View Full Version : Paternity Leave

Zook Murnig
02-25-07, 01:29 AM
I'll be going half-power for a while, cause my daughter is going to be born within the next few days. I'll post pictures on the Althanas Picture Thread when I have them. Any luck-wishing or advice or anything like that is welcome.

And yes, Amanda, next time I'll use a condom that fits.

Chromanon Rockskin
02-25-07, 01:58 AM
That's all anybody could ever ask, Preggerz.

Just think, in 17 years, she'll probably be just like her daddy! Preggerz!


02-25-07, 02:29 AM
I wish you luck, and I congratulate you too! XD *hugs*

And, out of curiosity... what's her name?

02-25-07, 08:09 AM
And, out of curiosity... what's her name? 10 bucks says it's 'Angel.'

02-25-07, 08:14 AM
yeah good luck and congrats.

I hope the kid turns out well.

Zook Murnig
02-25-07, 08:34 AM
Did you want to know my girlfriend's name or the baby's? In any case, my girlfriend's name is Elizabeth, and the baby's will be Kaleigh. I can't wait until she gets here. I'm gonna spoil her so much.

And Manda? We were thinking of naming her Chastity in the hopes she'd keep hers.

The Valkyrie
02-25-07, 08:36 AM
Congrats and all. Life will never be the same again. Oh, and from a mom who's boyfriend at the time didn't step up to the plate, thank you for being there for your girlfriend and daughter.

02-25-07, 08:55 AM
Raise her to love RP so she can be the youngest registered Althanian and crack a 90+ score before she can walk.

All seriousness, the best of luck to you. Never lose sight of the immensity of the blessing you're about to receive.

Zook Murnig
02-25-07, 09:01 AM
I'm actually planning on turning her into a beautiful nerd. Beauty's only natural, considering her mother, but I'm gonna teach her how to play DnD and give her plenty of videogames. Ahh, the hours we'll have of co-op Pong, Frogger, and Motocross Racing.

02-25-07, 09:27 AM
Raise her to love RP so she can be the youngest registered Althanian and crack a 90+ score before she can walk.

You are going to make a wonderful father some day.

Anyways good luck with the child and all.

02-25-07, 10:21 AM
You know you're going to have to show me the baby sometime.

Maybe after the summer, but maybe before I get out for summer.

Just because you live close enough.

Cyrus the virus
02-25-07, 11:43 AM
You're so neat. Congratulations. Kaleigh's a lovely name!

02-25-07, 12:52 PM
It is a good name. What made you decide on it?

Is it pronounced how it's spelled?

02-25-07, 12:53 PM
He pronounces it "Kay-lee."

If I named my daughter Kaleigh, though, I'd pronounce it "Khal-lei"

*has Zook over visiting, so could verify before posting*

02-25-07, 01:10 PM
So would I, it sounds very classy pronounced Khal-lei. Except maybe without the - in it.

I think it is supposed to be pronounced Kaylee though...

Zook Murnig
02-25-07, 01:13 PM
Karuka's right about the spelling, but there's a story to the name. Not very entertaining, but here we go.

So, my grandparents were living with my great-grandmother when they had my aunt Janet. Back then, they just knocked the woman out with anesthesia and she woke up with a baby. Now, they had a name picked out, with the middle name Lee. Well, when my grandmother had the baby, she was still out of it when naming time came around, and my grandfather was helping her deal with it. So, my great-grandmother swooped in and named her Janet Somethingorother *lastnameomitted*. They couldn't say or do anything about it because of the living situation.

So, the next time they had another name picked out, with Lee as the middle name. She had the baby, was out of it again, and my great-grandmother swooped in again naming him John Ramsey *lastnameomitted* Jr., after his father.

Then the next and last time came around. My dad was supposed to be Micheal Lee. Same ordeal. The bitch swooped in and named him Michael EPPES *lastnameomitted*.

So, after all that, my parents decided that I was, to make up for that, going to be the first in a long line of Lee's. And so, Kaleigh.

02-25-07, 07:55 PM
I think you'll be a wonderful daddy. *huggles* Be prepaired to be tired in the next few months, I hope she'll be a good baby.

Just remember to spoil her rotten and also remember that she'll be okay the first few times she rolls off of something or hits her head when crawling or walking. Babies are bouncy creatures.

02-26-07, 09:50 PM
I just got off the phone with Zook, the baby is coming!

02-26-07, 10:29 PM

I might not be awake or online when she comes, but I'll say this here...

Happy Birthday, Kayleigh! :D

Spoil her rotten with the best quality books. You know you want to. ;)

02-26-07, 11:02 PM
All right, another February baby! ^_^

02-26-07, 11:37 PM
Oh YAY a baby.

Happy birthday Kayleigh and congratulations, you two lovebirds.

02-27-07, 01:07 AM

Zook has a baby!

Born at 12:30 a.m. EXACTLY (yeah, this is late), 8 lbs, 10 oz, healthy as can be. Brown hair, currently blue eyes.


And the only thing I have to say is: Zook...I TOLD you it'd be fine. Every. Single. Time you asked me to read for you. TOOOOOOOLD you!

Catch you crazy cats on Thursday!

Zook Murnig
02-27-07, 03:33 AM
Aye, she's born. Kaleigh Page. She has her mother's last name, alas. I won't hold it against either of them, though. She cries like a three month old, and GOD does she have a grip!

And I seriously need to get a grip. I'm so overprotective. I sat there outside the nursery window, watching her, for half an hour. It felt like five minutes.

Also, she's been alive for four hours now. ^.^;;

02-27-07, 03:49 AM
Congratulations, Zook. XD

Oh, and her name is really cool. So pretty.

Zook Murnig
02-27-07, 07:04 AM
This just in. It's a MIRACLE. She DOESN'T like Hinder! Gets it from me. :D

Now, in all honesty, that's just my hope.

02-27-07, 07:21 AM
haha don't worry, by the time she's old enough to choose her music, Hinder will be long forgotten.

Congrats at being a father^^ I hope your parenthood goes well and all.

02-27-07, 09:37 AM
My advice on teaching the baby good taste in music, expose her to the classics early (as in right now early). AC/DC, Led Zepplin, Rolling Stones, Judas Priest and Motor Head are just a few I would start off with.

02-27-07, 10:50 AM
P: Congrats Zook! Your request will be posted as soon as Kaleigh turns 20! Yaaay! In any case, you'd seem like a cool dad. Wait, since she's born, you already are?

*random* A friend of mine, she's 16 now, has a 1 year old baby now. He's really cute. c:

02-27-07, 12:35 PM
Dude. For music, go Classical. Only classical.

Beethoven. Bach. Chopin.

None of the modern stuff for now. By the time she hits teen, she will know what sounds right to her. :p


*Pumps your hand up and down crazily*

Congratulations! ^_^

02-27-07, 01:50 PM
Congratulations Zook, how does fatherhood feel?

Seriously, you gotta give me a heads up on what emotions to expect during the big day. My wife (Simi) is expecting, my daughter is due June 9th.

Artifex Felicis
02-27-07, 02:32 PM
Put on the ol horrowshow Ludwig Wan and let the beutiful images flow across your eyes and mind. /allusion

Anyways, congrats and good luck with everything.

02-27-07, 03:44 PM
Advent is right, expose her to classical for now and let her decide for herself later.

*glomps and hugs* Congrats from Jason (Shadar) and myself. Have lots of fun with your daughter. I know you will be a good dad.

Zook Murnig
02-27-07, 06:00 PM
Thank you everyone.

And Zerith, it's just pure joy, with the slightest taint of fear. I cried several times in the delivery room after she was born. Seeing it can't be substituted for.

02-27-07, 10:33 PM
I see, I'm already feeling the fear part of knowing that I'm going to be a father. Actually, I guess I'm already one.

Thanks for the advice, be sure to post some pics of her for us to see. I know I will post some pics of my daughter sometime in June.

02-27-07, 11:40 PM
Awe congratulations. Now get with the taking of pictures so that all the girls on Althanas can be like "Awwwww!!!"

Also, now that everything's gone fine, can I go back to telling you dead baby jokes?

And also, I went condom shopping this week. The next time you're in doubt, gimme a call. I'll explain it to you. =P

02-27-07, 11:45 PM
Awe congratulations. Now get with the taking of pictures so that all the girls on Althanas can be like "Awwwww!!!"

Oh, God, yes, I would have a field day with that. I am such a sucker for babies, it's ridiculous.

Do post some pictures of your lovely baby, Zook. Congrats again!

The Valkyrie
02-28-07, 12:31 AM
Congrats Zook! Babies are this strange combination of amazing, fun, scary, and exhausting, no? My advice (having a three year old, who grows an inch each time I blink) - DON'T BLINK!!!! Enjoy the fact that she won't take her eyes off your face (except to look at her mom, which you'll probably be doing too when you aren't looking at her). PICTURES!!!

03-02-07, 09:11 AM
Completely after the fact, but...

Congratulations! She's so cute I want to kidnap her!

From a deranged criminal with high standards, that's a very good compliment.

And, y'know, make her listen to Infected Mushrooms. She'll be sure to become quite the interesting lass! And expose her to psychedelic videos that induce epileptic seizures. That'll wake her creativity! <3

Seriously, don't, or she'll become like a spicy, female me. That's not good, by the way! :D As people have said before, try Chopin, Rachmaninov and maybe some rock from the seventies! Y'can't grow up without those!

Zook Murnig
03-02-07, 09:50 AM
and maybe some rock from the seventies! Y'can't grow up without those!

Yeah, look what it did to kids in the Fifties.