View Full Version : From boy to halberdier.

01-26-07, 02:31 PM
((Level 2 Updates are in RED. And Level 1 profile can be found here. (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=204)))

Name: Zerith Dracosius
Race: Human
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Height: 5’10
Weight: 170
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue


Standing at 5'10 Zerith takes a lot after his father. His face is sharp and defined but still shows youthfulness. He also built to fit the role of a fighter but not one that would really solely on strength or agility. Instead his build reflects that he is a balance of both. His eyes, which he gets from his mother, could shine like crystal if the light would reflect off them in the right way. However the chances of that happening are rare. His brown hair is always kept long enough to show off it's amazing curls, yet Zerith keeps it long enough that it keeps out of his eyes. In terms of clothing, the youth prefers to keep things as light as possible. Basically he wears a chain mail shirt underneath a set of traveler’s garments. Of course his clothing isn't the usual ugly brown some people wear, instead his clothes are a lovely burgundy color. The only thing that remains would be his black belt. There's nothing special about it since it's only purpose is to keep his pants up and have his sword strapped to his left hip. Due to all the time spent traveling and thing he has done in the past year has caused Zerith to lose a little weight. If it was thanks to the various works he has done or to the face that he isn’t eating as much as he used to doesn’t matter. In the past year he has started to look healthier and has managed to obtain quite a bit of more muscle as well.


If anything Zerith really is a mixture of his parents. From his father he gets his determination, courage and loyalty. While from his mother he gets his compassion, willingness to help others and friendliness. The young man always tries to keep his word and once he has his mind set on doing something you can be sure he will do it eventually.
Except some things could take a lot more time that others.

Zerith is just a nice guy all around really. In fact if he were to engage someone in a spar he would probably show as much respect as he could. He’d probably even be the first one to give a proper introduction if he could. His willingness to help others and loyalty is so great that he would probably sacrifice himself to save a comrade.

Still Zerith’s doesn’t hold an infinite amount of patience and isn’t kind to everyone. If someone were to doublecross him then he would get even for it. Just as if someone threatened to kill him or killed others for enjoyment he would try to take their life instead. Zerith is one of those people that you probably wouldn’t see get mad often but when you did, you’d remember it for a while.

After the few battles he had Zerith has begun to enjoy the thrill of it. The rush of adrenaline and the fact that he always had to be on his guard have been exciting to him. Yet he still holds value on life and he still fears for his life every time he fights. He also believes that those that fight in order to protect others should be remembered for what they did and the price they paid. Or else they died for nothing.


Trithdursil: A dehlar longsword that once belonged to his father that Zerith now wears on the left side of his waist. Seeing as how he father wasn’t around to wield it anymore the young man took it the night he left and still calls the weapon by the name his father did, Trithdursil. After Zerith and his father met during the battle for Moriah, Sevelakath expressed his desire to return home. Before the two departed, Zerith gave the longsword back to it’s proper owner.

Flaming Rogue: This long, thin demon blade is one of Zerith’s newest trophies. It was taken from the vampire Kedx after the halberdier helped defend the Peaceful Promenade. The beautifully crafted titanium sword should be a welcome addition to Zerith’s arsenal, especially considering he gave up Trithdursil. (Obtained here. (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=3631&page=5))

Deyln/Nyhon Redwood Halberd “Amenzanil”: A “trophy” collected from the battle at the fortress back in Scara Brae. This weapon which one belonged to the man who led the brigade marks Zerith’s first major victory as well as his first experience with war. The polearm reaches a total length of 7’ and the shaft is a deep red color. Throughout the entire length of it various runes are engraved into it. On the blade itself is another engraving, the image of a roaring lion. Shortly after obtaining it the young fighter had it upgraded. Also he has named it Amenzanil. During his last visit to the bazaar, Zerith was fortunate enough to have an enchanted placed on his halberd. Now with it’s lightning enchantment, the weapon crackles with electricity and streaks of lightning leap and arc across the blade. One thing is certain, if you get hurt by this weapon, you’ll feel it. (enchanted bought here. (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=3521))

Serrated Steel dagger: This six-inch dagger bought was purchased along with Zerith’s bracers. Although it’s probably clear as the design of the handle matches those of the spiked bracers as well.

Demonhide/Titanium Bracers: After the encounter with the demons and the possessed sword, Zerith was lucky enough to come across some demonhide. Though there wasn’t much of the black material, he was able to have enough for it to be added to his spiked bracers. He also added some razors to them, making the bracers look even more vicious. (upgraded here. (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=3521))

Steel Chain Mail: This armor once belonged to Zerith’s father. Yet for some reason the original owner left them before he disappeared. Seeing as how he needed some protection anyways Zerith donned the chain shirt shortly before leaving home.

Bronze Compass and map of Corone and Scara Brae: A simple bronze compass and a parchment with a map for each city. Rasal’s wife in gratitude gave these two things to Zerith for saving her from her husband.

Exarion: The black stallion that once given to Bryce by the stables, which Zerith decided to take as his. The horse is a solid black except for the white marking between its eyes. Also, although Zerith doesn’t realize it. Exarion is actually a Fallien horse, one of the few that the stables had. (obtained here. (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=902&page=6))


Uprising- This spell can be of great help to Zerith as it increases his strength for a short period of time lasting up to 5 minutes maximum. Frequent use of this spell causes Zerith to suffer from over-exhaustion. While Zerith may not be able to lift boulders it does give him just enough strength to force a weapon out of the hands of some opponents equal to his abilities. Although now after using this ability quite a bit it can now increase Zerith’s strength up to 3 times the strength of a normal human. Not only that but it also increases Zerith’s agility up to 2 times more than the normal human as well.

Shatter: With more experience in wars, tournament and fights. Zerith has come up with a new technique to help him when he finds himself in a tight spot. With a great outburst of strength, Zerith can deliver a blow to an opponents weapon that can possibly break it, perhaps even shatter. At it’s current stage though, he can only break weapons as strong as steel or below. If he tries to break a weapon of tougher material, the most he can hope to do is knock the weapon out of the hands of it’s wielder. He can only use this ability once per thread. (To prevent powergaming, permission must be given before Zerith can break a PC’s weapon. However it is more likely that if the technique is used against a PC, it will probably just disarm the character for a short time.)

Swordplay-Zerith was taught to learn how to use a sword since he was a young boy. Thankfully these teachings have saved Zerith’s life many times. Currently his skills equal of that of any soldier.)

Polearm Proficiency- Ever since Zerith obtained his halberd he has been using it as much as he could. Now, it has come to the point where the halberd is his weapon of choice. His skills with polearms have increased drastically, to the point where he’s now an expert at wielding Amenzanil.


It all started many years ago in a small village. It wasn’t big but the people there knew each other well and they worked as one community. If it was by fate or by luck is still questionable but somehow a man named Sevelakath came across the village. Nobody knew anything about him and there were a bunch of stories between everyone about his history. Some said he was a prince of a country that was destroyed by a larger force while others claimed that this man was actually a warlord that after many victories he lost his army in a single defeat. Also, there was the story that Sevelakath was a courageous knight looking for his princess in order to be reunited with his true love. Nobody would ever know just what this man’s history was as he never talked about it. However the village took him in and from that day forward he lived there and became a member of the community.

In the same village there was also a young woman named Sonja. She was one of those kind hearted souls that loved children and tending to the sick. Everyone loved her and wanted to see the best for her. Somehow everyone had the same idea on what would be the best thing to happen to his or her precious Sonja. Everyone wanted to see Sonja fall in love and marry Sevelakath and each soul guessed when he or she thought it would happen. However none of them were ready to see just how fast their hopes would become a reality. When the two met they quickly connected to one another and before long they were in love and were married. Their wedding day was one the village would look back on and smile

It was no surprise either that about nine or ten months later the happy couple had a new member to their family, Although the baby Zerith had no clue, the village expected to see great things from. Everyone wondered what the boy would turn out like. Would he be a caring individual that reached out with kindness like Sonja did often? Or would he be like his father, a righteous man that was skilled with a sword? Many people wished that he would be a mix of both, a combination of compassion alongside a strong sense of justice that would drive him to stand up for a good cause and help others.

Zerith’s early childhood was a memorable one. The proud parents loved him dearly and from an early age taught him what would be his morals. They also taught him about love, while that there wasn’t one type of love but in instead three. There was the type of love shared between siblings, family and friends. The second was the type of love that was shared between lovers and thirdly was the type of love where one would lay his life down for another. To the young boy this self-sacrificial love was the greatest of the three. During his childhood his father also taught him how to wield a blade. Luckily Zerith, Sevelakath was the one of the best swordsmen in the village so he learned quite a bit but still if it was his fathers wish…the boy would never have to use a sword in his life.

However when Zerith was 12, everything in world changed. A normal day would have comprised of his father and a group of other men going out into the forest to hunt for the day. It was a shame though that this wouldn’t be a normal day. The men went out and the day continued on but those men and Sevelakath didn’t return that night. Everyone was worried and when the group didn’t return the second day the fears of everyone would only get worse. Day after day everyone waited to see their loved ones but everyday they would be disappointed. As years went by everyone eventually gave up and went back to their normal lives. Sonja was terrified that a monster or a gang of thieves had killed her husband. Still Zerith would often dream of seeing his father and the other men walk out of the forest and greet all of them with open arms. That dream never came true in the end.

Time continued to pass and when Zerith was 17 he realized something. His dream would never come true so he would have to take things into his own hands. He made some preparations over a few days until one night he put his plan into motion. Waking up in the middle of the night he took his fathers sword, donned some chain mail armor and left a letter for his mother that told her what he planned to do. In the darkness of the night the teenager disappeared out of the village and into the forest which Sevelakath disappeared in years ago. He wouldn’t return until he had either found his father with the others or if he found his father’s grave as at least that way he would be sure Sonja wouldn't live the rest of her life in constant worry. Since that dream Zerith had never came true he decided to forge his own, new dream by his own hands.

After few years Zerith has still been unable to find his father. Instead he has had learned some valuable lessons and has made a few friends and acquaintances. One good friend of his named Zevernus actually traveled with him for a bit but the two ended up going their separate ways. A year after that the two met in Scara Brae, although the circumstances could have been better. Zerith had taken a job involving him trying to find out of his employer’s wife had been cheating on him. The job the man named Rasal offered him would have been an easy one except for the fact that the person the wife was seeing was Zevernus. In the end Zerith couldn’t bring himself to kill his old friend and that only lead to more trouble. In order to kill both of them Rasal hired another assassin to try and kill Zerith and Zevernus. Yet in the end two youth managed to make it out with their lives and confronted an angry Rasal. Surrounded by flames that were tearing Rasal’s house apart, Zerith and his former employer crossed swords. Luckily for the youth he was the one to come out of the building alive, unlike that bastard Rasal.

Shortly the two friends separated again Zerith took another job. This time he would work alongside three others name Rheawien, Tiaryn and Modrue and the three would have to try and defend a fortress against a rather large brigade. However before the battle even started Tiaryn and Modrue left, leaving the young Zerith and the dark-haired woman to help Captain Ganitorax save his fortress and recruits. After a fierce confrontation with the leader of the brigade Zerith and Rheawien were able to survive the large battle alongside 20 of the recruits. Although Ganitorax died along with all the others that were stationed at the fortress, Zerith and Rheawien came back to Scara Brae as heroes. Not to mention the young fighter received his first bit of war experience.

After that ordeal the youth decided it was best to leave the island and try looking elsewhere. During his travels he took part in the Acolyte Wars and suffered a defeat. Then after that he joined the Theatre of War under the courage faction. There he was put into a duel with a stranger and although Zerith was the won the fight, he lost his precious Valori shard. Perhaps he would have better luck next time.

As he continued his search for his father Zerith ended up being chosen for something he was unaware of. For some reason the youth was selected to join “The Chosen”, a group of mages and their warders to help fight a great threat to magic itself. Although he decided to join them Zerith is still determined to find Sevelakath. Hopefully he wouldn’t have to look much longer.

Shortly after being bonded to Jasmine, the two decided they had might as well spend some time getting to know each other. So the two spent a few days in Moriah to allow the princess to attend a ball while Zerith rested at her estate. The next day though, both the mage and her warder were shocked when an army suddenly appeared on Moriah’s doorstep and attacked. Hamasha feel immediately, and with it the army entered bringing it’s own surprise for the halberdier. To his amazement, his father Sevelakath lead the army into the city they conquered. After the intial meeting both Zerith and Jasmine fled to Nadai to prepare to defend the sapphire throne. After gather an army of his own, Zerith lead his forces against his father’s in a battle that would decide the fate of the small kingdom. Sevelakath was defeated, but not before revealing who really was the head behind the black army. Together Zerith, Jasmine and Sevelakath all stormed back into Hamasha to wage war not only on the man who wanted King Eric’s throne. But the man who was also convinced Sevelakath into leading his army with the promise of allow him and the other men who disappeared with him to return to their families. Aric fell, and his defeat marked a great victory for Moriah and the reunion between Father and Son. After the ordeal was over, Zerith was also surprised when he realized something. He was beginning to develop feelings for Jasmine.

After Sevelakath departed to return home, Zerith continued travelling. He helped free a slave from some slavers in Salvar and even formed a suddenly alliance with some other adventurers to fight off demons and possessed villagers. He also entered in a number of tournaments including the Serenti Invitation and the Cell. Sadly, he was unable to see past the first round in any. There is always next time though.

It was long afterwards until the halberdier found his another job. The task was simple, convince a horse breeder to leave the stables she was working at and join a new group called the ‘Granders Order’. However she refused to come willingly, forcing the group to come up with another plan. While two of the people he was working with drugged her and essentially kidnapped her. Zerith lead a man named Banda to deal with a certain guard named Bryce and clear a path. Both Bryce and his guards fell, allowing the four adventurers to return to Erebus with in triumph. In the process, the halberdier claimed Bryce’s horse as his. So another trophy was added to his collection.

01-26-07, 06:22 PM