View Full Version : Tempest's mid lvl update

Darkness Impulse
01-28-07, 09:21 PM
((Updates are in red))

NAME: Upon meeting with his love, Vanacrist Poalia, it has become known that his true name is Mordoc. But he still doesn't like to use it.. He has decided to take on a temporarily alias, "Lialmont Tempest."

AGE: 91 years.

HEIGHT/WEIGHT: 5'9", 157lbs.

RACE: Half-elven origin.


Lialmont is not the type of man to show intense emotion. He smiles, he laughs, he gets mad, never enough to blind his sight. He is intelligent, and knows what to do when the situation arrives. There is no love, nor hate in his mind. His philosophy: Get in his way, you die. Other then that, he couldn't care less about the fate of a man or a woman.

Tempest is quick thinking and strategic. He has wits, and knows how to use them. A tool for survival, the perfect partner for almost any mission. He works extremely well with others, most of the time. His quick thinking has saved many a partner's life in the past, and it won't stop now.

As far as everyone else knows, Lialmont is simply a mindless hard-working drone. Though the only thing you can see on his face is his bright blue eyes. If he smiled, no one would know it.

The only one who can apparently render Lialmont unable to suppress his emotions is Vanacrist. She is the only one that knows that he is just a softie under a hard shell.


Tempest is a free man, in all its sense. He does what he wants, when he wants, and doesn't feel that he should be forced to doing one thing for money. Though he could consider mercenary for a job, but that's a very broad category. He does try to keep out of trouble with the authorities though, rather than running around breaking the law and killing whomever he feels like.

After meeting with Vanacrist, it has become known that Lialmont is actually a rogue ninja from the clan "Karasi'minn." Nothing else is known about it.


He is not the strongest of men, nor is he the weakest. He has enough muscle wrapped around his slim body to satisfy his own means. He is not the tallest, or the heaviest man. Slim, agile, tough, the perfect combination for someone like him. If they were to be given numbers(compared to an average man), he would probably be 1.3x stronger, 1.5x more agile and dexteric.


Armor: Lialmont wears no armor but the clothes on his back. He does not need armor as much as people may think, and he even believes that armor is for cowards.

Kunai x5: These are the only bladed weapons that he owns, that he can also use in close combat. He is fairly accurate while throwing them(a little less than average) and is an average fighter while using them close-up like a dagger. They are made of simple steel, with 5-inch long blades that are about 2 inches wide.

Throwing Star x7: These are average run-of-the mill iron throwing stars. 7 pointed, with a 1-inch diameter.

Traveler’s Goods: This is simply a sack full of tools for survival out of civilization, such as some rations, hunting supplies, a rolled up mat for sleeping and some fire-making tools.


DARKNESS IMPULSE: This is Lialmont's unique ability that allows him to not only manipulate the shadows, but to create them as well. He can shape the darkness in various ways, such as a ball that can be thrown, or maybe even a blade can be created. It is also possible to camouflage oneself by using shadows around them. His current Darkness Impulse abilities are:

Shadow Orb: This can either be done by creating shadows, or manipulating those around him. This ability manifests a small ball of condensed shadow in the palm of his hand, smaller then his fist. They must be thrown with much accuracy, because for them to be effective they have to hit his opponent in the face. When hit, his opponent's vision darkens slightly. Not blinding them, but maybe enough to hinder their actions. The effect is only temporary, about 10 seconds. This is useful in already dark places.

Though he must be accurate, he may throw more then one ball at once. Currently, he can throw 2 shadow balls simultaneously.

Shadow Camo: This ability can only be done by manipulating the shadows around him. Using this ability, Tempest can temporarily cloak himself in darkness to an extent. He wraps himself with the shadow around him to make himself look like the environment. It is temporary, lasting only about half a minute. The potency of the camouflage varies with how much shadow there is to manipulate, but at most can only give him about a 30% camouflage.


Acrobatics: Lialmont is capable of doing many complicated acrobatic moves, such as running up or across a wall. He can run about 6 feet up or across a given wall. He is capable of jumps, various flips, etc. All is used to help him fight hand-to-hand. Not wearing any armor helps him by not weighing him down at all.

Martial Artist: At most times, Lialmont decides to wield one, or even two of his kunai in battle. He accomplishes this with the help of hand-to-hand martial arts. He focuses a lot on foot oriented martial arts. Spinning kicks, jumping kicks, jump-spin kicks, flip kicks, he does them all. He is an average martial artist currently.

Quick Resolve: Because Tempest has the ability to suppress his own emotions and not let them control him, he has a very quick resolve. If he knows what to do, he will do it, rather than wait to consider the feelings of himself and others. He thinks quickly, and acts quickly. This has saved his life many a time.


Lialmont is actually a very handsome man. After losing his headpiece from the encounter with Vanacrist Poalia, he has decided to just keep it off(well, until he has time to buy another). (The following is excerpted from There's Always a Girl (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=4095)) "His half-elf origins gave him the soft and hawk-like features like an elf, but also the ruggedness of a human. Combined with his smoothly tanned skin, she wondered just why he always covered that face up. A regular human nose, with fully pointed ears and small pink lips. But was strangest of all was his hair. Lialmont's brown hair, despite being kept under a headpiece for so long, was naturally straight and smooth. It was about shoulder length, and his bangs covered his face at just the right places to give him an angelic visage.

On his torso, he wears a black cloth tunic. A simple lightweight design with the sleeves cut off so there is no chance of arm movement being hindered. His shoulders are covered with black leather guards, with iron studs around the edges. There is a strap wrapped diagonally across his chest, where his 7 throwing stars rest. He wears a leather belt, where his 5 kunai are tucked into cloth sheathes on his side. He wears a pair of black leather gauntlets, simply to give his hands enough protection so that he never cuts himself with his blades, and he can grip the edges of various platforms for a period of time, allowing him to shimmy.

He wears tight black cloth pants, not too tight, but tight enough to not hinder leg movement. His black leather boots reach up to his knees, with a small iron plate on the front just for a little bit of style.


Lialmont chooses not to remember his past. For the past can bind a man as surely as irons. What he knows was that he was born in Raiaera, to a human father and elven mother. He knows not their appearance or name. He knows his past up to a few years ago. As far as siblings go, he believes that he has one brother, but his whereabouts are unknown to him. He does remember his true name, but decides not to tell a soul. He knows that he started training when he was but a child, and has had the strange Darkness Impulse ability since he was born.

During his travels to Akashima, Lialmont was forced to do a job for a man named Valor. Valor forced him to go to a certain tower in the middle of Akashima and check up on the status of a thing called "The Weapon." Upon going there, Lialmont met up with his lost love Vanacrist Poalia, who was supposedly this "Weapon." It turned out that he had been tricked by Valor, and that he was actually a gay psychopath that simply wanted to kill Tempest and strip him of his clothes(from what he could tell). After a quick escape from death, Lialmont has agreed to let Vanacrist travel around with him again.


NPC: Vanacrist

NAME: Vanacrist Poalia

AGE: 24

RACE: Human

HEIGHT/WEIGHT: 5'6"/125lbs.


Vanacrist is said to be(by Lialmont), soft on the inside and hard on the out. She is actually the opposite of that. Vanacrist is not afraid to be in touch with her deep emotions, and is not afraid to accept the past. Over her time spent with Lialmont, she has been able to make him do the same. Just like most man and woman relationships, eh?

She knows how to be cold though, no doubt. When things need to be done, she can do them; she knows how to be merciless. But nonetheless, she is an overall nice person(when not on a mission), outgoing and optimistic.

OCCUPATION: Well, as of now, Lialmont's partner.

BUILD: Vanacrist is a woman, but it still fairly strong. She is slender and wiry, her body being very flexible. She is probably just as strong as the average man, and is 1.6x more agile and dexteric than an average man.

EQUIPMENT: Vanacrist actually has nothing but a set of clothes to her name. As for a weapon, all she does is borrow one of Lialmont's kunai, and she is an average fighter with it.


Levitate: This is Vanacrist's innate ability to render her body almost weightless so she can float up to short heights. Currently she can levitate about 10 feet high, and has to keep levitation movements strictly vertical, maybe a little horizontal movement.

Dodge and Parry: Vanacrist's slim and flexible combined with quick reflexes allows her to fairly dodge and/or parry strikes. It would be fairly easy for her to dodge something big like maybe a warhammer or a greatsword.

Seduction: Vanacrist is the epitome of "beautiful." As such, she can use that natural beauty to seduce men into giving/telling her what she wants. Lialmont is able to resist it though, strangely. This works well on dim-witted men.

Shadow Orb: (not usable until level 1) This ability is similar to Tempest's, but since she has focused more on agility and dexterity the potency of each shadow ball has decreased, and she can currently only throw one at a time.

Shadow Camo: (not usable until level 1) Unlike Shadow Orb's lowered potency compared to Lialmont, Vanacrist's ability can actually camouflage her more effectively. The spell still lasts for half a minute, but at full potency it can camouflage her body 35%.

APPEARANCE(excerpted from There's Always a Girl (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=4095&page=2))

She had semi-long, straight and smooth, blonde hair, reaching about mid-back. Red, full and luscious lips with hazel green eyes, a longer than average nose, and strangely pointed ears. Her skin is smooth and tanned, a little lighter than Lialmont's. She wears nothing on her head.

On the rest of her body she now wears a simple black cloth gi. Though it is cloth, it is double layered so as to provide a little protection and durability. The gi was stolen, as well as her long soft padded black boots, allowing for quiet movement. She fills the gi out nicely with large, supple breasts that Lialmont has seen on a more than strange occasion.

NOTE: Unless agreed to by both parties, Vana can in no way, shape or form help in a player vs player battle.

Sighter Tnailog
01-28-07, 10:36 PM
This feels rather like approving a second character and giving a single account double power -- even if it is only for quests, not battles.

I'd be far more comfortable if you agreed not to use Vanacrist's Shadow Camo or Shadow Orb until level 1.

Darkness Impulse
01-28-07, 10:41 PM
Done and done, thanks.

Sighter Tnailog
01-28-07, 10:42 PM
Thanks. Mid-level update approved.

Make sure to go easy on any power increases for Tempest when you get to level 1, and you should do fine with whoever mods the thread.