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View Full Version : The Servant

04-12-06, 02:21 AM
Name: Sloth

Age: 18

Race: Human

Gender: Human

Height: 5’4”

Weight: 141lbs.

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Blue

For someone who possesses many of the qualities of a true loner, it‘s hard to believe that Sloth doesn‘t like being alone. He spends most of his time indoors either reading or drawing something as gorgeous as a sunset or something horrifically depressing like a young mother cradling a dead child. He finds that he has very little to say to others, even if he had wanted to. He neither smiles very much, nor is he ever angry, or sad, or much of anything other than quiet. And he utterly despises being cast into the spotlight. Yet, the idea of being completely isolated terrifies him.

Not too long ago, when he wandered the streets in exhaustion both physically and mentally, he bumped into the most beautiful woman he had ever seen up to that point. The lady Wrath, for reasons known only to her, took him in under her wing and into her world. The details of their relationship are kept under hushed tongues.

Sketching. Reading. Music. Candy. Sleeping. Being Alone. Water. Ivy/Snap-Brim Caps. Sketching. Art.

Crowded Rooms. Loud Noises. Children. Politics. Summer Heat. Prying Eyes. Magic.

Sloth‘s short height and dreary appearance certainly wouldn‘t have you pointing him out of the crowd. He has the body of a poet with a skinny and tired frame. He has rogue stubble about his face and wiry and unkempt hair like that of an artist. He’s profusely dull looking, like a librarian, with skin of pale smoke and an overly simple and conservative wardrobe. And his eyes are just as stagnant, the color of a fall river in stillness.

Kusarigama/Steel Sickle and Chain: The sickle (steel) is attached to a chain (steel) with a heavy weight (iron) attached to the end. Sloth’s weapon is modified with the sickle’s handle being slightly curved more so than the average so that it may be easier to handle when swinging that particular end of the weapon.

Steel Claws: When prepped for battle, Sloth encases the fingers of both of his hands in steel, enabling them to sear through flesh like knives.

Simple clothing: Button up tees, slacks, suspenders, leather shoes, fingerless gloves, and ivy/snap-brim caps.

Steel Bracers: His only form of protection resides on both of his forearms.

Sloth is never far from his sketchbook, a few pieces of charcoal, and some reading material.

Currently, Sloth is as capable as the average warrior in battle. Other than that, the only real skill he possesses is with a piece of charcoal or a paintbrush.

Eight years ago, a war broke out between Sloth’s republic of Oceana and the Adamantian Empire on the continent of Amaranthia. His hometown, the city of Cobalt, suffered the worst of the war’s catastrophes. Sloth, who was given the birth name of Venn Ward, had lived a happy and prosperous life up until then. His father, like most, went off to fight while his mother went mad with grief. And everything went downhill from there.

Thrown into a depression that it never recovered from, most of Cobalt’s citizens were cast into poverty, Sloth's family was no exception. The city quickly fell victim to crime and ruin and the failure to sustain its livelihood is considered among Oceana‘s greatest losses.

At its conclusion, Sloth was barely fourteen. Along with his younger brother and mother, he awaited his father’s return believing all would be well if only he were there with them. His father always knew what to do, even in the most dire of circumstances and he always managed to do it with a smile on his face. As he left for the frontlines, he left with a grin on his face. It would be the last memory they would have of him. He never returned.

Soon after, a strain of pneumonia struck both Sloth and his brother. Sloth barely survived. His younger brother of nine years was not as lucky. Already teetering on the edge of sanity, his mother fell to pieces then, pieces that he couldn’t fit back together despite his desperate attempts. He cared for her for the next two years until she too passed away. She had no desire to live and passed away of her own grief and lethargy. With no family left in the city, most of whom fled during the war, Sloth found himself hopelessly alone.

Like most of the children of Cobalt after the war, he turned to crime to support himself. It was then that he encountered Wrath. Everything he accomplished afterwards is kept quiet between a handful of people.

((This is not a copy of my old profile. This is entirely new. That is all. Have some cake. Good day.))

Cyrus the virus
04-12-06, 03:17 AM
I shouldn't approve you so you can't enter the LCC.


Oh dear, I'm afraid he's far, far too powerful. Ooo, all those sketching skills. You could easily bribe any kind of opponent who considers himself a collector... This simply won't do.

Bah. Approved.