View Full Version : School Curriculum and Divisions

Sighter Tnailog
01-23-07, 01:01 PM
The inner wall of Eluriand is shaped as a regular pentagon pointing straight south. At each of the five corners of the wall is a compound. The southernmost compound is devoted to the barracks of Tel Aglarim and the Bladesingers, but each of the other compounds houses one of the schools of magic.

The schools are surrounded by walls similar in style and composition to the walls of Eluriand itself -- that is to say, highly stylized and decorated with beautiful frescos and statuary. Depictions of birds and beasts, of trees gorgeously detailed down to the veins on the leaves, and even here and there a fountain springing forth as if from some hidden spring characterize the wonder that is these walls. And what is more, they are strong: as much dwarf strength went into them as did elven art. On top of that, the walls of the inner city are said to be enchanted with significant Turlin magic. Undead beings cannot enter the inner city unscathed, and those with evil magic should be wary while near to these structures.

Each school building is composed of a spire extending from the ground, surrounded by a fortification of seven separate buildings, each with seven stories. The buildings appear airy and ethereal, with artwork such as that seen on the walls adorning their faces. They are surrounded by courtyards, which extend both between the main complex and the walls and among the building itself. Slender bridges span the air between the buildings and the walls, allowing students, professors, and soldiers easy access to the other complexes merely by walking along the walltops.

There are four schools, each with its own sound and specialization. They are as follows:

The Sounds of War
The School of Ost'Dagorlin

Ost'Dagorlin is both the oldest and youngest school of Raiaera. When the schools were first founded, the first built were Dagorlin and Ostlin. The former taught the art of offensive war -- how to attack with song, creating firebolts and strengthening swords, igniting the sky with lightning, driving an enemy away with a flurry of invisible arrows. The latter taught defense. Its music was soft yet strong, resilient, with steady melody and conservative harmony. However, during the occupation of Eluriand, many elvish scholars grew dissatisfied with the school system. By separating the two schools of attack and defense, bards were missing the broader picture of warfare -- and many scholars cited this as one of the reason's for Xem'zûnd's conquest of the outer city.

The result of this soul-searching was to combine the two schools into one, which occurred with much fanfare on the day of Eluriand's liberation. The two schools merged, and now meet in the building that was once simply Ostlin. The Dagorlin structure has become the primary barracks of the Bladesingers and Tel Aglarim, freeing up room within Velicë Arta and better locating the armed forces for defending the city.

Ost'Dagorlin teaches the three primary categories of Elvish magic: others, self, and items. Magic which affects others in this school is usually manifested through a harsh, biting music, full of percussion and crescendo. Defensive magic, of the kind which creates barriers and magical fields, is slow and solid. And finally, enchantments -- both of an offensive and defensive nature -- can be created through this magic.

The headmaster of Ost'Dagorlin is Amroth AncalÃ*mon. A vigorously trained bard, Amroth is rumored to have once bested Varalad Del Tirin himself during a duel. However, his knowledge of other schools is shaky. On his home turf, there is no better, but put him against a Turlin bard and both might come out bruised.

Healing Song
The School of Lissilin

Lissilin is sweet and soft, but its magic is far from gentle. It can heal minor scrapes and bruises, but it can also purge the deadliest of poisons. It is rumored that Lissilin has been known to cure even the bite of the Njalian Spidermage -- although its Headmaster refuses to reveal that secret to just anyone.

There are, as with the other schools, three basic types of magic in Lissilin. You can learn to heal others, you can learn to heal yourself, or you can learn to heal items. That's right...you can heal items. Unlike the other schools, in which the magic towards items generally manifests itself as enchantment, the Lissilin bard can actually put broken pieces together. They can repair a shattered sword, for instance -- and it is said that even adamantine can be pieced together, if the bard is strong enough. Furthermore, they can remove physical properties from items -- a glass of poisoned drinking water, for instance, can be "healed," and made safe to drink. However, any magical affects -- curses, or a sword that is broken due to a powerful hex -- cannot be removed by Lissilin. That is a job for another school.

The Headmaster of Lissilin is Mahtan Telrúnya. He is said to be able to heal any physical ailment known to humanity -- even the half-undead can be healed by his power. Yet he is also known to be fickle. You will need to win his trust if you truly need his help.

Blessing and Honor, Glory and Power
The School of Aglarlin

No sound is as magnificent as Aglarlin. With its soaring heights, harmonic chords, and swelling crescendo, Aglarlin music is inspirational and unmatched. One of the oldest musical forms in Raiaera, Aglarlin was essential to maintaining the morale of the elves during their confrontation with the Durklans.

Aglarlin music, like all Raiaeran music, has three forms. However, its first form -- magic towards others -- is markedly different. In this form, it can both enhance the magic of others and recharge their spiritual power. A spellcaster low on magical resources can be given the magical power of an Aglarlin bard...at a price to the latter. The other forms of magic are fairly obvious. Aglarlin magic towards oneself can give heart when faith fades and give strength even as strength ebbs, while enchanted items can bring the despairing back to new hope.

Aglarlin music can also strengthen a person for short bursts of time. A swordsman can strike twice as hard, or an arm can withstand twice the strain, under the influence of Aglarlin. The amount a person is strengthened is dependent on the power of the spell used. Even more interestingly, Aglarlin can play with your head...maybe make you appear different to others, or change the appearance of another for a short time.

Feel free to learn Aglarlin as you will. The school is wide open for you to enjoy.

The Headmistress of Aglarlin is Itarildë Vanimedlë. She is gentle and subtle, but most people would say she is wise. She may not be the strongest of bards in raw strength, but she can provide just the note a chord needs in order to cast the greatest spell of all. It is rumored that her vocal chords, while not capable of producing extremely loud sounds, can sing up to three notes at the same time, making her imminently capable of performing Aglarin's intensely harmonic music.

Purify, Nullify, Horrify
The School of Turlin

The School of Turlin is not for the fainthearted, yet it can offer powers far beyond the other schools. Although its early spells can be simple -- bolts of light that only harm the undead, for instance -- the spells one learns at later levels can be blisteringly powerful. Turlin literally means "Sound of Mastery," and it delivers on its promise. The music of Turlin is slow and soft, tinged with melancholy. However, in the midst of its lamentation lies a note of hope, a reverberation of the conviction that not all is lost.

As with all the schools, there are three types of Turlin music: external, internal, and enchantment. External Turlin music can be simple -- blasts of purity that can scorch the undead instantly -- or exceedingly subtle -- difficult aleatoric tonalities that can draw even the most evil of maladies into the open. Furthermore, this type of Turlin music can nullify the magic of others, or bend it to the wishes of the Turlin magician...such mastery, however, is not easy to learn, and requires significant musical and magical capability. It is said that the time it takes is worth it. Legends still speak of a High Bard of Turlin who was able to nullify the magic of Lord Aesphestos himself just long enough for the Mya to place his bonds.

The Turlin magic that affects the self is fairly straightforward. It can create barriers of purity or spell nullification, almost as if it were Ostlin. It is possible to cure one's own self of evil taint, but such arts are difficult and often foolhardy -- best to let others discern the evil within your soul, as self-deception has been many a bard's downfall.

Enchantments in Turlin are fairly straightforward. Bards can infuse items with purifying or dispelling power for a limited time, or cleanse cursed items of their taint.

Finally, the most trained Turlin bards are permitted to learn the dark and dangerous arts of Enarlin. The Sixth School, banned ages ago, teaches a type of magic which can destroy the soul of both listener and singer. However, an extremely trained Turlin mage -- of a Bachelor's Degree or higher -- can use Turlin magic in concert with Enarlin magic to counter OR enhance the power of Enarlin. Although Raiaera is loathe to continue teaching this dark art, only a bard skilled in Enarlin can defeat an Enarlin mage. But only a Turlin mage can resist the taint of Enarlin -- and even then, it is possible to be corrupted. Maintaining the balance between staying vigilant against a resurgence of Enarlin and flirting with danger is a necessity for Raiaera.

Learning Enarlin outside of Turlin and without a Bachelor's Degree in the school is a capital offense. If you are caught trying, then any citizen of Raiaera is permitted and encouraged to kill you on sight. If you try it, you do so at the risk of your own life. No crime is more serious.

The Headmistress of Turlin is Linwë Séregon. Recently named upon the death of the former Headmaster, Linwë has yet to prove herself. However, she scored higher than any other on the competitive exams, and exhibits a theoretical knowledge of Turlin beyond even Vilmaclya Amorfidë. Whether she will do a good job putting this into practice remains to be seen.

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