View Full Version : Caduceus Grimaldi - Qaballistic Magician - Mid-level Update

Zook Murnig
02-07-07, 10:24 AM
Previous Profile (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=3342)

Updates in blue

Name: Caduceus Grimaldi
Nickname: Cade or Cad
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 130 lb.
Appearance: Caduceus is a pale-skinned young man, owing to his years of study amongst the other magicians of Tel'Han. His hair is a light brown, streaked with darker browns and blonde portions, coming down to his shoulders when loose, though he usually has it tied back at the nape of his neck in a sort of low-hanging ponytail. His eyes are a blue-grey, with a penetrating gaze that seems unsettling to those not used to it. He wears dark brown wide-sleeved robes with a large, low-cowled hood that he pulls up sometimes to hide the majority of his face. On his feet, he wears thick boots of heavy leather, which prove very useful in the snowy winters of the Comb Mountains.
Personality: Caduceus is a relatively calm fellow, who loves books and thinks constantly of the connections between things, both magical and otherwise. He enjoys solving problems, but gets inordinately frustrated when he is unable to do so. Unlike most other members of Tel'Han, Caduceus worships a god-form known to him as Ain Soph (to be expanded upon in Religion). He keeps his worship of this being low-key to avoid ridicule amongst his fellows, but it is not entirely unknown.

History: Caduceus was born twenty-three years ago in a small village on the edge of Concordia. He grew up in the Qaballistic community, learning minor magical knowledge as a child, until his thirteenth birthday, when he, being viewed as a man, was told he would need to seek his own knowledge of the workings of the world, and therefore the workings of magic.

He hated to leave his home, but his parents, with tear-filled eyes, agreed to send him to the Tel'Han monks in the Comb Mountains to learn what he could from the magicians there. He left on a merchant wagon, headed for the range, and arrived a few months later in the snowy village among the mountain peaks.

He spent the next ten years of his life there in deep study, quickly forgetting his homesickness and learning to love this new aesthetic lifestyle. While most of his fellow students were strictly secular, he managed to find friends among them despite his religious bent.

Recently, he has devoted time to learning a new spell from an element he had left untouched -- Water. After consulting two of the village elders, Keyei bestowed upon him, albeit temporarily, the book of his old master, Israel Regardie. The book, called the Golden Dawn, was a lexicon of Qaballistic magical practices and theory, wherein Caduceus found the necessary divine name for his new spell.

Religion: Caduceus worships a divine entity he calls Ain Soph as a part of an ancient semi-monotheistic religious tradition among his native people known as the Qaballah. This god-form is literally "nothing," and therefore more powerful than any other god, goddess, demon, or angel known to the rest of the world, at least as far as Qaballistic reckoning goes. The Qaballah recognizes the existence, however, of these other divinities as lesser beings vying for power under Ain Soph. Central to his religion is the study of magic and the idea of the Tree of Life as a map of attributions to the universe and man. The common credo among Qaballists "As above, so below" refers to the relationship between the macrocosm, or the world, and the microcosm, or the man.
Elemental Magic:
Fire Summoning- Caduceus can launch balls of fire that, at his option, can explode upon impact, or simply leave burning flames on the target. He can, alternatively, create a bright, but harmless, flame to float nearby, merely providing light (often to read by).
Wind Blast- Caduceus can summon up gusts of wind to push against objects or foes with a reasonable amount of force.
Shield of Sand- Caduceus can call upon mud, sand, soil, or whatever the prevailing earth variety (aside from large stones) to momentarily protect him from blows. This ability is more effective against ranged attacks than melee.
Icy Grip- Caduceus can call upon the elemental energy of Water to freeze inanimate objects and small portions of living bodies. If used on living flesh, the spell causes frostbite on the affected area, and a small portion of the flesh may become brittle enough to break off. (Earned here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=4134).)
Astral Magic:
Etheric Vision- Caduceus is capable of calling upon his astral sight to see the auras surrounding people and objects, with a limited ability to see past or through matter. This ability takes a fair bit of concentration, so he can't use it very reliably under stress (such as in a battle).
Astral Projection (locked)- Caduceus will be able to, eventually, project his mind-body to travel separately from his physical body, and possibly communicate with individuals far removed from himself. This ability is currently beyond his capabilities to perform.

Equipment: The robes mentioned in his appearance, and a pack with a book or two for "light" reading. No weapons.

02-07-07, 02:22 PM
I will approve this, but such profile updates are really not necessary. Your signature is the proper place for these kinds of minor updates.