View Full Version : Goblin Cove (open)

01-25-07, 11:11 PM
The town of Scara Brea was a quiet place, easy going and scenic. Slow moving people, small town atmosphere, farm community, it all added together to make the place peaceful. It suited Aries well enough at least. He’d wandered into one day, following a path to wherever it’d take him in the hopes of adventure. Several days of traveling without pinching pennies at taverns and his coin purse was lacking, though it wouldn’t be for long. Arriving in town, it took little time to find the local crafters and work out a room and board service agreement, making extras on the side. The plan had been to get enough coins to keep going, but not everything went according to plan.

Three days passed by quickly, but Aries learned the town wasn’t as peaceful as he thought it was. Inside the blacksmith’s forge he toiled away at his newest work. Sweat rolled down his exposed chest and soaked the white shirt wrapped about his waist as each strike of his hammer sent sparks flying from the red hot metal. Taking a moments respite, Aries heard shouting from outside the door. Tossing the hot iron back in the furnace, Aries went outside to see what was happening.

The shrill voice of an elderly woman greeted his ears, her voice high pitched and wavering, “The children! The children! They’ve been taken! Someone must help, anybody!” Her cries came from the center of a large crowd, but Aries could hear the crowd calming and questioning her well enough.

Goblins had taken three small children, snatched as the old woman had been dozing while she was supposed to be watching over them, and were likely being taken through Arask Pass towards Goblin Cove, wherever that was. Already resolved to help, Aries set to it immediately as the woman offered gold for their rescue. Unfortunate as it was, this was exactly the sort of excitement Aries had been searching for.

Grabbing his black leather bag of tools and throwing on his shirt, Aries shouted out to Barbus, the regular blacksmith he’d been filling in for, that he’d be heading out for the rest of the day. All of his stuff gathered, Aries returned to the town square and prepared to set out. The crowd had not yet dispersed, though people were splitting off and giving the vague impression of possibly attempting a rescue. Realizing he didn’t know the area very well, Aries shouted out to nobody in particular.

“I’m going after those goblins, anyone want to join me?”

Lazarus Corrinth
01-28-07, 12:23 AM
Lazarus turned on a dime to avoid a large group of people frantically running towards a hysterical women yelling her lungs out. Lazarus paused to hear what she was screaming about, through the shouting of townsfolk and the stampede he heard "The children! The children!"

Pushing his way through the mob Lazarus halted in front of a blacksmith's shop.
"Hey, whats going on?" said Lazarus to one of the many villagers surrounding the women. "She said that goblins have taken the children." "Goblins? What are they doing in the city?" replied Lazarus "I have no clue."
Turning Lazarus's eye caught that of a man standing outside of the blacksmith's forge with a determined look on his face. "I'm going after those goblins, care to join me" shouted the man. "I had an idea to go myself but since your going as well it would be better to travel in a group.".

Now with Lazarus's mind set he swiftly did a quick mental checklist of all his gear, coat, and sword intact, and blade sharp enough to do some damage.
With a roll of his shoulders Lazarus was ready to go.

Vamrsh Skylare
01-28-07, 07:03 PM
(this is open right?)

Vamrsh had just entered the small town and was enjoying the day, letting the sun warm him without his cloak on. After only a few steps towards the center of town he heard a commotion.

“The children! The children! They’ve been taken! Someone must help, anybody!” screamed an older woman desperatly seeking someone to help her. From coming closer Vamrsh could overhear the entire story thus far. Goblins had taken 3 of the children and it was guessed that they headed to a cove that they had occupied. Just then a man coming from the blacksmith's place declared that he was going to look for them. Thinking that this was some brave act fueled by anger towards the goblins and the loss of the children Vamrsh decided it would be best if he helped out. He made his way over towards the man, checking that his blades were properly sheathed and his cloak was in his travel sack.

"I will help you out. I am new here and do not know the way, but I have blades and a thirst for justice."

01-30-07, 05:02 PM
The jostling of the crowd and the raised voices were all something Amaru noted with passing irritation. But as he saw a stationary knot of people, centered 'round some senile old crone, he paused to listen. She was rambling alright, and making little sense, but he did make out her distress. Amaru moved in closer to hear the rest of her tirade, and after she finished he murmured quietly to the man beside him, “They’re dead.” Goblins didn’t just take kids to play with them. Then again, he didn’t know goblins half so well as elves, humans or even dwarves. Perhaps they were alive, since they didn't seem to be killed outright; he ought to ask someone.

Amaru glanced at the men amongst the crowd offering to fulfill the woman’s plea and go after the kids. He turned his attention back at her, to get a good long look. Perhaps she’d give some sort of reward if they found her whelps? Yet asking her about a reward would give all his intentions away. So he approached the assembled goblin-hunters, moving in close but not too close. “I want to help,” the youth said in a loud, clear voice. “I like kids.” It was actually the truth—he did like kids, so long as they weren’t underfoot too much. But moreso, he just wanted some gold. And with this many guys there would likely be little trouble; easy money, hopefully. But with his youth, his wooden staff, and his amiable expression, Amaru didn’t look like he’d be prime child-rescuing material.

“The more the merrier, right?” Amaru piped up.

02-05-07, 01:29 PM
As Amon stepped out of the local book store, he noticed a commotion over by the blacksmith shop. Amon had recently traveled into this town and as was his habit, he stopped first by the book store, hoping to find some interesting reading, but with this town he had no luck.

As he came closer to the crowd, he heard the old woman going on about her kids being taken away by goblins, and mentioning all sorts of nasty things that the goblins would do to them.

Amon then noticed a small band of gentlemen assuring the lady that they would go to where these goblins were supposedly camped up at and retrieve the children, assuring her that no harm would come to them.

This is exactly what I need to study, how the people react when some of their own are in danger. Amon thought to himself.

"Excuse me gents, but perhaps you have room for one more person to rescue these unfourtunate children. I would hate to see them harmed, and I feel I must do what I can to aid in their rescue."

02-11-07, 01:25 PM
(alright if I join in as well since its open?)

The commotion was loud enough that Grave could have heard the yelling from the other side of the town. He picked up most of the conversation from outside the bar he was walking past something along the lines of Goblins, missing children, and a plea of help. With a sigh Grave gave a gentle thought.

Well...I have nothing better to do. I should be able to get some money out of this, and I have some aggression I wouldn't mind taking out.

He slowly walked from the bar to the dispercing mob scene that was growing in front of the blacksmith shop. Pushing his way through people, young and old, small and tall, until he reached where the sobing women was.

Slowly he put his hand on the women's shoulder.

"You shouldn't worry. It seems that more then enough of us want to see them returned."

His eyes shifted from the women to the men arround her who were reassuring her earlier.

"Have you any idea where this goblin camp might be?"

03-13-07, 04:13 PM
(hmm mind one more person?)

The air above the small town square shimmers as a weird oval portal opens up about 5 feet off the ground. Out of it falls a what appears to be a young man with slightly pointed ears,silver skin, and fire red hair. As soon as he manages to stand up and smooth out his black silken clothes a pair of ferrets,one grey and one black, along with an overly ornate sword fall out of the portal at his feet.

The young man picks up the word, attaching it to his belt and scans the crowd, his ice blue eyes assessing the situation. "Blast it all....that stupid sorcerer sent us to the wrong place again boys.." he mumbles,apparently towards the ferrets. He perks an ear at the sound of the word goblins and turns to a townsman, "Goblins? What about goblins?"

What he had intended to be a short conversation starts to drone on about goblin raids and goblin eating and bathing habits,even goblin mating habits, until finally he learns about the children. He looks around again spotting the group of men and makes his way toward them, gracefully swooping up the ferrets and placing them on his shoulders. "Well...mind if me and the boys give you a hand with this bit of foolishness involving the goblins?"

Special Forces
04-03-07, 06:46 PM
Leo heard the yelling and screaming from the alley he was sleeping in and walked towards crowd and said "Mind if another sword joins your little group. My rapier seeks some goblin blood to quench its thirst." He then patted his rapiers handle and joined the crowd of what he thought might be inexperienced volunteers.

04-13-07, 03:23 PM
Trist gently but impatiently pushed his way through the gathering crowd of people "Get out of the way! Necromancer for hire comin through!" he said and quickly used his dark influence technique to get angry peasents who would have argued to think better of it, he stopped in front of the group and looked around hurriedly "Where did the goblins go?" he asked them even more impatiently...

06-13-09, 02:21 PM
This thread has been sitting for a full year. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to Scara Brae.