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Max Dirks
04-11-06, 10:48 PM
Name: Max Dirks
Age: 24
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 210 lbs
Hair: Black Spiked
Eyes: Green
Appearance: Balanced
Condition: Injured
Race: Human
Occupation: Illicit Entrepreneur


‘Patented’ Beretta 950 - The Beretta is Dirks’ signature gun. It is what people have come to associate the name of Dirks with. When the gun became as infamous as Dirks, he decided to have it patented. The gun itself is a standard .45 caliber, 9mm semi-automatic handgun with decent stopping power and Dirks usually keeps the gun hidden beneath his trench coat in its shoulder holster. The ‘Patented’ Beretta 950 is Dirks’ primary weapon.

‘Twin’ Beretta 950 - Recently purchased in the black market, the ‘Twin’ Beretta 950 is the gun that Dirks lost when he originally arrived in Althanas. The ‘Twin’ Beretta is of the same size and caliber as the ‘Patented’ gun, but Dirks doesn’t rely on it as much as he does on its counterpart. Dirks either use it as an element of surprise, or to showboat to his opponents.

Twin Prevalida Katanas – In preparation for the Adventurer’s Crown, Dirks purchased two twin katanas for the vampire, Lorenor, who was previously banned from the bazaar. However, before he could deliver the goods, the team disbanded. Dirks headed to Salvar while Lorenor continued in the tournament. Since then Dirks has grafted the weapons as his own. Almost completely hidden beneath his trench coat, the katanas offer a unique surprise to those expecting to enter battle against a gun-wielder (Dissinger will vouch for this purchase).

Steel Dirk - The Steel Dirk was the first thing that Dirks purchased in Althanas. The primary purpose of owning the dirk is for multiple ironic values that it holds. Max DIRKS owns a steel dirk. Also, some might find it odd that the biggest proponent of guns on Althanas owns a stationary weapon. Dirks has used the dirk in situations where his opponents have prepared to fight against the gun to throw them off balance.


White Jumpsuit/Black Trenchcoat - Since Dirks is relatively conceded and more concerned with his appearance than his safety, he only brandishes the clothes that he wears. The jumpsuit is extremely comfortable and the trench coat is suave. Dirks’ believes armor is pointless because if someone attacks him, he will kill them before they have the chance to strike.

Iron Chain-mail Vest - Though he is careful not to reveal this secret, Dirks wears the iron vest as an extra layer protection beneath his trench coat. The coat was especially handy in Dirks’ battle against the Gray Braves. It caught an arrow set to pierce his heart. He wears the arrow head as a keychain that hangs from the pocket his coat as a reminder.


Little is known about Dirks’ life prior to his arrival in Althanas. It is known that Dirks was a privileged child, but he was corrupted by the ways of the assassin. He had a knack for competition, and almost always came out on top. This made Dirks extremely arrogant. His arrogance is noticeable in all aspects of his life from his appearance, to his language, his demeanor and his attitude.

For his first two years in Althanas, Dirks was unsure of how he arrived in this purgatory world. But when Xalstad, Dirks former mentor and greatest enemy, arrived on Althanas Dirks finally learned the truth. Two years ago he was killed. His body was torn to shreds by a magical spell initiated simply by eye contact. However, his murderers forgot to destroy his soul. Xalstad was gifted with the ability to travel through dreams. This power allowed him to cheat death by inserting his mind into a host body. This power also allowed him to transcend realms. If a person in another world dreamed of getting away, Xalstad could allow the two to switch places. In an attempt to revive Dirks from certain death, Xalstad used his powers on Dirks’ soul. Dirks’ dream was to be the best, thus rather than reappearing in a world where Dirks could never achieve his goal, he was transported to Althanas: a place with limited technology and simple minded inhabitants. It was a place where he excelled. Following the failed experiment, Xalstad set off on a quest to find Dirks. Meanwhile, Dirks arrived on Althanas without any recollection of the events that had transpired beyond his death.

After Dirks had gathered his bearings in the strange new land, he was drawn to the Citadel to test the skill of the land. Dirks first opponent was named Tosara (kid_a). Using his ‘Patented’ Beretta, Dirks easily maimed and humiliated the young boy. Using the money won from his victory, Dirks traveled to the bazaar to purchase a steel dirk. Dirks quickly found that he could get whatever he wanted with just a flash of his gun. This gave him an idea; he was going to rob the bazaar.

But, there was a problem, and her name was Irisathena (Irisathena). Irisathena was a goddess with a fetish for bunnies. Her magic was too powerful for Dirks to overcome with only his gun. When he heard that the Radasanth Museum possessed an artifact that could dispel magic, he set out to steal it. Except, this time he decided to use the people of Althanas to do his dirty work. He set forth a call for all of the bandits of the area to come to his aid, and come they did.

In a tavern, the plan to rob the Radasanth Museum was set. Through this encounter, Dirks met the likes of famous Althanians such as Sorjax (Sorjax), Neon (Hawke), Cyrus (Cyrus the Virus) and Tyrael (Archangel Tyrael). The plan was perfect, but sometime during the course of the robbery, Sorjax lost faith in Dirks’ leadership. The two settled their differences in the lot. Sorjax was left utterly humiliated. Fueled by his anger at Dirks, Sorjax sabotaged the mission by informing the museum security about the robbery. In the end, the museum staff turned on Sorjax and tried to arrest everyone. Feeling pity for these poor patrons of Althanas, Dirks sacrificed himself so that everyone could escape, including Sorjax.

Dirks was captured, but instead of being prosecuted, the museum curator dropped the charges. He admired Dirks perseverance and his style. From there, ironically Dirks traveled back to the bazaar because he had exhausted his ammo supply during the failed museum heist. Dirks met Leopold Stevens (LeopoldStevens), his future boss, on that trip. Dirks did his usual flaunting, but instead of scaring the old British man into giving him a discount on the ammo, the British man challenged him to a two on one fight in Radasanth City Square. Little is known about that battle, but what is known is that Dirks ended up working for Leopold in the bazaar as a result. Strangely, Dirks never stole anything during this time.

A short time later, Dirks joined the Mistician Assailing Arena tournament. He fought a variety of enemies throughout the course of the tournament, including Prometheus (Renzokuken), who would later become Dirks’ most frequent adversary. Dirks made it to the finals of the tournament where he met his old friend Neon from the museum heist. The battle was short, and it ended climatically when Neon exploded. However, the judges felt that Dirks had cheated and he was stripped of the title of champion and it was given to Neon. Angered, Dirks promised that he would win a tournament before he left Althanas.

His second place finish in the tournament brought him some notoriety. Immediately following the tournament, Dirks was contacted by the infamous Ebonbane (AH21) to assist in a training mission dubbed “S3.” During the mission, Dirks met the drunken Kade (Kastira) before his adventures had made him famous. In a sense, it could be argued that Dirks made Kade into what he is today. Regardless, the entire mission turned out to be Ebonbane’s way of gaining power. Dirks had been used, and he swore that one day he would take his revenge upon the twisted ring leader.

Forgetting about Ebonbane temporarily, Dirks joined the Gisela Open tournament. To further push his ironic existence in Althanas, he hired a number of technological inferior soldiers to battle in his army. He called his group “Dirks’ Medieval Minions.” Some of Dirks’ more noted soldiers in the war were James Marx (Spade), Axel Mazik (Bond_007) and Drax Piston. Dirks saved the world from a cartoon network invasion in the first round of the tournament only to meet up with his old friend Prometheus in the second round. The two fought gallantly, but then went their separate ways in peace as they watched Axel Mazik and Prometheus’ lieutenant sacrifice themselves to stop the battle. In the third round, Dirks faced Sei Orlouge (Silence Sei). Sei was severely injured in the battle, but somehow he managed to win on judge’s decision. Apparently tired clichés and lackluster talent win over real wit and showboating.

Angered by the decision, Dirks challenged Sei to a battle and fought him inside the tavern from hell. Dirks humiliated Sei and old grudges were then settled. Following the Gisela Open, Dirks joined another tournament, the Oxfordshire Open. Dirks did well in the first three rounds, beating a racer named Travis and Prometheus once again. He then had to remove himself for undisclosed reasons.

Dirks disappeared for a short time after that. Many people thought that he had just washed out, but in truth he was already planning his next venture. Using the money won from the past two tournaments, Dirks went to the bazaar and purchased himself a trench coat to add to his vanity. Once Dirks was content with his appearance, he contacted the head of the Bandit Brotherhood, Yari Rafanas (Yari Rafanas), Xilium Rupertus (Xilium Rupertus) and Sorjax and asked them if they wanted in on his plan. The three agreed and the Scara Brae scam begun. The idea was that any young warrior could journey to the city of Scara Brae to challenge one of the Pagoda masters to a fight. In order to fight, the warriors would have to submit 100 GP to the master. Dirks racked up plenty of cash this way. It was completely legal, though it was abusing the power of the city.

After awhile, Dirks grew tired of the Pagoda and traveled back to Radasanth, where he encountered an assassin that had discovered the secret of Scara Brae. Neo Natiku (Unless Adjective) and Dirks fought at the Radasanth Fountain Square. The result was the formation of a new organization known as Malice. The purpose of the organization was complete domination of Althanas through illicit means. Malice grew to five people, including Dirks, Natiku, Li (Phoenix), Ashiakin (Ashiakin) and the shadow (The Thirty Third). Thoracis (Thoracis) was offered a spot but declined the offer.

As Malice grew, Dirks heard that the gun that Dirks had lost when he first arrived in Althanas was being sold on the black market. The ‘Twin’ Beretta was Dirks’ baby and he wanted it back. He was already in Radasanth at the time and went to get his gun. The seller was eager to give the gun back at a cheap cost, but requested that Dirks fight for the defenders of the Bazaar in the upcoming war staged by the Red Hand Alliance against it. Dirks agreed.

Since most of the defenders were poor salesmen or enemies of the Red Hand/Bandit Brotherhood alliance, there was a lack of experience on Dirks’ side. Naturally Dirks decided that he would be the unofficial leader of the defenders. During the battle, Dirks took out Sorahn (Sorahn) and another person. Though the defenders eventually lost the battle, Dirks had won the war because now he and Malice were household names.

The Red Hand placed a bounty on Dirks, but then removed it. Dirks finally won his tournament when the Lornian Tour staff asked him to host the Cell. The tournament was rigged so that people would fight each other, only to be beaten by Dirks in the end. That’s where the epic Althanas journey of Max Dirks catches up to the present, but each day another chapter is added. Who knows where his journey will take him next.

Dirks was soon struck by a period of boredom and uncertainty. For the longest time he felt that he had done all he could in his purgatory world. His earnings slowly melted away and Malice began to fade into the shadows. He was criticized, called a poor leader. It was mentally taxing. Dirks gained weight and fell back into drinking. Once, in a drunken stupor, Dirks came across his greatest nemesis, Sei Orlouge (Silence Sei) inside the Peaceful Prominade. The two fought, but it wasn’t Sei that saved Dirks from his problems, it was Anita, Sei’s daughter. Sei too lost control in the battle, and nearly attacked Anita with his doppelganger attack. Dirks pushed her out of the way and took the blade hard into his shoulder. Dirks tried hard to understand his sacrifice. Perhaps there was more to do in this world. This was when he was first introduced to the idea of perspectives. Dirks and Sei parted, but only temporarily.

Immediately following the encounter, Dirks declared war on the Gray Braves in the name of Malice. Word spread quickly and before he even arrived in the frigid north of Salvar, both sides had amassed great armies. Dirks, Sei, and Ashiakin fought along side with an anti-anthro group that Dirks had tricked into joining the war. When the smoke had cleared, the Gray Braves’ tower had been reduced to rubble. The clan was disbanded, and Dirks took most of the money remaining in the Gray Braves’ treasury. The victory against the Gray Braves restored Dirks’ confidence. He left Salvar with one goal: to be the victor in the Gisela Open…as an army of one.

Dirks used a group called The Dark Trinity as an entry-point to the Gisela Open. It was made up of three armies led by the beautiful Meredith, Chronos Realm and his former Gisela protégé, Drax Piston. The group went far into the tournament, defeating the likes of Ziggy (Bandit) Luc Kraus (Cyrus the Virus), Gild (Gild), and Ter-Thok (Ter-Thok). Chronos Realm used the war as a ploy to bring back an ancient race of evil hunters. Dirks feel deep into the web of the plot, accidentally foiling it on several occasions. Near the end of the semi-final round, Dirks was captured by Chronos, only managing to escape due to some help from Gild and Marinda (Marinda). In the end, Dirks managed to kill Chronos, but not until after Meredith died for the cause. Dirks fought on then, going one v all with the remainder of Molotov’s (Molotov) troops. The Dark Trinity ended up winning the tournament, but without Dirks they wouldn’t have made it past the first round.

Following the tournament, Dirks was visited by Dirk Xalstad (Xalstad). During his struggle with the dream walker, he met Starlynn Sonar (sillylizard). Though unconfirmed, the two seem to be seeing each other. Recently Starlynn was kidnapped by Thoracis Rakarth, the evil ice mage, whom Dirks killed in the 2nd Lornius Corporate Challenge. Dirks walked in on a major trap to save the one he loved. It is not known what happened to Dirks after the Starlynn incident. He remains missing to this day.

(More to be added shortly with my level 6 update)


There is not a more arrogant soul in the whole of Althanas. Max Dirks is the epitome of vanity, cockiness and wit. Though, despite these arrogant overtones, Dirks has periodically went out of his way to protect someone if he feels responsible for that person’s situation. He is in love.

04-11-06, 10:50 PM

Ya pansy!