View Full Version : Pans Labyrinth

Lazarus Corrinth
01-28-07, 08:58 AM
Alright I just saw this movie last night and personally thought it was amazing and very intriguing to say the least, but I was wondering what you guys thought of this. Try not to give anything away to people who haven't seen it though.

01-28-07, 10:07 PM
I've heard it's very good but none of the theaters near my house or college have been playing it.

01-29-07, 02:39 AM
I saw comercials and my gf went to see it without me [grr] and they said it was amazing. I want to see it but I'd have to go to indianapolis to do so, thats the closest place...3 hours away.

Lazarus Corrinth
01-29-07, 05:42 AM
Luckily I have an indie theater not too far away from my house so I got to see it :)

02-01-07, 10:16 PM
Heheh, oh the joys of working at a movie theatre...

I thought the movie was great. Imaginative and very beautifully done. The creatures in it were amazing and if I turned a corner and saw that thing with eyes in it's hands coming for me I'd probably pee my pants. I wish they would have focused more on the fantasy bits of the story and less on the war though. I understand the circumstances it takes place in but I thought they could have delved deeper into this make belief world the girl was living in.

02-01-07, 10:25 PM
Oh, the joys of being dragged around by a mistress that works at a movie theatre... :p

Personally, I thought the movie was worth seeing. It could've done better if they elaborated more on the make-believe world Ofelia was living in. The ideas of it surrounding war made it all the more targeted, because you'd have to imagine the situation this little girl was in upon being visited by such fascinating creatures.

It's a film I'd probably enjoy seeing again. Up for it another time, Witchblade? :D lol

02-09-07, 07:27 PM
hehe, they actually played the movie in Reno of all places^^

I really enjoyed the movie a lot. The fantasy was great but it really kept the balance in a way to show that the girl lived in the real world and it made you wonder if it was real or the girl was delusional, but never went to far either way. I also liked how they made the Captain more terrifying than any of the fantastic monsters. Only qualm was that the CG was a little too obvious at times.