View Full Version : Shipwreck Salvage

01-28-07, 12:11 PM
[Continued from Quest #1 (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=2699). Closed.]
Just returned from his trip to Alerar, Sid found himself wandering without purpose. At first, he almost considered another trip to the Citadel, but his lost to a man, or thing, known as Koran was still too fresh. It had been a humiliating defeat, and in the short month since, Sid found it unlikely the regulars would have forgotten. He would not be mocked, making a wide path around the citadel and finding himself in Radasanth.

Walking through the bazaar, several weapons attracted his attentions but were beyond his means. The harsh pricings of quality weapons made it ever more apparent the lacking of coin in his purse. As he moved down the streets, one particular stall seemed to be attracting a great deal of customers. Figuring he had nothing better to do, Sid stopped for a look inside.

Posters were strewn all across the inside; walls, desks, even the floor was covered with them. Various mercenary types moved back and forth looking over each one carefully, some even taking the posters down and approaching a large seated man in the far back of the stall and having quiet conversations. Too far away to hear, Sid moved as inconspicuously close as he could and focused on a large poorly written sign pinned to the wall, his eyes saw it but he didn’t see it. Just audible, he overheard one particular conversation between a big and apparently unarmed man and the seated one.

Cannons? So this is a Corone recruitment…Helping the government? I guess it wouldn’t hurt to be on the good side of the law, and if one or two of the cannons are ‘missing’ I could get a nice side profit. Whatever a cannon is, if Corone wants it then I can definitely get something for one or two.

A few merchant vessels had been bringing back supplies, in actuality cannons, that had been bought in Alerar when they went missing. Sid had heard all he needed to, including the name of the ship and captain. All he had to do was reach the Acheron before the big oaf that had taken the job, and then he’d be well on his way to purchasing a proper sword, and not one of the shiny toys merchants tried to pawn off to just any fool.

Leaving the kiosk as calmly as he could, Sid walked quickly towards the piers while keeping a lookout for the other man. Taking long, fast strides Sid quickly made his way there as he passed through the markets, through a section of fish sellers, and finally arrived at the piers. The smell of sea salt was strong in the air, birds flocked overhead, dead fish reeked, and four large ships lay anchored and tied off. But which one was the Acheron?

Fallen King
02-01-07, 05:31 PM
((Please note that the quotes in this post are from the employment kiosk.))

It wasn’t often that Vernon found himself in the Bazaar, not after what had happened a few years ago. Yet now the vagrant, the former king of the mixed martial arts world, wondered the streets of bazaar for the first time in years despite having virtually no money. In a way it actually pained him. All the look of all the fine items he would never be able to own, the smell of all the great foods that he could no longer afford to eat; so much kept reminding him of the life he used to have not to long ago.

“I guess it’s true what they say, being poor is a real bitch, especially once you get used to being rich,” thought the depressed bum as he took another long swig from his cigarette.

He just needed to find that employment kiosk. Hopefully then he could at least get some decent cash in his pocket and get back on his feet.

“Yeah, just like in those fucking fairy tales,” he thought bitterly as he finished off his cigarette.

It was around that time that he picked up several people mulling around one a very odd looking booth. Moving a bit closer it didn’t take Vernon long to figure out that it was the place he was looking for, after all, not too many shops (or any for that matter) were made out of stone. The down on his luck fighter broke into a slow run as he moved through the crowd to get a view of what jobs were being offered.

As his eyes scanned over the available jobs the only thing Vernon really looked at was the rewards each job offered, the job description itself didn’t really matter to him, he had long since passed the point where things such as pride and dignity got in the way of a potential paycheck. It didn’t take more than one or two days with out food or drink to learn that lesson.

“1000 gold plus another 500 bonus.”[/b]

Those words immediately jumped out in his mind, increasing his spirits considerably. He didn’t think he would ever get a chance to see that kind of money again.

“I’ll take job #1 please,” said Vernon with a slight twinkle in his dull blue eyes.

Bann wondered when somebody would pick number one. He had specific instructions about that particular mission, orders that came down from very high above in the military food chain, and he was no to recruit anybody who looked suspicious. This lad that walked in a confidently asked for number one didn't seem like much, but then again, he wasn't one of those shady types either.

"Ah, number one. This one is quite a pickle, but our boys down at the docks could always use another pair of hands. Corone Navy has five ships docked there, waiting to be supplied and manned. It’s hard to miss them; they’re the only contingent of war frigates present at the docks. You should report to Rafnar Aleemos, captain of the ‘Acheron’. He’ll find something for you to do on one of the five ships. It all depends on your skills.”

"I do hope you have some skills and I don’t mean just at seafaring.” the vendor continued. He didn’t need to look into his tome of information; he knew all about this particular mission because the talk about it filled the taverns. “Sure, the officials say that the three cargo ships just got lost in one of the storms and ran aground, but if that was the case, they wouldn’t be recruiting mercs and sending a bunch of armed guards on a rescue mission, now would they? So don’t be surprised if you find something other then just shipwrecks amidst those islands up north. Especially given the contents of the cargo.”

He paused, looked around for any eavesdroppers, then continued. “You see, those three ships carried a shipment of cannons that Corone purchased from Alerar recently and it is of utmost importance that this cargo is brought back to Radasanth. If the crew is still alive, all the better. If you manage to capture those responsible for this shipwrecking, more shinnies for you. The brass up in the Palace would sure like to know who wanted to thwart their arming effort.”

“Acheron eh? Something about that name sounds familiar,” mused the large fighter as he walked away from the employment kiosk.

Despite the fact that he didn’t like boats much (mostly due to an incident involving a hurricane off the coast of Raiaera several years ago) he couldn’t help but be a little happy. He the job he had just managed to snag was a respectable well paying job that might even get him in good favor with the Corone naval forces. Needless to say it was a huge step up from the crappy jobs as a bouncer or hired muscle that he had been getting recently.

There was a bit of haste in his step, not to mention a bit more spring as well. The heavy, depressed trudge was gone from Vernon’s legs (at least for now). He was actually looking the docks weren’t far. No more than about a 3-mile walk from where the employment kiosk was but the former champion was actually a bit excited. Though he wasn’t naive enough to think it true, part of him truly felt his life was about to take a turn for the better with his new job.

“Hell even if thinks don’t exactly turn great for me, at least it’s a step in the right direction. More than I can say for the last several shitty jobs I’ve had.”

After about an hour and a half of walking the cold air started becoming moist and salty. The diverse crowd of people, elves and dwarves that flocked the bazaar turned into a more homogeneous group of rough sailors and poor fish vendors. The smells of perfumes, meats, and a wide variety of other exotic things gave way to the smells of salt, and fish.

The prizefighter looked over the docks, observing the wide array of ships. Everything from fancy looking luxury passenger ships, to sturdy merchant ships built to carry large amounts of a wide variety of goods, to naval ships both large and small to small privately owned fishing and sail boats was docked at Radasanth’s harbor. The only problem now was figuring out which boat belonged to old captain Acheron.

“Damnit, knew I should of asked that fellow at the kiosk what the name of Acheron’s boat was. Ah well, might as well start asking around.”

02-02-07, 07:50 PM
Not familiar with ships, Sid didn’t exactly know how they were identified. Were they marked? Written on? Colored in a certain way? Pondering these questions for a minute, Sid almost decided he’d just have to guess. But that was out of the option, get on the wrong ship and the thaynes knew where he would end up. Left without any other options, Sid sighed heavily and set about his task.

Inquiring the local sailors as to which ship was the Acheron proved to be of little help, though the persistent stink of fish quelled any appetite he may have been building since breakfast. None of the sailors recalled ever working on a ship by that name, the fishermen hadn’t seen that ship, and Sid grew more frustrated at each person he asked. Having asked even the people that just walked by, many of them travelers, Sid had exhausted all other options. There was only one set of people left to ask, though he’d have preferred to keep away if at all possible.

Damn it all…I’d better not be seen.

A few minutes later and short a few coins, Sid had the answer he needed. The Acheron was indeed the only ship with four sail masts and a serpent head ram. Unreliable as it was, prostitutes often had surprisingly accurate information about such things, though Sid often found himself wondering whether he would have rather not known.

Approaching the ship, Sid was at a loss for just how he was to board it. Giving up, Sid hailed the captain. “Captain Aleemos, mind lowering a plank or something?” Hoping he’d gotten the name right, Sid waited a few seconds before a shiny bald head poked over the railing for a moment before retreating immediately. About to call out a second time, Sid stepped out of the way just seconds before a long wooden board slammed down exactly where he’d been standing only a moment before.

Walking up the makeshift bridge, Sid found himself the subject of measured glances from the ships crew. The captain approached him first, each appraising the other with keen eyes. The captain was a career soldier judging by his numerous scars, sturdy frame, and thickly calloused hands. Tall, bald with a salt and pepper mustache, dark brown eyes, the captain moved with a self confidence and spoke with the gruff undertone of command. “You’re faster than you look, heh. That’s good. Half the merc dogs they sent us weren’t so quick, and the quick ones didn’t swim too well when they fell. I suppose you’re the last one then? Could of used a slim one like you in the nest, but that last oar’s needs someone too.”

Not too familiar with nautical terms, it took Sid a moment before he realized what an oar was used for. Shit no! I’m not rowing this thing. Gotta be an out, but where? Turning from the captain supposedly to get a better view of the ship, Sid’s eyes stared out at the ocean with the far away glaze of deep thought. He had a few options, but he also needed to save face. It wouldn't do to look weak ever, much less in front of mercenaries and soldiers. Besides, navy ships didn't carry dead weight, not ever.

Blinking abruptly, Sid turned back to the captain. “There’s still a straggler on his way, and he’s a big guy too. I’m sure he’ll work that oar just fine. So, about this nest…”