View Full Version : Of Magical Beings and Spirits

02-15-07, 07:43 PM
All right this is open, this is only an intro post. After everyone else post than I'll finish this up and start the battle.

The cool sharp tips of steel daggers ran smoothly around the neck of a woman, it’s surface tainted with dried blood of possibly past victims. Their wielders were none other then two rowdy looking dark elves. Malicious smiles covered their faces truly implying their evil nature.

Spiteful eyes scanned the female figure standing in front of them, and it was clear their intent was not pure. A variety of thoughts could be seen being reviewed within their minds through their corrupt orbs. As they contemplated their options one of the drow’s began to speak in a low tone, gruff but still understandable.

“Listen here woman; you see this road you are using? It’s ours, and we’d kindly like your fee for using it. Now if you can’t pay in gold, there is many other ways to….pay us.”

The dark elf said as he let his dagger slide down further guiding it towards the woman’s chest. A small grin etched its way across the drow’s face as they waited for the woman’s answer. One way or another the two dark elves would be paid, but how was still up in the air.

Gentle brown eyes watched as the relaxing river in front of him rushed rapidly by, its defiant waves crashed against the walls of the river that bound it. The idle figure sat against a lumbering tree as he took in slow and steady breathes of air. The man looked to be of “human origin” with short brown hair not going past his ears. His sleek face and smooth texture showed that he was of younger age, only reaching adulthood some few years ago.

The thing that made him distinct though was his spirit though; he had a peaceful spirit, one that could not be replaced by any he knew. No matter how peaceful or relaxing his surroundings were though…something didn’t feel right.

The wind carried a familiar aura…one that brought back painful memories of slaughter and death. As the young man’s mind began to wonder into his dreadful history a short but distinct shout and cry could be heard not far from his place in the forest…the voice seemed to echo directly towards him as a beckon off of the solid and lumbering trees, he slowly stood up and looked around, another shout reverberated off the trees around him.

“Not again!” He gathered his energy and flew into the sky looking over the tree tops. For a second all was silent no sound just the silent tranquility of the forest that you usually hear.

Then another scream, “Come here girl!” Said a gruff voice, and on that note Fareron was off. Flying through the trees, hands out in front of him, dodging limbs, and hidden branches. The wind whipping back in his face, brown hair flying he loved this feeling but no time to enjoy it. He had to save someone he knew had to.

Foresaken By War
02-16-07, 09:21 AM
A day like none other, the wind was beatuifully breezing masking the tempature of the bright sun that blazed down in all of its glory. The sky was blue with a few clouds flying, past, none of them threatening in anyway. Aralian found himself in Alerar of all places, heading to the headstone of some of his bodies from the war to pay his respects. His eyes wondered around as he took a deep breath and stopped for a second to smell the wonderful crisp air.

This was Aralian's first time back to Alerar in a good month, he had been spending most of his time meeting people in the citadel which is in Radasanthia. It was a change of pace though, coming back to his old stomping grounds, maybe if he was lucky he would see someone else from the great war. Kneeling down for a second, he grabbed some of the brown and green grasses, ripping them from their homes and letting them fall back down to the ground again. The wind was moving quite fast and in the same direction as he. That would benefit him slightly.

He stood back up, some red dirt tumbling off his knees to the ground, and looked at what lied ahead. The road went through this small patch of woods, then into a slight opening again,and finally into some larger woods where he would have to investigate a little further because his vision was lost now. Aralian continued walking, then when he hit the second patch of woods, he heard something.

His ears perked up and he said softly to himself, "What the hell was that?"

“Listen here woman; you see this road you are using? It’s ours, and we’d kindly like your fee for using it. Now if you can’t pay in gold, there is many other ways to….pay us.”

The words were clearly coming from that patch of woods ahead. More out of curiousity and his newly found craving for fighting thanks to the citadel. Aralian jogged forward, dirt and dust giving way to his moccasins as they pounded at the road. His jog haulted the closer he got, to a more cautious walk. It was then that he had heard the blood curdling scream that was high enough in pitch to break glass.

He hesitated slightly as he drew his staff and continued into the woods, there he saw the most dispicable things he had ever met. He was more closely related to them than he wanted to be, but he didn't really know that. His blood ancestry related him to these dark elves, and he did not care to know how or why. He did care about was getting rid of these dispicable creatures. Aralian had hated them eversince the great war, many of drow were killed by him because they were fighting with the dwarves only because they offered them money and weapons.

"Leave the girl alone you stinky vile creature," he said in elven knowing that they would understand. "I am not hear to be a hero, I'm just hear to kill you!"

Both drows turned and looked at Aralian, an evil, yet confused grin on their faces.

Of Free Will
02-16-07, 09:01 PM
An unfortunate thing about free will was that one could choose to be evil. One could choose to hurt people and steal things for nothing more than personal gain. It was a quality all to common on Earth, and, though Elijah had seen little of this strange new world, he knew the aura of one driven by personal gain, and it was even more abundant in this world than on Earth. A disturbing thought, given the events that were beginning to unfold on Earth, just before Elijah's passing to this world.

Elijah's footsteps hit the earth beneath them with a thud. As they left the ground, they made a crunching sound as they left prints in the rocky, sandy road. He kept his hands in his coat pockets as he walked. Elijah wasn't really concerned with where he was going, he had no where he had to be. He knew no one in this world, not even the diety that reigned over it. It was a lonely existence, but thoughts of his home in Berlin, of his fiance, kept him company.

Elijah was unsure how long he had been walking like this, it seemed like days. He had simply kept his eyes on the road, and nothing else. He wasn't even sure if he had responded to the few polite ' hello's ' he had been given along the way. He must have seemed rude, but there was nothing he could do about it now, so best not to think about it any longer.

Elijah finally decided to take a look at his surroundings. he picked up his head and let his eyes soak in the sights. Tree's lined the dusty, orange road. They appeared to be desiduess tress, mostly oaks. The road twisted and turned as far as Elijah could see. It appeared to go on forever. The air was warm and humid, a little too warm for Elijah's taste. He preferred the winter to the summer. Come to think of it, Elijah wasn't even sure if things like summer, winter and fall even existed in this world. He hadn't noticed a change in season thus far. Perhaps it was this way all year round, or maybe the climate changed depending upon what part of the land you were in?

" I suppose only time will tell. " said Elijah, shrugging his shoulders as he continued to walk at his slow, steady pace.

Elijah's thoughts began to wander back home, back to his fiance, but before the picture show in his mind could even stretch back to the night of his proposal, his thoughts were scattered by a sudden rustling of leaves. Elijah stopped in his tracks, his eyes darting to the left, the sound had come from. He immediately began to focus his spirit energy to his forearms, summoning his Holy Aura. He kept his hands in his pockets, hopefully the element of suprise would be on his side.

Two unfamiliar figures darted out in front of Elijah, swords drawn. Their skin was dark blue, their ears pointed and their eyes were bright red. A color common to demons in disguise back on Earth. Their silver hair danced in the gentle breeze as they moved in slowly. One of them grinned menacingly, his aura was dark grey, the color of one driven by personal gain, he was beyond reason. The other's aura was an off white, he was probably talked into this by the other. Elijah kept a relaxed smile on his face as he spoke out to the two strange beings.

" Can I help you gentlemen? "

The more sinister of the two spoke up with a chuckle, " He he he he . You certainly can my friend. Your clothes are unusual, you obviously aren't from around here so It's only fair that I let you know that there is a fee for walkin' this road. "

" Oh? I see. Do you work for the local government? " said Elijah with a scarcastic tone.

" You might say that. You might say that I'm the law around here, and this here blade is my enforcer, and he's an impatient one. So it would be in your best interest to give us everything you got! " said the dark one, saliva showering from his greedy mouth. The other pleaded to the dark one.

" Please El' Drith! I have a bad feeling about this one. Let's just let him go. "

The dark one shouted angrily at the other. " Oh shut up Nuutio! You're such a little girl! You agreed to do this, now do your part before I- " Elijah cut off the dark one before he could finish his rant.

" I'm afraid I have nothing of value to offer you other than this; Listen to your friend, he may save your life some day. " Elijah's Holy Aura was fully charged now. the dark one's head turned angrily to face Elijah.

" Yeah? And who the hell asked you?! Huh!?! "

The dark one lifted his broad sword and rushed at Elijah, shouting a battle cry all the way. He brought his sword down in a chopping motion straight at Elijah's head. Elijah swiftly removed his hands from his pockets, his Holy Aura glowing dimly as he did so. He brought his left hand up, his palm facing the blade. With a sudden clank, he caught the blade in his left hand. The dark one's eyes widened to the size of saucers. Elijah bent down, keeping a from grip on the sword. He stood up rather quickly, bringing his right fist along with him. In one upward motion, his fist connected with the jaw of the dark one, sending him off of his feet, into the air, and finally his body crashed heavily against the road, dust fluttering about his body as it connected with the road. Elijah still held the man's sword in his hand, as his Holy Aura faded, he dropped the blade next to it's unconscious wielder.

Elijah turned to face the other one, who was now trembling with fear. Elijah walked slowly towards him, raising his right hand. The young man whenced when he saw Elijah's hand and begged for his life.

" Please don't hurt me! I-I'm sorry! I- " the young one was cut off when Elijah's hand rested softly on his left shoulder. Elijah spoke softly to the young one.

" You have done well today. Go home to your mother, she needs you more than this man. "

The young one looked at Elijah with confusion, tears welling in his eyes. The young one dropped his sword and ran into the woods. Elijah smiled as he did so. He then looked back to the dark one and chuckled lightly.

" I can almost see the stars spinning aound his head. " said Elijah as he continued walking down the dusty dirt road.

" I have a feeling that won't be the only jaw I break today. " Elijah shrugged, and moved on.