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View Full Version : Canen Darkflight v.s Sakura

Falcon Darkflight
04-11-06, 11:08 AM
((Quick OOC Note: I have realised my profile lacks a 'weapon' field...mainly due to my own stupidity. This was an obvious mistake and I hope I shall not be penalised for it, I have PM'd Cyrus to make the appropriate action to let me edit this.))

The cold, hollow hallways that snaked around The Citadel's extensive and impressive lobby stood silent and undisturbed. The limescale and moss covered slabs of stone that had been used to pave the flooring of the corridors were fungal to the touch and frail, some cracking and fracturing under the regular pressure of footsteps from visitors and battlers alike, travellers who had come to seek their fortunes or spectators who could come to see the greatest entertainment Corone had to offer. Occasionally, a monk robed in orange garments would scurry from one portal to the next, shuffling challengers in and out to maintain a steady flow of traffic for the crowd and to keep things running as smooth as possible without upsetting any of the spectators.

A heavy pair of footsteps began thudding down the stone pathway a few hundred yards ahead and sounded almost march-like in tempo, with one foot precisely following the next as it crashed down on the floor. The heavy heeled soles of the black, silver buckled boots attached to them cracked and further shattered some of the older stone, before halting completely at a junction in the corridor. The monk who was present a few metres away waddled up to the owner of the footsteps, and bowed cautiously and with some rehearsed exaduration.

"How may The Citadel help you today?" He chirped in as positive a voice as he could muster. He was only about 5 foot tall, and was quite chubby and round, and looked as if picking a fight with someone bigger and more frustrated looking than himself would not be the pathway he intended to drag himself down, having just dealt with an unruly bunch at number 3 door that had beaten their opponents to death with little more than fists and feet. He raised his torso to even level again, retracting from his bow, and peered up at the warrior he faced. He knew it was Canen.

At first he was intimidated. He saw the black and silver buckled heavy boots somewhat pressed into the mossy texture of the stone, and almost gasped in horror as the boot further crushed the ancient rock floor. He rolled his eyes up to see the warrior's long black hair bustling in the draught of the corridor and a pair of sharp, almost vicious emerald eyes lunging at him from the pale white setting of his face. The rest of the warrior's torso was cloaked in a long, draping crimson cape with black runes, and the only flesh the monk could see on any of the mans body were the bits of pale white skin where his black leather gauntlets or crimson undershirt had not completely covered the gap between his forearms and bicep muscle. With a fierce look, Canen's eyes flickered to pierce into those of the monk, raising a gloved hand to the entrance of the familiar flickering portal a few metres away in the alcove.

"...You recieved my message, did you not? Then I presume you know why I am here..." He growled in a deep throated tone. The monk nodded and looked over to the black feathered crow with the golden eyes that had delivered a small parchment scroll in scribbled black ink, which was perched happily on Canen's shoulder.

"...Yes, Canen. Your message was recieved and your opponent is en-route for the match. Is there anything I can do?"

Before the monk had a chance to finish his sentence, Canen let loose a hallowing laugh and stroked Lothrain's smooth head with some dark affection. The bird cawed in satisfaction, and then fluttered up to the rafters where he perched on an old timber beam where he would sleep during the duration of the battle, and with that Canen strode tall through the portal. It whirred slightly, and gave a small bright sonic pulse as a signal that the combatant had successfully entered the arena, and monk sighed in a reserved resignation.

"...He's determined, that's for sure. This person had better come prepared..."


As the bright white light faded along with the cold numbing sensation of the warp portal, an intense heat hit face like a hammerblow. Streaks of orange, red and yellow scorned the horizon and light was scarce and difficult to adapt to. He winced as his eyes attempted to adjust to the sudden temperature rise, and slowly looked around whilst his eyes began re-focusing to the low light conditions and the sudden rise in humidity. The first thing that he noticed was that the ground ahead of him was volcanic: two large islands of molten rock and cooled lava seperated by a river of magma that snaked and miandered through the scolded earth like a sidewinder moving silently along a desert floor. The heat that rose from the rocks around created distorted and contorted images, and it was impossible to see more than a few hundred yards in any direction upon the hot rocks after which visibility would simply disappear into a mirage.

Connecting the two volcanic land masses was an old, battered rope bride. It was about 100 metres long and was the only way to get from one side to the other without endangering life by attempting to hop across molten stepping stones that littered the lake of fire. There was only enough room on the bridge to hold one person width wise, hardly any room to move anywhere other than forwards and backwards. This suited Canen fine, as he would not be in the mood to be performing any psychotic aerobatics over any unnamed rivers of lava.

Finally, on the side he was stood which he had gathered was the south side stood an almost charred stone temple. It looked about the size of a small house, and was painted on the outside with gold and red inscriptions in elven upon a beige stone texture. The entrance to the temple was dark and overcast with fumes that were pluming across the south side of the lava flow and little could be made out from where Canen was standing, which happened to be quite a distance away.

All in all quite proud with the setting, Canen twirled the hilt of The Valiance through his hands with mastery, spinning the blade in a flurry of directions before slamming the tip of the blade into the softened rock below his feet. He laughed out loud to himself, and cracked kis knuckles underneath the thick leather gauntlets he had earlier adopted from the marketplace of Corone.

"...I must admit, i've been looking forward to this for a while. The battlefield is sheer beauty, like hell itself manifested into a containment field in which one power faces another in a contest of skill, determination and strength. A deadly game...but the only challenge that will satisfy the lust for revenge, the glory of battle seething through my gritted teeth and pumping veins..."

He could feel the flames ravage what exposed pale skin there was, but it felt somewhat soothing to the warrior. Like it reflected his pent up, aggresive mood.

"This is a playground for the devil himself, away from the opinions and prying eyes of fools and imbeciles. No longer belittled by those who do not understand, but soon to be hailed by those who have truely lived the life they were given..."

04-12-06, 11:16 AM
“That was the most pathetic attempt at fighting I’ve seen. You really need practice.” The man declared with laugh. He has Sakura down on her butt with her back propped on an old oak tree. He wore plain brown robes with a shaved head but carried a lovely Mythril Jian, clearly a warrior monk.

Sakura stared into cold eyes trying to look with defiance but she could not hide her apprehension from the eye of the warrior monk who smiled. “What do you want from me?” Sakura asked as her tail flipped with irritation, fear and pain from being knocked down like this.

The monk laughed and threw a scroll on Sakura’s lap while keeping the sharp point a millimeter from the vixen’s breast. “Practice, and here’s your chance to get it. You have good form but you never really fought a man to the death and you hesitate too much. Here’s you chance to get over the fear.”


Sakura had read the instruction on the scroll and they brought the Kiko to this huge stone building. It was bigger than the palace that she had stayed on before the disappearance of her sister; this building could easily fit 10 of Hiroshi’s palaces inside. It was too easy to get lost.

Luckily another monk was about, probably of the same order as the man who gave her the scroll. This monk had a round friendly face instead of the sharp harsh face of the warrior that proved Sakura a novice. The monk smiled at the girl with genuine kindness and a want to teach. “What would you like young miss: to be a spectator or a participant? I can set up a nice novice battle for you.” The monk stopped when he noticed the scroll in the vixen’s paw.

“I brought you this, I think I’m to participate in a special match.” Sakura wagged her tail in apprehension seeing the smile on the monk go awkward.

The lithe girl seemed to be fast enough, though sweet girls like her were better for public matches. Her yellow and white fur would be good for the cold but if that scroll were what he thought it was then the fur would be a disadvantage. What was he thinking bringing a girl like her, she might just faint from the heat in that room and what would anyone gain from that. “This way…” The Monk led on not wanting to say anymore. Even if the worst were to happen the girl would be fine, the citadel healers were the best and could bring back a person that dies in the halls as good as new no matter how bad the injury.

Sakura followed without a word, as the change in the monk seemed to make her think that talking was a bad idea. The halls twisted and turned with hundreds of doors of all shapes and sizes. The gait was fast and the monk might’ve lost her if she didn’t keep up, perhaps it was a test. Finally they reached the door. “Thank you.” Sakura said but only got a silent bow. The obsidian door was large and imposing and the change in the Monk’s temperament was very unsettling so Sakura entered the door way without hesitation.


Ack it was sooo hot down in there. Sakura felt the heat attacking her just as she entered, threatening to broil the girl in her fur. The fox girl was quite thankful for the geta on her feet as the black stone might have scalded her them without the protection. The whole place was a bleak smoky landscape with the exception of the spectacular and deadly beauty of the golden river of death. But though all of it the Vixen could only pant and lean on her staff as she walked on the solid lava rock.

The place had a stone house and a bridge but the rest was natural and hot, making Sakura wish and look for water. Then to answer her prayers there was water, a hot spring, one that was boiling and stank, if Sakura fell in that there would be fox stew that smelt of rotten eggs, a very embarrassing death. Sakura approached the bridge seeing that it would be a better place to be. What a horrible place this was. Sakura looked around wondering if her opponent was here, by everything her ears heard that she was supposed to fight someone here, why did she agree to this, it seemed to be madness.

“Hello is anyone there?!” Sakura cried out as her voice tried not to crack from the heat, talking wasn’t going to be pleasant since her muzzle really only wanted to pant and expel the heat from her body. The vixen hoped someone would answer, her tail would normally wag but the heat made it too lethargic to show her mood in such a way.

Falcon Darkflight
04-13-06, 09:40 AM
Through the searing heat and rushing of the flaming lava stream below the bridge, Canen heard an almost inaudible voice seep through the tremendous heat. His pale flesh was by this time covered in a delicate veil of sweat and although he stood firm and solid, looking confident and calm, he knew inside that he had to be extremely cautious in these kind of temperatures. Fatigue was as much of a weakening aspect of a battle as being incapacitated by a physical blow or a magical attack, and any mistake on his part would make life extremely difficult for him in these conditions.

He was a little surprised as he watched the distorted figure of his opponent wade through the rising warmth, seemingly searching for him, calling out to the bleak and desolate landscape. The fox like humanoid appeared to be female, and was unlike anything the Nocturn had encountered before now. She appeared to carry a staff like weapon and a look in her eyes suggested she was hesitating about her agreement to this battle, but yet there seemed something strange, something that was not quite 'in place'...it was like a nagging itch in the back of his mind.

"Canen Darkflight, my lady..." He shouted through the smoke and smouldering embers, bowing in his usual courteous manner from across the other side of the bridge. His red cape billowed in the rising heat behind him whilst his hair fell about in moisture soaked twisted strands about his face. He allowed his emerald eyes to make contact with the Vixen's before reverting back to his upright form. "...what brings a lady to such a volatile landscape to do battle, if I may ask?"

He kept his blade in its sheath for now, at least waiting for his opponent to introduce herself in the proper manner, but kept a steady hand on the gripshaft to repel any chances of him being surprise attacked. This had happened too many times for him to count, and again paying heed to these treacherous conditions he knew that his level of fitness could only hold off the tiredness for so long before this ravaging heat started to attack his game. The last thing he needed was to be a hit down on the first wave of attacks...

Storm Veritas
06-21-06, 09:54 AM
Sadly, this one isn't long enough for a partial judgment. I'll lock and move it, let someone know if you guys want it back to finish some time.