View Full Version : Experience

02-19-07, 12:48 PM
Higher level characters get more exp for their score, such as a lv. 6 receiving 30x the score that's out of 100. Is there a guide for how much more one gets due to their level?

Thanks for the help!

Artifex Felicis
02-19-07, 12:54 PM
Generally there isn't a guide to it. It is all really apart fo the formula for how the mods would divvy up the expereance for the end of a quest. It's mostly to make it more fair for older charectors, so that way they don't have to do about 10 quests to level up while a lower level only needs 5 or something like that. It's pretty fair however, and nothing I would be worried about. It may seem like a big diffrence, but a level six needs to gain about about 4 times as much expereance as a level 0 to level up as well.

Levels are rather fuzzy on Althanas though. A level 0 could defeat a level 2 in combat if the person was clever. So just because some one a higher level doesn't mean all is lost.

02-19-07, 12:58 PM
I've seen a lvl 0 beat a lvl 9 OOCly and ICly hands down.

And excuse me, but the level system is redundantly stupid here. Because the ammount of exp needed to level grows each level, but at the same time the ammount of exp you receive grows, so it makes no sense to need more exp to level if it takes the same ammount of quests, equivalently. If the ammount needed goes up, it should make it harder to level, not the same difficulty. I like it how it is, not asking for it to be changed, but it still is redundant.

Unless there is some key to it that I've missed?

Artifex Felicis
02-19-07, 01:04 PM
I think the main reason, and correct me if I'm wrong as I think I'm begging to overstep my boundires, is mostly to just give a "check-up spot" to the charectors as they go. It's only naturel that they would get stronger, but imagine going up two or three levels, having all the skills but never really mentioned them. It's sort of a nice spot for someone to update the changes that have happened to their charector as they adventure on Althanas.

02-19-07, 01:10 PM
I've seen a lvl 0 beat a lvl 9 OOCly and ICly hands down.

And excuse me, but the level system is redundantly stupid here. Because the ammount of exp needed to level grows each level, but at the same time the ammount of exp you receive grows, so it makes no sense to need more exp to level if it takes the same ammount of quests, equivalently. If the ammount needed goes up, it should make it harder to level, not the same difficulty. I like it how it is, not asking for it to be changed, but it still is redundant.

Unless there is some key to it that I've missed?

When we moved from the old system of just giving out EXP with no formula (for quests) to the new system of giving out a percentage of the EXP you need to level up, we couldn't just change the actual amounts of EXP you had to earn for each level. By that time the level system with the amounts listed had become too well established. Doing something like 1000 EXP per level to level up would have been the best way to go if we had started the site with the new EXP system--but, obviously, we started with the old one. If that even begins to make sense.

Max Dirks
02-19-07, 01:38 PM
The level system not as redundant as it seems. Though Althanas is a creative writing forum, it undeniably has typical role-playing elements factored in. The EXP system loosely follows a curve. In typical RPG's the EXP required to level up increases as the characters reach higher levels. To prevent this number from becoming unreachable, more EXP is rewarded when characters defeat stronger enemies later in the game. This creates a curve (which does eventually arrive at a maximum). Althanas can't quite fit to the typical curve because we aren't 100% battle based, and though it is possible to give a tangible value to "stronger enemies" (using our level system), its really quite subjective to determine what is a "harder quest." Thus we give the benefit of the doubt to the higher levelled character. Just as defeating stronger enemies in a typical RPG like Final Fantasy offers more EXP, we merely effectuate the curve for higher levelled characters. If someone took the time to check the math, I believe that they'd find it extremely hard (unless their were consistantly receiving 90+ for their work) to gain levels after level 22 when the curve starts to even out.

02-19-07, 01:57 PM
I could not have said it better than Dirks there. No one would play an RPG where you get 2-EXP per monster when you're starting out and the same near the end.

In Althanas, judging by what I recall of the EXP formulas we were using, the rate of increase in EXP needed to level up quickly supercedes the rate of increase of your level's EXP modifier, which noting our upgrade system is probably best.

The result, keeping scores and other variables constant, is a character development rate similar to a square function, where lower values yield similarly low results (low levels -> low EXP) and greater values give increasingly greater products. The turning point simply consists of the intersection between your level modifier and the constant-growth EXP requirement line.


Cyrus the virus
02-19-07, 05:28 PM
Also, getting 2-3k EXP for a good quest is endlessly satisfying and makes it all the sweeter to level up. It's fun!

02-19-07, 05:46 PM
...(unless their were consistantly receiving 90+ for their work) to gain levels after level 22 when the curve starts to even out. I thought the highest level was now 20? Did that change?

02-19-07, 06:12 PM
The FAQ has always had EXP requirements listed right up to level 30. At least as long as I can remember it, anyway.

Cyrus the virus
02-19-07, 06:37 PM
I'm pretty confident we'd never have a level cap anyway. If someone hit level 29 we'd put up new numbers to 50 or something. Limiting it seems to go against everything Althanas is.

02-19-07, 06:39 PM
I seriously hope nobody makes it to 50 or anything like that... we'd have DBZ-like characters running around, and that would be a sad day indeed...

Cyrus the virus
02-19-07, 06:41 PM
If I didn't have an ending plan for him, I'd play Luc until he reached that point >=D I still might, though I'd need to put a lot of thought into things.