View Full Version : Sok Dachenan

01-25-07, 04:09 AM
Okay, sorry, wasn't as comfortable with my profile as I thought I would be before I posted it last time, hopefully as I haven't done anything yet this wont cause a problem. Edits in bold.

Name: Sokket Dachenan
Age: 20
Race: Aldrian
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Amber
Height: 6'3
Weight: 170
Occupation: Jack of All Trades

Personality: Down to earth and stoic, with what he considers a pragmatic outlook. In his heart though, he tends to be idealistic and has a bit of a temper. Al Dria has traditionally been a society with a matriarchal spin to it, so while it has been tempered with time, he has a deep respect for the honor of women. (in princple, at least)

Appearance: Slim but broad shouldered, but with a small build, long sinewy limbs and a youthfull face. Thick brown hair forms in large curls and is almost perpetually neat, of its own volition. He may appear human at first glance, but a close look will reveal that his ears are long, and tucked into his red headband as if to hide them. With his ears his features take an elvish cast, though his ears are likely longer. He may, nonetheless, be mistaken for one. (HINT: look to them to see if he's blushing. One reason he keeps them tucked is because the density of blood vessels makes them vulnerable.)

History: Aldrian is his race, but all that means to him is that he's from the town Al Dria. It is a sort of hidden enclave with limited access to the outside world, so they generally don't think of such things.

Long ago the community formed when a nomadic people from the desert, with some vague kinship to the elves, took refuge in a small community they found deep within a mountain range near Salvar. However, as time crept on they found less and less reason to leave. The humanlike inhabitants were a strong, pragmatic, yet somewhat simple people, and were deeply enamored with the newcomers who had both deft hands and wits, but were more frail, especially their long rabbit-like ears, which while good for heat regulation were also very dangerous if injured, due to the mass amount of blood vessels they contained.

Slowly time got on, and the community with its new inhabitants started withdrawing in on itself, and though they made wondrous crafts which they traded for food and other such materials from other lands, they had little to do with outsiders. The two races interbred and now there is little distinction between the two.

By Sokket's time there were a number of offshoot colonies, but they all mostly kept to themselves and while they talked to eachother more than the outside world, that wasn't saying much. Sokket himself was something of an anomoly however. In general his community was full of artisans of various sorts, clockwork mechanics and artists, some small enchantments. While he had a deft hand and was a fast learner, he had little patience and was constantly seeking ways of losing himself in the woods or other means of escaping his lessons, though he had to learn some just by pure volume. The only thing that managed to hold his interests were the ceremonial spear and combat forms, which were found he was nicely adept at in both power and grace. The equinox games were his most looked forward time of the year, where he would get to show off and match sticks against his peers.

Around his 15th birthday it seemed he was finally settling down, and he actually was, while more intense, his youth was burning away earlier than most. However, it was then his oldest sister announced she was leaving Al Dria. A thought almost unheard of, and not even for a common thing such as trade. She wanted to seek the knowledge of a more diversified population. This was to be her gift to her youngest brother, who never seemed satisfied with the world around him. His parents reacted easier to this than he thought they would, far better than the rest of the enclave, and left the decision of what he would do in response up to him, revealing simply their worry. Almost a year later, he followed his sister's precedent and also left to seek his fortune in the world outside.

His first month or so was left to adjusting to culture shock. His second he started to adapt, wandering aimlessly and doing odd jobs. He got used to using a weapon full contact by joining hunting parties and taking on some large game, which he found both harder than he hoped and easier than he feared.

By his third month he met the Highlander known as Corvus MacCallum. He was surprised at how well they got along together, even though they were of similar age. Though different in both personality and background, they were almost kindred spirits and traveled together for some time. (Noted, they were a lot more efficient as a team than at least Sok had been seperately.)

For instance, one such time they housed with an aging alchemist for some month or two, doing various odd jobs for him. Shortly before they left they rid him of an infestation of Wild Gnomes (though the gnomes were a bit grissle-y for Cor's taste), and he gifted them with a pair of gauntlets that could store enchantment. He explained it away that he couldn't enchant them and thus they were of little use to him, but Sok had an inkling that the old man was grateful for their company and was somewhat sad to see them go.

They each took one glove.

Things continued in such fashion untill they were both 19, and they joined a glorious expedition against a Blazen Dragon that had been terrorizing a local populous. It had moved in the previous summer and forces rallied from all over to take down the beast, men toting slammers, spears, bows and arrows, even magic were organized into various divisions to take down the beast. And while he almost chose the slammer himself, Sokket decided on the weapon he was most familiar with over the one that would keep him near his friend, a decision he would come to regret as the dragon proved more formidable than they had imagined. A single fierce lash of the dragon's tail scattered and crushed the spearmen, and Sokket was sent flying. Luckly, though he lacks other endurance, he can take the hits, and woke some time later to find the battlefield destroyed, along with what appeared to be the entire company, and the dragon slain. While he searched for some time, and he asked in various towns, he heard no mention of survivors and the hope that his friend had lived fled.

As he continued his wanderings his depression ebbed away, and he contemplated searching after his estranged sister... but never quite got around to it.


Artisan Heritage: He learns quickly and has a knack for details, along with some familiarity with mechanics, arts, music, and dance.

Weaponforms: The ceremonial weaponforms of his people don't translate well to actual combat, but they have instilled in him a familiarity of handle and control for light spears, light swords, and daggers. Also some slight aeronaughtical maneuvers. (Such as using his spear to vault himself high into the air.)

Strong and Agile (racial): He has above average strength, and is stronger than he looks, or probably should be for his mass. He has a natural sense of balance and his own body mechanics, as well as being lighter than a man of his equivalent strength would be, lets him run fast and jump high. However, he doesn't have the endurance built to use such physical gifts for long periods of time. While he can keep going on adrenaline in a pinch, he may be worse than exhausted afterwards.

Surefooted: Due to his long childhood of wandering about and hiding from those who would make him work, he can travel through the wilderness making little sound. His quick mind and learning ability also liken him to a good sense of direction, if he can pay attention to his surroundings he recognizes things easily and doesn't lose his way. He's picked up enough signs about the wilderness through his wanderings to help him hunt, trap, or forage for food. Even while traversing rough terrain, he will rarely fall if given time to pick out his path

Equipment: A simple ashwood and iron boarspear, simple traps and supplies, a change of clothes, simple matches, a waterskin, and some rations. And of course:

Enchanted Glove (unenchanted)- A fingerless glove with three gemstones embedded between the knuckles, it was designed in the past to be capable of receiving limited magical enchantments and releasing them in various ways, but currently has no charge. One half of a pair, the other kept by his friend Corvus after they were awarded the pair after staying with the aged alchemist mentioned above. While less powerfull than its mate, it is slightly more versatile.

Lets hope this works, it's more detailed to my concept of him. I wasn't comfortable with the physics of his jump before.

01-25-07, 07:15 AM
For clarification sakes, above average strength means he's at best about 1.5 times stronger/faster then an average human. Please keep Sokket within these parameters or you will have points docked for powergaming.

Otherwise, you are, once again, approved. Have fun with your redone character.