View Full Version : Omegastar vs. Khalxaen

02-02-07, 09:29 AM
This match-up will last until 8 P.M. E.S.T. on 2/16/07. Remember, if you finish your battle early, I can score you early - and finishing early is a good, good thing always.

Best of luck!

02-04-07, 12:16 AM
“Hmm?” Khalxaen’s scarlet eyes stared at the light-blue sky. Birds were chirping lovely melodies, and even the river in front of her seemed so serene. The weather was great today, and nature was on her side, she concluded. She sat down on a rock while munching on a fruit she found on a bush nearby. She didn’t know what it was called, but luckily, it was edible. The grass that surrounded her was a healthy shade of green, and there was a river that separated her from the other side of the forest.

She was lost in a forest, again. There came a time since she left her town that she just realized that she was no good with directions, so she just stopped thinking about it altogether. It’s not like she had a definite goal, she just went anywhere fate would bring her.

It seemed like a peaceful day, and maybe instead of wandering off again, she’d spend it napping on the grass and listening to the tranquil sounds the river made. Much to her dismay, though, her Skoteinos was disagreeing. It was warm and tingling on her side, as if predicting something interesting or life threatening would happen that day. As usual, Khalxaen ignored the warnings it gave.

If something was going to happen, then just let it happen. She had no use for predictions or warnings.

02-04-07, 10:34 PM
Omega had found himself wandering the contenant he had learned was 'Althanas'. He was walking through a forest soaking up the beauty of it cause he never knew when he would of been thrown back in that test tube he had grown accustomed too. As he entered an open area in the forest with a very large lake in the middle of the opening.

"Wow! this is just beautiful!" Omega said as he unsheathed Ferin'Sha do show him the beauty of the area.

"Don't go gaping get ready for a fight i sense something wrong over there" Ferin'Sha said as the sword pointed towards a tree.

"You sure about that it looks to peaceful to be anything wrong with it." Omega said out loud as he started walking towards the tree.

As omega approached the tree he saw a figure leaning up against the tree asleep.

"KILL HER!....KILL HER!....KILL HER!....KILL HER!" Ferin'Sha was chanting.

"I'm sorry Ferin'Sha but i wont kill a helpless being especially a helpless woman." Omega said as he went and leaned up against the tree looking directly at her with his sword resting on his shoulders in a very masculine pose that would turn most females on.

02-05-07, 04:23 AM
The demon was having a nice dream about lots and lots of food when her eyes snapped open. Her pointy ears perked up at the sound of feet crushing grass, and someone who seemed to be speaking to himself. She looked up to see a man with orange hair looking back down at her.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?" Khalxaen asked, blinking in confusion. She didn't expect anybody else to be in such a place. "I'm a helpless woman, you say? And what do you even want to kill me for?"

"His sword, I can sense it wants to kill you."

"Eh?" The demon stared at her sword, Skoteinos. It had been some time since she last heard it spoke. Every time it spoke, though, she couldn't understand a thing it said. She wondered if it was in her sword's personality to develop pointless mind games. "What are you talking about?"

"I already told you. It wants to kill you."

Before Khalxaen could react, spikes of ice appeared all around her sword and headed it's way towards the man in a terrifying speed. Eyes wide, Khalxaen yelled at him to duck. She had no idea that her sword could call out the same spells she did, but it only made logical reasoning since it was probably the reason she could cast them in the first place.

02-10-07, 10:23 AM
Before the man could answer her questions ice crystal's formed around the females sword and launched towards Omega.

"Holy crap!" Omega said as he was about to flash step but his sword disappeared from his hilt and weakened him enough to drop him to one knee.

"What kind of Magic is this destroying my blade?" Omega said as he felt rage build up inside of him as the crystals stopped almost as if hitting a shield. "What on earth is going on here?"

At that point blood squirted out of numerous cuts on him that had just appeared dropping him to the ground.

"I'm sorry i had to do that to you Omega but it was neccesary for this!"

At that moment a sphere of solid blue started t form around him and once the circle was complete it got a very very very bright blue and started growing slower.

02-12-07, 05:47 AM
"Skoteinos!" Khalxaen scolded, staring at her sword furiously. It might seem strange that a person was talking to a seemingly inanimate object, and she wasn't even sure how to converse with it yet. She had only heard it speak a couple of times, and she wasn't sure if it was only her who could hear it, or everyone else around her too. "Why the hell did you do that?"

Her sword didn't reply, but she was positive it would just have told her that this person's sword wanted to kill her. They both had sentient swords. 'Amusing.' She thought in a span of a second. 'Wait, no, this isn't the time to think of that...!'

She faced her opponent and saw the streaming blood. It hadn't occurred to her that that particular attack had gotten stronger to deal such damage. A blue sphere was surrounding him, and she stared, wide-eyed.

"What the hell is that?" Khalxaen said weakly, bemused. She couldn't understand why she had been thrown into a battle out of nowhere, but it didn't seem like negotiating at this point was an option. Her opponent looked determine to defeat her, even though she couldn't tell what the sphere was going to do.

( OOC: I'm sorry if I made my character react in the wrong way, but I'm not exactly sure what the solid blue sphere does. >.< )

02-14-07, 11:23 PM
Omega was staring into nowhere as the orb around him started expanding at a steady state clearly destroying everything in it's path, Animate or in-animate.

"i'm sorry for what i might accidently do to you" Omega said as he closed his eyes and saw only darkness with a single man standing in the middle of it glowing as if a sun's ray was hitting him directly.

The man unsheathed a pure black sword with what looked like a double hilt. One was a square with a straight line from the middle of each side of the box, then a hand width's away was another hilt that went out like a normal sword hilt but skinnier and had spheres at each end. the blade was also skinnier then 90% of all long or short swords combined.

the man charged at him saying. "If you can't beat me you can't beat anyone." he also continued to say as he came for his initial blow. "I am the esscense living inside your sword."

Omega went to grab his sword but realized it was missing, he had no time to react as the sword came crashing down into his shoulder. Then a swift kick to the middle of his chest sent him flying backwards in the endless darkness he was in.

"Well, i may not have a sword but if all i have to do is beat you then so be it!" Omega screamed as he ran at the man dodging the stabbing motion the man made for his other shoulder as he punched the man in the gut and knee'd him. then he continued to grab the man by the hair and continuesly knee him in the face until he stopped moving.

Meanwhile outside the sphere every blow that omega or the 'essencse' of his sword made the shield jumped a foot in every direction destroying everything in that viscinity.

(ooc: right now the shield is right about where khalzaen was at teh beginning. she has plenty of chances to move out of there and the shield is pretty much changing my guy or also considered his 'near death save' it heals him and amps all his attributes by 1.5x so have fun ;))

02-15-07, 04:28 AM
“Hey, what’s wrong with you?” Khalxaen called out, staring at the expanding sphere. She slowly took a step forward and could hear strange sounds from within, but she couldn’t see the person who was trapped inside it clearly. The demon could observe that he looked like he was in a world of his own, though, and like he wasn’t conscious of what was happening. Khalxaen couldn’t tell if he needed her help or he was just getting ready for an attack. Confused, the demon tried her best to peer inside. She reached her hand out but stopped short as she realized that every ground the sphere touched got destructed.

Her scarlet eyes widened and the sphere expanded, almost hitting her foot if she didn’t swiftly step back. A branch that was there previously snapped in two and dissolved into dust. The demon had never seen anything like this before, and much to her denial, she was starting to get frightened.

“Hey, quit it!” Khalxaen yelled, panic evident in her voice. She didn’t like the idea of the slowly expanding mass of destruction, and she wanted to snap him back to his senses somehow. As if by instinct, she called out a spell and the wind in between her and the other man started to gain pressure. It acted as her own shield, causing small objects that got caught in it’s vortex to rise into the air and show it’s form.

She started to back away quickly, planning to avoid the sphere. Her own attacked made it’s way towards the man, and she hoped it would at least be able to destroy his current trance.

(( Edit, OOC: Uhm, I checked your profile, and your sphere destruction skill thing is nowhere there, which I think is against the rules. I'm just saying this since I don't know what's supposed to happen about it (pertaining to score, etc) and just so the judge is aware, because it seems like a fairly strong skill. ^^ I'll just continue the thread as you like, anyway, but I hope you don't power game too much. XD ))

02-25-07, 07:11 PM

Continuity - 4
Setting - 2
Pacing - 6
Writing Style
Mechanics - 5
Technique - 4
Clarity - 6
Dialogue - 3
Action - 3
Persona - 4
Wild Card - 3

Total – 40


Continuity - 2
Setting - 1
Pacing - 1
Writing Style
Mechanics - 2
Technique - 2
Clarity - 3
Dialogue - 2
Action - 1
Persona - 1
Wild Card - 0

Total – 15

Khalxaen wins and earns half EXP/GP.

03-02-07, 10:24 PM
Khalxaen earns 357 EXP and 50 GP.
Omegastar earns 38 GP and 25 GP.