View Full Version : The truth of a traitor.

Vamrsh Skylare
01-28-07, 11:23 PM
((This is a solo of Vamrsh Skylare's history))

"Alright men, this is a simple reconisance mission. You will be infiltrating the enemies town of Falmora through the mountain pass of Khrasium and determine the power of the enemies military. We need to know an estimate of the number of infantry and weaponry that they have in the town and the nearby military stronghold."

The words were strong and filled the four soldiers with inspiration just standing there. This was the power of charisma that their general possesed. This is the power that had driven armies to victory for hundreds of years, the power to motivate any soldier just by his words. It was an incredible honor that he himself was talking to those four alone about a mission important to the safety of the Great City of Vanasiel.

"You four have been chosen because of your great skills in both steath, agility, strength, and of course teamwork. Your battle records are all but perfect and since you have just been promoted to the Elite Guards of the High Council of Vanasiel this is a perfect way to solidify the position. If you are successful on this mission we will have perfect knowledge of the enemies forces and be able to develop the appropriate counterstrike to which we will crush them."

The importance of this mission was just now sinking into Vamrsh. This was a mission to end the war with their neighboring town of Falmora. If they did this correctly they would be stopping over 60 years of death and feuding. He couldn't imagine that his lifetime friends could be doing this mission together to end a war by their mission.

It was so long ago that they had first met......

Vamrsh Skylare
01-29-07, 12:31 AM
The sun was shining, it was shining so brightly. This time of year the weather was always great. That was the reason he had enjoyed being born around this time. This way whenever his birthday came around and it was time to celebrate another year of living, everyone would already be in a good mood and they would all have a joyous time together.

He took this time to look around at his surroundings. The trees were covered with mystical looking moss that glowed when the sun shined on it just right. The trees themselves were enormous themselves, being at least 150 feet tall with branches sprouting out on all sides many intertwining together to form small patches of leaves. These places were great to hide under when the rain started pouring down unexpectedly, however the rain could get through well enough to water the flowers there. And oh were there flowers. There were flowers of every color, red, yellow, purple, pink, even blue flowers.

Those many spots would also let the sun shine through to allow warmth to fill the bed of the forest. Warm enough in most seasons that families often did many things outside their homes rather than be trapped inside. It was this time of season now...

Then Vamrsh remembered why he had come here in the first place. The sword he had been presented by the military symbolizing his becoming of age, allowing him to become part of the army. The sword was the same for every person, yet the inscription on each was different depending on the initial testing that had proceded his entering into the service of the High Council. He received his and to his great delight he found the inscription to read in fine elven writing,

You, Vamrsh Skylare, are presented with this sword honoring your entrance into the service. You have much potential and I look forward to seeing your work done in the future.
The Supreme General of the High Council of Vanasiel.

The first sentence was the same for all entrances but the second was usually some quote from a former general talking of the ways to greatness or focusing ones determination to achieve their goal. But this time, it was signed by the actual General himself. Vamrsh's face was aglow with excitment, even after reading it many times he still couldn't get over it...

The blade itself was also great, it was shined and sharpened with great care. He held it up into the air to make the reflection of the light dance along the forest's trees and grass. The blade was light weight and looked briliant in the light. Yet when he lifted it up, even though he was strong enough to wield it, the sword didn't feel right. He could tell right away that this blade was not made for battling but was more of an object of honor. An object to be held onto to remember this day forever. The day that he would start to build honor for himself as a soldier.

"Hey Vam I see your admiring your sword."

It was his big brother closing in with a smile on his face and his hands behind his back... Vamrsh figured his brother was up to something and slowly lowered his sword towards his brother with a smile on his face.

Vamrsh Skylare
01-29-07, 01:55 PM
"Now now Vamrsh you know as well as I do that those swords arn't made for combat. Otherwise I would gladly have a bout with you. Secondly you shouldn't just point a sword on your brother without good reason."

Kemrsh had been the usual older brother always picking on Vamrsh and pulling pranks from nowhere. Vamrsh had usually fallen prey to these such instances, but not today.

"Well Kem, you should do well to listen to what your telling me. Remember last year when you got your sword and chased me around with it... or did that qualify as a good reason?"

"I thought so." Kem said smiling, "Yet, father didn't agree with me if you don't remember that part. I had to do your chores for 2 months if you don't recall. Now do you really want to do work for me when all I'm bringing you is a gift?"

"A gift huh? You better not be lying, I'll have to knock you out if its another one of your pranks." Vamrsh lowered his sword and let it softly touch the earth, sinking slightly into the soil.

"I promise this time that it is for real." Kem then took a few steps forward until he was about two feet in front of Vamrsh and pulled his hands from behind his back, revealing two short swords that looked recently crafted.

"What are these for?" Vamrsh asked puzzled at the present his brother had presented him. This could be one of the few times that his brother was kind to him.

"I had these crafted for you, I know how you fight remember. We did train together since you were 6. I can tell you like the speed and flexibility of short swords and decided that it would be best if you had the best kind of them to help you on the battlefield."

Shocked beyond words Vamrsh took the blades in his hands, placing the trophy sword on the ground softly. The blades were extremely well made indeed. They were sharp, durable, and light weight. The hilts fit perfectly into his hands and he felt like he had gained some great power just from holding them. There was writing on them, it was a two part sentence;

Vamrsh Skylare of Vanasiel was etched on the one in his right hand and, Kemrsh Skylare of Vanasiel was etched on the other. Underneath both names was a line of small words reading... Brother of Vanasiel.

"Yes Vamrsh, though I may pick on you and prank you I am still your brother and I love you as such."

Vamrsh looked at his brother with tears in his eyes and a smile on his face.

"Now hurry up, you don't want to be late for your squad assignment." Kem turned and walked in the opposite direction heading for the assignment station.

"Right." Vamrsh followed his brother, drying the tears that were still in his eyes.

Vamrsh Skylare
05-18-07, 10:12 PM
"Greetings gentlemen, today you will be grouped together with the other three men of your four man squads and be immediantly transfered to the training camp on the other side of the city. If you have any questions then ask them... good. Now listen for your name and group number"

Vamrsh waited as others names were called and placed in groups. He didn't really know that many of the other guys at the military training camp. His training as a child had been mostly in private with his father and brother. All of his friends were younger than himself and weren't going to be joining the service of the High Council for at least five months. So he was in a room filled with complete strangers that he would have to come to trust.

"...Vamrsh Skylare, Group Six"

Snapping back to attention Vamrsh walked the few feet to the group of three other men. He studied the faces of the others and noticed they looked like he did, totally lost and alone, especially the one guy standing a little further away from the group. Obviously none of them knew each other and Vamrsh decided to break the ice.

"Hey guys, looks like we have a full group now. I'm Vamrsh, nice to meet you all."

With this he extended his hand in a hand shake.

"Watch, who you are talking to there kid, we aren't all men in this group!" Exclaimed one of the soldiers in his group. Vamrsh looked over to see who it was but couldn't see who had spoken. Then he looked closer and saw that the one who spoke was the one group member who was standing away from the everyone. She was wearing her hair up under a hat, and standing with her back towards the group.

"Hey Vamrsh, don't mind her, she can get kinda tempermental about being called a guy even when she dresses like one. By the way I'm Eloran." Eloran smiles at Vamrsh grasping the handshake firmly.

"Yeah, yeah well I'm Maia anyway." The female soldier states finally coming into the group.

"And if anyone cares, I'm Arash." stating this he barely nods his head to acknowledge to them all that he had been the one to speak.

"Well, this is already starting to look interesting isn't?" Eloran says with the same smile still on his face.