Ouch. ;)

I guess the same could be said about me, Karuka. :D

Either way, let's see how Hamnat does with the situation at hand. Hopefully, forgery would not be necessary.

01-23-07, 11:37 PM
If I'm off on my reading, I reached for my little bag, which has my cutesy little runes that I never really use for divining.

My good divination runes get cranky at this hour. <(-_-)>

01-23-07, 11:47 PM
I failed Intro to Mech. Engineering and Physics Lab this last semester. I've been placed on Academic Probation with a GPA of 1.9... if my GPA doesn't come up, then I get suspended for a semester.

...yeah. All I can do is try harder and make sure I pull myself back up. I have no choice.

Cyrus the virus
01-24-07, 02:51 AM
University teachers are vague... You need to take notes of their damn lectures, which is impossible when you have poor hearing and need to sit with the cute girls at the back of the class.


01-24-07, 02:56 AM
*Bashes Cyrus' head in with a giant mechanical pencil*

That's what the front row seats are for, Mister Smart. :p

But you have a point. A good number of University lecturers (I refuse to call them teachers) merely talk to the overhead or the projector while the rest of the class jots down every single word spewing forth from the mouth. Either that or doze off with a pen against the lecture sheet.

Bad way to study. Especially with me eyesight. :(

01-24-07, 12:35 PM
Raven...contact lenses. That's all I have to say there.

I love going to a small school. You can raise your hand in the middle of class and say "Dr. S! Dr. S! You're confusing me! What the heck is a lamda max?"

Or something to that effect.

And then go to talk with same teacher about a test and wind up talking about Mandarin Chinese. For half an hour.

01-25-07, 11:50 PM
Karuka... Glasses. That's what I wear everyday. ;)

Hahaha. I'd like that kind of class. Any class that I can have a long, intellectual discourse in is OK by my books, Nya~!

02-02-07, 06:40 PM
I didn't see the point in making another thread for this, but Hamnat has contacted me and asked me to say that she won't be on for a couple of months, until her grades pick up.

Alas, all our good forgery tips were to no avail, and she was discovered. *Holds hat over heart*

A farewell to the boldly fallen.

02-02-07, 07:57 PM
There's a lesson in all this.

02-02-07, 09:32 PM
If you're going to cheat your way through school, at least grow a pair and learn to hack into the school's network to alter your marks manually. Your parents won't be able to pin a thing on you, not a thing, you hear?

I actually knew two kids who did that. Both got expelled and one was on a student visa from Germany so he's no longer in the country. Just letting any of you would be hackers know that such a plan can back fire.

02-02-07, 11:00 PM
Well obviously you'll get in trouble if you get caught. But no self-respecting hacker leaves such an obvious trail. I mean, really!

02-09-07, 05:47 AM
for those noticing my activities here on the forum, remember that I am sneaking on here every now and again. I am not, by all means, back....just checking in.

One thing....does anyone know why I'm the only redhead here(that I know of) that ISN'T being stalked by Letho?

yay! I got a 53 on CoN....what's strange is that he said my magic wasn't spontaneous enough...I created a ball of both fire AND ice!!! A shield of hardened air...*whiney*what more do you want from me!????....*sniffle*

Artifex Felicis
02-09-07, 06:04 AM
I kinda have to say it, but was it a great ball of Frozen Fire? (http://kol.coldfront.net/thekolwiki/index.php/Great_Ball_of_Frozen_Fire)


02-09-07, 06:23 AM
.......no. It was a conglomeration of fire and frost-energy. Think cold-fire.

Cyrus the virus
02-09-07, 10:57 AM
Balls of elements = Not really interesting. No offense, buddy :p

Not that I'm innocent of unoriginality, as I'm boring, but you know. Stop making balls of things, people.

That's my contribution :)

02-09-07, 11:12 AM
Make squares! Or spheroids from the fourth dimension! Sharp corners and all.

02-09-07, 11:13 AM
You have to remember that she only has one offensive spell at this point....and that it's a ball of fire. So, I expanded on that some. I would've made it star-shaped if it had been the shape of the original spell. But one spell can only change so much. Besides, balls make sense because they are infinitely symmetrical.

02-09-07, 12:40 PM
It can change as much as you want it to. You were in dreamland. Honestly, if you brought a freaking comet down on Tshael's head, I wouldn't have docked you any points - in fact, I may have given you a point or two for originality. Who uses comets on Althanas?

My point is that you can do anything in your dreams, and I felt that Tshael utilized that freedom much better than you did. Battles don't always have to be strictly attack and defense... they can be much, much more.

Also, I'd appreciate it if you would PM me with any grievances about my judgments in the future. I'd rather you didn't complain about them behind my back like you did here.

02-09-07, 01:06 PM
ehehe...sorry...I sometimes get a little bit excited is all...it affects my judgement rather badly. But...although it is a dream, Shenjara was actually real because of the Dreamweave ability. For instance, if she'd been killed in the dream, she would have really died. Her spells will become more potent because of it, but it wasn't a lucid-dream kind of thing. It was dream-contact with no degree of lucidity. Otherwise I could have just sent Tshael to the moon or something similar. Last point, it was Tshael's dream, not Shen's.

She could no more call down a meteor than she could in real life(not to mention there isn't really an outer-space for the meteor to come from).

But at any rate, what's past is past. I got a 53, my second score so far, and my first higher than a 50. Didn't mean to complain, just was a bit suprised. And I got some more XP!!!(even if it was a bit low, but I did lose)

02-09-07, 01:18 PM
If this is the case, then you need to find a way to tell me IC that this is true. I read this battle with little knowledge of either of your characters, and there was no way that I could know this. That falls into Setting (adequately describing your character, not just everything around you), Action (explaining your actions enough so that they make sense), and Clarity to a lesser extent.

I'm not trying to argue, I'm just trying to tell you some of what I look for in a battle.

02-09-07, 01:36 PM
cool....I'll try to add in some of the more relevant information when I write in the future. I was acting a bit on asumption that you knew some of these things, but I see now that I also have a lot more to learn.(^_^)

02-10-07, 08:31 PM
Eee. That was fun, hamnat. Thanks for accepting, even if it took a few days for you to. XD And thanks Atzar for a good judging. I was surprised when you asked why Tshael was in Radasanth, but then I am very very bad at giving backstory. Don't feel bad hamnat!

And I liked the cold fire ball. It was really interesting to react to a burn and a freeze at the same time.

02-13-07, 05:48 AM
*bows* Shenjara Flamespire, at your service(Tolkien....humor).