View Full Version : The Shadows of Siukan's Haven

Sighter Tnailog
01-28-07, 12:05 AM

"When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, 'I will return to the house I left.' When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first."
--Luke 11:24-25

When Findelfin stepped into the glade, he was struck by how unchanged it was. The very air smelled the same, like grass bruised slightly underfoot and wood slowly rotting into soil. A decaying log leaned awkwardly against a small rock bluff jutting from the forest floor, the entrance to a cave cut out of it. It looked like a mouth opened in a terrible shout, but the only sound coming out was silent, ominous: an empty cry in a fearsome dream.

The only thing that had changed was the light. Thick beams cut through the canopy, suspended like rafters in an old attic. When Findelfin last entered, it had been broad daylight, but now it was darkening to dusk. That, at least, seemed fitting. Hefting his pack, which included more than enough supplies, he took the remaining few steps towards the cavern.

As he walked, he crumpled a scrap of paper within his fist. Nobody was here; he had been foolish. He had seemed it appropriate at the time, to write out a flyer and disperse it through Radasanth. That was how he had started this so long ago, when he responded to a poster on a bazaar stall. But people were busier now, their lives filled with work, their time too precious to devote to a silly journey through an ancient ruin. It was silly to Findelfin now, as dusk faded into night, to even think there would be a response. He would have to descend into Siukan’s Haven alone. He had thought about asking Legeliwyn himself, but considering what his friend had faced here, he couldn’t ask him to come back.

Stepping towards the portal, he paused. He wanted to taste the air one last time before entering that cavernous darkness. And something told him that he needed to wait until the light was totally gone.

Night was the perfect time to descend into shadow, as you didn’t need to fall so far.

Darkness Impulse
01-28-07, 03:23 PM
((This is taking place before my solo, which I know is ended.))

"Evil: It is a term that means absolutely nothing to me. I had never used the word. What is 'evil,' anyway? Is it anything but a word used by the 'good' to justify their own means? No. Vanquishing evil, conquering darkness, they mean nothing. I am in this world to simply do what I think is best, regardless of what people say of me.

Why do I speak of evil? My reason is Trinfalmesca, an ancient and powerful weapon kept deep within some rumored ruins. What kind of weapon it is, I do not know. Legends say that it was once used by an evil deity, and it was cursed after it was lost. A weapon so evil, that it says the blades are the color of blood. Curses? Evil? Bah, in my hands it is but a blade, not a cursed blade nor an evil one. It will be mine."

~ Lialmont Tempest

Normally Lialmont wouldn't have decided to come during daybreak, but considering that it was a venture deep into the forest of Concordia, he would make an exception. It wouldn't matter when someone would come, for even a barbarian could hide himself within the deep boughs of trees.

The receding sun gave the forest a peaceful red glow, penetrating through the many holes that the boughs above created. It was almost surreal, silence engulfed the whole of the forest. Save the crackling leaves and twigs breaking under Tempest's soft steps and the occassional wind howl, it was totally silent. Not an eerie silence, but a golden silence. There was no doubting the fact that one could find peace so easily here, lost in the maze of trees, shrubs and flower patches. Watching as shadows danced in a mad waltz across the leafy ground, your average bunny or deer drinking in a clear stream. He had never been to Underwood himself, but he could guess that they lived in peaceful bliss.

Now, the ninja was no spelunker himself, but he knew that when he saw the large rocky bluff protruding from the forest floor that he must've found what he was looking for. The only rock bluff he had seen for a while in his travels through Concordia. He was behind it, about ten yards. He couldn't see anyone else around it, but he knew that he wouldn't be alone in here. He remembered seeing a sign posted up back in Radasanth that said a man was looking for fellow adventurers to come deep into some ruins. Lialmont himself didn't know any information about them, besides the fact that Trinfalmesca lay deep within, and he didn't know what to expect. Was is a network of caves, or was it simply a castle in an underground stadium? He didn't know, but hopefully if he found anyone they would be able to enlighten him.

Rather than walking around, he just decided to walk on the rocks, presumably ending up right above the cave's entrance. As he was walking across the rocks he found himself looking down upon another man, standing before the cave. What was he waiting for? The ninja chuckled to himself, what would be the odds of finding someone so soon, not to mention before he even got in the cave? Heh...

"You are here to explore ruins? I guess I am at the right place then," He said with a jovial attitude. He decided to pretty much break the ice, for if indeed he was going into the ruins then Lialmont hoped that he wouldn't mind a partner. He didn't know what was in the caves, but he couldn't take any chances.

"Name's Lialmont, but you can just call me Tempest."

01-28-07, 03:27 PM
Wyn wove through the trees of Concordia like fog, traversing the wooded distance between him and the cave deftly and without sound. It was like he knew the way by heart. The last of the day's light was unneeded. Everywhere there was something he recognized--a stream vanishing under the earth at the juncture of two aging oaks, the skeleton of an oft-used fire pit in a lonely clearing, and finally the decaying log against the rocky outcrop that marked his goal.

Years ago, shortly after Wyn had abandoned his job as guardsman in his native village of Kalewin, he had come to this place called Siukan's Haven. A nearby town in the wood had contracted him to venture into the place and slay a malignant force that lurked within. Wyn, younger and more foolish than he was now, had accepted with little preparation. He had recruited through an advertisement and set off into the cavern with three others.

It had ended badly. Wyn had been possessed and by the force that lurked inside the cave, a thing that the citizens of the town had simply referred to as "the Shadow." The innards of the underground lair had collapsed, trapping Wyn there for months--delirious and mad in possession--until he had been rescued months later by a companion. It was a harrowing experience that Wyn had spent years trying to forget without success. When in the desert land of Fallien, he had encountered some relative, some reflection of the creature. He had defeated it that time, but had gained no satisfaction from the matter. He knew it still lived. Somehow the Shadow was tied to him now.

Returning here after all these years terrified him. But he was compelled. When he had caught sight of Findelfin's ad by chance in a Radasanthian tavern, the idea had consumed him. Findelfin did not know what he was getting himself into. No one knew the Shadow like he did... Except for maybe Devon Starslayer.

Wyn's eyes sharpened as saw an elf striding toward the mouth of the cavern. Another man also entered, seeming to introduce himself to Findelfin, another hapless adventurer who didn't know what he was getting into. Just as he had been all those years ago. “Wait!” he hissed, shouldering his pack and following after Findelfin.

“Stop!” he continued, his voice low and urgent. “You can't do this. There's no need. Don't you even remember what this thing did to me? What it did to Devon after he came back to rescue me? It took him and he hasn't been seen in years. He could be dead lying at the bottom of some river, he could be cavorting about with the devils at the bottom of Dis--we don't know. You have no right to do this to yourself, to drag this stranger with you!

“Leave this place with me. It still has Devon, Findelfin. It's not there anymore. This place, this tomb--it's empty... I beg you not to make it yours.” Wyn's eyes were pleading, but he knew the words he spoke were false. Somewhere down there in the dark the Shadow was waiting for them. He knew this. And he knew Findelfin knew, too.

Sighter Tnailog
01-28-07, 10:09 PM
((minor bunnying approved by all parties from this point forward))

The rays of light piercing the clearing faded slowly, their width thinning and their vision dimming. Findelfin, in somewhat of an idle state, mused that when the lights were gone, the forest would fall like a cathedral ceiling stripped of its buttresses. He soon found himself lost staring at them, waiting, waiting...waiting for night to fall.

He was so absorbed in watching this ballad of light and shadow that he started when a voice came from above. He leapt away from the wall and reached for his sword, half-drawing it before he saw the figure standing at the cliff's crown. The man seemed nonthreatening and his tone of voice wasn't aggressive. I'm too jumpy. Too jumpy by far.

Sliding Ainalindil back into its sheath, he held his hands wide and said, "Welcome. I'm glad to see I'm not in this alone. I'm afraid the halls of Siukan's Haven are much better traveled in packs." The man, who had just identified himself as Lialmont, jumped down the small distance and stood before Findelfin.

Findelfin bowed his head politely, then continued, "I'll call you Lialmont, if you don't mind...and I'm Findelfin. It appears we are on our own, but I hope tha--"

He was cut off by a familiar voice, but before he could turn to confirm his suspicion someone grabbed his arm and jerked him around. Wyn, his old friend, was talking rapidly and hysterically. Findelfin could see the fear in his eyes. But he didn't have time for this...indeed, this was why he hadn't asked Wyn to come. Grabbing his friend by the shoulders and giving him a good shake, he said, "Legeliwyn! Listen to me! I must go here. I must find out what this is all about...the Shadow is about more than you and Devon, and you know it. You heard what the Elder said!"

Leaving it at that, he turned back to Lialmont. "Lialmont, you've probably guessed that this is more than a ruin. You are right. I...we...have been here before, and it was not easy. At least one of our party did not come out alive, and one came out only later, and much changed. There are things in Siukan's Haven of great power -- our explorations did not get even halfway into this place. But there are things in here too that would strip your soul from your flesh and leave you a bare shell of a man. If you are willing to go with me into this place, say the word and it shall be done."

Turning to Wyn, Findelfin said, "You don't have to come with me, Wyn. But I'm going, whether you like it or not." He looked back to Lialmont, awaiting an answer.

Darkness Impulse
01-28-07, 10:38 PM
Ah yes, he had indeed found what he was looking for. "Siukan's Haven," as Findelfin had called it. The name had no significance to him, but it sounded pretty fancy.

Tempest's eyes widened when Fin was approached by a stranger and confronted, speaking in a craze. They seemed to know eachother, though, for the warrior replied with similar words. Apparently he was one of those who had ventured into Siukan's Haven before. "Well then, a reunion!" Lialmont thought to himself, "I don't suppose that we'll be getting lost anytime soon in this Haven then."

"Yet another who is plagued by memory. It saddens me to see how much fear that the past can put unto those who are brave enough to dive into it's murky waters. People die from remembering, from acting on remembrance.

I do not suffer from this disease, this disease that makes one choke on what has happened before. I do not linger in that poison mist.

So I reply to you, Findelfin, yes. Am I willing? Definitely. There is not a doubt in my mind or a creature in this Haven that will stop me from acquiring Trinfalmesca. Not even Death himself will stop me."

~ Lialmont Tempest

Lialmont simply stood in front of Fin, listening as he went on about what had happened in that cave in the past. Not really listening, but just brushing the words from his mind. He cared not about who died in the past in there or how, did not care about what could happen to him if he went in there. He lived neither in the past or the future, but the present.

Night was quickly creeping its way into Concordia, the penetrating rays of sunlight being pulled back into the celestial orb that was called the sun. A light, cool and fresh breeze blew through the area, rustling leaves and branches giving the surroundings a nice and peaceful feeling. He took a deep breath, as he was sure that Findelfin had done it too, for after they ventured into that cavern, he was sure that the air wouldn't be as fresh, as cool. Time would freeze, and it would be just them and whatever else lingering within.

Rather than answering Fin right away, he just watched in silence while the two conversed. He didn't want to be rude and interrupt. His time came though, when Findelfin looked away from the stranger and to him, probably for his answer. Lialmont nodded in response, "There's nothing you can say or do that will stop me from going in there, despite what has happened before." He had walked all the way there from Radasanth, he was not about to turn around and leave again just because one of them is a little afraid!

01-29-07, 04:10 PM
Wyn attempted to guard his dismay as he listened to Findelfin speak, betraying it only with a slight widening of his eyes. It was not as if he had expected Findelfin to relent so easily, but the elf had seemed far too adamant about this. We’ve barely caught our breath after our last suicidal adventure and he goes careening into another, he thought. I don’t have to let him drag me down there with him. I could just leave.

But Wyn had no intentions of going back to Radasanth if Findelfin and Lialmont were going down into that cavern. While Findelfin had been in Siukan’s Haven before, he had no notion of what it was like to be possessed by the Shadow. The fact that half of their party had escaped unscathed on their last journey had been an accident of luck. If Findelfin and his companion were going to travel into the Haven without any knowledge of what they were facing, they would not last long. As terrified as Wyn was, he was resolved to do this. Perhaps he could bring closure to this dark chapter of his life.

“You’re making a grave mistake, Findelfin,” he said evenly, the hysteria shrinking from his voice. “The Elder—that creature that once tried to kill you—may just have found a convenient way to get rid of you. I’m sure my grandfather never trusted him.”

Wyn sighed quietly as Findelfin entered the cave. There would be no convincing him. I could turn around now, he thought. But if I do, I’ll wonder what would have happened had I gone with them for the rest of my life. It will haunt me as it always has. I will see this to its end tonight… Whatever end that might be.

He turned toward Lialmont, looking into the man’s eyes. He was silent for several moments before he spoke. “I called this place a tomb,” he said, “but in truth there are things worse than death down here. I urge you not to come with us. This is no treasure hunt and it is no noble crusade. It’s the two of us running toward something we should be trying desperately to escape… You should go. You have no past here. If you come with us, there’s a good chance that you will have no future anywhere.”

Wyn slung his small pack, filled with supplies and equipment he had picked up in Radasanth, over his shoulder. He quickly checked to make sure his longsword was secure in his scabbard and all of his knives were ready. There was nothing left to do.

He hoped that Lialmont would take his advice and go back to whatever place he called home. To look for some adventure that would not be as bleak as theirs. But he knew it would not be so. Findelfin had already turned to walk into the cave, and Lialmont was close behind. Without so much as a glance to the outside world that he might never see, Wyn once more stepped after Findelfin into the shadows of Siukan’s Haven.

Sighter Tnailog
02-03-07, 09:47 PM
The silky dim of the moonlight and the starlight was like noonday when compared to the oppressive darkness inside the cavern. And the cool breezes that drifted underneath the trees were like fiery gusts when set against the clammy chill within those empty halls. Like twin armies charging against the same fortification, the cold and the black attacked Findelfin as he entered; he had forgotten how utterly forlorn this place was, how it tried to enter those who entered it. Something in the very atmosphere seemed to contend with all within its domain.

He had torches, tinder, food, and all manner of supplies in his pack, but it was too soon to waste the fire. There were things in these deeps that would fear fire, and it was too soon. Instead, he drew Ainalindil. The glowing white blade cast a pale glow for a few feet all around. It was just enough to see for a few steps ahead, and barely enough to make out the features of his companions. Lialmont's form loomed close, his face blurred and washed out in the half-light. Behind him Findelfin could barely make out the face of his friend. So Wyn will come after all. I hope we don't regret this...

Findelfin didn't know yet what to make of the second person with them. This Lialmont looked capable enough...he could probably hold up against the Ukks, at least for a little while. And he seemed free enough from the darkness that seemed to dog the pasts of Findelfin and Wyn. But he seemed young...only the young could make speeches like the one Findelfin had heard outside. Age and experience seemed to rob the dramatics from a soul; Findelfin had made speeches and stirred the hearts of many before. But it seemed so long ago.

He had to say a few words before they went farther. He spoke, his voice low and hushed, "We must move fast. The first section of these halls is occupied by creatures called the Ukks. They form tribes, and fight against each other, but they will gladly band together if they find us here. Follow me, stay close to the light, and if you must speak, speak low. Whispers carry far in dark places under the earth."

Findelfin turned and set off, following the paths he remembered from so long ago. He trusted that they would follow him, but he couldn't wait to see. If they tarried in the antechambers of Siukan's Haven, they were sure to run into the Ukks. And that would end their journey before it began.

((Wyn and DI, feel free to post once more each, but I'm waiting for Skie before going on with my next post.))

Skie and Avery
02-07-07, 09:16 PM
((I apologise for keeping you peeps waiting. I was hoping to step in after you'd all descended into the hollow, so my intro won't be seeing me joining you, just yet. XD If this is a problem, let me know and I'll have no problem in editing. Also, after Findelfin's next reply, I'll edit to get rid of this ooc nonsense.))

As the day's end fast approached Concordia, there lay a city within the forest boundaries that was also preparing to welcome the night. A single demon sat on the tall gateposts that circled the city. In the realm of Concordia, the gate only encircled a nine square foot plot of land. The city of sex demons attatched within like a parasite, existing on a plane that few ever saw.

The watcher of this small gate was a woman, with a single black wing. Her long black hair was tied at the nape of her neck, the majority of the strands falling just in the right place to conceal where her wing poked out of the back of the green striped shirt, the rest falling from her temples to frame her young face. Dark blue eyes, with lights like falling stars crossing the iris, watched the forest for any movement. Word of an angelic attack on the city had spread like wildfire, and all precautions were being taken. A small horn stay attatched to the woman's brown denim pants, one of her small hands holding it as if she were waiting any moment for a need to use it.

A figure landed beside her on the gate, and Skie turned. One hand pulled the sword from her side, the other lifted the horn to her lips. She stopped short, however, when her eyes met those of the hooded figure that now sat by her side. A fair-haired man nodded to her, as much distrust in his deep brown eyes that lay in hers, but she handed over the horn to him and dropped onto the forest floor. Fallen leaves crunched under her feet as the amber lights of evening turned slowly to the gray hues of twilight. She paused at the gates of the city, cocking her head.

Something felt out of place. The breeze churned up the smaller leaves at her feet, and brought something else. A scent that was familiar came to her, and she breathed heavily. There, in the smells of the forest, the Soema flowers that lined the pathways to the Moontae village, lie a memory more searing than fire. A man, once noble and good, twisted to wickedness by a shadow behind his eyes. She smelled something of her father, the something that lingered on his body and breath the one time she'd faced him down and announced herself as his daughter.

Was Devon Starslayer here?

She felt that it wasn't - couldn't - be him, but still, the scent beckoned. Sliding her sword once more firmly to her side, she turned and headed into the forested night.

Sighter Tnailog
04-28-07, 08:58 PM
Moved, plan to restart soon with different operations.

Sighter Tnailog
04-28-07, 08:59 PM
Moved, will restart soon with new operational method.