View Full Version : Confused and the Bewildered ((GO Initiation; Closed to Rae))

Uukan Kimari
02-20-07, 02:07 AM
I can't wait for the judging of the AT, so Uukan has sight.

"What happened here?"

Several weeks ago

Since Uukan started training in Radasanth, his days started like every other day until a letter from Alerar wound up in his possession. Upon opening the letter, nostalgia hit the young samurai like a ton of bricks. Starring at death door, Dan raised the behemoth weapon, Rotslayer, over his head and dropped the deylar mass in a cleaving motion upon the samurai's shoulder, when their blades met for the first and only time. Just as the cursed sword reached it tinsel strength, a carriage controlled by one of Uukan's allies saved the young man from being bisected by the monstrous Rotslayer by driving into the crazed Dan.

Mr. Kimari, or should I say Uukan, I think you should come to Winnfield. It can be found in Alerar. I have included a map, just incase you get lost. I suggest you show up. Do you remember the Bazaar War? I am sure you would like to know more.

Signed, Anonymous.

Snapping out of the daze, Uukan immediately turned on the faucet and waited for the water to fill in the sink, where he dunked his head in the cold refreshing water. With a clear mind, the samurai checked out of the inn that night and trekked to the nearest harbor in Corone. Uukan, still getting used to his eyesight, soaked in the sights as he transverses the country side with his companion, Wolfy, once more. After the blindness lifted from Uukan's burdened shoulders, he came out a new and rejuvenated young man where a glimmer of life returned to the once dismal samurai, when he walked with an extra skip in his step.

Current time; current place

"It looks as if a war happened here." Uukan stretched out his right arm, rubbed his chin with his left wrist, and followed up by bringing each hand to the rear of his head, while he yawned. "I think trouble is about to befall us, Wolfy." The dire wolf wagged its tail in response.

02-21-07, 12:23 AM
It was not an uncommon sight. A middle aged man reclined on his chair in a bar, his feet propped up on the table with a cigarette in his mouth and a gigantic mug of beer on the table, his fingers entwined around the handle of the beverage. He rubbed his stubble in between drags and gulps of his alcohol, smiling contently, analyzing the various posters that decorated the modest establishment. However, this was no ordinary bar, no ordinary man and no ordinary town. Kjloroman, the only name he bore, was a talented samurai who could count numerous prominent samurai among his students. The bar, The Two Headed Marlin, had just suffered the same fate as its town, Winnfield.

For as Kjloroman took his final drag and threw away the now useless cigarette and finished the last of his beer, he kicked the table right over and grabbed his two katanas that were leaning against the bar top. He smiled. He had been to numerous bars, but this one was clearly the only one that was empty before and after he had entered. For just a few days ago, the peaceful town of Winnfield had suffered the first mini genocide of possibly many to strike Alerar. Why? It was located close to the newly renamed Salidan Divide, a mountain range that housed Erebus, the headquarters of the growing Grander's Order. Kjloroman was there when their leader had declared that Winnfield be routed and converted into the first of their soon to be many outposts. The job had been done by the best in the business and not a survivor, not a witness lived to tell the tale of how Winnfield's populace had been slaughtered.

The samurai strapped his katana to his waist and moved to a mirror, tying back his long black hair into a fashionable ponytail before smiling and winking to his reflection before pushing apart the doors to glance at the empty streets and the murderers themselves. They were not in plain sight for now was day and they hated it. Why wouldn't they? They were drow, of the underground variety and they really only came to the surface at night. Still, Kjloroman's watchful eye still managed to see hints of them hiding in the buildings. The samurai only wished that his other eye hadn't been lost to him in a previous battle so he could have fully witnessed the sight of how efficiently the Kel'Arkan drow had killed every single member of the Winnfield community and removed every trace of there every being anyone here in the matter of days. The actual killing had taken less than an hour and the latter task was only taking time because they hated the daylight.

Kjloroman was a prominent member of the Grander's Order, the commander of the growing Devastator division of the group. He was briefly sent here though, to make sure the dark elves did their job and make sure nothing went wrong. Now that the task was nearly complete, the human was happy that he could soon return to the fine whisky he kept in Erebus.

No such luck, a female voice rang in his head. It was melodious, like an elf's, but with a significant tinge of darkness and cruelty in it that instantly informed Kjloroman that this was the voice of a drow.

I told you, the samurai thought back, for he knew that this priestess could read his mind. Driana was her name and she was one of the principle reasons why the destruction of Erebus had gone so well. She was so sadistic, even by her race's standards. Stop reading my mind, witch.

Then stop daydreaming... the more work you do, the sooner you can go back to your poison juice and fantasize about elves and dwarves, disgusting creature that you are, the voice rang back. Kjloroman glanced around but knew that Driana was much better than hiding than her brethren and could be anywhere in Winnfield.

That's not my job... The only one I have is making sure your little curves don't go hidden away by that awful armor you wear to protect. Shame how your breasts aren't that protected, ay, Driana?, Kjloroman responded. Even over thoughts, his sarcasm was perfectly communicated and the samurai felt for a moment that his head rang, probably a prelude to a curse by the drow priestess. She stopped though, knowing the consequences.

Enough banter, the seriousness creeping back into her mind. My sisters and I have sensed a presence, a wanderer probably, on the north entrance. Make sure tha-

The voice was cut off before it could finish. I don't take orders from you, though I do appreciate the tip.

Kjloroman smiled and walked off in the direction, gazing off at the sun as it began its slow fade behind the Salidan divide. Soon it would be night and the drow would finish tidying up Winnfield. Until then, this wanderer would keep him busy.

Uukan Kimari
02-22-07, 03:11 PM
Not even a mouse roamed the streets, and yet a flicker of tension washed over Uukan. He casually knelt down to pet Wolfy ignoring the tell-tale signs of an ambush, whether it be for him or anyone, the samurai lowered his right hand onto the back the dire wolf's head, where he gently rubbed and scratched between its furry ears. The samurai did not lose an ounce of concentration, as he did not take his eyes off the suspicious town for a second.

"Everything will be okay, Wolfy." The young man mumbled under his breath.

Uukan swiftly exchanged hands and let his right hand fall to both sheathes attached to the samurai's waist, when he twitched his pointer and middle finger until both stabilized the weapons. Right handed, Uukan continued his training by wearing the swords on his right side, so he would draw with a southpaw and had the scars to prove it. Twirling his fingers about, he adjusted the hilt of his cursed katana closer to the hip, as the samurai prepared to be swarmed by whatever presence that caught his ire.

In a blink of an eye, twenty drow surrounded the duo before they could act accordingly. They moved in unison with their weapons in plain sight, as all of them gave their prey no route to escape. The unsatisfied eyes filled with blood lust gazed at the kneeling Uukan with intensity. The samurai already gauged the surroundings and the reach of his weapon, as the katana dropped from his sheathe into the left palm before fully unsheathing the cursed weapon.

02-24-07, 10:15 AM
The circle of drow eyed the wanderer and his canine companion as a pride of lions eyed a wounded future meal. In a way that was true. The Kel'Arkan were reasonably cannibalistic and liked nothing more than to devour the bodies of their enemies. Their drow weapons were often so fine that they cut the meat so well that the thought of eating your dead foe wasn't such a disgusting thought after all. Still though, the dark elves had gathered not for action as much as intimidation. The sun was setting but it had not set yet, meaning that the giant orb in the sky still stung their eyes. Despite their talents and abilities, they were still lazy and would not act until night fall on the surface.

The only one in Winnfield who worked during the day was someone that the dark elves all feared, or at least were intimidated by. Kjloroman was an important member of the Grander's Order, they all knew that. And while they were affiliated with them, they had to respect the higher ranking members. As the samurai approached the circle, a section of a few drow parted, allowing him entrance and to glance at their latest victim. The dark elves even backed off some what, allowing him some breathing space. Conspicuously, there were no females. Of the ten or so drow that made up the circle, all were male. Even though they were inferior to their sisters, the samurai knew better than to underestimate them. At his command, they could strike and end the intruder's life as quick as heartbeat. Such was the efficiency of the Kel'Arkan.

That thought was reasonably far from his mind though when Kjloroman cast his eye on the 'intruder.' He had to stifle a laugh for a moment before he could no longer resist and he parted his lips, letting loose a loud, echoing laugh. The drow all flinched but the samurai made the hand signal for dismissal. As quickly as they had appeared, they faded back into the darkness from which they had come.

"Do not worry, Uukan Kimari. Your fight is not with the Kel'Arkan elves..." the samurai said, with a smile. "...Today, that is."

That second added part only made his smile widen. It wasn't too long before it faded though when a familiar voice rang through his head.

What happened? Why did you dismiss my brothers? Driana's voice said in his head, causing him to jump slightly in surprise.

Only the best news that you will ever have to deal with, the samurai thought back. Tell your witches and wizards to contact Erebus. Miran is ours now.

Uukan Kimari
02-26-07, 10:29 PM
Intensity in the drows' eyes never wavered while staring at Uukan, when a voice bellowed over the grunting and gnawing of teeth. Within the sea of blue bodies, a passageway opened and emerging from the fray was a man who wore similar clothes and weapons as the grey haired samurai.

Uukan raised a brow, "Do I know you?" he quizitively asked. "And were you the one who invited me to this ghost of a town?"

Clink, the sound of the steel katana clashing with the innards of its sheathe. All tension freed from Uukan's left hand and dropped to his knee to brush the dirt and dust that cling to his black kimono while restraining the sheathes with his remaining hand. Applying weight to his right foot, he lifted himself off the gravel and balanced on one foot while letting the other fall two feet behind him.

"Wolfy, stop shirking about and get away from here." The dire wolf's friend extended left arm pointed toward the drow behind him. "I am sure you can weasel your way through them."

03-03-07, 10:39 AM
"No," the samurai began, a childish smile sprawled across his face. Even though he jerked his hips out to display the sword on his belt prominently, he made no moves from them. His hands were at his chin, stroking the stubble that remained there, while he looked into Uukan's eyes, a swarm of memories returning to him. "And yes."

It was true that Kjloroman had had written that letter, signed and stamped and had it delivered to the troubled samurai in hopes that he would come. It had been a long time but when word had come through his spy network, Kjloroman knew that he could make use of Uukan's reapperance. The Grander's Order always needed new members and ones that had unique talents were even more welcome. As his eyes fell upon the fine weapon that the man opposite him wielded, he could only smile.

"Do you know how talented you really are?" the samurai asked, slowly shifting into a subtle defensive stance. If Uukan made a attack now, he would be able to easily avoid it but his stance still remained relatively neutral, so he probably could not tell that he was wary. "I guess you have me to thank for that. Do you remember when you got that sword?"

"If you don't remember me, I don't blame you. But I was one of those present when the order was made to curse your sword. I guess you could say, I was there to see you being reborn."

Kjloroman nodded, watching as the last of the drow moved into the shadows and away from Uukan's eyes. Now, they were more dangerous than ever. Though nothing compared to what Kjloroman wanted to give to Uukan.

Uukan Kimari
03-07-07, 05:47 PM
Uukan turned his head to where he pointed and watched the drow slink away into the darkness. When the strange man gave an empathic no for an answer, the ronin regained his composure. The dire wolf fled from the town by avoiding the remaining drow.

"You think I would be happy knowing this," Uukan snarled at the man. "I suffered so much since the voices started and killing you would only make it happy."

Reaching down to the shoto's sheathe, Uukan ripped it from the sash around his waist and tossed it onto the ground with a quick flick of the wrist. He rested his right elbow on the sheath of the cursed katana and withdrew his left arm into the black kimono.

"So I will just show you what I learned since then," Uukan raised his voice in anger.

Uukan brought his left arm out of the neck of the kimono, and lowered it to the hilt of the cursed sword. Kicking off the dirt with a sandal, the grey haired samurai launched his body toward his opponent. He moved his right thumb before the hilt and charged toward man in the attempt to draw the opposing swordsman into a sword-drawing contest.