View Full Version : Manda to the Power of WACOM

02-14-07, 04:16 PM
Finally got my graphics tablet, so I made a couple of pictures to help myself get used to using such a small space, and not looking at the place that I am drawing. x.x. Anywho, both of these pics were done in about ten minutes each, just getting used to the way the pen movements affect everything. At first I was really skeptical when I saw how small the space was to draw on, but now that I've been messing around for a bit ((I only kept a few of the things I did, the rest got deleted)) I'm much more confident! Bring on the requests, if anyone wants one. Also, keep in mind that I rarely use color, so if it's a little dissappointing in that regard, sue me, I'm new at this! =P

Considering it's today... Happy Valentine's Day! Be My Valentine! Someone? Anyone? *cries alone*

Manda loves monsters! *huggles monster* Okay, so those of you who know my hatred of catpeople, with few exceptions, are probably confused. I don't know. She just came to me. The butterfly is from Corel Painter's image tube. I love that thing. I plastered a blank page with Koi and drew a bunch of hearts and giggled alot. That image, however, got deleted.

Okay, Althanas charry designs of mine and others to come soon! Wheeeee!!!!

1. Artifex (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v516/darthmaulnda/FinishedLeon.jpg)
2. Karuka Tida (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v516/darthmaulnda/Karukatidachakra.jpg)
3. Zirkan, for Atzar Kellon (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v516/darthmaulnda/zirkanforatzarfinished.jpg)
4. Sir Iain ((The Dude with Althanas' best avatar!)) (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v516/darthmaulnda/SirIainDetrius.jpg)
5. The Mime (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v516/darthmaulnda/TheMimefinished.jpg)
6. Dan, dead sexeh for Slayer of the Rot. (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v516/darthmaulnda/slayeroftherot.jpg)
7. Lucien, who I love more than Dan and I could have sworn this picture was better when I drew it. (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v516/darthmaulnda/lucien.jpg) =P
8. Elrundir, who I cannot possibly forget the picture I'll do for thee. (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v516/darthmaulnda/elrundirkor.jpg)
9. Reiko, who was my first real fun with a *gasp* background! (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v516/darthmaulnda/dojiki.jpg)
10. Ceilalune (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v516/darthmaulnda/Scan10009.jpg)
11. Khalxaen (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v516/darthmaulnda/Scan10027.jpg)
12. Ataraxis
13. Rakh!
14. Empyrean, who will love me long time.
15. Mage Hunter, who will never be as awesome as Ghauntyrr'Stra Do'afin.
16. Jasmine
17. Urei
18. Jennerz
19. Zookeroonie
20. Kara Dragonkeeper

And Vixen, I already told you I'd be doing your characters. They're interspersed up there, and I've already got your profiles. n.n;; Thanks fer bein mah Valentine!

02-14-07, 04:17 PM

Request request request!

02-14-07, 04:20 PM
n.n Sweet, I feel the love. Kar, you're fine, but anyone else who wants requests, can ya put in a link to your profile as well? I'm lazy. =P

Artifex Felicis
02-14-07, 04:21 PM
Quicky, also I love those things. I anxiously await mine. ^_^

02-14-07, 04:24 PM

My profile's in my sig. Actually, I'm not so much interested in a pic of Atzar as I am a pic of Zirkan, his pygmy dragon. I'd love it if you could try him out... let me know if I can help with details or anything...

Thanks a lot!

02-14-07, 04:32 PM
May I insert myself here?

I dont think Iain's crest is ACTUALLY described anywhere...If you can't find it, let me know.

The Mime
02-14-07, 05:02 PM
Profile links in the sig,not to mention picture references on the old user info page, hes also fitting since you don`t use colour,hes mostly black and white with just a tinge of bone and red.

Slayer of the Rot
02-14-07, 06:28 PM
Totally freaking sweet drawings. I hope you're still drawing Dan! Or I'll have to molest your truck's tires.

02-14-07, 06:37 PM
You should draw Lucien.

You might need a memento of who kicked your ass ;) (Profile's in my signature)

02-14-07, 09:15 PM
I won't make a formal request, but I'll just remind you of a certain picture you said you'd draw when you got your tablet. ;)

02-14-07, 09:31 PM
wow thats pretty awesome.

Can you draw Ki if you have the time and don't mind.

The Valkyrie
02-14-07, 11:37 PM
I just wanna be your valentine. *licks*

02-15-07, 02:53 AM
*jumps on your back* How about an art trade? xD

02-15-07, 04:17 AM
Myao Myao~!

I'm not here for a request, but just wanna say to you...


You own for owning a tablet. :) I'd love to see more of your art!

02-15-07, 04:45 AM
Art whores... attaaaaaack!

May I request? ):

02-15-07, 09:47 AM
Tablets are awesome! And yes, the small size made me crigne at first too, but after a while, it's not as restrictive as one could be led to believe at first.

I'm not an art-ho! so I'll refrain from making a request... haha like hell I am. LET'S SIC HER! But could I interest you in an eventual art trade? As in, some time in the next two years? ;D

02-15-07, 03:12 PM
*starts opening and saving profiles* XD Yay! OMG. Karuka, I had the best idea for yours while I was driving last night. Yay for Georgia! I'll probably have Artifex and Karuka's done tonight when I shut down. It's only going to take me 6 hours to get to my drop in North Carolina, and I've got 24, and the place I shut down at has no net, so.... tons of drawing and writing time! Yipp-hippp-eee. =P

02-15-07, 03:14 PM
Yay for cool ideas! *Fidgets impatiently*

02-15-07, 03:14 PM

02-15-07, 05:20 PM
STuck here until the truck stop's slow slow dryer finishes with mah laundry, but I'm not being lazy! I swear. Thought I'd give Artifex a sneak peak. I know I already showed you the main layout for how I'm doing the pic, but here's some detail! The left eye, well, his right eye, blown up to about 400% to work on details!


02-15-07, 07:07 PM
Draw Sanoë please. I will love you long time. Kthxbye.

02-15-07, 07:27 PM
I had a Full Metal Jacket flash, just there.

Ten Dollah!

I actually meant it when I said I'd love to trade art with you! Unless... I don't know what it means, and that in the five years I haven't used the word, someone went and changed the denotation. >.>

A drawing for a drawing, plus fifteen bolivars. Deal?

Or, y'know, if you don't wanna, I can go sulk in a dark corner and play with myself.


02-15-07, 07:32 PM
Can I watch that?

Or better yet!

Manda, draw that. Draw him touching himself. That can be the art trade. And my birthday present.

02-15-07, 08:08 PM
I'd make a good model. I can hold that pose for hours, darlin'.

But I say the picture should have more interaction and vividness in it. Want an early birthday, mister president? <3

02-15-07, 08:11 PM
I thought the dead couldn't speak, Lucien?

And no offense meant Ataraxis. u.u;; Forgive me, of course I'll trade art with ya.

Okay, Artifexie, I'm finished. I messed it up coloring it, but no use crying over spilled pixels, I guess.


I think I went a little blue-happy. n.n;; Colors are great! And I had to do an emergency amputation; I added in an extra finger than the freakish cat-boy has. XD I wanted to braid razor blades into the yarn and show him cutting himself, but it looked emo enough as it was.. I know the preportions are off. Just assume he has no shoulders or torso. Just a face, reaching arm and ass. Really, that's all Leon is to me anyhow. =D

Now off I go to work on Karuka!

EDIT: For those of you interested in the progress of this picture. I've got two "In Progress" pics I saved to toss to Artie as I was working on it.
1. First rough layout (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v516/darthmaulnda/leonlayout.jpg)
2. Brought down the opacity of the layout, and started hashing out the lines. (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v516/darthmaulnda/leonprogress2.jpg)
And then you can see the final above. I used the bottom canvas for the colors, deleted the first layer with the layout, and decided to go ahead and just merge the original line art on top.


02-15-07, 08:33 PM
I thought the dead couldn't speak, Lucien?

Just call me Patricia Arquette, cause you're talking to me right now.

02-15-07, 09:00 PM
*Waits for picture with baited breath, fidgeting has stopped*

02-15-07, 09:45 PM
Offense? Forgive? There was none, and there's no need for one :P I just horsing around with the art trade definition, is all. Plus I actually wasn't sure if someone changed to lingo or not. cough.

I never knew Leon was so tan <3 The blue's not overdone. It might seem so because there weren't a lot of colors to contrast with, maybe. And the face surprised me, it's on the fence between caricature and realism. Did you use a reference picture for it? If you did, whose did you use, if you don't mind my asking :P

02-15-07, 10:30 PM
Manda I love you!

02-15-07, 11:16 PM
Yay! love!

I didn't use any reference for his face, just freehanded it. The mouth really gave me alot of grief, ugh. A point of interest, I used to be a caricature artist at an amusement park in Oklahoma. Stayed around a couple of seasons, did both black and white and airbrush. Those were fun days, hanging with the carnies.

Anywho! I give you all... Karuka Tida, my interpretation. n.n;; I think I'm getting better at coloring.


02-15-07, 11:18 PM
This IS the Karuka, and she is more magnificent than I ever could have imagined.

And naturally the mouth would give you grief, lol. It IS Karuka, after all.

Mage Hunter
02-15-07, 11:23 PM
Got any room for a strong willed drow who is totally not as awsome as Ghuan yet?

02-15-07, 11:32 PM
n.n Aww, thanks Kar.

And of course, darling. Although, yet shouldn't be there. She'll never be as awesome as Ghauntyrr'Stra Do'afin! *cryyyyyy*

02-16-07, 01:12 AM
request!! Link is in the sig, I also want to put in requests for all my other charas (i'll edit in the profiles in a little bit, i've a long ways to wait...but I is patient)

02-18-07, 12:10 AM
Put me at the bottom of the list, and take your time. I decided not to ask you to do Echo and Sky, they'd be asking too much really. But if you could do Dresden, that'd be really nice.

Profile is under "Evil Incarnate?" and a picture that Witchy showed me after I made him. Only, he has longer black hair and doesn't like gloves...eh, you get the idea from his proffy.

Only one edit from profile. I'd like it if you could, by chance, draw him wearing an open shirt like the hot fellow in that pic I showed ya, and white bloodstained pants. Because that just happens to be how he will be looking for a while after my quest with witchy.

Thanks, love.

Edit: The piccy is under "am".

02-18-07, 12:17 AM
P: Wait, Manda...it's an art trade then?

02-18-07, 12:34 AM
Ehm, if you guys really wanna do an art trade, I'll do one. But you know, forgive the suxxors.

Atzar, your dragon is done. I present to you, Mssr. Zirkan. He's a cutie, with those big yella' teeth. I can't do animals well so I did have a reference for this pic. I looked at a pic of a lizard for the face, and a pic of a kangaroo for the body. I messed around with the body a bit, shortened the front legs, added spikes and claws, big pointy teeth and wings. I was going to do the scale details, but I'm just too lazy. I'm sorry. =(


02-18-07, 12:01 PM
It's awesome! Now, to find out how to use it as my image...

Thanks a lot, I like it!

Moonlit Raven
02-18-07, 01:45 PM
Hey Manda request entered. I hope you remember what we've talked about before.
Thankyou and love ya!

Zook Murnig
02-18-07, 08:28 PM
As discussed in the chat, I would like to submit myself for the powers of WACOM. Profile in siggy.

02-21-07, 06:23 PM
Sorry, Iain, not done yet. Your shading is giving me grief. However, due to the thing in the Random IM Convos thread with me and Lucien talking about Slayer, I felt that I owed Dan an apology. So...I give you a mostly naked Ghauntyrr'Stra, Pre-death and reincarnation, mind you.


I really hate the way her face came out. Not at all like how I draw her in pencil on paper.

02-21-07, 10:45 PM
I know this doesn't have to do with Althanas, but since you know, it's my art thread, I thought I'd toss these up. I've started to get into photomanipulation. I've been missing my Jenny ((Elena)) and so I took some photos she's sent me over time and turned them into art!


First attempt. I like how her hair ended up.


And then the next. My favorite. The lyrics are from Loreena McKennitt's "Dante's Prayer" song.

02-22-07, 07:40 PM
And three times a lady. =(

Anywho. Here's Sir Iain. I don't know how many times I re-did the eyes. I'm not sure I like this.


And the Mime. I'm sorry I didn't resize it down. =( I forgot, and photobucket is taking so slow that I made the executive decision to just leave it.


Slayer of the Rot
02-22-07, 09:38 PM
The Mime, resized at 500x500 for Manda, since her connection is a little slow.

02-22-07, 10:07 PM
Aww... Thank you. <3

02-22-07, 10:11 PM
Your stuff?

Yeah, still b-e-a-utiful. I love The Mime and Ghaun. *idolize*

02-22-07, 10:12 PM

Want me to PM you? Or do you somehow remember all that lovingly morbid imagery?

Corvus MacCallum
02-23-07, 01:53 AM
Tis a nice job.

02-23-07, 11:00 PM

This character too!

Chromanon Rockskin
02-25-07, 01:43 AM
Aww. Thanks Emp.

I remember, Noir, and of course on Anila! Whee!

For some reason Corel Painter freaks out when I try and use the eraser tool and just freezes up on me. Anyone know why or have this problem too?

02-25-07, 08:10 AM
can you reinstall the program, might be a file got corrupted and that's whats giving you grief. that's all I can think of.

Moonlit Raven
02-26-07, 06:40 PM
Manda, please do a pic of Elena with Avery.

Thankyou, me love you!!!

05-22-07, 11:01 PM
I'm going to nag you, but I nag out of affection, I promise.

When will you be able to revive the power of WACOM so I can love you long time?

07-24-07, 10:03 PM
I have given it CPR! Sorry it took so long, but here are more lovelinesses!

Dan, Slayer of the Rot.


Lucien, Slayer of me in Chore Wars.


Okay, I'm going to show the sketch and color version of Elrundir's little gift, because I like them both for different reasons. I give you, mean asshold elves, one dark, one light, Kor and Elrundir!



07-24-07, 10:05 PM
And now, Reiko. I see everyone draw you in the kimono, so I decided to give a try to how I see that little red bikini. *wink!*


And then, just for me, I drew Ghaun, because I miss her lots.


The Valkyrie
07-24-07, 10:24 PM
I miss her lots too. So does Natalya. Poor Natalya. She tried to reincarnate her lovely Ghaun. *cries and pets picture*

Mage Hunter
07-24-07, 10:42 PM
Yeah, Seth misses her too...

Poor miserable bastard...

07-24-07, 10:48 PM
When it comes to Ghaun's awesomeness, I concur. I always enjoyed reading about her.

By the by, these pictures are loverly. Lucien really looks just like how I picture him.
And you should post more sketches, they're just as pretty as your finished works. :)

Skie and Avery
07-25-07, 12:10 AM
n.n Thanks guys, and yeah, I'm going to go back to my Painter files to see if I still have the sketch for Reiko's, because I thought it looked so much better before I colored it. Manda bad at color. =(

Artifex Felicis
07-25-07, 05:48 AM
hehe, nice to see that you are drawing again Manda. They all look pretty good, and it's nice to see you coloring them as well.

07-27-07, 12:05 AM
yay awesome and thanks for the pic^^

nice to see her in a bikini^^

07-27-07, 12:12 AM
I'd like to put a request in for Kara (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=6181) if I can and it's not too much trouble. It would be good to see what you think of her.

07-29-07, 02:45 AM
Ha, sure! Lemme add ye to the listie.

07-29-07, 02:56 AM
I would like to officially request either the Karu/Kor "Pog mo thoin" scene or the scene from the third paragraph of this (http://www.althanas.com/world/showpost.php?p=72968&postcount=4) post.

Or the kiss in the water, because that's a pretty hawtsome scene, too.

Slayer of the Rot
07-29-07, 03:04 AM
Ah, yes, excellent work, as usual. I've already assured you that I like it. However, now that you have a Sexy Dan pic, could perhaps draw me up an evil version? All blood and gore and sharp teeth and what not.

Ah, I'll talk to you on AIM, sometime tonight.

Skie and Avery
07-29-07, 03:35 AM
Because Karu/Kor is so awesome, I'll give you both! But I'm terrible at drawing kisses... I'll have to practice!

EDIT: And Dan, yes I'll draw it, I'm skeptical that you'll really AIM me. I guess I'll find out, now won't I?

07-29-07, 03:53 AM
Wooooot! Karu/Kor hawtness!

09-19-07, 10:28 PM
I really feel like the last year and a half has been nothing but a gradual decay. Good to know that my little deaths are just compost to let someone else flourish. Bah. Sorry I haven't done any more charries on the list, but I just feel like my muse is completely gone. So, this is the latest thing I've done, for a catgirl contest on deviantart.


09-23-07, 06:49 PM
She looks incredibly melancholy.

Chromanon Rockskin
09-24-07, 08:41 PM
Well, I'd been feeling more than a little down, but luckily one good thing happened this weekend that got me itching to remember thru my fingers and Wacommie. I thought I'd toss up the rough lines before I destroyed him with color, as always.


Slayer of the Rot
09-24-07, 08:44 PM
I like this. A lot.

Skie and Avery
09-24-07, 09:48 PM
You probably wouldn't if you knew the story behind it. Especially the wristband.

I've got to get it somewhere
I mean, you never know, maybe you're dreaming
Who do you think you're watching
Who do you think you need
Play for me, play more,
Ten times in the same day
I need more, I'm going
Over my borders
I'm going to take more, more
From you, letter by letter


Slayer of the Rot
09-25-07, 01:19 AM
It's probably some sort of faggotry, but that doesn't change that it looks good. It still looks good, after the colors.

Skie and Avery
09-29-07, 03:09 PM
Wasn't sure if I should post this in here or in Duro's little absense thread. I decided to do it here, because, I don't know. I just did. This started out as something completely different, but what do you know, my hairy muse decided to make an appearance and say something in general and it got a billion times less retarded. Thanks, &#208;uro. I still want a little one of you on my shoulder. So, I decided to make a friend for you, to help make your new place more cozy. Please don't kill me if I got the grammar or the word for "autumn" wrong. n.n I think I did okay, tho. I'm not sure I like how her lips came out. Anyway, this is for &#208;uro, so that you can find the warmth and comfort of our favorite things of autumn and the companionship of this muse in your new home.

The progression of the image:

Working on the lines (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v516/darthmaulnda/faelinesprog.jpg)
Starting the colors (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v516/darthmaulnda/faeinprocolorpart.jpg)

and finally, I give you your autumn.


09-29-07, 03:34 PM
Little do people know that Manda sent me the exclusive naked version (beta) of this. I've since lost my ability to see.

She'll send the final version to Duro, who will need to get his couch dried.

Skie and Avery
10-28-07, 05:52 PM
My DnD character, and perhaps a new Althanas character. I haven't decided whether or not I should bring her over.


10-29-07, 09:48 PM
Can I pretty pretty please have a picture drawn of Math? P-p-ple-yeez?

Skie and Avery
03-20-08, 01:39 AM
Well, my WACOM died a horrible death, I fixed it. Then I lost the pen. Then I found where I could buy a new pen for it, so my system crashed and I lost the software, and then some children broke the WACOM. But my sister has been letting me borrow her digital camera, and I took some pictures from my sketch pad, which sucks. But you're still looking, so I guess you gaiz are suckaz!

A gorgon, who has just accidentally turned her dreadlocked lover to stone! O Noes! So sad... anyway. I did this back in 2006 some time. Summerish. I fucked up her eyes when I inked them. =_=


Spider Queen! Spider Queen! Doing whatever a Spider Queen does! This chick is a character I designed for Tshael's storyline. One day I'll get around to writing that.


And for the ladies and gay men in the audience.... Kor, of my None So Blind account, as he will look after a little quest that I haven't started writing yet called "Zha'linth".


If you still want to see more, I've got two that you'll have to put some effort into clicking to see. I know, I know. But life's a bitch.

Ghauntyrr'Stra Do'afin (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v516/darthmaulnda/0316019.jpg) who used to be the None So Blind account. She was fucking awesome. I regret killing her off.

I know, the paper's all wrinkled in this one. That's what happens when eight year olds get ahold of stray pieces of notebook paper with mermaids (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v516/darthmaulnda/0316015.jpg) drawn on them.

A Nony Mouse
03-20-08, 07:09 AM
very cool... you are talented.

Moonlit Raven
03-20-08, 08:46 PM
Manda bunny, I love your art! Since I'm so far away I demand that you keep putting pieces up for everyone to see.

Also, I'm still waiting on the drawing of Kahlina you promised me.

Skie and Avery
06-04-08, 06:55 PM
I think I liked my art from two years ago better than what I do now. I sat down and sketched today. Logan has become a patron of the arts, and sent me a scanner. (thank you thank you thank you) So I'm going to take back up my little queue of drawings I left here when my WACOMie died.

But today while the baby slept, I drew this:


I totally fucked up her corset. TT_TT I'll be fixing it sometime soon. I'll post up the finished version when it's fixed and inked.

06-04-08, 10:57 PM
Hmmm, I don't remember Little Red Riding Hood having so much bewbage.

It's an awesome picture nonetheless.

Skie and Avery
06-04-08, 11:08 PM
That's why I left out the Little in the picture title. XD

06-05-08, 06:43 PM
What is your drawing process by the way?

I ask because I really want to be able to animate things; I am starting to get really restricted.

What kind of materials do you use, what technique and what not. :D

06-05-08, 06:56 PM
Those are some DSL right there.

Skie and Avery
06-05-08, 08:23 PM
What is your drawing process by the way?

I ask because I really want to be able to animate things; I am starting to get really restricted.

What kind of materials do you use, what technique and what not. :D

Right now it's a mechanical pencil on paper. The digital stuff was a WACOM pen tablet with photoshop. I don't really know what you mean by technique. O.o

And Cory....what does DSL mean?

06-05-08, 08:43 PM
DSL. (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=DSL)

06-05-08, 08:51 PM
I don't really know what you mean by technique. O.o
Like, how do you go about drawing people? did you use like two different pencils, and do the figure outlines first and then add the details with a darker pencil?

Skie and Avery
06-05-08, 09:55 PM
No, I used one pencil, dug out from under my bed. I drew a circle, did the details on the face first, then did the shoulders and a quick line for how I wanted her body to twist. I then tried to use that line to draw in the body, which sucked, but I didn't notice it at the time, Then I spent an inordinate amount of time on boobs and hands, which are obsessions with me. Then I went over the lines that I wanted to keep, pressing harder with the pencil. And then I erased a lot. Somewhere in that mess, I stopped for a beer and to watch some prison documentary with my dad.

Cory, you enlighten and enrich my life far better than high school ever did.

06-09-08, 08:54 PM
Well I sat down tonight and did Cielalune. For Poseidon, here (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v516/darthmaulnda/Scan10008.jpg) is the body form I did quickly when I started drawing. It took me two or three minutes at most. I left one arm unfinished because I had no idea what I wanted to do with it. Half an hour later, including the phone call I had with Zook, this was the product:


I decided to have her free hand holding the cloak. I can't wait to pick up a new tablet/fix my old tablet and get this colored and clean up the lines. If anyone wants to use the lines on the pencil drawings I toss up to do some color practice, it's cool with me.

06-09-08, 09:04 PM
Gods I wish I had talent like that to express what I see. Instead I am left only with words, but what good are words against that which only an artist's drawing can accuratly express?

06-10-08, 01:31 AM
For Poseidon, here (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v516/darthmaulnda/Scan10008.jpg) is the body form I did quickly when I started drawing.


Damn, so you mean... I actually have to draw the core figure? Hmmm, then I will need some practice.

06-10-08, 11:31 AM
You don't HAVE to. You asked my method, so this is the easiest way to show you. Circles, lines, curves, and then I go in later to fill in details.

06-10-08, 08:54 PM
I usually skip those steps, but I guess that only works when i have a reference, if I want to animate I should probably consider adopting methods like yours.

07-14-08, 08:35 AM
Well, now I know why Prismacolor markers are so expensive. They're very nice to work with. I wish I had more than one color. TT_TT But that's all I can afford. Anywho, Khalxaen is done! Is she even still around here? >.> <.<

I think for my big commissions, I'm going to do them in Prismacolor and Watercolor. Those are Logan and Zook. Still working on the beginning sketches for them.

Next of the smaller coms is Ataraxis.

But first, Khalxaen (without feet because I'm too lazy.)


07-14-08, 10:57 AM
Whoa, I get a commission? Thanks, that's awesome.

And so is the above picture.The hair is especially detailed, and the skin tone is gravy.

This is probably a good time to tell you I'm also working on a Skie & Avery surprise commission, so be on the lookout!

Skie and Avery
07-14-08, 11:16 AM
I'm telling you, those Prismacolors are pure sex. And yay! I've got the sketch done of Lil.... she's fucking sexy. I drew her "captured by Avery" XD Scanning the sketch in case I fuck up the coloring... I'll be showin ya soon.

07-14-08, 12:40 PM
Oh my, Avery? This will be R-rated, people! Also, technically underage porn, so illegal too. But in all seriousness, major coolies.

07-14-08, 12:53 PM
I am livid.

07-14-08, 01:54 PM
The major coolies applies to the existence of a commission, not to that of kiddy porn.

On the flipside, she is jailbait.

Skie and Avery
07-14-08, 02:39 PM
Why art thou livid, Godhand?

Ha ha, I forget about her age. When I finished this piece, I came to the realization that if Lillian were kidnapped by the Moontae, after a few years she'd look much like Skie. I kind of feel bad that it looks so much like Skie, so if you'd like me to redo the picture with a much more canon Lillian, I will be glad to do it!

Here is the sketch. (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v516/darthmaulnda/Scan10028.jpg) You'll see in the finished version that I did a major reworking of her face...several times. I couldn't get the eyes as sharp as I wanted because of all the erasing I did on the paper. =(

A fun in progress shot. (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v516/darthmaulnda/lillian001.jpg) I seriously want a big set of these markers. But let's compare. 10 pack of classic crayola washables at Target? $1.50. 10 pack of thin crayola markers/roseart markers? 3 bucks. 6 color set of Prismacolors at Michaels? 20 bucks. Maybe if I'm super good (in bed) this year, Santa (Zook) will slip some into my stocking at Christmas. XD

And the finished product of "Ataraxis kidnapped and held captive by the Moontae for a couple of years" that looks unfortunately like Skie....


07-14-08, 02:42 PM
I'd hit it.

Slayer of the Rot
07-14-08, 03:05 PM
Like the fist of an angry god.

07-14-08, 09:49 PM

What they said.

And that is one suntan I never thought I'd see on her. Seriously, this beats any rendition of her I've ever drawn, hands down. Thanks a lot, Manda!

What's that rope thingy she seems to be walking on, though? It's there in all three versions, but I can't quite get my finger on what it could be.

Edit: Wait a minute. I have those markers. I never used them because I was paranoid about ruining the originals, but I have about ten or twelve lying around my house.

07-14-08, 10:12 PM
What does it mean when your penis moves to a picture that features tits?

07-14-08, 10:18 PM
That it's four in the afternoon.

Skie and Avery
07-15-08, 01:58 AM

What they said.

And that is one suntan I never thought I'd see on her. Seriously, this beats any rendition of her I've ever drawn, hands down. Thanks a lot, Manda!

What's that rope thingy she seems to be walking on, though? It's there in all three versions, but I can't quite get my finger on what it could be.

Edit: Wait a minute. I have those markers. I never used them because I was paranoid about ruining the originals, but I have about ten or twelve lying around my house.

Not a rope. She's supposed to be stepping down into a pool, and I drew the line where the water was supposed to start and then just left it because I very rarly do backgrounds. =P And you really should give them a try on a few doodles. The shading and blending you can do with them is amazing. I went crazy on the first layer, and it blends together. Once it dries, when you go over it, that's when it makes the darker layer.

07-15-08, 07:45 AM
When you get the time, make me a Vincent. (http://www.althanas.com/world/album.php?albumid=20) And make him all sexy like.