View Full Version : Oriseus vs. Raelyse

02-02-07, 09:29 AM
This match-up will last until 8 P.M. E.S.T. on 2/16/07. Remember, if you finish your battle early, I can score you early - and finishing early is a good, good thing always.

Best of luck!

02-12-07, 03:44 AM
It wasn't often that the prince of Myrusia found himself excited, but then again, it wasn't often that his uniquely silver hair was guest to one of the grandest celebrations ever on Althanas. He had woken up with a spring in his step, a childish enthusiasm evident on his face. He had made the journey from Raiaera alone, deciding that his entourage should stay at their distance. Lately, he had grown less and less interested in their company and the affairs of his power group, the Grander's Order. The time before he had formed the Order had been much more carefree and the prince had wanted that back for a while. With the aptly named "Althanaversary" now on the agenda, Raelyse had a perfectly good reason to leave his underlings behind and explore the world.

Despite its popularity to tourists, barons and warriors alike, Raelyse had never set foot in Corone as much as he would have liked. The prince of Myrusia had been much more adventurous in Salvar, Raiaera and Raiaera but for some reason, he had never found the reason to come to Althanas' melting pot. So as he killed his desire for adventuring and for Corone birds with one stone, the prince had checked himself into the most expensive and copious inn in town, taking their largest suite. It had been an unusually quiet night, with the prince resigning early, deciding not to grace the town until the morning.

Now, as the prince of Myrusia parted the blinds and leaned against the wall, glancing outside onto the busy street below, he remembered instantly why Corone had been the bottom of his list for so long. Even in this part of town, Raelyse noticed the startling amount of commoners and peasants that wandered the street. A boy dressed in what looked like a tablecloth, a elderly man playing on the popular street, a middle aged man reclining against a chair with shoe polish spilled all over the surrounding area. Raelyse scoffed and shut the blinds, moving towards an extravagant chair in front of a table decorated in ornate jewels from desk to leg.

Throwing himself into the chair and leaning back, propping his legs on the chair, the prince shook his head slightly from side to side. It had been so long since he had come here that he had forgotten about the negative points of coming to such a large continent. He remembered the glance he had received from people, those eyes that looked at him as if he were one of them. Only here did his status not count. Raelyse wondered whether he should bother. He had done it in Raiaera and Alerar since he had left Myrusia, he had carved out a reputation and forged his name into people's minds. Maybe he should just leave... Celebrating "Althanaversary" had looked like being a highlight for him, but now that he remembered, now that he realized that he had to do so with so many commoners, he wasn't so sure it would be worth it.

Raelyse turned his head slightly, glancing at his fine elven rapier, as it leaned against the wall no more than a few feet away. He thought about reaching for it, but he had forged himself into such a comfortable position that he hardly wanted to move. The prince sighed and pushed his head back against the fine cushion on the chair.

"Sorry, Aesuthiel, but it seems that Althanaversary will slip us by. I'm sure you understand. How would you like it if I smashed you against a dwarven axe or a goblin sword? That's exactly what we're up against, my friend. I know, it's horrible..."

02-25-07, 08:06 AM
Raelyse wins by disqualifaction and earns 50 EXP/GP.