View Full Version : Is it really him?

01-30-07, 12:17 PM
A solitary figure sat at the ancient mahogany table, furiously scribbling on page after page of parchment. For months he had been the lone inhabitant of this far-off cavern, day after day and week after week of this same routine. Volumes of text now littered the floors; the scrawlings of a man gone mad. Perhaps the most vital words put to page since the Demon Wars… Another page was completed and set aside to dry as a small breeze swept the place, snuffing out the writer’s candlelight. It was the third time in just under a hour it had happened. Before then it had never occurred once. Odd.

The man struggled from his chair, slowly making his way towards the perceived source of his frustration. His movements were beyond labored. Nearly the entire left half of the man’s body was encased in ice, the weight from which he was obviously not yet used to carrying. The small gusts had stopped, but something was wrong, he could sense it like he had just stuck his arm in a fire. The rapid clicking of a pebble skirting over the stone floor behind him confirmed that his mind wasn’t entirely gone.

There were five of them, all dressed in brown woolen robes with strange markings on the palms of their hands. There was not enough light left to make the symbol out perfectly. None spoke, in fact, they seemed to make no sound at all. Nor did they seem to pay any caution to the fact that they had just revealed themselves. Four of them were hurriedly gathering all of the texts while the fifth stood staring at the white robed man, arms folded across his chest.

“You don’t know what you’re doing,” a cool mist left the icy man’s mouth as he spoke.

“We know perfectly well what we are doing Thoracis Rakarth. We know all about you and what you’ve been doing here.” The others voice was calm and level, almost too matter-of-fact. But if they knew who he was or what he was doing…

A very foreign feeling overcame Thoracis as fear froze him to the bone. It was quite literally impossible… Who could these intruders be? Where could they have come from? Most importantly, how could they have known? “You aren’t leaving here with my work,” this time the very air in front of Thoracis nearly froze solid as he spoke and the temperature in the cavern dropped nearly ten degrees instantly.

The intruder was un-phased, in fact, he smiled. “Try and stop us then.”

There was no hesitation. Thoracis’ liviol staff slammed into the stone beneath, splitting the granite like an axe on wood. From the point of impact ice spread across the entire cavern floor. For the first time since the last LCC Thoracis felt like his old self, his movements again coming with break-neck speed and grace, the struggling of his added body weight vanishing. He darted forward, the icy mist from his breath swirling before him and gaining in intensity as his anger and adrenaline built. With a scream he somehow forced the ice outwards and towards his foes like a blizzard.

Laughter was the only result as the attack was stopped by some sort of invisible barrier short of the apparent leader of the group. “You aren’t nearly powerful enough for us Rakarth. You will only live through this as a gift for what you’ve provided us this day.”

There was a flash as the man unfolded his arms and the entire force of Thoracis’ attack was reversed. Hit full on with his own magic Thoracis was flung to the floor like a children’s toy where he lay in the cold, barely holding on to consciousness…

Level 5 (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=131)

Name: Thoracis Rakarth
Race: Human/Spirit
Age: 22 Human/2,500+ Spirit
Gender: Male
Hair: White
Eyes: Solid Ice
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 276lbs.


Thoracis' physical appearance has changed dramatically in the last couple of years. He still dons his trademark white robes with the black porcelain mask, but his body has changed a lot. He is far heavier now as the ice that once encased his left arm has now spread to nearly half his body. In terms of age Thoracis still looks to be in the neighborhood of 75-80 years old, though in reality he is still a 22 year old human and responds as one physically.


The only significant change in Thoracis’ history is the winning of the Lornius Corporate Challenge with Max Dirks. Since then Thoracis has been absent from Althanas, partially explained by the IC sequence above.

Abilities: (Original Level, Updates, Current Updates)

Blink (0,2, 6): Teleports Thoracis (3 ft., 6 ft., 10 ft) in any direction.

Ice Shard (0): A shard of ice about 2 ft. in diameter shoots forth from Thoracis’ hands.

Multi-Shard (1): Like Ice Shard, except five 1 ft. shards shoot out like a shotgun blast spreads.

Gust of Wind (2): Creates a windstorm, about 45mph winds, over a 1 sq. mile area. Can only be used in army style battles.
Windborne Speed (2): Increases the movement of a single unit. Infantry = Cavalry, Cavalry = Airborne, Airborne = x2 speed. Can only be used in army style battles.

Concealment (2): Camouflages a single unit. Makes them appear “Predator”-like. No sound or tracks are made by the unit. Can only be used in army style battles.

Ice Storm (3): Rains Ice Shards over a 10x10yrd. area.

Ice Blade (3,4): Extends an 18 inch blade of ice from (one, both) end/s of Thoracis’ staff.

Ice Limb (3): Encases one of Thoracis’ limbs in ice. Increases damage of unarmed blows and can act as defensive armor equivalent to iron. (The equivalency to iron is never anything that was pre-approved. It is something I have never designated a strength to however, which is something I would like to do now so that it is more clear.)

Ice Spike (4): A man-sized spike of ice shoots up from the ground. Extremely sharp and jagged.

Slick (4): Covers a single object (which can include the ground, a wall, door, etc.) in slippery ice. Cannot be used on an opponents weapon or gear. Can cover 1 item or a 3x3yrd. surface area.

Unarmed Combat (1,3): Thoracis is trained and is proficient in unarmed combat. Particularly in combining unarmed combat and his spell abilities.

Staff Combat (0,2,4): Thoracis is trained and is very proficient in staff fighting, both from his army training and the training he received from Mazrith al’Dor Hashid. He is particularly proficient in this style with one or more blades on his staff.

Elemental (5): Thoracis can summon an ice elemental with a similar build to his own that can mimic his level 0 abilities (as they were originally, not before any updates).

New ability:

Ice Mastery (6): Thoracis has reached the potential of his ice magic. In addition to the spells he already knows he can now manipulate ice in all of it’s forms, be it existing ice, turning water to ice (in reasonable amounts), and to the extreme manipulating his own breath into an ice based attack (comparable to a level 3 spell).

Items: (All of this was gained pre-move or pre-crash, so I have no link to any of it except my original profile here which is in my sig).

Bone Jewel: Worn around Thoracis’ neck, this small trinket was given to Thoracis by Lexxum Vordic in his first battle ever at Althanas and grants Thoracis a small bit of luck.

Anti-Magic Amulet: Purchased at the Bazaar pre-move. This amulet creates a barrier from magic around Thoracis. I have never had this part approved, but I play it like this and there has never been any argument - Thoracis is level 5 so he can now block up to 5 levels in spells. For example, if fighting a level 4 character, I could block one level 4 spell and one level 1 spell, or two level 2 spells, or any combination up to five. If I were to try and block say two level 4 spells the second spell would go over the fifth level and still hit Thoracis with the force of a level 3 spell. I hope that makes sense….

Dwarven Dehlar Chainmail: Purchased from Kachuk, also pre-move. This chainmail is worn under Thoracis’ robes. It is embedded with many runes which give it the appearance of glowing like a rainbow. These runes include runes of protection from the elements of Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire; a Lightweight Rune which makes the armor feel almost weightless, and a Rune of Speed that increases the wearer’s movement rate when desired.

Black Porcelain Mask: Purchased at the Bazaar, pre-crash. A simple black mask that Thoracis wears to hide the burn scars on his face.

01-30-07, 12:49 PM
Who are the dudes that stole Thor's scribblings? Who was able to defeat the fabled ice mage so effortlessly? Tune in next level-up and find out.


And approved!