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The Runt
02-26-07, 12:11 AM
Closed for Raelyse.

Overwhelmed by the press of thoughts on her mind, Kadday stumbles into a small café somewhere in Radasanth. She isn’t even sure where she is, struggling to maintain a sense of direction as she tries to get out of the city into the woods where she can think clearly.

What am I to do with myself? I can’t stay here, obviously, it would drive me insane sooner rather than later. All these years I have known I would leave the Gardens, but now that I have left I have no direction, no purpose. And I can never return…

A tap on the shoulder interrupts her thoughts.

“Here you go, this is for you.”

A wax sealed envelope in the hand of a page boy hovers in the air over Kadday’s shoulder.

“Are you sure this is for me? There is no-one in this city who would write me a letter.”

“Oh yes, quite certain. I am supposed to give it to the red-head wearing a red hood. Unless there is another red-head in here…”

“No no, it seems your message is for me. Wait while I read it.”

The boy stands patiently as Kadday breaks open the seal and quickly reads the brief note.

You are Vakrin. Among those in the world, you are not alone in your knowledge of the Gardens and the Artifact contained within. There is much you must learn on your own before I may reveal myself. Go to Fallien and see what the land of your people has become. When you have seen and learned enough, you will be contacted.

The letter is unsigned, bearing the same crest as the wax seal for a signature. When Kadday looks up at the page boy, his mischievous grin cannot be hidden.

“What do you find so humorous?”

“My apologies ma’am, but you look like you’ve seen yourself a ghost or something terrible such as that.”

The honesty of a child, it seems some things can be counted on wherever you are.

“No need to apologize, young master. Tell me, who instructed you to deliver this message?”

The young boy looks confused for a moment, searching a blank spot in his memory.

“I…I don’t know. I can’t remember. But, they paid me well.”

He smiles happily and holds up a small bag of gold coins, probably more money than the boy had ever seen in his life. There is no deception in his eyes or thoughts and Kadday immediately recognizes a powerful manipulation of his mind, protecting the identity of the sender. She thanks the messenger and falls deep into thought as he leaves the establishment.

Who could know of me and the Gardens. Only another Tash’Hari could know these things. Any Tash’Hari would have been able to erase that boy’s memory, but there is no-one from the Gardens that would do such a thing. The Vakrin are the only other’s who remain outside the garden and would know of their existence, but I am the first in 500 years. Surely the others have long since left this earth. I must know more.

“How do I get to Fallien?”

The waiter, more intent on wiping down a table than listening to questions, is caught off guard.


“Fallien. I need to get to Fallien. How do I get there?”

“Oh, uh, well, I don’t know why youzed want to get there with the war and all, but I can think of two ways fer ya. The fastest way is to go visit Tark’s Teleporting, just outside the Bazaar. Ee’ll charge ya an arm and a leg, unless ya’r rich it won’t be worth it to ya. Other than that, the ports are yer best bet. Just head west, when you hit the water ye should see the ports in one direction or the other. They are mighty big and ther’ll be a bunch of ‘em boats floatin around. Can’t miss it.”

Walking to the port was another exercise in control as Kadday’s mind is bombarded with more thoughts and minds than she can handle. She eventually reaches the ports and asks the first sailor-type she comes across. Still focused on maintaining control of the intrusions into her mind, she speaks distractedly.

“Fallien. I need to get to Fallien. Which ship?”

The grizzled old sailor screws up his eyes as he tries to see into the hooded darkness of Kadday’s face.

“Eh…Fallien. You’d be crazy to get yourself to Fallien right now. Harpies, that’s what I heard. I don’t think none of these boats is headed that way and you shouldn’t either young miss. Take an old man’s advice. Harpies. Yup. Stay away from harpies.”

Less than encouraged, Kadday moves closer to the water, finding some relief as the density of minds decreases. She raises her voice to be heard by some of the crowds in the area.

“I must get to Fallien. Are there none here who will brave those waters?”

02-26-07, 08:48 AM
Lingering in one place had never been one of Raelyse's aims but for one of a reason, he always seemed to be delayed. It had gotten to the point where the point planned his journeys in terms of days instead of hours. Even then, he always inexplicably got held up by some random event that had seemed all too promising at the time, only to turn out to be less than useful in the end. At first, he didn't mind. His adventures and misadventures were time consuming and entertaining, which was one of the main reasons why he had left Myrusia. Then, he realized that they were holding him back from accomplishing his main aim. Associating himself with peasants, commoners and nobodies who would be nothing but nobodies was only holding back his dream. Althanas would only remember his name when he erected a grand tomb for his dead body at this rate.

Unfortunately for the prince of Myrusia, he had come to this conclusion when he was in perhaps his least favorite place on Althanas, Corone. Many people had dubbed it the melting pot of the world, though Raelyse merely saw that as a euphemism for a garbage disposal of those that would never amount to anything. Everywhere he saw adventurers with hopes that would be smashed in the future. He pitied them. Everyone had dreams but not everyone had talent.

Raelyse had come to Corone in hopes of securing a boat to Fallien, a continent where he had not yet visited, yet one that his followers in the Grander's Order had deemed a place that was prime for the prince to make its mark. It wasn't nearly as developed as any of the other continents and with the entire island engulfed in war, it would not be hard to pick a faction and propel them to victory, achieving fame and respect along the way.

Much simpler in practice for there were no ships that would dare set move within a hundred miles of Fallien. The harpies were apparently wearing thin the flesh on their own land and were moving for nearby ships, grabbing sailors from decks and dropping them into the ocean to take the fight out of them before diving and grabbing them, sometimes even sharing their meal with the sharks. Even Raelyse's hefty pocket could not persuade them, for no captain dared to risk any of his men for mere monetary gain. And those that would were too cowardly to go or their men had already deserted them.

Every passing moment wasted in Corone's harbor seemed to be a moment thrown away where he could be so much greater than he was. It was constantly tearing at him to no end. Ultimately, he ended up staying 3 days in Corone before another inexplicable event, this time in his favor, put Raelyse on the road to his perceived event.

A frustrated noble was the prince as he strode out of his inn, knowing in his heart that no ship would sail with him aboard this day yet still holding a childish hope that he would find that elusive one. He hadn't even bothered to dress himself properly, and yet he still exuded grace and respect among the dirt covered sailors. It wasn't long before something else stole their attention though.

A voice, female, rang throughout the crowd. Though he was more accustomed to taking people's attention, Raelyse was always wary for those who could take his. This fiery haired lass was just that. Turning his head of silver hair in her direction, he could not help but smile.

"Finally," he said. "Someone who shares my ambition."

He moved towards her, pushing the rabble and the insignificant away from his path. Even though he had not seen this girl before, had never heard any tales of her being anyone of notice, he had a feeling she was special. Raelyse had always trusted in his feelings and they had never steered him wrong.

Most times.

The Runt
03-03-07, 11:08 PM
The attention of the crowd seems to focus more on Kadday herself than the content of her announcement. For a moment the babble of thoughts swimming in the focus on her, thoughts of curiosity, disdain, pity, and lust. None of these are encouraging to Kadday in terms of reaching Fallien, until one mind, very different from the others around her, draws the telepaths attention.

Even without her extra-mental powers, Kadday could discern that the silver haired man pushing through the crowd toward her is not a sailor or commoner like the majority of the population of the dock. His bearing speaks clearly of a different upbringing, though Kadday’s lack of experience with the elusive concept of social classes does not reveal to her his royal nature.

Immediately, Kadday wishes to know more of the man. She reaches out with her mind, honing in through the crowded thoughts on his singular mind. The outer layer of his mind, a veneer of pride and self-preservation, snap into focus before Kadday’s mind breaks, her delicate control once again failing her as the chaotic storm of minds intrudes past the defenses drained by her concentration on Raelyse. The host of uncontrolled, unrelenting thoughts overwhelm her, physically shaking her and forcing a retreat of her mind while she regains control.

Partially to offer some solitude, partially to hide her paling and shaken face, Kadday flings her hood over her head. Hoping the silver haired stranger can hear her, she speaks with a quivering tone.

“We must go elsewhere to speak. There are too many minds in this place. Please…lead me to solitude.”