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View Full Version : Division 3: Squidi vs. Sherin

02-09-07, 08:43 PM
This match-up will last until 8 P.M. E.S.T. on 2/23/07. Remember, if you finish your battle early, I can score you early - and finishing early is a good, good thing always.

Best of luck!

02-13-07, 06:15 PM
The land was dotted with well worn battle scars and much evidence of mighty and magical battles, even with those scars the land Sherin now traveled was fairly pleasant, to him at least, there where a few trees, if you could even call them that, dotted the landscape.

Sherin saw many interesting things here, but nothing of any real use. The smell of blood was all that he could smell, and there was nothing of any note for miles around. Sherin was wondering why he was even here he couldn’t even find his opponent, even Shensho was having a problem and it was annoying them both out of their minds.

“WHERE IS THIS SONOFABITCH!!?” Sherin wells at the top of his lunges. And continues his search determined to find his opponent, before his opponent finds him.

Suddenly Sherin finds a fairly large forest still almost completely intact.

“This is weird…” Sherin said.

‘It’s natural…as far as I can tell…” Shensho responds uncertain.

“ok well lets check in here.” And cautiously steps inside the forest.

Max Dirks
02-27-07, 12:09 PM
Sherin advances to round two!