View Full Version : Melancholy music?

01-29-07, 12:53 PM
Anyone know where I can find some really good, really melancholy music?

I'm in one of those sorts of moods and feel like feeding it instead of being faux-perky and hoping it goes away.

And while you're just glancing at this thread and not doing anything about it, check out Karuka's themesong, somewhere on YouTube: Memories by Within Temptation.

Lazarus Corrinth
01-29-07, 02:24 PM
not sure excatly what you mean, but you can try Sparta, Silversun Pickups, or Modest Mouse

Darkness Impulse
01-29-07, 02:25 PM
Lialmont's theme song is Click Click Boom ;)

Uukan Kimari
01-29-07, 02:35 PM
I like Avenged Seven Fold for melancholy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melancholia) songs.

01-29-07, 02:46 PM
Your avatar is Sanzo, which makes it very hard for me to keep rooting for my very good friend the Mime in your upcoming Tournament fight.

02-05-07, 02:18 AM
The Dresden Dolls have a dischordant feel often that compliments the melancholy, their song Backstabber may be good. Depends on your musical tastes.

02-05-07, 02:35 AM
Master Raven has strange taste in music. I don't know if this fits your bill, but try out the song in my siggy.

Song Name: Why, or Why Not

Artist: Hiroyuki Oshima feat.

Source: Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. (Ending Theme)

This also sounds good enough to be my theme song. Don't know if you'll like it, though. Engrish makes me ears hurt.

Skie and Avery
02-07-07, 06:52 PM
Johnny Cash's cover of Nine Inch Nail's "Hurt" is very good for those sort of moods.

Brad Paisley and Allison Kraus - Whiskey Lullaby

Damien Rice - The Blower's Daughter

Gary Jules - Mad World

Fiona Apple - Never Is a Promise

Flogging Molly - Laura ((It is about a girl who died, after all... I highly suggest the live version. Very good.))

Garbage - Bleed Like Me

Garbage - Only Happy When It Rains

Hinder - How Long ((Good if it's a heartbreaky kind of melancholy.))

Incubus - Anna Molly

Incubus - Drive

Incubus - I Miss You ((acoustic version is best for those moods))

Indigo Girls - Ghost

Indigo Girls - Romeo and Juliet

Kate Bush - Running Up That Hill

Loreena McKennitt - The Highway Man

Loreena McKennitt - Dante's Prayer

Martina McBride - Concrete Angel

Natalie McMasters - Get Me Through December ((If you have trouble finding it, look for the song of the same name by Allison Kraus))

The Cranberries - Zombie ((not totally melancholy, but the sound of the song is really good for those moods. It's a song lamenting war, so I guess it works.))

Tori Amos - Hey Jupiter

Tori Amos - Winter

Vertical Horizon - The Best I Ever Had

Anberlin - Paperthin Hymn

Indigo Girls - All Along the Watchtower

From Autumn to Ashes - Chloroform Perfume ((acoustic))

The Descendents - Cool To Be You ((more angry than sad, but I like to listen to it when I get down.))

Jewel - Goodbye Alice in Wonderland

The Raincoats - 57 Ways to End It All

Bah, I ended up deleting like half of the ones I put down, to trim the list, but those are all pretty good songs for feeding one of those moods.

The Bard
02-07-07, 07:36 PM
hmmm Im not good on this type of music Im more hip-hop/rap R&B kinda guy so if you want so of those I could throw you a couple names but I doubt you'd be interested. Anywho I do like red jumpsuit apparatus and there is motion city soundtrack also I do like modest mouse and you cant forget Rise against with their song "like the angles".

02-07-07, 07:43 PM
Hinder - Nothin' Good About Goodbye

Disturbed - Overburdened

Sevendust - Skeleton Song (If you can find it)

Three Days Grace - Take Me Under (or anything by them, for that matter - they have a bit of an emo twist to them)

Godsmack - Hollow

Evanescence - Haunted (and, like TDG, almost anything else)

Stone Sour - Cardiff

Here's a few more, if you like this kind of music.

02-07-07, 07:45 PM
Chwoah! I thought I was the only cool kid who listened to Anberlin. Obviously not.

Theres a small band called Nickel Creek that I use to feed my moods. I also can get that moody feel from some of the stuff by the Counting Crows and CSN.

The Lonely Hearts is another that not many have probably heard of.

02-07-07, 07:58 PM
The Dresden Dolls have a dischordant feel often that compliments the melancholy, their song Backstabber may be good. Depends on your musical tastes. God Dammit. Every punk, goth, emo and degenerated in my city listens to that group. Hell, it's on Comcast.

I'm sure the Gillette company supports all your choices in music. Now, for some real good music that gets you depressed, the songs that keep on cutting.

Nine Inch Nails version of Hurt is without a doubt the best version of the song ever. While this could be up for debate, and it is a matter of taste, just come on. It's Trent Reznor.

30 Second's to Mar's song - The Kill - Is perhaps Screamo at its best. While that statement could be considered an Oxymoron, I guess even the low can riase high by comparison.

The Appleseed Cast's - Fight Song - Can be downloaded for free on Download.com. It's pretty sad, I like the slow guitar, something you could listen to while it rains.

Bayside's - Masterpiece - Is a fast paced agnst-ridden song that'll make your toes tap and your veins run dry.

The Fray has a pretty sweet song, - How to Save a Life - Well known, pretty sad video.

Really, everything on my iTunes is either horribly depressive, industrial, underground goth/emo, or upbeat music like Aqua and 80s hits.

My iTunes calls me manic depressive.

The Bard
02-07-07, 08:17 PM
thanks Lucien I forgot about the fray they are actually really good

02-07-07, 08:37 PM
Oh, Manda listens to Garbage! ^_^ <3<3 Those two are good songs. I'm thinking if any of their other ones are good "melancholy" ones... I don't know if "As Heaven Is Wide" is quite the mood you're looking for. It might be more dark than melancholy, I dunno. That's a tough emotion to classify. :p

Wahh, I can't remember. This is a good excuse to go through my CDs again!

02-07-07, 08:43 PM
Okay, mood is well over. The day I posted this thread I was just going through the pre-birthday blues.

Turns out they weren't needed because I actually got remembered this year.

But this mood will strike again, and I will look at this thread and at YouTube and see if I can't find some of the songs.

Skie and Avery
02-07-07, 09:31 PM
Iain, I love you for your avatar. Marry me.

Lucien, I wish you were in the belly of that shark. The Fray's "How to Save a Life" is the most repulsive piece of trash that musical instruments have ever vomited out. *twitch* And as far as "hurt" is concerned, Cash put all the emotion into it that Trent Reznor was missing. Trent's nice to look at, but NiN has nothing on the Man in Black. Maybe this opinion is just my dissappointment with the latest stuff NiN's churned out, but oh well.

I use LimeWire for my downloading needs, Karuka. It works decently fast without taking up much space, and there's a freeware version of it available for downloading. I don't remember the url, but it shouldn't be too hard to google the link.

02-07-07, 10:03 PM
Lucien, I wish you were in the belly of that shark. The Fray's "How to Save a Life" is the most repulsive piece of trash that musical instruments have ever vomited out. *twitch* And as far as "hurt" is concerned, Cash put all the emotion into it that Trent Reznor was missing. Trent's nice to look at, but NiN has nothing on the Man in Black. Maybe this opinion is just my dissappointment with the latest stuff NiN's churned out, but oh well.

I've seen Reznor cry playing his version. I think the emotion in Cash's piece was an undigested piece of cabbage or something, gas usually affects old people worst of all.

And as for 'How to Save a Life,' it was on Scrubs, so enough said. Any song on Scrubs should automatically be considered a classic and loved for ages.

Reznor is not pretty to look at anymore. He's scary. He's bald and muscular and looks like the type of guy that rapes people in prison under the alias of Bubba.

None So Blind
02-07-07, 11:36 PM
Judging music based on what sitcom they were on is a terrible way of looking at it. Television show songs are chosen by what's on the top 40 that might make any sliver of sense on the show. The Fray should be shot on sight, right along with Panic at the Disco. You, sir, are a ponce and a cad. XD Prison Bubba or not, Johnny Cash could easily return from the grave in all his old, deflated glory, and kick Reznor's butt. He'd probably just run him over with the Psychobilly Cadillac.

02-08-07, 01:42 AM
Hinder and Evanescence have some good songs. And if anyone bashes me because they are popular or suck in some way, then you are an idiot by default.

02-08-07, 05:22 AM
Judging music based on what sitcom they were on is a terrible way of looking at it. Television show songs are chosen by what's on the top 40 that might make any sliver of sense on the show. The Fray should be shot on sight, right along with Panic at the Disco. You, sir, are a ponce and a cad. XD Prison Bubba or not, Johnny Cash could easily return from the grave in all his old, deflated glory, and kick Reznor's butt. He'd probably just run him over with the Psychobilly Cadillac. How dare you call me some type of fish and pony, using your strange and fancy words that I can only assume were insults because I saw them on Frasier once.

I'd like to see a fight between zombie Johnny Cash and Trent Reznor. Because Reznor has god on his side, and enough heroin still remaining in his veins to not feel anything, ever. Also, it'd be funny to see if Cash could sing in even more of a decayed voice.

Panic! at the Disco is liquid pretty, I wouldn't even care if their music sounded like Marilyn Manson's live vocals.

02-08-07, 11:53 AM
Panic! at the Disco is f'ing annoying, is what it is, and their lead singer sounds tinny.

Urei...I own every Evanescence album there is. I'm only missing a couple of songs, but I hit up YouTube when I want to listen to those.

02-08-07, 12:35 PM
Hinder and Evanescence have some good songs. And if anyone bashes me because they are popular or suck in some way, then you are an idiot by default.

My only beef with Hinder is they sound too much like Nickelback.

Slayer of the Rot
02-08-07, 12:45 PM
Johnny Cash's cover of Nine Inch Nail's "Hurt" is very good for those sort of moods.

Flogging Molly - Laura ((It is about a girl who died, after all... I highly suggest the live version. Very good.))

I don't know how to love you more at this moment.

Hinder - How Long ((Good if it's a heartbreaky kind of melancholy.))

Oh, you ruined it. The only thing worse than Hinder right now is Fergie or Nickelback

I'd like to see a fight between zombie Johnny Cash and Trent Reznor. Because Reznor has god on his side, and enough heroin still remaining in his veins to not feel anything, ever. Also, it'd be funny to see if Cash could sing in even more of a decayed voice.

You thrash my idol again and I'll be feeding you your severed fucking thumbs.

Lessee...melancholy...hard to be melancholy when you've got perfectly good alcohol to drink...ok.

"Into The Fold" - Cursive

"The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot" - Brand New

"Bankrupt On Selling" - Modest Mouse

"Transatlanticism (The song, not the whole album)" - Death Cab For Cutie

"All I'm Losing is Me", "Holly Hox" - Saves The Day

That's a brief list of mine.

The Bard
02-09-07, 11:47 PM
Johnny Cash's cover of Nine Inch Nail's "Hurt" is very good for those sort of moods.

you do know johnny cash wrote that song and NiN took it from him right?

also hinder stole lips of and angle from some country singer

but overall Kanye west rules everyone

02-09-07, 11:56 PM
Atzar, you're right, Hinder does sound a lot like Nickelback, but I'm a massive Nickelback fan and I think that Nickelback is a lot better, but Hinder has different songs. However, Nickelback isn't very melancholy very often, and Hinder has a lot more sad songs. Most of the Nickelback songs are sad-ish but you have to listen to the lyrics to tell that a lot of the stories told are coming out with really bad endings. Like, "I wanna be a rockstar" is kinda depressing, but its an up-beat and fast rock song, so you'd never know.

02-10-07, 09:20 PM
you do know johnny cash wrote that song and NiN took it from him right?

also hinder stole lips of and angle from some country singer

but overall Kanye west rules everyone

Actually, I have the Cash CD that features the song. Inside the booklet, it credits the writer of the song to be Trent Reznor, front man of Nine Inch Nails.

I can't stand Lips of an Angel. ((Or lips of and angle, tho I haven't heard that one.)) I have this thing where infidelity songs ((whether it happened or is just temptation like in Hinder's song)) just make me angry. I scream at the radio. The Manda does not condone cheating at all.

And I know someone said Like the Angel by Rise Against earlier, but really I don't think that fits with melancholy songs. The Roadside, off their Sufferer and the Witness album would work much better, because it's slower. Most of Rise Against's stuff is so driving that it works better with anger than sorrow. But whoever said that ((now I gotta go find them!)) is totally on my A list. RA has been my favorite band hands down for years now, so you, sir or madame, whoever mentioned them, will be raped and loved in short notice.

And Lucien... I'ma kick you in the teeth, my friend. Nine Inch Nails, The Fray AND Panic at the Disco? Ugh... Just... Ugh.. *vomits*

02-10-07, 09:43 PM
Brothers in Arms by the Dire Straits
Nothing Else Matters - Metallica
Mad World - Tears for Fears original, or cover by Michael Andrews
If we hold on together - Terry Lester (The theme to The Land Before Time)

My iTunes refuses to open right now because my computer is a weetard, but those are a couple more that come to mind.

02-10-07, 10:32 PM
Invisible city- Wallflowers

Caring is Creepy- the Shins

Phantom Limb- The shins

I wish I was the Moon- Neko Case

Star Witness- Neko Case

Fox Confessor Brings the Flood- Neko Case

'round here- counting crows

Everybody hurts- REM

Say hello 2 Heaven- Temple of the Dog

Hunger Strike- Temple of the Dog

Call me a Dog- Temple of the Dog

Nothingman- pearljam

Vein of Stars- Flaming Lips

Black hole sun- soundgarden

Dinner Bells- Wolf Parade

for whole Melancholy Albums

Temple of the Dog- Temple of the Dog
this Album was made for the Sole purpose of remembering a death of a singer and so it's really awesome. Though it may offend Christians.

Wincing the Night Away- The Shins
There new Album's really great and has more universal themes than the other Shins' Albums

Rearview Mirror- PealJam Disk 2
It's awesome that PearlJam separated their Rock songs from their Sad Songs on this duel CD album.

oh and stay away from hinder, they're a more vapid clone of a vapid band. every one of their songs sound like Nickelback B-sides. I hate this band because the crappy radio stations here will play them but not good stuff like the Shins or Modest Mouse. stupid radio playing garbage.

Oh yeah, might try some classical music since that's easier to write to, I prefer Bach for melancholy works.

02-11-07, 04:24 AM
The only one I can come up with at the moment is get yourself a car by audioslave. Im not sure if thats the correct title but if you know the song you know wich one I mean.

The Valkyrie
02-11-07, 12:19 PM
Suicide Note - Johnette Napolitano
Bring me The Disco King - David Bowie
Right Where it Belongs - Nine Inch Nails
Something I Can Never Have - Nine Inch Nails
The entire Mer de Noms album - A Perfect Circle
Anything by London After Midnight

02-11-07, 02:00 PM
And Lucien... I'ma kick you in the teeth, my friend. Nine Inch Nails, The Fray AND Panic at the Disco? Ugh... Just... Ugh.. *vomits* Insulting Nine Inch Nails is one thing, but P!ATD and Nine Inch Nails. No no, my dear. This means war!

*Slap (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZC3EGSz6HAk)* I challenge you to a duel! Pistols at dawn...or...whatever.

02-11-07, 02:08 PM
The only one I can come up with at the moment is get yourself a car by audioslave. Im not sure if thats the correct title but if you know the song you know wich one I mean.

Getaway Car. And yeah, that is a good one.

Also by Audioslave...

I Am the Highway
Last Remaining Light
Heaven's Dead

02-11-07, 09:50 PM
Insulting Nine Inch Nails is one thing, but P!ATD and Nine Inch Nails. No no, my dear. This means war!

*Slap (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZC3EGSz6HAk)* I challenge you to a duel! Pistols at dawn...or...whatever.

You're totally on. Name the time, place, and characters and the details can be worked out.


02-13-07, 11:32 PM
Out of the funk, eh? Bah, that hasn’t stopped people from getting in their two cents! Here is a snippet of my list(pretty mainstream, though):

Oldies –

‘The Man who Sold the World’, ‘Ground Control to Major Tom’ - David Bowie
‘Crazy’, ‘Kiss from a Rose’ – Seal
‘Hotel California’ – The Eagles
‘Hey Jude’, ‘While my Guitar Gently Weeps’ – The Beatles
‘Won’t Get Fooled Again’ – The Who
‘Sweet Emotion’, ‘Dream On’, ‘Pink’ – Aerosmith (Yes, Pink. Its corniness makes me nostalgic ;P)

Today’s Stuff –

’30 000 Feet’ – Assemblage 23
‘Harvest’, ‘Hope Leaves’, ‘Isolation Years’ – Opeth
‘Broken’, ‘The Misery’, ‘Full Moon’ – Sonata Arctica
‘Bliss’, ‘Map of your Head’ – Muse
‘Orestes’, ‘Brena’, ‘The Noose’ – A Perfect Circle
‘Wait for Sleep’, ‘Peruvian Skies’ – Dream Theater
‘Dream On’, ‘Enjoy the Silence’ – Depeche Mode

But if you want something that's melancholy only, I guess the band 'Aqualung' has some good stuff in that department.

Zook Murnig
02-14-07, 04:48 AM
Tori Amos' "Home On the Range (Cherokee Edition)" is pretty melancholy.

02-14-07, 08:39 AM
Inspired by Ataraxis and the Aqualung comment

Jethro Tull! With that rock flute. Aqualung and Thick as a Brick are nice for thinking.

Zook Murnig
02-14-07, 09:30 AM
And don't forget Wind Up off the Aqualung album. And "Up to Me."

02-14-07, 10:40 AM
Ah, how could I forget Jethro Tull? I often have 'Locomotive Breath' and 'Skating Away' in the background for peaceful writing. Otherwise, hooked on 'Whistler'!

Zook Murnig
02-14-07, 10:43 AM
And what about Bourée? I love that song.

02-14-07, 12:17 PM
um... Smashing Pumpkins has an album called "Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness"......... mellon collie = melancholy


it's gewd

The Valkyrie
02-14-07, 01:22 PM
Oh god, I'm old then? Cuz if Seal and Aerosmith are oldies... that would be what I am. Talk about melancholy. And yes cousin dear, Smashing Pumpkins, and particularly that album of theirs, I love them and they are friggin amazing as hell. And then Billy Corrigan had to go make Swan with Paz from APC and ruin everything for everyone. What were they thinking?

02-14-07, 02:07 PM
We only want jethro tull because of Ian anderson. And his name.

02-14-07, 03:30 PM
Smashing Pumpkins were rawcksome, but I don't think anybody liked Zwan. (not even Billy Corgan himself.)

Isn't he started another new band? Or putting Pumpkins back together or something?

02-18-07, 12:19 PM
Anything by portishead or massive attack.

02-23-07, 03:27 AM
Some Nickleback can work. Lacuna Coil can as can Evanescence. Creed is good for a couple of songs in that department as well.

02-23-07, 04:21 AM
HAH! You know, I've been itching to relive this thread but I thought it might've been closed. Yesterday, I think I found the perfect theme song for Karuka. Well, not perfect, but in my view: it is definately for Karuka.

P: Yay! Thanks Dissy!

The title of the song is God Be With You sung by The Cranberries.

- It's melancholy. Yes!
- It's irish and about Ireland
- It's about religion (kinda)
- It's about a girl

Some bits of the lyrics:

The truth will ever hide
Even though I tried
They tried to take my pride
But they only took my father from me
They only took my father
Even though I cried
Even though I tried again

God be with you Ireland
God be with you Ireland

Sometimes I was afraid
Even though I prayed
I've lost my religion now
You took that too somehow

I talk too much. :(

02-23-07, 01:31 PM

Oh my GOD, Ciel, I love you. It is more than too perfect for an entire time period I have planned out for this character.


Shanghai Dumpling
02-24-07, 03:02 AM
P: No probbies. I freaked out too.

03-21-09, 09:22 PM
oh... my... gawd..... So, I found this thread completely on accident while looking up my name to find an old thread I made. I don't know what act of Serrilant (terrible, insulting pun) caused this, but I am the biggest music collector/freak EVER and this thread gave a me a trillion gallons of new music *bursts into tears* thank you all, oh so much ^^ I.... I just don't know how to thank you, especially Karuka, for starting this thread... group hug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alydia Ettermire
03-21-09, 09:31 PM
>Karuka, on another account<

A) it's Serilliant. One R, two l's.

B) This thread is over 2 years old! It did not NEED necro'd.

03-21-09, 10:15 PM
oh... uh, sorry *rubs back of head* didn't mean to spell that wrong.... And as I said, I just kinda stumbled upon it, so, uh..... *cough* sorry heh..... NOBODY ELSE POST IN THIS THREAD...... jeez I feel bad now heh