View Full Version : Sorry everyone.

01-27-07, 07:17 AM
Once more I must apologize. Although I am out of regents week and I am trying to get back to my regular schedule, I seem to be suffering from a bout of that horrible disease...*takes a deep breath*..."writers block". *screams erupt out of the darkness* Yes I know. Tis a terrible thing. I am trying my best to write, but I have seemed to have lost all sense on writing on here. Alas, this affliction does not seem to pertain to me in the real world, as I am currently writing a book there. Based on real life, but of course I add little odds and ends.

And so I must sadly admit that unless some miraculous change happens quickly in the next few days while I am away from the computer, the quests that I am in must either postponed, depending on the size and importance, or that my character must be taken out of the quest itself. I am not afraid of the latter and I will not hesitate to alter or delete posts that would make it neccesary for such to happen.

So until then, adieu', dear fellow Althanians.

Edit: I still check PM on here and you can e-mail me at clouds_masamune@yahoo.com for any questions.

01-27-07, 07:28 AM
I shudder at the thought. *Shudders*

Murakama: You already said you shudder at the thought. No need to do it again, Raven.

Me: Nevermind...

Anyways, come back when inspiration knocks at your door.

Oh, and fix that link in your sig as well. ^_^;

01-27-07, 08:27 AM
Sorry to hear that, Seth. Writer's block is a major bitch. I've been having one myself for some time, though it never was selective writer's block! That's pretty odd and intriguing, by the way...

But eh, it's okay. It's a bummer that our quest is on a moratorium, but what's more important is that you you should enjoy writing in it, so until you do, I can just hope and wish for you to get writer's diarrhea.

Hope you'll find your Althanas Muse again!

01-27-07, 09:20 AM
hey no worries, writer's block doesn't last forever^^

hope you get over it soon, but don't worry about it, we all understand since we all have or will suffer from writer's black.

just take it easy and do other fun stuff and you're drive should come back.