View Full Version : The Happy Fun Time Game

01-27-07, 07:28 AM
Once upon a time, a friend of mine invented a game meant to be played on forums. It started small, and turned into a main attraction. O.o Warning: Has made people with no sense of humor throw themselves under busses when they realized they were overcome by fits of giggling.


This is an ongoing 'story'. It doesn't have to make a single speck of sense, and is actually not supposed to. There's only one catch. You may only have five words per post, and they have to have SOME sort of coherancy to fit the five previous. Run-on sentances are fine but it has to use correct english! (You may also wanna limit yourself to a couple entries per day unless not a lot of peeps play!)

Example (each line would be a seperate post):

There once was a farmer
who owned a chainsaw which
he would use to scramble
his eggs and to cut
his elephant's heads off. He
owned a herd of them and
a pet corn cob named
Pinky who was actually purple.
Although Pinky was purple he
seemed to like watching the
news and reading the obituaries.

The possibilities are limitless, and will frighten your children, and for that matter, your parents.

Although this thread is rated NC-17, keep it clean folks!

May be deleted at mod's discression if viewed as too spammy.

I'll start. ;)

************************************************** **********
One day in the vasty

01-27-07, 07:37 AM
foul smelling gangreen infected vagina

01-27-07, 07:43 AM
I thought this forum was rated lower than NC-17... :(

I'd hold off on this first...

01-27-07, 07:49 AM
I just didn't want another one of these. Sorry, cutie.

01-27-07, 09:36 AM
Of these? Didn't realize anyone'd already done it. I've only seen one before, on a different forum.

I apologise.

But you could have said so in the first place.

In any case, dunt discuss it here. If a mod wants to make it spontaneously combust, is fine. Otherwise, play or don't~ Thanks.

01-27-07, 10:13 AM
ok whoops ignore me

01-27-07, 10:20 AM
That's seven words and it doesn't go with vasty haha...

Five words silly kitty! Can be like... in the vasty- nothingness of space, plains of purple poldadotted porcupines.. would start with a noun or an adjective prolly.

01-27-07, 11:29 AM
Sorry, we do consider this type of thing to be too spammy. We encourage that all creativity be exercised in the IC forums instead.