View Full Version : War?

01-31-07, 11:39 AM
So obviously I've been away too long so I don't quite know what's goin' on. But if anybody can point me to where I can find out just what happened to bring about total Althanian war on the major continents, that would be very much appreciated.

Man it's good to be back :).

Zook Murnig
01-31-07, 12:25 PM
The IE v. Peregrine thing developed as a result of the Illicit Entrepreneurs declaring war on the Citadel, attempting to take control of the establishment to impose a 10% tax on resurrects. A lot of people were upset about this, and foremost among them was the Peregrine Group, led by Rajani Aishwara. Raj, so far, has had minimal contact with the IE, preferring to work behind the scenes, but the rest of the PG has engaged Khariss Sevrath, leader of the IE, in battle in a smithy near the Citadel that he was trying to take over. Khariss escaped after Max Dirks crashed the party with his Beretta 950s. In the meantime, Raj and his associate, Chidori Draconid worked on rallying forces in the Citadel.

01-31-07, 12:32 PM
Because of the open hostilities between the two PG's, and the fact that the Peregrines are doing what everone else wants to do, they have grown rather powerful quite quickly. I myself side with the Peregrines in this matter, but I don't subordinate myself to anyone. Still, in trying to rally favor for them, I now have Ithermoss trying to rip my character's tongue out. Still got it. :P See?

Also, Fallien is currently under siege, the Alerarian queen has died, and hostilities between Reiaera and Alerar are escalating again.

The Valkyrie
01-31-07, 01:10 PM
Fallien isn't under siege as a whole, only the capital city. A better description would be a civil war. The Cult of Mitra has allied with the harpies and are besieging the island of Irrakam. Everyone is fighting back, including help from other countries, etc.

01-31-07, 02:12 PM
Alerar's queen was taken out in a coup, partially aided by Salvic diplomats. The new king is merely a puppet for a quasi-nazi-esque government.

Also, the high elves suck. Alerar smash.

01-31-07, 04:46 PM
Civil war from what I've read from Ashiakin's little note is also taking place in Corone. Anyone wanna give me crash course lesson on that?

Zook Murnig
01-31-07, 04:53 PM
A couple of the members of the high council have been assassinated, and random villagers were killed as punishment for their actions, when everyone knew that they had not done it.

For more on that, read Letho's Price of Freedom.

02-01-07, 06:32 AM
In Corone, two of the Coronian Assembly members were assassinated, as mentioned above. More specifically, the Master General and the Steward of Corone.

The Corone Civil War is, at the moment, still developing into a full-blown civil war between Letho's group (the Rebels) and the Coronian Empire. Yes, you're probably thinking about a Star Wars spin-off but at a much smaller scale. And not as high-tech. ;)

Aren't you glad there are all these conflicts going on? :p

Rajani Aishwara
02-01-07, 05:45 PM
What exactly does the IC public know about the Corone Civil War. I'm working on incorporating it into one of my quests, but I don't want to take too many liberties.

02-01-07, 05:51 PM
@ Rajani: You should contact Letho about the aftermath and details on effects it will have on Corone for that piece of info. For Akashima, all I can say that there will be a showdown between a small Rebellion force against a gigantic Empire and one will triumph over the other. Not telling which, though. ;)

Because, frankly speaking, even I don't know how deep it will affect Corone, Myao~! ^_^;


I guess you could note the rise in merchandise, especially combat gears and weapons as well as the more wary demeanor and generally more gloomy air around the different communities.

Oh, yeah. If you're ever in around the Peaceful Promenade or Underwood around this time, you should also mention the Great Fire that broke out around the Kedx Massacre detailed in Hooray for the Bad Guys as well. Currently it is in the Corone Archives, but it's worth a look. The thread is a headache to read, though, so a quick skim should more than suffice. :p

02-01-07, 06:22 PM
Letho can correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the general populace of Corone knows it as a "civil war" at all. At least not yet. Basically, there was a riot (read: massacre) in Gisela, the government, or someone in the government, claimed that this was the fault of the republic itself, which was too weak to handle such things, and then overnight, it was transformed into the Corone Empire. Some people hate it, and most don't care as long as it doesn't affect their immediate lives. The "war" is the empire vs. the small rebellion that's built up against it. Sound familiar? ;)

02-01-07, 06:44 PM
Then Luke Sky Walker, Princess Leia and Han Solo, all join' in too...

Hey, that's kind'a sweet. Letho's Luke, Leia's Christinia, and Han is Iz. Or is Letho Chewbacca?

Cyrus the virus
02-01-07, 08:02 PM
Pretty accurate there, Cory :p Considering Izzy has a little crush on her, baha.

02-01-07, 11:06 PM
If anyone is Han Solo thats ME.

02-01-07, 11:27 PM
So you spend most of your time alone in space with a same gender wookie?

02-01-07, 11:29 PM
But he has a sweet ship.

So I guess the only Han we have is Rajani. Not that Seth isn't cool, because I think he is.

But I've never RP'd with him, so I don't know for a fact.

02-02-07, 05:09 AM
OH~ Sure~! Ignore my first post in this thread. :rolleyes:

Haha, either way. If it's anyone, Yamihara is Padme Amidala in this spin-off. With a tw- *Clamps his mouth shut*

Phew! Almost spilled the beans, Myao~! :p

02-02-07, 11:38 AM
I think I got the gist of this Coronian conflict. I do have another question though. How/why did Salvar form an alliance with Alerar? (or if that's even correct.)

02-02-07, 11:44 AM
Mostly for trade purposes with the Vogrok-Stokes Company doing businesses with the Alerans about the Kachuk Mines and the Church of Ethereal Sway helping the Aleran Government with the new laws and reforms.

Basically, these two are now allies and the Raiaerans better watch the Mountain Pass. Not telling why... ;)

Hush hush.