View Full Version : Finallllyyyy. Level one.

01-26-07, 03:49 AM
Level one updates in blue~

Name: Khalxaen Spirits

Race: Demon
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Height: 5”3
Weight: 105 lbs
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Scarlet

Appearance: Khalxaen has long dark brown hair tied into a tight ponytail with a black piece of cloth. Her eyes are tinted scarlet, and she often wears a wide grin. Her skin is tanned, and she has a short but fit body.

Around her neck and shoulders is a worn-down scarf, but efficient enough to keep her warm when needed. She has a necklace with a seemingly useless crystal shard around her neck. Covering the upper portion of her body is a white shirt, with its sleeves reaching up until her elbows. She wears baggy denim pants with a leather belt clasped around it too keep it up; the belt can also hold her weapons and other items. On her feet are leather boots.

Khalxaen looks almost human, and she could probably be mistaken for one if not for the very distinguished pointy ears she has. They look like the ears of an elf, and she’s usually mistaken as one, rather than what she really is – a demon.

Personality: Khalxaen has a wacky personality which is brought through by her impulsive acts. She never thinks about the consequences of what she’s about to do. The girl doesn’t like being bossed around, and can be tactless and rude at times. Even though she appears to be like this, she always tries to be nice to the people around her. The demon is also very sarcastic and unreasonable. She also hates it when people find out she’s a demon and ask why she isn’t around murdering humans; Khalxaen hates the stereotyping.

She has a very greedy personality, and won’t pass up a chance to gain some money even if it meant her life. Growing up in the poorhouse made her this way, and it also caused her to take risks in almost anything. Although she isn’t like other demons who love the slay, she does love fighting and the adrenaline it gives her. She likes being excited and being on the verge of fights, since otherwise, walking around is “just boring”.

Other than that, she can also be very distant. Being a wanderer without any really purpose, she doesn’t have any long-time friends and she hates being attached to people she’s just going to leave afterwards. Although she feels like this all the time, she can’t help but be interested in some people and become attached to them anyway.


Skoteinos- A short sword made of steel. It was specially made for her, and she can wield rather good.

Dagger – Iron. Practically useless in fights. Can be used in other situations, though, like picking a lock.

Items: White Herbs x3 – for emergency healing.

Crystal Shard - Acquired when she set out for the Crystal of Truth with Cielalune, but they only ended up with seemingly useless shards which they split among themselves. (The Other Truth (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=1407))


She can wield her sword skillfully enough to battle another person of her own level. Also, because of her small size, she can move rather swiftly, but also because of her small size, she realized she was weaker than most people she battled against. Sometimes, blood lust triggers her senses and she becomes stronger than she really is, but it never really lasts.

Scarlet Eyes - She can see in the dark very clearly, as if it was day.

Spikes - Can summon spikes of ice from the air around her, each about half a foot long as sharp as blades. May be used around three times a thread.

Cyclone - Khalxaen can cause the wind around a particular area to gain pressure and eventually become small cyclones that will prevent the opponent from moving efficiently and also cause minor wounds. May be used around two times a thread.

Barrier - She can chant a spell that causes her short sword to emit a barrier around herself. It can protect her against most attacks, but not against those who are way more stronger than she is. May be used around three times a thread.

History: Khalxaen Spirits was born as a small but rowdy young girl. She was found one night wandering around the streets of a quiet village, without any recollection of where she had come from. The villagers thought she was an elf because of her ears, and since they thought of elves as peaceful creatures, took her in as one of the young apprentices of the chapel. There, she lived with the priestess, Trixien. Trixien was the one who had named her Khalxaen Spirits, after her own mother. At first, Khalxaen hated serving the chapel, and was often caught sleeping in-between masses. Everyone scolded her, yet she didn’t seem to care.

As she was growing up, she didn’t seem ever want to stay put in one place, or be alone. She cried every time her playmates had to go home, but she also hated it when people called her a baby for it. Of course, it was very obvious that young Khalxaen was simply very lonely.

When she was a young teenager, the blacksmith of the village had fallen for her. At first, she didn’t want anything to do with him, yet she took interest in him when he had given her a short sword named Skoteinos. She became very engrossed with it. When Trixien had found out what the blacksmith had done, she became very furious and confiscated the sword. She also forbid Khalxaen to speak with the blacksmith. This made Khalxaen very curious, and finally, she begged Trixien to tell her why.

That was when she was told that on the night she was found, she was walking around with blood smeared on her face, and she was lugging around bloody Skoteinos. She cried and cried when she sword was taken away from her. The people who found her knew she was a demon, yet they took pity on her and waited until the toddler forgot about the sword and introduced her to the villagers, who thought she was an elf. Trixien told Khalxaen to never go near the sword, because she feared something weird would happen. Khalxaen said she wouldn’t.

Yet, the very next day, Khalxaen was gone, and so was the sword. It was another one of her impulsive acts, but she knew that the sword would tell her who she was. She has been wandering Althanas for some time now, yet still, nothing has happened. Khalxaen wants to go back to the village, but she knows that everyone there’s now afraid of her for something she didn’t do.

Level One Update: She first found herself seeking adventure in the small island of Scara Brae. Here, she impulsively took on a job for the Scara Scourge and met a Drow named Izvilvin. They had failed the mission, and in the process, her companion was captured. She decided to rescue him with the help of two other men who also had the same goal as her. They successfully rescued the Drow, and despite the language barrier, Khalxaen made her first friend since she left her village.

From Scara Brae, she traveled to Corone and found out about the Citadel. She partook in a battle against a man named Sid. During the match, her demonic instincts caused her to go berserk from the smell of blood. She lost the battle, and a dwarf commented about her sword being possessed.

Then, she went to the forest of Concordia and was coincidentally led to a cursed cave where she met a knight named Cielalune. The knight told her about a crystal hidden in the cave, and she sought it for interest. During the adventure, she found a friend in Cielalune despite the fact that the both of them did nothing but bicker. They went through a series of trials but ended up realizing that the crystal was stolen. During their farewell, her companion found some shards and gave her one. even though the shard seems useless, she keeps it on a string around her neck for luck.

Cyrus the virus
01-26-07, 05:40 AM
Quite a few updates there, pumpkles, but they're moderate enough to be okay. Good job pally!
