View Full Version : The best time you ever got hurt...

Thermal Undies
02-26-07, 03:53 PM
No, I'm not talking about dominatrix type stuff. I'm talking about a time you hurt yourself physically, but it was worth it.

Mine was on Saturday. I went to my best friend Barb's this weekend (in Phoenix, AZ). My long time friend (and exboyfriend) Jason also lives in Phoenix. Well, Barb just moved to a new house, so Jason wasn't familiar with where it was, when he got to the house, couldn't figure out how to get in (the front door is a bit hidden). So I walked outside to go greet him. I stepped on a stick. And oh my god did it hurt. I didn't think anything of it until yesterday, while walking around my toe was hurting a lot. I assumed it must have been that my toenail was digging into the side of my toe... Upon closer inspection, I see a splinter! Then I remember stepping on the stick! Best time I ever got hurt. :p

02-26-07, 05:08 PM
I remember back when I was still young (God, that makes me sound so old) my mom sent me to the grocery store to buy some sugar and whipped cream or something akin to that. Anyways, me and my friend went to the store on our bicycles and decided to race while we were coming back. I held the stuff I bought in one hand, steered the bike with the other when my friend accidentally hit me. With only partial hold of steering, I went crashing down, instinctively protecting the groceries. The good side was that my uber reflexes I managed to keep them intact. The bad side was that I landed on my head. I had a lump the size of a walnut on my forehead. Everybody was shocked how I managed to keep the bag intact, though my dad told me I was an idiot for not letting go of the bag.

Darkness Impulse
02-26-07, 05:17 PM
Oh I have a semi-good story. It was when I was younger, 12 maybe and when I lived back in Colorado(live in NY now, moved 4 years ago). I was at my friend's house spending the night, and we were playing with our G.I. Joes on top of the garage in his backyard(roughly 9-10 feet tall). He tells me that one time he jumped off the garage into the backyard of his neighbor, I look over the edge - with of course an incredulous expression on my face. Now, being young I had an overly competitive side with my friends, so I tell him that I will jump off too.

He doesn't believe me of course, i'm standing there leering over the edge, trying to get the courage to jump. As a little booster, I grab my favorite G.I. Joe and toss it into the lawn below. I just had to go down and get it. So I hop off, air shooting through my hair, it seemed like a lifetime till I landed. I was probably a good 4-4.5ft. tall at that time, so it was like the empire state building. I land on my feet but fall quickly after, because my legs were hurting like a bitch. I cry a little bit and pick up my toy, saying to my friend, "I wish I hadn't done that..." So he replies...

"Well, you coulda used the ladder" Pointing to a ladder propped up the side of the garage.

02-26-07, 06:30 PM
I was at a party at my girlfriend's friend's house. Her parents were away for the weekend, and both her older siblings were home for the weekend. Result: lots of weed, lots of booze. I sat on the couch in her attic for most of the night, drinking and watching TV. (I'm an interesting drunk...I never feel it until I stand up, and no one around me ever notices a difference in my personality) Late in the evening, I decided that I was hungry, so I headed for the stairs, drink in hand. This girl's family buys the BEST apples ever, and I have to have one every time I go to her house. Except they keep the apples in the basement. I fell down three flights of stairs for an apple that night, and spilled my drink all over myself, but I think I can say it was worth it.

02-26-07, 11:00 PM
(Good gods Iain, I think you love thoes apples too much.)

I was taking my little cousin outside to play in the snow. He was two at the time so I would have been 20ish. I was carrying him so he wouldn't slip and his legs were still too short to easily walk up and down the steps. The second step down, I slipped on the ice and fell. I know I squished the little guy, trying to keep a hold of him because he squealed.

Any who, I bounced down the rest of the steps and landed in the snow with Austyn on my stomach. I looked up and my cousin was standing in the doorway laughing her self silly. I remember my backside was several lovely shades for near a month afterwards but I'd rather my butt hurt than have dropped my cousin. The pain was worth it, my family now has joke that I 'bounce'.

02-26-07, 11:04 PM
Well...I was about eight at the time, and we had a new puppy.

His name was Toby, really good dog (died of parvo later. I was really upset).

Anyway, so I had gotten a really long stick to play with him (a skinny one), and I was running with it...I swear, thing was like three feet long at least.

ANYWAY, I was running with it and he was chasing me and the thing bumped the ground and stabbed me hard in the side. It was like...bleeding. Couldn't get it to stop for like 20 minutes, even though I washed it with soap and water and put a bandaid on it.

I still have a little bit of a scar from that...

02-27-07, 12:19 AM
When I was four years old, I was in the park with my mom, and we saw this big group of kids surrounding a boy with a pet squirrel. No kidding.

We went over to check it out, and when it was my turn to pet it, the squirrel scratched up my neck. Immediatly afterward my mom freaked out and took me to the doctor to be checked for rabies.

Beat that, b*tches.

02-27-07, 12:26 AM
Most of mine are martial arts related. When I started Choy Li Fut my arms were black and blue for like... a week after my first day, it was AWESOME.

I started judo recently also, very nice workout. Except for the fact that it tends to hurt for a few days when a strangle goes wrong and starts crushing your windpipe. (which happened to me. >.>) Anyways, also completely awesome. (The particular feeling of breaking a fall is also pretty cool, and flying through the air when you're thrown.)

Somewhere between there, t'was last spring I think, I had a particular encounter when I was swordfighting with a friend in the dead of night... it was pretty spiffy, but I got stabbded. Wrote a poem about it for my creative writing class. :)


02-27-07, 09:19 AM

During Home Economics, my classmate asked me for assistance in cutting his wooden chair leg. He was going to saw it in half whilst I held the piece that he said he didn't want to fall on the ground.

So as he removed the saw from the wood, I noticed that there was red stuff on his saw, when I looked on my hand, I was bleeding a lot. So I kinda semi-freaked out and baptized everyone's uniforms with my blood. I think I lost a hell lot of blood that day. Thankfully, I didn't feel a thing who knows why.

The good thing? The people freaking out about my bloodstained self as I walked towards our school clinic, which I have to say, was on the other side of the world from our economics room.

I still have a scar. Some people thought I sawed myself. Which was bloody annoying. He never said it was his fault.

Moral: Don't help people with saws.

Corvus MacCallum
02-27-07, 11:30 AM
Old one but a funky, in my trip to Ohio I was entertaining young exs relatives in a game of hide and seek, as I rushed about there was this loud gasp while they looked for me, after being found they showed me this huge football sized blood-stain on the wall, then on my leg there was far more blood but... in an odd twist, not a mark on the skin. Not only worth it for the shock factor but I still have no idea where all that came from.

Skie and Avery
03-01-07, 05:14 PM
I have another rooftop one. My cousins had a big swimming pool in their back yard, and my cousins, knowing me aversion to heights, told me I couldn't jump into the pool from the roof. So I did, with one little drawback.

I missed the pool.

No broken bones, just some scrapes and tears, but after that, I had like +10000000000000000000000 moxy points.

03-02-07, 09:31 AM
Oh man I've got a fun one.

My church group goes on a ski trip every year around new years. Well being the rockin snowboarder that I am, I always go. Well a couple years ago I got up the determination to try grinding (sliding down a metal pole on your board). I'd always wanted to try it and it didn't look too hard. After all, I'm pretty good at boarding, right? I take blue runs with ease. <.<;;

Well it was the last day of the ski trip and I still hadn't tried grinding yet. I finally tell my friends "I have to try grinding otherwise I'll regret it for the rest of the year." So off to the park I went. I stared in awe at the kids flying off ramps and catching a good 10 feet of air. Well I spotted a nice rail near the bottom and after a ride up the tow rope (I hate those things) I was staring down at it from up the hill.

With a couple of my friends watching me from the bottom, I decided to go for it. I hit the ramp and landed on the rail, and fell off. Embarrassed, but not hurt, I decide to try it again. By now more of my friends showed up, and I was stoked to pull this off in front of them.

Well the second time around I wasn't so lucky.

Halfway down the rail my board decides to shoot out from under me. I go horizontal, and my forehead goes PING off the rail. I feel like I'm lucky I didn't get a concussion. After recovering for a minute or two, I was done (the slopes were closing soon anyway).

I swear I had a golf ball size lump on my forehead for a couple days. Big enough that everyone I talked to on the trip said "WOAH what happened??". And of course I got the chance to tell them "Yeah, I beefed a wicked grind."

It was AWESOME! ;)

Thermal Undies
03-02-07, 04:21 PM
Here's funny-hurt story from me.

When I was younger, my mother used to force my brother and I to go to Summer Vacation Bible school. I must have been ten or eleven years old, this one particular summer, where my brother became friends with one of the boys from the church that came to put on the SVBS program... I can't even remember the boy's name, but I had a crush on him, too. My brother and his friend decide, during play time, that they're going to tickle-attack me. I hated being tickled so bad as a child...

...So I yelped, and turned to run. I blinked as I turned, and smacked straight into a tree. I ended up with a black eye. I got to sit in the kitchen for about 30 minutes with a steak on my face. Weird sensation, but hey, whatever works, right?

Two days later, SVBS... I'm playing this game with all of the other kids, that is basically soccer, but you can only use your hands, and the ball stays on the ground. So it's lame, but hey, it was amusing. My friend Lucy, put her knee right into my eye.

So guess who got to sit in the kitchen again, with the steak on their face again? :p

To end the story, my mother said I should have been the poster child for SVBS. Yes. Lovely. lol

Artifex Felicis
03-02-07, 04:39 PM
Probably the funniest time I ever got hurt was when I had to get 12 or something stitches changing a lightbulb 6 ish feet off the ground.

I'd explain, but it takes the funny away.

03-02-07, 06:34 PM
Oh geez, has to be worth it? Okay.
Skiing is my sport. I've done it in Austria since I was very, very little. Anyways, when I was older, oh.. 13 or 14 it was my first time ever skiing in the states. I was by then getting pretty good at freestyle (tricks and such if you don't know) and I was more confident in my skiing than my English at the time.

Anyways, I was riding switch (backwards) and I was going to hit some jump and do a 720 (2 spins) and obviously I'd be landing switch. I did it, no problem, kept going switch and then hit a lift pole (they have around a 4-5 foot diameter) and I broke both legs (my thighs, not sure what the bone is called), a rib, my left forearm, and had a concussion.

Totally worth it though, first ever switch 720. ^^