View Full Version : Into the Void

02-08-07, 01:49 PM
Hallo, Althanas.

I'm just here to inform you that starting about...14.10 hours after this post appears on the forums, I'll be dropping into the black abyss of no internet connection.

I'll be attending a Res Hall Association convention at Virginia Tech, so if any of you attend that school and think I'm cool enough to meet, IM me at some point this evening, and I'll try and fit you in, although the sched is busy and I'll be spending most of what time I DON'T have to be in boring meetings with my b/f.

I've already talked to my Tourney opponent, oh, Cyrus/Madyrn, you can bunny her into the thread with the "hallo, I'm Karuka, an' 'tis ay good t' meetcha" sort of deal if you want, but don't start combat pwease.

I'll have what posts I need to make done before I vanish, and I'll be back either Sunday night or Monday evening, unless something goes horribly wrong, in which case I will get word out somehow.

Okay, darlings, I'm off to do what needs to be done today, I should be on later this afternoon/evening until very early in the morning.

02-08-07, 02:05 PM
No worries here, have... fun I suppose. lol

02-08-07, 02:18 PM
Hey, Karuka. It'll be a bit quiet without you around here...

Nonetheless... We'll manage... :p

Have fun while you can and return to Althanas with renewed vigor. :)


02-08-07, 02:48 PM
Yeah I hope it goes well, We'll wait patiently for your return, I should have posted in our quest by the time you get back.

02-10-07, 06:55 AM
Waaa!!!Will miss you!!! Who's gonna be my anti-Letho shield while you're gone?*sniff*

"May the spirits of the Ether be with you, and the purest of elements at your command."-A wise elementalist.

02-10-07, 03:02 PM

I've been at home recently, and when I left yesterday morning to go to this conference ma-bobber that I'm attending now, I left my powercord for my laptop at home.

So I won't be returning until Tuesday or Wednesday evening or night. I'll borrow a library comp to get up a couple of posts, but that's about it.

I'm on my b/f's comp right now, and I really hate his keyboard, so no posts today.

No, seriously, for little hands that like keys close together, this keyboard SUCKS.

Anyway, just wanted to tell you that.

02-13-07, 05:00 PM
ahhh....Karuka's back...ish. *hugs* Wee!!! <3 Karuka(and one more chance to steal her runes....my precious...)

02-13-07, 05:02 PM
Yeah, Karuka's back, and anyone to touch her runes will die choking on their own liver.

02-13-07, 05:03 PM
Summons up solid-air shield....not this girl's liver:cool:

02-13-07, 05:17 PM
Touch 'em and I'll snap your barrier in half, rip you open, and feed you your liver with my BARE HANDS.

02-13-07, 06:46 PM
Can I touch your runes?

02-13-07, 06:51 PM
Let him; he knows how to work them. *a-wink-a-wink*

02-13-07, 09:00 PM
You can touch my runes if you like the taste of fresh human liver.

02-13-07, 09:15 PM
Fortunately, I love it.


02-13-07, 09:17 PM
*rips out Elrundir's liver with bare hands and shoves it down his throat*

02-13-07, 09:22 PM
I like the taste of another organ. What do I have to touch to get that shoved down my throat?

What an amazingly easy sex joke.

02-13-07, 09:23 PM
Well, if you request castration with your liver being ripped out, I'm sure I can accomodate you.

02-13-07, 09:38 PM
I do like Liver, served with some Fava beans and a nice Cianti wine. I do hope you can accomodate...

*gropes the runes*

02-13-07, 09:39 PM
*Snatches runes away and slaps Dissinger, before purifying runes*

I won't tear out your liver for the Hannibal Lecter quotation there.

02-13-07, 09:47 PM
Guilty as charged, welcome back.

Though I do have to say you said nothing against groping them as well...

02-13-07, 10:00 PM
IRL, a guy picked up one of my runes and I'd have brained him with his own computer if he hadn't been working on a critical class project with me. I did slap his hand pretty hard, though.

And thanks for the welcome back. :)

02-14-07, 04:26 AM
Oh, the chaotic hilarity has returned... :p

Welcome back, Rune Magi.

Of Free Will
02-14-07, 04:47 AM
Liver.........and onions.........i remember that combination of food stuffs from the show Doug that use dto be on Nickelodeon......he didnt think eh would like them....but he tried em.....and was satisfied.....

Welcome back. This is Kid disasteR btw, this is my newer, shiny-er character.

Banana. o.O

02-14-07, 04:52 AM
Orange. :P

Comeon, Karuka...give me a hug so that I can pickpocket your runes

and as for real runes and that sort of thing, I'm currently drawing up a runic circle for my character(and I) to use as bases for the more powerful spells of hers. Hehe...talk about early planning. The earliest she will need it is Level 5.

02-14-07, 02:01 PM
Copy cat. My runes. Mine.

Why do they seem to get popular when I show up and start using 'em?

And Kid D, I want that post in our thread with Sara.

02-14-07, 02:41 PM
No, the magic circle was something I've been thinking of for a while. Also, runes are required for some alchemical recipes. I want to steal your runes so that I can experiment with them.

Max Dirks
02-14-07, 02:49 PM
You have real runes? Why?

02-14-07, 03:04 PM
Because I'm semi-clairvoyant and use them for my focus.

02-14-07, 03:26 PM
She's also got some other pretty cool abilities, but I'll not disclose them without her consent. And she's very good at helping people solve their problems. (^_^)