View Full Version : How Did You Find Althanas?

02-06-07, 01:46 PM
This is a question I ask every once in awhile, since I'm alwas curious about it and also interested in this question since it can help me better promote the site:

So how did you find Althanas? Word of mouth? Google link? AllRPG? How did you get here?

Zook Murnig
02-06-07, 01:49 PM
Well, D Stortion on GUA (Jimmy LeBlanc here) invited me to join a quest with himself and Ether (Atzar Kellon) in Divine Salvation. It's yet to be finished, and it probably won't be finished, but in the course of it, Atzar invited me to join Althanas. About a week later, I did. And I've been here ever since.

02-06-07, 01:56 PM
Myao Myao~!

I came here through the RPG Gateway after doing some Googling. Stayed here ever since, seeing that all others are... Well, not as alluring or exciting, Nya~! ^_^

02-06-07, 02:04 PM
Used to be a member on here before site crashed, but that's not the question you asked, is it? (Rhetorical question #1 today!!!!!^_^) Well, if I remember correctly, I was ushered here via a link that I followed when I was bored. Well...that's about it, right? (DING! Rh. question #2!!!)

02-06-07, 02:20 PM
INDK referred me to this site about three years ago. Althanas has remained on the outskirts of my mind ever since, and a couple of months ago I finally decided to make a commitment.

Can't say I'm regretting it ;)

02-06-07, 02:23 PM
I guess I technically found it through AllRPG. Though I probably heard about the IV on another site, or maybe I just frequented AllRPG at that time and happened to stumble across the IV. I can't remember.

02-06-07, 03:12 PM
Ciancth brought me and Unseen over 4+ years ago, back on the IV. Waaay back when.

Artifex Felicis
02-06-07, 03:21 PM
Poe/Quikk/Some guy with a spear showed me the site a while ago, maybe 3-4 years ago at the very least. Back when Yari and Itermoss fought in the Finals of the Serenti.

02-06-07, 03:30 PM
A bit longer than 3 years ago, I was on a different forum (GUA) and saw a link in Ranger's signature on that forum. I followed it and came here. That pretty much (to the best of my knowledge) started the GUA exodus, which up till now has included myself, Atzar (he had a character here before the big crash 3 years ago, I think it was called Ether), Storm Veritas, Abbie, Devin Argente and a bunch of other members and ex members that I can't remember off hand.

02-06-07, 03:49 PM
A little over 4 years ago I heard from some people on another forum I used to go to that Allrpg had a kick ass RPing section. Well about a year later I decided to check it out, clicked on the link to Althanas and the rest is history.

02-06-07, 05:22 PM
Through some misleading googling, a malfunctioning mouse, and attempting to block a pop-up, I came across the main page that was doing a teaser of the Vorin-Letho battle, which I read against my better judgment. Not knowing the result, I came back and joined. Never even knew about RPing till then, so I guess Vorin and Letho got me here.

02-06-07, 05:32 PM
I came here a few months to a year ago as Vampiric Angel. I came here from GUA after visiting a link that Abbie, known as GekkoPixie on GUA, posted telling everyone where she'd be spending her time. So I came, liked what I saw, made an acc. and never looked back. Although I am a little peeved that Abbie won't be coming back. :_( She was a cool cat, that one.

02-06-07, 05:48 PM
Through some misleading googling, a malfunctioning mouse, and attempting to block a pop-up, I came across the main page that was doing a teaser of the Vorin-Letho battle, which I read against my better judgment. Not knowing the result, I came back and joined. Never even knew about RPing till then, so I guess Vorin and Letho got me here.

You're welcome. ;)

Also, that thread helped me solidify my like of Althanas, so I guess it was the gift that keeps on giving.

I game here through friends I knew from Warcraft 3 RPing. The shit you could do with those maps was all aesthetics, so I never really got any idea of storyline or recurring characters. With the lag and the dropping, not to mention the hours it took to build shit, nothing much ever really got down. So Althanas was a whole new world of possibilities for me.

The only person I still know from Warcraft rping is Urei, but he wasn't one of the people that lead me here.

Corvus MacCallum
02-06-07, 06:08 PM
Lots of poking over a long period of time by Witchblade, it was rare she`d speak of anything else.

02-06-07, 06:20 PM
Lots of poking over a long period of time by Witchblade, it was rare she`d speak of anything else.


I so too spoke of tons of different stuff. Try getting you to talk about things other than your latest comic or whatever random game you've just bought is a chore, not getting me to stop talking about Althy! I only reminded you on this place once every month for about two years, that's all. ^^

I found Althanas through a friend of mind who used to rp here, Silver. he unfortunately doesn't anymore and that was like forever and a day ago. I joined when it was Tanthanas though and have come and gone periodically.

The Bard
02-10-07, 12:05 AM
a long long time ago from my friend Luke in 4th grade and I'm now in 9th but I haven't really started serious role playing until last year cause I had no idea how to write as good as I do now

02-10-07, 06:31 AM
Was looking through a google for online RPG's about a year ago, and saw links to different pbf forums. I wasn't interested at first. But about a week later, a friend of mine gave me the URL to this site. I didn't know that it was pbf until I got on, I thought it was a browser game with a very cleverly done engine.

I got on here, and found to my disappointment that it was pbf. However, I decided I'd give it a try. I figured I do some stuff with Hack(my friend's username) but, all Hack did was register...he lost internet access soon after. But, I decided I'd stick around. My first thread, Lost in the Woods (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=537), and done in first person perspective, didn't ever get finished. So, after a bit of a hiatus, I tried again, this time with Shenjara's First Encounter (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=1459). I've been enthralled with this site ever since.

02-10-07, 03:44 PM
Word of mouth. Madison/Sighter told me about it back in 2002. I had been role-playing with him and some other people on AOL message boards since 2000.

02-10-07, 04:07 PM
I found out through All RPG around four years ago but didn't really join until 3 years ago when both my friends joined the military. I started as Melody Shade spirit then the big crash happened. I came back a little later and here I am, one of Althanas' handful of furries^^

02-10-07, 04:10 PM
Like it says in my intro thread in Flying Stone, I participated in the ToL over on GUA.

Fought Dirks and Zieg...and talked to Lucien.

Dirks and Lucien both spent time trying to convince me (OMG, I can utilize the English language in the proper manner, unlike 85% of the other peoples over there!), and then I talked to Cyrus a bit.

In Drow.

And then I decided to come over and give it a spin, but didn't actually make the account until a month after I'd made the decision (more), and almost a month after I told Lucien was the earliest I'd do it.

So now I'm here and having a pretty decent sort of a time.

02-10-07, 07:15 PM
I used to play a MUD called Medievia. It was a baisc fantasy mud that ultimately sucked because there was no diversity. However from that came a small message board that I posted in until the clan it was linked two folded. SO, I basically was wondering what to do with my time since Med was once agian boring as hell. The answer came when one of the people I roleplayed with (Syrianna and a couple of other names) found Althanas. I checked it out because it was what we were dong, but structured, levels occured and had merit, it was...interesting.

The net result was that I registered and never looked back. A far better addiction than any MUD>

02-10-07, 08:46 PM
In April of 2002, I heard a friend of mine in high school ((his 'thanas username was Shiny_X for those of you old enough to remember him)) talking to another friend about the forums. I didn't catch much of their convo, but our group spent our lunch hours playing neopets and some other online game that I can't remember anymore together. Something with battleships. Anyway. My best friend at the time had his birthday party on May 8th. I wasn't invited because this other friend of his didn't like me. I was depressed and bored at home, decided to check out this "allrpg.com/iw" thing that Shiny had mentioned and had been coming up in my memory. I registered Tshael 5/8/02 and have been part of the furniture ever since. XD

02-10-07, 08:49 PM
Word of mouth... or text in this case since it was over MSN. ObBi, an older member showed it to me by getting me to give my opnion on his battle he had with Yari over an issue from the Loan department that existed back on Allrpg Althanas!

I've gone through many characters since then trying to find the 'right' one. (Ie: Teridan, Silvermane, The Great Guardian) I've had my doubts with Solomon occasionally... but I'm still determined to make him work.

02-11-07, 03:56 AM
Khal told me about it back when she was Rena whatsis P: around year 2004. Died and then came back after feeling the need to write stories in 2006.