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03-25-06, 01:37 PM
((3.0 update [Thanks Sandstorm]))

Name— Ki’Rial Vandenniak
Gender— Male
Race— Berevarian
((See next post))
Age— 43
Height— 6’ 5”
Weight— 275 lbs
Eyes— Deep brown
Hair— Black
Occupation— Hunter/Explorer/Warrior

Appearance— ((For Male’s))
Though the Berevarian people are rarely seen, when they are they are often mistaken. Most see them as monsters, even the shortest of them towering over the normal human race. And others see them as demons, their armor and weapons creations of the harsh tundra. Still others ignore them completely, and those are the ones that miss their only opportunity to see the Heavy Build race, their only opportunity to see a myth. The race often stands over 6’, very few being under it, and their muscle mass holds them over 200 pounds at their prime, easily. Scars often course across their visage, twisting and tightening its ruined tissue from countless fights and encounters with other tribes and wildlife of the tundra. Their size, strength and social dominance add together to make them intimidating and awe-inspiring. Ki’Rial himself has scars across his back and on the front of his shoulders. His hair is long, but soft, and is never over his shoulders—always held back behind him. His deep black eyes are soft and inviting, warm and comforting, and in them people can often find themselves lost.

Personality Traits—
+|+ Battle-hardy -----The race is one of power and strength. Ki’Rial is a warrior by virtue and a beast on the field of battle. Over the years of training and harsh life he has become stronger and stronger, growing both physically and mentally in the art of war. This also governs his speed of thought and ability to perform in the heat of battle, when one’s head is the deciding factor between the skills of the warriors.

+|+ Charismatic -----A unique and relatively peculiar trait to be found in a nomadic people. Among the tribes and wars, fate does not often lend a hand to those that have a gift of presence. Most fall to their demise before their time, dieing before their true hidden talents as a charismatic leader are truly brought to light. Of course those rare few are still here and there interspersed among the strong race, which exemplify characteristics of leadership and dominance. As a result of his outgoing nature he attracts the eyes of many, including women, but only notices them in a friendly sort of way.

+|+ Loving -----Ki’Rial is very happy with his life, never feeling that people should go hurt when it is possible to avoid such. Because of this he has a rather interesting love for all people, trusting them in a naïve fashion until they either prove themselves wrong or hurt his trust in some way. It is because of this that he so often finds friends among Althanas, so quickly especially. But he has difficulties discerning between love as a friend and true love (which he is beginning to feel for the first time).

+|+ Carefree -----With his child-like love for many things, Ki’Rial is still growing in his understanding of the real world. Without anything yet to threaten his emotions, anything to hurt him, the large warrior has no worries either for himself or for others (only because he doesn’t know to fret). That does not mean that he will not join a battle for the protection of another, but does mean that he puts himself before anyone else, no matter who they are.

+|+ Clothes ----- The clothes of Ki’Rial are thick and heavy, weighting the man down further into the thick snow of Berevar. But they are also the only things protecting him from its harsh weather. All the clothes are a mix of animal fir and thick cloths, underlining the armor and hiding beneath its strong frame. Completing the outfit are a set of thick tanned leather gloves (good for grip in sleet and snow, as well as rain) and a tattered but usable cape (which hangs from his shoulders and had a hood for normal use).

+|+ Hafted-battle axe -----A battle-axe one of the more powerful weapons to be wielded on the tundra. Being slower then a sword they are at a disadvantage in single combat, unless the user is proficient in its uses. But they have a much longer reach and have the capability of cleaving an opponent from a full arms length further then a sword. Ki’Rial’s weapon is made of reinforced dwarven iron (tier one) and a tundra wood equal in tier to oak (tier one). {Locked because it was lost, must be regained to use, preferably in a quest}

+|+ Hunting Knife ----- Just a simple tool utilized by the hunters of the tundra to finish off their dying prey, as well as any other use that they can put it too. Most commonly used for skinning the downed animal, as well as last resort weapon. Made of reinforced dwarven iron with leather wrapped around the wooden handle.

+|+ Hand-axes[x2]-----His new axes are small, able to be wielded in a single hand, but easily capable of cleaving a man’s head from their shoulders. Each one is very sharp, made of folded steel and Salvarian ironwood (tier 1, but resistant to bludgeoning and fire). ((Acquired from “To The Present”))

+|+ Chain mail Vest -----A simple chain vest that covers the upper body only of the Salvarian warrior. It is a deep gray in coloration and is made of dwarven iron. The vest is a common form of medium armor offered to the Berevarian people. Made of dwarven iron and covering the chest, flanks, back, and shoulders of its wearers.

+|+ Helmet -----A large iron helmet mimicking the tundra animal that the warrior most exemplifies. For Ki’Rial it is a large rack of a Yak, a strong beast that roams the tundra’s and is often the most useful commodity to the Berevarian people. It falls to just below his nose and has large slits for his auburn eyes to peer from. The horns of the Yak extend to either side for three feet. Often worn to obscure the view of outsiders from seeing the scar that crosses the Berevarian's forehead.

Major Skills— (level 2 proficiency) ((Unless specified))
+|+ Light Armor ----- Among the warriors only very few wear anything lower then medium armor. There are the few scouts and espionage warriors that wear their light armor, all are trained in the use of light armor at young ages and it is a prerequisite for medium armor. ((Not truly applicable to this character, only part of a prerequisite system.))

+|+ +|+ Medium Armor ----- The common warrior can be found in a standard suit of medium armor, ranging from a simple breastplate to chain. Often the common fighter will be recognized by their array of armor that they assemble for themselves, looking like a scavenger with the many different types of protection they collect. After the warrior becomes proficient in the use of light armor his next step is the mastery of medium, a giant step for some and a short hop to heavy for others.

+|+ Hunting ----- Ki’Rial has survived, as all Berevarian's, off the meager land through hunting. Though his training has been centered almost completely on his fighting, he still managed to frequently touch up what little skills he had hunting, using a longbow and traps which he has since lost.

+|+ Axe ----- The skill with the axe is probably the best skill that the growing warriors are offered. At first the cumbersome weapon often looks to be too much of a challenge, but as they mature and grow in their physical abilities and strength the weapons begin to fit their personality and the wielder begins to fit the weapons style. For some, like most warriors, they must revert back to something more balanced and easy, like a sword, but with proper control and skill the axe-man can become more powerful then any swordsman. Ki’Rial’s current skill with the axe is that of a basic common troop, nothing special and compared to other warriors he is about level with a troop of slightly above-average skill, above a common soldier but still below a general.

Minor Skills— (level 1 proficiency)
+|+ Lumberjack ----- ((Tier One Wood Only))
Using the axe in the profession of the lumberjack is just one of the many ways the Berevarian people using their combat skills to help them in everyday life. The wielder of the axe is often sent, for the good of community, to gather wood. This strengthens him, teaches him to wield the weapon, and encourages him to use it to an extent that surpasses the normal fighter’s narrow train of thought.

+|+ Longbow ----- A weapon most fluently used for the betterment of the community instead of war. Though the power of the bow can be used to take down a foe, it is most often used to kill caribou and other tundra creatures for their meat and hides. In this fashion all members of the community are taught, though few other then scouts and select groups wield them outside of their original purpose. Ki’Rial’s skill with the bow is used primarily for hunting only, and is almost useless for true combat since he has little skill with aiming at a humanoid target. All aim and skill rests in hitting the delicate points on animals of the tundra.

+|+ Tracking ----- ((Tundra Animals only))
A skill used for nothing else then tracking animals for food. This skill is most often taught to the young first by teaching them to identify the tracks of animals that they hunt. For this reason, a tracker is taught one environment and animals of that environment at a time.

+|+ Language-----
The use of language crosses all boundaries and creates a universal code of communication. It is this code that the socially deprived member of Berevar has lost, this code that he is as of yet learning, slowly but with much determination. Currently he can recognize the mouth patterns of someone using Common (or Tradespeak), and can actually communicate with them by reading their lips. But without Brute ((see later)) he is still unable to respond to them. He is slowly learning, thanks to the help of sweet people around Althanas, true Tradespeak and hopes that one day he will not need Brute to talk to others.

+|+ Survivor ----- ((Salvar Only))
The survivor ability is something that cannot be taught, something that can only be innate. It runs in the blood, passed from generation to generation, and is only for the Salvar region. Because of the use of the ability, it can only be used in one type of environment, and can be used in other environments through extensive exploration and mental documentation of such. This skill is in no way magical, but something that comes from extensive study and the will to learn.

+|+ Strength of a Yak ----- This ability remains in the family, a strength inherited through father to son. The name is all that the people of Berevar could think to call it, a phenomena that most could not explain. Currently the strength only extends to a mere 2.5 times the common Berevarian's strength, but over time and training it is destined to increase.


The Berevarian people live with only each other among the frozen tundra at the tip of Salvar. They are a mythical people that thrive on their legends, using it to keep their location unknown and their true power a secret. They fear no warrior of another race, and often invite the challenge. However, very few warriors are given the chance to challenge the Salvarian warriors.

Rial was like all other men of his secluded tribe, another warrior/hunter that would be chosen, like all the others, to provide for the community. Though they had once relied on all sorts of different classes, being nomadic had played an extreme part of the development of the Berevarian's history, once settled down they no longer needed all the different classes.

At the age of twenty, ten relative to human years, Rial was allowed to become a warrior of the lowest tier. His family bestowed upon him his axe and helmet, which were family heirlooms, and the clan gave his armor to him. His title was changed to Ki’Rial, for warrior, and his training truly began. From the beginning he was given all chances for greatness, chances that he seemed destine to fulfill.

Another decade passed, unlike other cultures that age slower the Berevarian people mature at the same rate as humans until forty when they retain their looks for the rest of their lives. Through the decade the young warrior mutated into something far more powerful and far more outgoing, a warrior of renown. He became bored with the society of the snow and felt his calling elsewhere, felt the South pulling at him. After a five day fast to commune with the spirits of the tundra, Ki’Rial felt it was time to desert his family and find something more exciting then the common hunting, tracking, and training for a battle that would never come.

He was granted the right to leave by the spirits, something far wiser then any others within the community, and his family said their goodbyes (though both were hard come and very reluctant). In the world of Althanas he hoped to find something more fulfilling then that which he left behind, but left with a promise to return and bring word of the world.

It was this hope that he found himself crossing the mountains between Berevar and Salvar, seeking the world that he had heard about in lore. With him he took a gift of the spirits, a pure white wolf (dire-wolf by Althanas standards) which actually helped him communicate to the others of the world.

With the wolf at his side, named Brute, Ki’Rial found himself venturing with humans (a species that looks just like himself, but on a much smaller scale). These humans, and even himself, were taken prisoner by a party of ice demons which they later broke away from.

His time in captivity, a small time but something very grave, he learned that not everything past the Blades was as welcoming as the humans from Knife’s Edge, and in fact grew a loathing for the demons. It is not the race that he dislikes, however, but the cruelty and bitter treatment that they subjected others to (most especially a small child named Julie).

Ki’Rial, with a sense of determination, headed to the town of Knife’s Edge to return Julie to her family and search for his missing weapon. It is in that town that he hopes to find the Rush (who helped him so easily), and help others if possible.


Stands 4’ tall (sixteen hands) and is 5’ long (twenty hands)

360 lbs

6 years

Brute is a very strong, very muscular dire wolf from the Berevar tundra. He had thick, pure white fur that is never matted or messed up in anyway. His eyes are a deep green, emerald by most standards, and he has a solid row of very sharp white teeth.

+|+ Hunting [0]--- Brute is very good at hunting, being blessed by Draconus, and can find any small foods such as rabbits or other small animals.

+|+ Enhanced Attributes [0]--- Common attributes that are superior to a human’s, such as hearing, smell, and taste

+|+ Translation [0]--- Brute is able, through merely his presence, allow Ki’Rial to hear and understand the words of others. Because this is a vocal ability Rial cannot read or write any language but his own. This ability causes people’s words, not the way they say them, to change—meaning their lips move in the same fashion but the words sound different to Ki’Rial and vice versa (this can be disconcerting and sometimes nauseating). Brute must be within forty feet of the warrior for the effect to work.

+|+ Minor Heal [0]--- Brute can use a divine power, through the spirits, to heal very small wounds such as bruises and headaches. This power also heals things such as nausea, and side-affects of larger sicknesses.

Tooth and Nail—his teeth are razor sharp, and he will attack if commanded, though Ki’Rial does not often use the wolf because he feels back about commanding it to do things against others. The only time he will be used as a weapon is in quests, against NPC, or against PC’s when both parties agree on it.

Fur—his only visible is his thick fur, which is resistant against most spells of ice-like power, and is building a resistance to others. Currently it is used most often as nothing more then a means of survival.

Enhanced bone structure—Brutes only other means of protection is his ability to take blows because of his thicker then average bone structure. Though this means he can be struck by most bludgeoning attacks and shrug them off, it also means that he weighs more then he appears and has trouble doing anything that requires him to be light (such as swimming and the like…)

---Racial Information---

Unknown referred to as 'Berevarian'

As a race the limit to their life span is truly unknown. Some suppose it could range around the thousands, some say it is only as high as six hundred. The oldest living member of their race in their history was six hundred four, and went into the mountains to live without a trace (most speculate to die alone). Very few of the race manage to get that high, since fatalities due to small feuds and hunting accidents are very high.

None have grown past seven foot three, and most have an average height of six foot. The men normally range between six foot five and eight, and the women normally stay at exactly six foot or an inch or two more.

There is no such thing as a small Berevarian. The entire race, all across Berevar, is all a heavier-medium build to something massive. The men have little to no body fat, during any part of their lives, and the women only get it when they are pregnant before loosing it again.

Their hair is almost always brown or black

Their eyes are also almost always brown or black, but there are a few with hazel (the prophesy foretelling of one with gold, but it is never been seen)

---Appearance--- ((For Male’s))
Though the Berevarian people are rarely seen, when they are they are often mistaken. Most see them as monsters, even the shortest of them towering over the average human race. And others see them as demons, their armor and weapons creations of the harsh tundra. Still others ignore them completely, and those are the ones that miss their only opportunity to see the Heavy Build race, their only opportunity to see a myth. The race often stands over 6’, very few being under it, and their muscle mass holds them over 200 pounds at their prime, easily. Scars often course across their visage, twisting and tightening its ruined tissue from countless fights and encounters with other tribes and wildlife of the tundra. Their size, strength and social dominance add together to make them intimidating and awe-inspiring.

((For Female’s))
The women of the tribes are often no taller then six-foot, weighting no more then 180-220 pounds at most. The only true differences between the women and the men are that the women are always sleeker and smaller, though no less strong, and the men are always scared whereas the women are only sometimes scared.

The personalities of the Berevar people mimic the environment itself. They are a cold people, void of most emotions, who would rather live their lives long and provide for their descendents through monotonous means then do something out of the average. They are driven, most commonly, by schedule and rehearsed traditions, each of which is carried out flawlessly.

They do not often show emotions, most not knowing anything outside of rage or anger. There is little in the way of joy or benevolence, and though there are kind-hearted people of the race, they are most often unable to express such emotions.

Love is often non-existent. The idea of love is neither expressed nor felt among almost all of the people of Berevar. They procreate with one another, taking a ‘mate’ for life, but do not consider it love as much as the need to further their own existence.

The weapons used are often something that normal humans would consider to be rather encumbering. From large axes to heavy swords, there is not a warrior in Berevar that uses short swords or daggers in a battle. Such weapons, as small as they are and practical against other humans would do nothing when in conflict with a bear or wolf of the tundra.

They also implement the use of ranged weapons, though normally somewhat crude basic longbows, in order to hunt caribou and yak from a distance. These weapons are often forgotten and discarded during battles against one another, not because they are either disgraceful or bothersome, but because they are not thought of as practical weapons.

Most armor is nothing more then tanned hides and the pelts they wear for protection against the sharp winds. Some fashion armor out of the heavy bones of fallen animals, such as yak horns or wolf shoulder blades. Others, mainly the clans closest to the Blades, are given gifts of armor from the Direling in the mountains after they kill adventurers. These gifts are exchanged without seeing one another, so the more superstitious Berevarian would believe that the gods are blessing them with metal clothes.

---Social Structure---
The world of Berevar, being its harshest, has always produced the most rugged forms of government and structure. It is because of this that the first people were actually nomadic, and still to the present are rather nervous about settling down in any one place. They may remain in tents, easily movable without any permanent foundation, but they are far less barbaric then an outsider may observe.

The clans, as they are split into, are spread across the cap of Althanas. Each one has an Elder, who acts as a Governor would, and he is the oldest and wisest member of the clan. Though some elders are no more then two hundred, they are revered and given much respect for any matter.

After the elder the most respected member of a clan is the Shaman, a powerful wielder of herbs and medicines. It is this man, who by most standards would be no more then an old fashioned physician, which the clan looks up to and holds almost in awe. Some, either female or male, possess a latent ability in magic. This ability is laced within their practical knowledge of tundra remedies and taught to others, who may or may not have magical abilities as well.

The only person that stands below these two are the parents of the common people, who they still defer to until they have wed and had their own children. The parents still have full right over the lives of the people, can hold them from doing something or push them towards something else, and it is these rights which allow children to follow certain paths.

As a rule of thumb, all members of the clan are trained in hunting, tracking, and survival (though most have it naturally). Some parents allow their children a freewill, letting them choose their future, while others force their children into one path or another. Whatever the case, if the clan Elder says that it is necessary to have more of one group then it will happen.

Another important part of the Berevar people it to split when the clan becomes too large, creating another clan that will migrate like their ancestors once did. It is in this way, which still serves it purpose, which the clans attempt to remain low enough numbers and spread out enough to provide enough food for them. It is a survival tactic, first and foremost, but also a way to create a smaller and easier controlled group of people.


In a time forgotten by all people, including the Berevarian people themselves, there was a small migration past the Blades. This migration was full of humans, a large group of people who found themselves amidst the Direlings once in the mountains (creatures originally created by Hromagh). During this time the Direling and the humans mixed, creating a new and larger race of humans who eventually migrated into Berevar.

This migration came at the same time the Thayne began to rise, for the humans feared the gods and sought a place of peace. Unfortunately, as the creatures of Hromagh (Direlings) and the creatures of Draconus (Draconian) began a war because of a disagreement between the two gods, the passes of the mountains were closed. It was this closing of the passage that trapped the people, half-Direlings, in Berevar for the first time.

Over countless years the people began to look more like humans then the Direling, every so often one will come with a set of tusks or the milk-white skin. These people spread throughout their polar cap, looking for nothing more then a way to survive to the next year. It was this determination, and quick understanding of the world around them, that taught them almost naturally to understand the weather and the snows of Salvar.

To the present, only one person has crossed back over the Blade Mountains, and as is prophesied from the beginning, there will be more and the clans will unite. It is behind that one person that the people of Berevar will be revealed and their strength will be summoned to protect the entire frozen tundra of an isolated nation. It is behind that one person that it is prophesied the beings of Draconus and Hromagh will finally end their war and give assistance to the world of Althanas.

08-24-11, 08:09 PM
Approved, you lazy turd.

Also, I edited your first post to erase the old header (addressing his reincarnation after the crash) and to include that this is for 3.0 standards. If you don't like it, tough.