View Full Version : When inspiration goes out for the count...

02-12-07, 02:54 PM
Those of you who are in a quest/battle with me probably noticed the lack of my posts during the last week or so. I initially believed that it was just a temporary lack of inspiration caused by a combination of some trite and some not so trite life issues, but it seems to be worse then that, because I don't feel my batteries recharging no matter what I do. I am very sorry for the delays this is causing, but right now I'm capable of bad, uninspired posts and that is the kind of writing I don't want people to read. I ask you to be patient with me and give me a couple more days; I will do my utmost to "get back on the horse" and I will be back to full activity soon.

Cyrus the virus
02-12-07, 03:36 PM
You might get sacked in the balls for this.

Perhaps this will inspire you: I asked out a redhead this weekend :)

The Valkyrie
02-12-07, 06:57 PM
Or perhaps THIS will inspire you: I asked out a redhead this weekend.

not really. :( but i dreamed about it!

02-12-07, 06:57 PM
I'll try women if you gain your inspiration back in two days.


Uukan Kimari
02-12-07, 07:12 PM
I lost my inspiration long ago, hence why I rarely role-play anymore. It takes me forever to get into character because I just don't see myself as Uukan in my thought processes.

02-12-07, 07:22 PM
If it helps, even I asked a redhead out this weekend. (Ironic timing, but dead serious.)

Now, if the mental image of a goat taking a redhead out on a date, complete with flowers and a bowtie can't get the creative juices flowing, I'm not sure anything can.

02-12-07, 07:33 PM
If not, it'll get other juices flowing.

Will you come back faster if I tell you my next characters are redheaded TWINS?

02-12-07, 07:37 PM
I'll have Christina dye her hair red. Seriously. Hell, it would make it suddenly easy to find pictures for her, too...

02-12-07, 08:06 PM
hey no worries, comeback when you're feeling better. I'll miss you^^

Artifex Felicis
02-12-07, 08:31 PM
If you don't come back Cyrus will kidnapp Myrhia and do bad stuff to her

Seriously though, come back when you can. Een if I'm not in any quests with you...

02-12-07, 09:03 PM
Here's some inspiration for you...

I dyed my hair red the other day. ^_~

Well, this makes me sad since we have our little quest thing going on, but if giving you more time just means your posts will rock when you finally get those juices flowing, I can live with that. But get whatever it is you've lost working again soon!


02-12-07, 09:22 PM
Here's some inspiration for you...

I dyed my hair red the other day. ^_~

You should have also mentioned that you have large breast. I guarantee you that would get him to stay. :p

Anyways Letho, I really do hope things work out for you. I know for a fact that writers block can be a bitch and sometimes you do need to take a break from things like Althanas and sort things out and clear your head. Like I said I hope you find your muse soon.

The Valkyrie
02-12-07, 09:24 PM
Hands you a redhead named Calliope --- a muse of course!

02-13-07, 06:19 AM
My god! So many redheads mentioned. Muse redheads, twin redheads, dyed redheads, lesbian redheads... O_o Makes me want to return and do them all. Khm... What I meant to say is do a quest with them all. That's right. Just a typo. ;)

I thank you all for your support and understanding. You people remind me why I love this place so much.

02-13-07, 06:51 AM
Well, you do have several quests due with certain redhead twins already... ;)

Either way... Get on IM, dude! When you have the time and inspiration, anyways. :)

02-13-07, 07:26 AM
I think Letho has become the new slut of Althanas. :p All those redheads, why bother choosing when you can have them all?

Cyrus the virus
02-13-07, 07:38 AM
Just an FYI, my redhead isn't up for grabs >.<

02-13-07, 07:53 AM
I had sex with someone who had red hair all over, an orang utan.

Mage Hunter
02-13-07, 03:41 PM
I asked out a red-

Damn...two little too late...

But um....


Take the time you need man its not like I haven't been the most active member on the baords.

02-13-07, 07:18 PM
DAMN, Letho. You know, this is what you're really going to be remembered for. Not your huge kickass quests, not your excellent writing - just your redhead fetish.

I feel your pain on the uninspiration thing - maybe we'll both get back to posting at the same time. :)

And if not, here's even MORE inspiration for you: I recently dyed my hair with red streaks and I have pictures.


EDIT: Also, I have a redhead character in a different RP. I have pictures of her, too. :D How can your muse resist now? Victory is mine.

Slayer of the Rot
02-13-07, 07:30 PM
Good riddance, commie.

02-13-07, 07:31 PM
I've got the same bug. Can't bring myself to post in anything... can't even bring myself to force it.

But yeah, snap out of it soon. Your writing is amazing when you're on your game, and I still need to judge something by you.

02-14-07, 07:26 AM
*puts Slayer in a headlock*

Quiet you! :p

02-26-07, 08:58 AM
DAMN, Letho. You know, this is what you're really going to be remembered for. Not your huge kickass quests, not your excellent writing - just your redhead fetish.And that is a bad thing? Instead of saying: "Now, there goes a man who wrote long-winded quests that most people didn't read because they were too long." they will say: "There goes a man that liked to play with fiery redheads." That doesn't sound too bad. ;)

Anyways, it's Monday, a new week begins and I'm starting to feel like writing again. I did a lot of thinking during my absence... Well, I actually played a lot of Final Fantasy and did some thinking between gaming sessions. Either way, as usual, the stories in my head were becoming too loud and I think I'm ready to write them again.

However, I also realized that I was probably stretching myself too thin on Althanas and that it was probably one of the reasons why I got sapped of all creative energy. So in order to tell some stories the way I want to, I decided to abandon some others that don't take priority right now. No, that doesn't mean I'm abandoning any quest that have already started. But once I finish my existing quests with Rheawien, Jared and some with The Cinderella Man, I will probably not write with these characters anymore for a while. Everything else will hopefully stay the same.

So, to quote the last line from The Color of Money: "Hey... I'm back."

02-26-07, 09:13 AM
Good to see you back. Now get cracking, I call your next completed quest :p

02-26-07, 10:06 AM
Yaaaay, so we get to continue The Price of Freedom? *ecstatic*

Good to have you back!

Cyrus the virus
02-26-07, 10:54 AM
*also ecstatic!!*

*hugs Duro*

Mage Hunter
02-26-07, 03:50 PM
YAY! you're BACK!

Darkness Impulse
02-26-07, 03:55 PM
Next time you have an FF gaming vaycay, call me over, DAMNIT!

What a coincidence, I also am just coming back into "the zone". Started up on my solo again and possibly on other quests, i'm not in much with this char though...

02-26-07, 03:59 PM
Is everything a boxing metaphor with you, Croatian?

02-26-07, 04:56 PM
Next time you have an FF gaming vaycay, call me over, DAMNIT!I think it would be rather boring for one of us. Looking at somebody play a game for 12 hours a day (or more) is bound to get boring, regardless of how good the game is. Unless it's FFX-2. Because those three chicks are hot, especially Rikku. :D

Thanks for the welcome back everybody. It would probably take me another day to write posts for all of the quests I'm in, so expect a batch of some nine posts around this time tomorrow.

Darkness Impulse
02-26-07, 05:07 PM
Not true. I like watching my friends play... Mainly because I have fun teasing them and reminding them how much better I am at playing! Heehee... I'm evil.

I take it you play MGS, too? I just beat Snake Eater recently.

02-26-07, 05:16 PM
Well, given the fact that I get cranky even if I don't have somebody to nag and make fun of me when a fucking Malboro successfully hits all three of my characters with Bad Breath, I don't think it would be wise for us to be in the same room. ;)

Prior to my FF streak, I went on a MGS mini streak, beating MGS 2 & 3 and realizing I'm a CQC god. Well, not really, but I love the CQC system. I've got to get my hands on Subsistence though.

Darkness Impulse
02-26-07, 05:20 PM
I borrowed Subsistence from a friend. Played through a little bit, didn't beat it though. I'm not nearly as good at MGS as I am at FF. I'm re-playing 12 now, beat one game with 100 hours, now i'm doing another. Malboros piss me off, too. But I don't go all "FPS Doug".

02-26-07, 05:37 PM
I'm a bit disappointed with XII. It gets repetitive rather fast and the game kind of forces you to that repetitiveness. Not to mention, I'm a turn-based fan, so the whole quasi real time doesn't really cut it for me. On top of that, the story and the design of some enemies doesn't really do it for me. For one, it's not nearly as interesting as the story of other FFs in my opinion. And secondly, there isn't enough story for such a long gameplay. Also, it seems to me that they threw Espers and Quickenings in without any explanation or reason, just because there was something like that in previous FFs. That's why I left it unfinished for now. After beating FFX and X-2 and then immediately jumping onto XII, I got a bit weary of Final Fantasy for now.

Darkness Impulse
02-26-07, 05:44 PM
12 has a more realistic story, and I admire that. It's not a single man, woman or beast with almighty power questing to take over the world, it's a king striving to rule over the country. I think it's a rather innovative plot... About the battles, seeing as how I play FF11 a lot as well I am used to that type of fighting and I like it. 7 has and always will be my favorite, though, fo rizzle. Vincent and Seph are the two coolest characters i've ever seen. Seph is the best villain because he's one of the deepest. At first he may seem like that guy who just wants to kill everyone, but he is much deeper than that.

Isn't FF talk fun?

02-26-07, 05:47 PM
FF is great for inspiration. Those games rock.

So YAY you have returned! When I finally post in our two quests this week, do you still want to finish those with me in spite of me being a procrastinator of massive proportions? :)

02-26-07, 06:04 PM
12 has a more realistic story, and I admire that. It's not a single man, woman or beast with almighty power questing to take over the world, it's a king striving to rule over the country. I think it's a rather innovative plot... About the battles, seeing as how I play FF11 a lot as well I am used to that type of fighting and I like it. 7 has and always will be my favorite, though, fo rizzle. Vincent and Seph are the two coolest characters i've ever seen. Seph is the best villain because he's one of the deepest. At first he may seem like that guy who just wants to kill everyone, but he is much deeper than that.

Isn't FF talk fun?See, I never played FF XI and I'm not a big fan of MMORPGs. And personally, VIII (yes, that's 8) was my favorite, but after X and X-2, the story of those two became my favorite. It's the story that always carries me through the game and personally, from Final Fantasy, I always expect a fantastic story, something grand, something big and flashy, with Ifrit and Bahamut and the clash of the good and evil. FFXII reminded me of George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series which are good, but probably not the best thing to be made into a game. But I guess it all boils down to personal preference.
FF is great for inspiration. Those games rock.

So YAY you have returned! When I finally post in our two quests this week, do you still want to finish those with me in spite of me being a procrastinator of massive proportions?Very true. It made me realize that Althanas needs a summoner or two.

And of course I want to finish both of those, so don't worry. After my own delays recently, I can't say anything to anybody who takes a lot of time to post. So post whenever you can, hopefully some time soon. :D

Darkness Impulse
02-26-07, 06:11 PM
Oh yes, definitely, I was saddened when "Ifrit," "Shiva," and the whole crew from previous installments turned out to be battleships. Yeah it does all come down to opinion. I love 8 as well, might even say it's my second favorite. I never played 10-2 much, reason being I hated - and I mean it, hated - the new battle system. There were no more cool weapons to use or anything, you were stuck with one weapon.

On another, and more Althanas-related note, did I ever tell you that I wanted to do a quest with you? I think I have... We should think of something. Of course it could wait a while, a month even, because I don't want to bug or pressure you into anything right after your little fritz. I'm also in your situation and am planning a quest with Devin Argente, so i'm booked anyway. But seriously, me, you, quest, sometime.

02-26-07, 06:31 PM
But there are three chicks in X-2. Three hot chicks. And you can dress them in different outfits. I could dress/undress Rikku for hours. And there's a scene in the hot springs when they are all in bathing suits. Alas, I probably said too much on the subject already. :P

As for the quest... Well, I'm still in the process of oiling the rusty cogs in the writing part of my brain, so I would have to take a rain check for now. But I'll keep it in mind for the future.

Darkness Impulse
02-26-07, 06:41 PM
Yes, but sadly I lack the ability to hop into the world of FFX-2. My television screen makes Rikku's boobs look too small... Or maybe they just are... Who can really tell these days, eh?

02-26-07, 10:26 PM
Oy. You and your Rikku hype, Letho-man.

Paine roxorz


You know where to find me, Nya~ I'll have the data ready for review some time in the near future. :)

Murakama: And get to writing, Raven!

*Sigh* No need to tell me twice, Asuka. :p

02-27-07, 11:48 PM
Don't bother too badly with Harmless.

Welcome back

02-28-07, 04:10 AM
Thanks. I'm such a liar though. I said posts would be up by yesterday, but they aren't. They will be all posted today. The bad news is that it takes me more time to write posts now since the rust is making my head hurt while I write. The good news is that I'm finally starting to feel great while writing. I wrote four posts yesterday, but I didn't want to post them until I wrote the rest. I don't like to play favorites with my quests. :D

So yeah, later today, all quests shall be replied to.

And Rikku's boobs aren't small. Size is in the eyes of the beholder. :P

02-28-07, 05:27 AM
And Rikku's boobs aren't small. Size is in the eyes of the beholder. :P
I'm sure you use that excuse all the time.

02-28-07, 11:36 AM
Hey, you make do with what the nature gave you.

Also, I think I posted in pretty much everything. If I missed something, let me know, people, and I'll get right on it.

Once again, thanks for the wait everybody.

Cyrus the virus
02-28-07, 02:01 PM
Yay Letho and yay Price of Freedom!!!!!!!!

Darkness Impulse
03-01-07, 12:28 PM
Glad to see that you're back with it again, Letho. I am, too. But again activity may be spared since I found this awesome online game that I love to play constantly. It's free online and my computer handles it perfectly. But I will try to get on here as much as I can.

03-07-07, 06:27 PM
And the thread keeps going and going and going... This time it's not because of my lack of inspiration. I'm currently away from home, trying to settle some things in RL (like getting a job, which is long overdue) and my access to the Internets is severely limited. The computer I'm writing this on is as stable as the economy of a third world country, so I probably won't be posting for a couple of days. Once again, sorry everybody. But I had to sort out some stuff before I become a bum like Dan.

Who, by the way, still hasn't done any judging. It seems his tenure on staff would be rather short. :P

03-07-07, 07:08 PM
And yet you had more than enough time to change your avatar to another man with a big sword and an even bigger dick.
