View Full Version : So, yeah...

01-31-07, 04:06 PM
It seems I've been away for a while...sorry about that! :(
I'm guessing it was about a month or so since my last visit and I have no terrible real life situations to use as an excuse. Not this time. It just all started on New Year's eve, when I got totally drunk and fell in love. Now, a month later, I'm sober again and she's my girlfriend. The last weeks I've been so crazily in love I couldn't write a single paragraph. But I'm feeling the need to write rise again, so I might as well give it a shot :)
Currently having a busy week at school but I'll be finishing up the threads I left behind...which I guess won't be a lot anymore.

My sincere apologies!

Cyrus the virus
01-31-07, 05:53 PM
Welcome back, Kruggs. Sorry to say I moved on without you in every thread we had! Glad you found somebody, love monkey.

The Bard
01-31-07, 05:57 PM
ABOUT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the althanas Skeletor is back!

01-31-07, 06:23 PM
Oh, man. I would advise you not to get drunk again, Krug. Because chances are next time you get drunk and sober up, you'd wake up married. ;)

And yeah, welcome back.

01-31-07, 06:46 PM
Letho should take this as a sign and get drunk more often.

Welcome back Charlie Brown.

Darkness Impulse
01-31-07, 08:06 PM

Everyone watch this, this is what Krugor's story reminded me of. I thought that skit was so funny.

01-31-07, 08:13 PM

That was amazing.

Welcome back, Krugor. You didn't miss much; just all of Althanas going to war.

01-31-07, 08:16 PM
Wheeeeeen theeeeee moon hits your eye like a bi--


Good to have you back, bud! Three cheers for fungus! (Also--chicks think guys who can cook are hot ;) )

01-31-07, 11:03 PM
Wheeeeeen theeeeee moon hits your eye like a bi--


Good to have you back, bud! Three cheers for fungus! (Also--chicks think guys who can cook are hot ;) )

--big pizza pie, that's amore!
When the world seems to shine like you've had too much wine, that's amore!

Not apologizing here, that song is great.
Also, it is very true that guys who can cook are hot.

And welcome back, you skeletal maniac. Althanas isn't the same without you and your mushrooms. :D

01-31-07, 11:07 PM
Welcome back! I've always loved reading your stuff... can't wait to join a thread with you sometime!

This is Osato/Ranger btw... heh.

Zook Murnig
02-01-07, 05:01 AM
Ah, here's my favorite skeletal mushroom mage! Welcome back.

02-01-07, 08:18 AM
Love... Always does that to the best writers... Always takes 'em away...

Murakama: Then get a Gee-Ef, Raven. S'bout time you get one.

*Glares at Asuka*

...Don't push it, girl.

Either way, now that Althanas' Most Beloved Skeletal Chef is back... More adventures and FOOD! :D

02-01-07, 12:49 PM
Welcome back man. Oh, and this is VA/Bearded Gnome... I know, I know. I'm a new character maniac. XD