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Falcon Darkflight
04-12-06, 07:03 AM

Even though the bulk of the Grander's Order is still the old GHO forces, its mission is much different to its predecessor. While former Red Dragon members are more than welcome, the Grander's Order now seems to utilize more brutal methods to achieve its goals. Although not completely obvious at the moment, the one clear objective seems to be establishing itself as the prominent power group in Althanas. Whether that is to be by assimilating new members or destroying potential rival groups is uncertain at the moment.

It has been rumoured that the Grander’s Order has been following its predecessors’ original financial objective of using the mining trade as its primary source of income. Whereas the Ghost Hand Order’s fairly small and unorganised frame only allowed for a small operation in Alerar, the much larger and more organised structure of The Grander’s Order would allow for a much larger scale mining trade than originally possible. Stories of a plot to assassinate the Baron of Radasanth, head of the mining industry in his particular nobility in Corone, have recently been circulating with the Grand Commodore of the Grander’s Order allegedly overseeing the operation personally. None of this has been confirmed.

Although not by any means considered ‘evil’ in objective, those who fight and observe the actions of the Order note their brutal fighting methods. This was considered to be an essential step forward from the old ‘pacifist’ ways of the disbanded Ghost Hand Order to create a far more efficient clan.

Military strength:

The Grander's Order's most elite unit is called The Ghost Hand Partisans, an organised group of fierce fighters and operatives that work undercover and also out in the open for the clan. Members are hand picked in total privacy for this unit, and when selected have to take a vow of secrecy and an induction field exam to become fully fledged members.

Basic military strength has been devised by drafting the old remnants of the Ghost Hand Order into more organised divisions. The exact number of men available to the Grander’s Order at any one time is still unknown, but it is known that there have been recent officer recruitments to justify the new regiments.

Background/History (Revised):

With the sub sequential death of The Red Dragon clan, the vanguard for the now obliterated realm of Karak, Canen quickly found that his allies were thin and far between. Many of his best legions, including the 25th Footknights, had been destroyed fighting Lord Kheala Blackheart at the Bloodied Gulch at Mt Erebus and the losses that had been suffered there had caused a severe backlash in the militaristic capabilities of the clan. Therefore the New Monarchy, with this information freely in their grasp, staged an assault that would effectively remove all influences of the clans from the realm, allowing them to rise to power without interference from "other parties". The Red Dragons stood no chance as the Monarchy descended on them without vengeance or mercy with a full scale assault on all known RD locations and outposts, and soon all physical traces of the clan had been razed to the ground, along with their allies The White Lions and many other sub-groups within the realm.

But the spirit of the clansmen continues. Canen's frustrations at the treatment of the clans by the old realm has been consumed by a desire for revenge, and in the out of the smouldering embers of The Red Dragon clan a new, more powerful order awaits its time to grow and thrive. His plan for a covert and powerful order called The Ghost Hand Order (named after the small band of partisans Gideon Xerxes led during Kheala's assault) is ready to finally be put into action, and once again establish its name as a feared and respected organisation.

Years passed and the Ghost Hand Order achieved little more, slowly dwindling in fame and fortune, reducing itself to committing petty assassination jobs as its former glory was slowly relinquished. That was until one chance encounter led to the recruitment of Raelyse Salidan.

The prince of Myrusia quickly rose up the ranks through a combination of flair, leadership and confidence. Among his many tasks, the more prominent ones included identifying the renewed Castigar threat, finding their one time mountain headquarters of Erebus in Alerar, securing financial support through those mines while also slaying any that dared step in his way. When Canen Darkflight stepped down, Raelyse was promoted from leader of the Partisans to leader of the entire order.

The new leader wasted no time in securing the mountain area around Erebus, or at least attempting to do so. Part greed and part ambition temporarily blinded Raelyse and he was humbled by the native dwarves who valiantly defended their homes. A second assault to regain his pride did nothing, though Raelyse did gain something. During his time with his men, he slowly began to notice the cracks forming in his organization. His people were growing weak.

After milking the last of the mines dry, Raelyse proceeded to slowly transform the order. All ranks barring the Partisans were wiped clean, resulting in a complete restructure of the organization. It was now that their leader realized that if he wanted to truly push the Order forward, he had to abolish any idea of this being a little fun play club. It had to be an army.

The lives of its members slowly began to become more regimental, with less and less benefits and training beginning to grow tougher and tougher. Casting aside its history, the Ghost Hand Order began its transformation. Only one man in it had the vision and ambition to lead it forward and he after adopting the title of Grander, Raelyse Salidan renamed his army "The Grander's Order."

Canen, returned from a long exile away from civilisation after his near-fatal encounter with the shadow parasite that took his body and sanity from him, realised that his fate and future lay in a place that could offer him protection and an opportunity to regain his strength and power. He sought out the Ghost Hand Order and Raelyse Salidan one more time in the hope that he would be offered at least a basic combat role, but was surprised when the boastful Prince made him the Grand Commodore of the new Order. Explaining to Canen that the Ghost Hand had begun it’s descent into ruin due to the weakness that inefficiency had brought into its structure, he revealed his grand design for the new clan that would eventually sweep away the old fragments of the GHO. Canen, impressed by Raelyse’s attitude and motivation, also found it within himself to take on his new role within the clan with a positive mindset.

The partnership of Grander Raelyse and Grand Commodore Canen had begun, as had the start of a unique era for The Grander’s Order.

Regimental Information

Other than this The Order have single and multiple operatives based in Corone and Radasanth, and own a number of divisions which can be allocated to tasks around the mainlands at short notice.

The rest of the Grander's Order is divided into two simple groups, Financial and "Defence."

Financial is mainly made up of dwarves exploiting the mines to support the Order though the organization seems to be shifting towards a larger human presence in the mining industry due to the uneasy alliance between the dwarves and the Grander's Order.

Defence is divided into 5 main divisions. Cavalry, Infantry, Ranged, Air and Sea*, and Magic. Each has an overall leader who had the rank of Brigadier General. The Brigadier General has 3 Colonels, 5 Majors, 7 Captains and 10 Lieutenants. Beneath that there are sergeants, corporals and privates. A PC may be any rank, which will be determined at their joining. Promotions will be awarded for good work.

The overall leader of the Grander's Order is Raelyse with the rank of Grander.

Leadership Structure:

Raelyse Salidan is leader of the Grander's Order. All long term and medium term decisions are made by him alone, including enlistment requirements, purchasing of food and water supplies, furthering of diplomatic negotiations and overall military command. General military command and administration tasks are passed down the chain of command.

The second in command of the Grander's Order is former GHO leader Canen Darkflight. Canen also leads the Ghost Hand Partisans and is entitled to lead them on any mission he chooses without prior approval from Raelyse.

Ranking Structure:

Leader - Grander Raelyse

Second in Command - Grand Commodore Canen Darkflight


Brigadier General - Commanding Officer
Colonel - One will be appointed as 2IC
Major - Battalion Commander
Captain - Company Commander
Lieutenant - Platoon Commander
Admiral - Fleet Commander. An exclusive rank to The Black Sails that grants leadership of a fleet and its crew, but no internal officer privileges.


Master Sgt
Staff Sgt
1st Sgt
2nd Sgt
3rd Sgt



Keep in mind that to advance from one section (E.g. Non-Commander to Sergeant requires a GLOWING report from someone up top)

Ghost Hand Partisans (Special Ranks)

1. Reaver
2. Ghost
3. Phalanx
4. Spectre
5. Phantom


The primary source of income for the Grander’s Order is inherited from the old ways of the Ghost Hand Order, only emulated on a much larger scale. This particular trade is mining. Due to the considerable rise in manpower since the restructuring of the clan it has been made possible to exploit far more regions and markets than originally able, and for this reason the Grander’s Order first objective in finance is to establish and secure a concrete flow of income from the mines in Kachuck, as well as obtaining (via the Barony of Radasanth’s assassination) the mining rights to many of Corone’s mines.

There will, of course, be other sundry methods to obtaining income but as such these are considered petty and are more suited to smaller forms of budgeting as opposed to looking at the longer term picture.

Divisions and leaders:

25th Commodore’s Guard (Inclusive of the 2nd Infantry and Cavalry Division)

Commander: Grand Commodore Canen Darkflight


Joshua (016573)
Tarry Whealer

Purpose and history:

The 25th regiment was a division built specifically by Canen Darkflight in the years of Kheala Blackheart’s assault on the realm of the living. Once a faction of the Red Dragons, the 25th held off over one thousand demons with a force of not more than four hundred men, with lives to spare in the aftermath. Their tenacious attitude towards soldiering and their unbreakable resolve soon made them a name on the field: a name to be feared.

Although the years of the Red Dragon clan have long since faded into obscurity, Canen felt the need to have a reliable and tough fighting force in the structure of the Order, and rebuilt the 25th whilst also incorporating in the 2nd Infantry and Cavalry Division from hand picked soldiers drafted from the old Ghost Hand Partisans. Essentially, this is a Partisan division backed up with a large number of footsoldiers, with a far stronger framework. Although exact numbers are unknown due to the secrecy that surrounds this particular division it is thought the core of the 25th takes no more than one hundred men to battle, whilst the 2nd's numbers are never revealed. It is supposed that one hundred of these men are the best the Grander’s Order have to offer in all aspects of combat, espionage and stealth.

13th Naval Division: The Black Sails

Commander: Admiral Torin Reahkari



Purpose and History

The Black Sails is a division commanded by the infamous former leader of the Black Sails Armada, Torin Reahkari. This new type of regiment boasts a fleet of two fully seaworthy ships that are ready to serve on a command from the top (as well as the opportunity to construct further ships using Etheria’s dockyard), and are more than capable of holding their own in a hostile situation. Torin’s current terms of service allow him freedom in his activities, allowing him to sail and leave at anytime he wishes to do so, and also allowing him to operate from Etheria Port in Alerar. This region has been assigned to him by the Grand Commodore and the Grander as his region of responsibility.

The Black Sails, known for their past connection with the Black Sails Armada, are even more feared now that they are under the control of The Grander’s Order, and command much respect within Etheria and within the ranks of the Order. It is unknown how many crew are available to sail with Torin but any request for additional seamen is likely to be passed without second thought, as this particular regiment is of great importance to the faction.

10th Magic Division: The Silver Vega

Commander: Grander Raeylse Salidan


Luc Kraus
Bleed American
Chris Locke

Purpose and History:

The Silver Vega is a speciallist division commanded by none other than the Grander himself, Prince of Myriusa Raelsye Salidan. Noting that the Order lacked the essential element of magic, it was decided amongst the Order top brass that a regiment dedicated to the arts and practices of the occult would make an excellent addition due to the flexibility magic prowess could offer. Recruits would essentially be anything from necromancers to geomancers, mages to healers, users of the dark arts to users of the light arts. It didn't matter. What mattered was that The Silver Vega could be a force to be reckoned with at any time and point as both a stand alone platoon and also as a part of a larger Order cohesion if called upon.

Members and Initiates

Must Hate Dwarves (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=956&highlight=Hate+Dwarves)

Kit and Inari

Liberating the Reapers (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=811&highlight=Liberating+Reapers)


Operation Iron Will (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=18324#post18324)

Lucifer Blight

Stable Wars (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=902&highlight=Stable+Wars)


A Deceptively Difficult Task (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=1310&highlight=Deceptively+Difficult+Task)


Of Wolves and Men (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=15676#post15676)

Kaiserin Nightwind


Luc - A Grander Erebus
Jasmine - Various
Abbie - Grand Purposes
Chris Locke - Darkest Dreams
Cielalune - No Thread Yet
Busky - No Thread Yet
Ayithe - Darkest Dreams



Total Members (Initiated) - 27 (2)

04-12-06, 01:40 PM
I wouldnt mind becoming a member again. If you need any info just ask for it.

Ayithe Solete
04-12-06, 01:49 PM
Well you know i'm in but i'll post to make everyone aware...

"I'm in"

04-12-06, 06:07 PM
I'm in ^^

04-13-06, 08:19 AM
...led by Raelyse and serviced by myself, the Order...

Heh heh....serviced.

Anyways, I'd already made my interest known.

Falcon Darkflight
04-13-06, 08:35 AM
Allow me a day to finalise the structure of the new clan with Raelyse, and I will have a go-over with you all tomorrow individually.

04-14-06, 12:11 AM
am i too late?

04-14-06, 02:22 AM
No, you are not.

04-14-06, 11:00 AM
*expresses interest to join* C:

04-14-06, 12:21 PM
I'm somewhat interested, but I have questions. First of all, what are the directions that you see this clan taking. It seems that you have some interesting ideas with regards to trade and diplomacy, but what do you intend to use them for? World Domination, Global Peace, Getting Rich?

Falcon Darkflight
04-14-06, 04:45 PM
This is mainly all just provisional information for the moment. At the moment in time, the clan you are applying for is The Ghost Hand Order. The leadership are going to be making a storyline based transition into The Grander's Order, based on the below:


Even though the bulk of the Grander's Order is still the old GHO forces, its mission is much different to its predecessor. While former Red Dragon members are more than welcome, the Grander's Order now seems to utilize more brutal methods to achieve its goals. Although not completly obvious at the moment, the one clear objective seems to be establishing itself as the prominent power group in Althanas. Whether that is to be by assimilating new members or destroying potential rival groups is uncertain at the moment.

Military strength:

The Grander's Order's most elite unit is called The Ghost Hand Partisans, an organised group of fierce fighters and operatives that work undercover and also out in the open for the clan. Members are hand picked in total privacy for this unit, and when selected have to take a vow of secrecy and an induction field exam to become fully fledged members.

Background/History (Revised):

With the subsequential death of The Red Dragon clan, the vanguard for the now obliterated realm of Karak, Canen quickly found that his allies were thin and far between. Many of his best legions, including the 25th Footknights, had been destroyed fighting Lord Kheala Blackheart at the Bloodied Gulch at Mt Erebus and the losses that had been suffered there had caused a severe backlash in the militeristic capabilities of the clan. Therefore the New Monarchy, with this information freely in their grasp, staged an assault that would effectively remove all influences of the clans from the realm, allowing them to rise to power without interference from "other parties". The Red Dragons stood no chance as the Monarchy descended on them without vengeance or mercy with a full scale assault on all known RD locations and outposts, and soon all physical traces of the clan had been razed to the ground, along with their allies The White Lions and many other sub-groups within the realm.

But the spirit of the clansmen continues. Canen's frustrations at the treatment of the clans by the old realm has been consumed by a desire for revenge, and in the out of the smouldering embers of The Red Dragon clan a new, more powerful order awaits its time to grow and thrive. His plan for a covert and powerful order called The Ghost Hand Order (named after the small band of partisans Gideon Xerxes led during Kheala's assault) is ready to finally be put into action, and once again establish its name as a feared and respected organisation.

Years passed and the Ghost Hand Order achieved little more, slowly dwindling in fame and fortune, reducing itself to commiting petty assasination jobs as its former glory was slowly relinquished. That was until one chance encounter led to the recruitment of Raelyse Salidan.

The prince of Myrusia quickly rose up the ranks through a combination of flair, leadership and confidence. Among his many tasks, the more prominent ones included identifying the renewed Castigar threat, finding their one time mountain headquarters of Erebus in Alerar, securing financial support through those mines while also slaying any that dared step in his way. When Canen Darkflight stepped down, Raelyse was promoted from leader of the Partisans to leader of the entire order.

The new leader wasted no time in securing the mountain area around Erebus, or at least attempting to do so. Part greed and part ambition temproarily blinded Raelyse and he was humbled by the native dwarves who valiantly defended their homes. A second assault to regain his pride did nothing, though Raelyse did gain something. During his time with his men, he slowly began to notice the cracks forming in his organization. His people were growing weak.

After milking the last of the mines dry, Raelyse proceeded to slowly transform the order. All ranks barring the Partisans were wiped clean, resulting in a complete restrucure of the organization. It was now that their leader realized that if he wanted to truly push the Order forward, he had to abolish any idea of this being a little fun play club. It had to be an army.

The lives of its members slowly began to become more regimental, with less and less benefits and training beginning to grow tougher and tougher. Casting aside its history, the Ghost Hand Order began its transformation. Only one man in it had the vision and ambition to lead it forward and he after adopting the title of Grander, Raelyse Salidan renamed his army "The Grander's Order."

Regimental Information

Other than this The Order have single and multiple operatives based in Corone and Radasanth, and own a number of divisions which can be allocated to tasks around the mainlands at short notice.

The rest of the Grander's Order is divided into two simple groups, Financial and "Defence."

Financial is mainly made up of dwarves exploiting the mines to support the Order though the organization seems to be shifting towards a larger human presence in the mining industry due to the uneasy alliance between the dwarves and the Grander's Order.

Defense is divided into 5 main divisions. Cavalay, Infantry, Ranged, Air and Sea*, and Magic. Each has an overall leader who had the rank of Brigadier General. The Brigadier General has 3 Colonels, 5 Majors, 7 Captains and 10 Lieutanents. Beneath that there are seargenats, corporals and privates. A PC may be any rank, which will be determined at their joining. Promotions will be awarded for good work.

The overall leader of the Grander's Order is Raelyse with the rank of Grander.

Leadership Structure:

Raelyse Salidan is leader of the Grander's Order. All long term and medium term decisions are made by him alone, including enlistment requirements, purchasing of food and water supplies, furthering of diplomatic negotiations and overall military command. General military command and administration tasks are passed down the chain of command.

The second in command of the Grander's Order is former GHO leader Canen Darkflight. Canen also leads the Ghost Hand Partisans and is entitled to lead them on any mission he chooses without prior approval from Raelyse.

Ranking Structure

Leader - Grander Raelyse

Second in Command - Grand Commodore Canen Darkflight

Defence - All are NPC at the moment

Brigadier General - Commanding Officer
Colonel - One will be appointed as 2IC
Major - Battalion Commander
Captain - Company Commander
Lieutanent - Platoon Commander

Master Sgt
Staff Sgt
1st Sgt
2nd Sgt
3rd Sgt


Keep in mind that to advance from one section (Eg. Non-Commander to Sergeant requires a GLOWING report from someone up top)

Ghost Hand Partisan
(Special ranks)
1. Reaver
2. Ghost
3. Phalanx
4. Spectre
5. Phantom


This is something I have yet to discuss with Raeylse himself, as he has asked for my own input into this and I would like to have a deep think about how our finances will flow. Obviously, I will not want us to just "leap in" without putting prior thought into the system, but I can say for now that we will be showing a strong interest in the mining industry.

Code of the Order

Again, something I need to discuss in detail with Raelyse. I have a nice long bank holiday weekend to structure our clan code and finance policies, so I will get to it and hopefully have something solid come monday.


I hope that's enough information and insight to cover any queries.

04-15-06, 06:36 AM
This is not finalized by any means.

I am pleased to announce that Torin Reahkari and myself have agreed to forming a special division in the Grander's Order, known as the Black Sails Armada. This will replace the Sea division in defence. Torin will assume the rank of Brigadier General.

Cyrus the virus
04-15-06, 03:03 PM
Oh damn, a merging of powers. My interest is known.

04-15-06, 10:23 PM
I like the layout and organization of this group, and am potentially interested in joining. But I'd like to know... what are they striving for? Just power and wealth? And also, if it's not too early to ask, what kind of clan threads would we be doing?

Falcon Darkflight
04-16-06, 12:45 PM
I've had a bit of time to sort things out over the weekend, luckily, so things should start shaping up very soon.

The ultimate purpose of this clan is to establish itself as both a symbol of power and glory in the lands of Althanas and a financial success. Whilst this may only start off as a region based matter, we will soon be looking to have our name represented in all areas.

Myself and Raelyse have been discussing an idea involving a moderator (Letho) approved plot to assassinate the Baron of Radasanthia, who controls Corone's mining industry. The Ghost Hand Order was very closely associated with such an industry in Alerar and this interest has spilt over to Corone. We will be looking to insert one of our own into the nobility there...this will prove to give us quite a number of resources we can use to our advantage. For example, most of Corone's armed forces (bar the Crimson Brigade who will not be influenced by our takeover, and might prove to give us an interesting time) and the rights to Corone's mines.

I am pleased that we have attracted the interest we have done. I sincerely hope you will all be patient with me and Raelyse whilst we finalise the transition between the old GHO and the new Grander's Order.

Falcon Darkflight
04-16-06, 12:51 PM
Apologies for the double post.

At this time I am going to list those who have been accepted into the clan at this time:

Accepted Members

Ayithe Solete

I am aware there are other interested parties who have not made up their mind yet. I will keep these off the list until I hear further from them.

Raelyse will issue you who have been accepted with ranks and responsibilities at the appropriate time.

04-16-06, 03:59 PM
This does seem like a fairly ideal Group for my character. He'd make an ideal spy right now, and an excellent assasin in a level or two.

So... this is my voicement of interest.

Falcon Darkflight
04-17-06, 07:01 AM
Ok, no problem.

I have sent Raelyse a draft copy of the almost complete Grander's Order details. Hopefully he'll get back to me sharpish and give me his comments and thoughts so we can make any changes needed and get this thing underway.

04-17-06, 08:44 AM
I'm also interested in joining. Of course that is if I am not too late or unable to for whatever reason.

Falcon Darkflight
04-17-06, 11:08 AM
Well. I would say that we have enough spaces open. You're in.

04-18-06, 08:23 AM
The information is pretty much finalized and soon, it will be revealed. Here's a little something to tide youze over until that happens:

Which division do you see your character in? This is an express interest and could sway us into deciding which division you are ultimately placed in.

The divisions are:

Ghost Hand Partisans
Black Sails Armada

Of course, they will all get much greater names in the future to accompany the names like Black Sails Armada and Ghost Hand Partisans.

To those of you that don't already know, think of the Partisans as Commandoes.

Cyrus the virus
04-18-06, 08:44 AM
Hmmm, I wonder where Luc would fit... Gar.

Falcon Darkflight
04-18-06, 11:17 AM
This is the information I have submitted for approval. Put your feet up, grab a tasty beverage...and enjoy.


Even though the bulk of the Grander's Order is still the old GHO forces, its mission is much different to its predecessor. While former Red Dragon members are more than welcome, the Grander's Order now seems to utilize more brutal methods to achieve its goals. Although not completely obvious at the moment, the one clear objective seems to be establishing itself as the prominent power group in Althanas. Whether that is to be by assimilating new members or destroying potential rival groups is uncertain at the moment.

It has been rumoured that the Grander’s Order has been following its predecessors’ original financial objective of using the mining trade as its primary source of income. Whereas the Ghost Hand Order’s fairly small and unorganised frame only allowed for a small operation in Alerar, the much larger and more organised structure of The Grander’s Order would allow for a much larger scale mining trade than originally possible. Stories of a plot to assassinate the Baron of Radasanth, head of the mining industry in his particular nobility in Corone, have recently been circulating with the Grand Commodore of the Grander’s Order allegedly overseeing the operation personally. None of this has been confirmed.

Although not by any means considered ‘evil’ in objective, those who fight and observe the actions of the Order note their brutal fighting methods. This was considered to be an essential step forward from the old ‘pacifist’ ways of the disbanded Ghost Hand Order to create a far more efficient clan.

Military strength:

The Grander's Order's most elite unit is called The Ghost Hand Partisans, an organised group of fierce fighters and operatives that work undercover and also out in the open for the clan. Members are hand picked in total privacy for this unit, and when selected have to take a vow of secrecy and an induction field exam to become fully fledged members.

Basic military strength has been devised by drafting the old remnants of the Ghost Hand Order into more organised divisions. The exact number of men available to the Grander’s Order at any one time is still unknown, but it is known that there have been recent officer recruitments to justify the new regiments.

Background/History (Revised):

With the sub sequential death of The Red Dragon clan, the vanguard for the now obliterated realm of Karak, Canen quickly found that his allies were thin and far between. Many of his best legions, including the 25th Footknights, had been destroyed fighting Lord Kheala Blackheart at the Bloodied Gulch at Mt Erebus and the losses that had been suffered there had caused a severe backlash in the militaristic capabilities of the clan. Therefore the New Monarchy, with this information freely in their grasp, staged an assault that would effectively remove all influences of the clans from the realm, allowing them to rise to power without interference from "other parties". The Red Dragons stood no chance as the Monarchy descended on them without vengeance or mercy with a full scale assault on all known RD locations and outposts, and soon all physical traces of the clan had been razed to the ground, along with their allies The White Lions and many other sub-groups within the realm.

But the spirit of the clansmen continues. Canen's frustrations at the treatment of the clans by the old realm has been consumed by a desire for revenge, and in the out of the smouldering embers of The Red Dragon clan a new, more powerful order awaits its time to grow and thrive. His plan for a covert and powerful order called The Ghost Hand Order (named after the small band of partisans Gideon Xerxes led during Kheala's assault) is ready to finally be put into action, and once again establish its name as a feared and respected organisation.

Years passed and the Ghost Hand Order achieved little more, slowly dwindling in fame and fortune, reducing itself to committing petty assassination jobs as its former glory was slowly relinquished. That was until one chance encounter led to the recruitment of Raelyse Salidan.

The prince of Myrusia quickly rose up the ranks through a combination of flair, leadership and confidence. Among his many tasks, the more prominent ones included identifying the renewed Castigar threat, finding their one time mountain headquarters of Erebus in Alerar, securing financial support through those mines while also slaying any that dared step in his way. When Canen Darkflight stepped down, Raelyse was promoted from leader of the Partisans to leader of the entire order.

The new leader wasted no time in securing the mountain area around Erebus, or at least attempting to do so. Part greed and part ambition temporarily blinded Raelyse and he was humbled by the native dwarves who valiantly defended their homes. A second assault to regain his pride did nothing, though Raelyse did gain something. During his time with his men, he slowly began to notice the cracks forming in his organization. His people were growing weak.

After milking the last of the mines dry, Raelyse proceeded to slowly transform the order. All ranks barring the Partisans were wiped clean, resulting in a complete restructure of the organization. It was now that their leader realized that if he wanted to truly push the Order forward, he had to abolish any idea of this being a little fun play club. It had to be an army.

The lives of its members slowly began to become more regimental, with less and less benefits and training beginning to grow tougher and tougher. Casting aside its history, the Ghost Hand Order began its transformation. Only one man in it had the vision and ambition to lead it forward and he after adopting the title of Grander, Raelyse Salidan renamed his army "The Grander's Order."

Canen, returned from a long exile away from civilisation after his near-fatal encounter with the shadow parasite that took his body and sanity from him, realised that his fate and future lay in a place that could offer him protection and an opportunity to regain his strength and power. He sought out the Ghost Hand Order and Raelyse Salidan one more time in the hope that he would be offered at least a basic combat role, but was surprised when the boastful Prince made him the Grand Commodore of the new Order. Explaining to Canen that the Ghost Hand had begun it’s descent into ruin due to the weakness that inefficiency had brought into its structure, he revealed his grand design for the new clan that would eventually sweep away the old fragments of the GHO. Canen, impressed by Raelyse’s attitude and motivation, also found it within himself to take on his new role within the clan with a positive mindset.

The partnership of Grander Raelyse and Grand Commodore Canen had begun, as had the start of a unique era for The Grander’s Order.

Regimental Information

Other than this The Order have single and multiple operatives based in Corone and Radasanth, and own a number of divisions which can be allocated to tasks around the mainlands at short notice.

The rest of the Grander's Order is divided into two simple groups, Financial and "Defence."

Financial is mainly made up of dwarves exploiting the mines to support the Order though the organization seems to be shifting towards a larger human presence in the mining industry due to the uneasy alliance between the dwarves and the Grander's Order.

Defence is divided into 5 main divisions. Cavalry, Infantry, Ranged, Air and Sea*, and Magic. Each has an overall leader who had the rank of Brigadier General. The Brigadier General has 3 Colonels, 5 Majors, 7 Captains and 10 Lieutenants. Beneath that there are sergeants, corporals and privates. A PC may be any rank, which will be determined at their joining. Promotions will be awarded for good work.

The overall leader of the Grander's Order is Raelyse with the rank of Grander.

Leadership Structure:

Raelyse Salidan is leader of the Grander's Order. All long term and medium term decisions are made by him alone, including enlistment requirements, purchasing of food and water supplies, furthering of diplomatic negotiations and overall military command. General military command and administration tasks are passed down the chain of command.

The second in command of the Grander's Order is former GHO leader Canen Darkflight. Canen also leads the Ghost Hand Partisans and is entitled to lead them on any mission he chooses without prior approval from Raelyse.

Ranking Structure

Leader - Grander Raelyse

Second in Command - Grand Commodore Canen Darkflight

Defence - All are NPC at the moment


Brigadier General - Commanding Officer
Colonel - One will be appointed as 2IC
Major - Battalion Commander
Captain - Company Commander
Lieutenant - Platoon Commander
Admiral - Fleet Commander. An exclusive rank to The Black Sails that grants leadership of a fleet and its crew, but no internal officer privileges.


Master Sgt
Staff Sgt
1st Sgt
2nd Sgt
3rd Sgt



Keep in mind that to advance from one section (E.g. Non-Commander to Sergeant requires a GLOWING report from someone up top)

Ghost Hand Partisan (Special Ranks)

1. Reaver
2. Ghost
3. Phalanx
4. Spectre
5. Phantom


The primary source of income for the Grander’s Order is inherited from the old ways of the Ghost Hand Order, only emulated on a much larger scale. This particular trade is mining. Due to the considerable rise in manpower since the restructuring of the clan it has been made possible to exploit far more regions and markets than originally able, and for this reason the Grander’s Order first objective in finance is to establish and secure a concrete flow of income from the mines in Kachuck, as well as obtaining (via the Barony of Radasanth’s assassination) the mining rights to many of Corone’s mines.

There will, of course, be other sundry methods to obtaining income but as such these are considered petty and are more suited to smaller forms of budgeting as opposed to looking at the longer term picture.

Divisions and leaders:

25th Commodore’s Guard

Commander: Grand Commodore Canen Darkflight

Purpose and history:

The 25th regiment was a division built specifically by Canen Darkflight in the years of Kheala Blackheart’s assault on the realm of the living. Once a faction of the Red Dragons, the 25th held off over one thousand demons with a force of not more than four hundred men, with lives to spare in the aftermath. Their tenacious attitude towards soldiering and their unbreakable resolve soon made them a name on the field: a name to be feared.

Although the years of the Red Dragon clan have long since faded into obscurity, Canen felt the need to have a reliable and tough fighting force in the structure of the Order, and rebuilt the 25th from hand picked soldiers drafted from the old Ghost Hand Partisans. Essentially, this is purely a Partisan division, with a far stronger framework. Although exact numbers are unknown due to the secrecy that surrounds this particular division it is thought the 25th takes no more than one hundred men to battle. It is supposed that one hundred of these men are the best the Grander’s Order have to offer in all aspects of combat, espionage and stealth.

13th Naval Division: The Black Sails

Commander: Admiral Torin Reahkari

Purpose and History

The Black Sails is a division commanded by the infamous former leader of the Black Sails Armada, Torin Reahkari. This new type of regiment boasts a fleet of two fully seaworthy ships that are ready to serve on a command from the top (as well as the opportunity to construct further ships using Etheria’s dockyard), and are more than capable of holding their own in a hostile situation. Torin’s current terms of service allow him freedom in his activities, allowing him to sail and leave at anytime he wishes to do so, and also allowing him to operate from Etheria Port in Alerar. This region has been assigned to him by the Grand Commodore and the Grander as his region of responsibility.

The Black Sails, known for their past connection with the Black Sails Armada, are even more feared now that they are under the control of The Grander’s Order, and command much respect within Etheria and within the ranks of the Order. It is unknown how many crew are available to sail with Torin but any request for additional seamen is likely to be passed without second thought, as this particular regiment is of great importance to the faction.

Further notes

There will be additional brigades and divisions as the need for them arises. Once these are concrete, the Grander's Order will inform a moderator and will ask for approval. The only named authorities to do this are Grander Raelyse and Grand Commodore Canen Darkflight.

04-18-06, 11:36 AM
Well out of the choices given, I can easily say I can definitly not see Zerith in Magic, Ranged, Black Sails Armada and Financial. So that leave Calvary, Ghost Hand Partisans and Infantry.

But considering where I plan on taking Zerith, I'd say Calvary would be choice number one.

04-18-06, 02:03 PM
I believe Josh would fit quite ideally as a Ghost Hand Partisan.

04-18-06, 02:34 PM
I want to say Ghost Hand Partisan but seeing as im only level 0 I would have to go with Infantry or Cavalry because Ranged just seems boring to me.

Torin Reahkari
04-18-06, 03:28 PM
Why does no one like the sea?

04-18-06, 03:31 PM
Actually, I may be up for the sea, for obvious reasons. But, that's alot of sun.

Cyrus the virus
04-18-06, 03:33 PM
it sux lol!

Torin's infantry anyway, and you know it. Black Sails Armada my butt.

Torin Reahkari
04-18-06, 03:40 PM
Psht. You just want Luc to follow his obvious leadership qualities again like in the AC. -gleams-

And that was so creepy I laughed, Cory.

04-18-06, 03:42 PM
Could you remove Bohemia from the list, and add me? Damien would make a bit more sense for TGO, I think.

Damien would work for a Partisan, but if not, he could translate into Infantry as well.

04-18-06, 03:45 PM
On Second thought, I'd prefer Finacial or Magick. Torin would be all over me on the open seas.

Edit: Nevermind. Black Sails it is.

Edit: Never Nevermind. Financial

Falcon Darkflight
04-19-06, 03:03 AM
Raelyse has told me that he is pretty much unavailable for the rest of the week, so i'll take the helm for the meantime and allocate your characters a rank. Bear in mind that the Ghost Hand Partisans (The 25th Commodore's Guard) are not only an elite division of the GO, but are only usually hand-picked by the top brass. For now, until I speak with Raelyse, I am not going to enlist anybody into the 25th.

Each division will have a named 'Captain' who will be head of that squad of PC's and NPC's.

I have merged Cavalry and Infantry into the 2nd Division, seeing as both are a little thin on recruits. I will lead this squadron as well as the 25th. Under me will be Zerith, Sifer, Busky and Damian.

Redeemer, I would like to allocate you under Torin for now. The same for you as well 016573 and Ayithe. The financial division is a little messy at the moment and the Admiral requires an able crew of three PC's to help him in Etheria, seeing as we have two ships to maintain.

Cyrus, I am going to give you two NPC's for the moment to bolster the numbers until we have a number of able magic users to enlist. I will send you profiles of these so you know how to control them. If there is anyone you wish in particular to recommend, let me know.

Enlistments and Ranks

25th Commodore's Guard


2nd Cavalry and Infantry Division - The New Order

Grand Commodore Canen Darkflight
Corporal Zerith
Corporal Damian
Private Sifer
Private Busky

13th Naval Division - The Black Sails

Admiral Torin Reahkari
Corporal Redeemer
Private Ayithe Solete

10th Magic Division - The Silver Vega

Lieutenant Luc Kraus
Corporal Mandal Xidos
Private Sekonda Atremeas

Falcon Darkflight
04-19-06, 05:52 AM
Gentlemen of the Grander's Order:

The first test of our military might is upon us at last. Our target are the vast Kachuck mines in Alerar, close to where the last remenants of the Ghost Hand Order lie crumbling amongst the ruins of Erebus. For a long period of time the old Order had brittle relations with the dwarven folk in this region, the locals unhappy at the idea of their amassed wealth under threat from a clan of humans. For too long now the dwarves have refused to alter their stance on their claim to the wealth, and today the decision has been made to physically upheave their greed from the mountains in order to free the vast economy they keep locked away from those who are in greater need of it than they.

Operation Gold Digger will be a joint operation between the 2nd and 10th Divisions. I will personally oversee the offensive on Kachuck's front line, whilst the 10th Division under the command of Lieutenant Luc Kraus will attempt to break through the rear entrance.

Intelligence on the mines is short - few are let in or out by these greed fuelled dwarf folk. We know that the main entrance to the mines is a cavern about 14 metres in diameter, and is likely to be heavily fortified by the natives but once broken through it is a fairly straightforward pathway to the heart of the mine. The rear entrance is inobvious and secluded and is located 2 miles behind the main one, carved into the mountain side itself and hidden by a patch of trees. The guard on this entrance is a simple two man patrol, and the entrance only big enough for a single man to creep through. We know through various sources that the internal structure is very stable and well built and offers protection from outsiders, although this rear passage has been somewhat overlooked on defense and offers a good point for penetration into the labyrinth.

This operation will commence at 12:30hrs [GMT] on Friday 21st April.

Men will be picked from the active rosters to accompany their appropriate divisions into the mines. Those involved will be informed of their call up in due time and will report to their commanding officer.

May I take this opportunity to wish you all good luck on your first official mission.

For the Grander's Order!

Grand Commodore Canen Darkflight

04-19-06, 07:03 AM
If at all possible, I'd rather have Josh moved to the infantry section... it's the only division which really makes sense for him.

Falcon Darkflight
04-19-06, 07:30 AM
If you wish to enrol Josh into the infantry, that isn't a problem.

Is everybody happy with their current enlistments? We have a mission on Friday, I do not want to be chopping and changing around too much before then. If there are any objections at all with your positions let me know beforehand.

Ayithe, are you ok sailing under Torin with the Black Sails?

Cyrus, are you happy with an NPC team for now?

EDIT: Please note the following:

- Raelyse has approved Operation Gold Digger and will be fighting alongside us.

- He has requested that Redeemer be moved into The Silver Vega if this is deemed appropriate. Redeemer, your comments on this would be much appreciated. Let me know where you want to go.

- I need to know who wants to go where. Ayithe has already stated the desire to switch to infantry to me. I need at least three PC's to command the Black Sails fleet, so anyone who could provide a solution to this gets a sexual favour. I'm also struggling to provide Cyrus with PC's due to the nature of the 10th Division, so make it known we are looking for able bodied magic users. For now, i'll have to stick NPC's with him. Hopefully this will only be a temporary solution.

Cyrus the virus
04-19-06, 11:46 AM
I'm fine with where I am, and can make (or use your) PC's without a problem. Unfortunately, there aren't enough magic users on Althanas, though there are some. Put out a bulletin.

Otherwise, though, I had told both you and Raelyse that I wanted to join ICly before we start anything. As it is, Luc just kind of... is in the group. He hasn't joined, it's kind of odd -_-

04-19-06, 03:21 PM
Um... not sure if you were asking me or not... but yeah, I would like Josh in infantry. Suits him better than any of the others.

04-19-06, 03:26 PM
No problem here with my rank. Ready to cut off some arms in Alerar.

04-19-06, 03:40 PM
I thought we'd join ICly first...I was kinda' hopin' for that.

04-19-06, 05:49 PM
Ya I think im gonna tie it into one of my quests that im currently in.

04-19-06, 07:15 PM
Erm.... I dont really know where I wanna put Banda...... Just stick where you want and i'll see if I can agree.

Edit: If financial can work as doing paid work for the Order... That would suit me....

Falcon Darkflight
04-20-06, 02:27 AM
In Raelyse's words: I can't believe I overlooked this!

Justification of joining the GO in character: What I intended on doing was to start the mission in Alerar tomorrow, and later set up some "flashback threads" whereby we see the story of each individual member and how they came about to being enlisted in the GO. It make take a bit of time but this way we can crack on without being hindered by waiting for everyone to "join" the order, and we can then justify characters being in the ranks in our own time.

It's a bit lazy, I know, but it's a solution. Either that, or we can postpone the mission whilst we join IC. It's really up to you guys, whatever you prefer.

Streak, if you don't mind i'd like to have you sail with Torin's crew in The Black Sails. This way I can shift Ayithe to infantry and still have the numbers to make an official crew. Let me know if this is ok with you.

04-20-06, 05:33 AM
Don't worry everyone, we want you to have IC reasons for joining even more than you do. I would love to have new members, but not ones that magically pop out of my backside.

EDIT: Contact either myself or Falcon for suggestions on how you will ICly join and we'll try to accomodate it as well as start Gold Digger ASAP

As a side note, for Operation Gold Digger Raelyse will be present alongside the Silver Vega.

04-20-06, 08:09 AM
thats fine with me, i always liked the sea theme!

04-20-06, 08:14 AM
I just went over the member list and noticed that some people didn't get put into divisions: namely Khalxaen and Banda. If you don't mind, I would love to put both of you into naval.

EDIT: I see Banda has no problems, so he's already added into naval.

The navy requires at least 3 members in addition to Torin and I know that people have other preferences but does anyone really NOT want to be in the navy?

Bleed American
04-20-06, 02:37 PM
Hey Falcon,

As we discussed this guy is a mage and would do fairly well in the Magic department upon approval into the GO.

Falcon Darkflight
04-21-06, 07:03 AM
Yeah, ok. I'll discuss it with R and see what he says.

A quick reminder: those who wish to have their character join the Order IC, pm me and let me know so we can work on ideas. As you all know we have a mission in Alerar and I am now considering putting this off for the meantime to cover all IC inductions (I have already started 'Searching for a purpose' in Concordia to cover the forming of the Order, Luc's enrolment and R's induction into the Grander's Order).

What I want each one of you to do is to pm either me or Raelyse with details about the following:

a) Your characters reasons for wanting to join the GO
b) How you would want to go about it in-character
c) if there are any requirements for the above

When I say character, I don't mean your own personal reasons. We want to know why your character would join a clan like ours.

04-21-06, 08:20 AM
Something that just popped into my head: Old GHO members that have already joined, please post or contact either of us. We'll probably set up a transition thread.

04-21-06, 09:26 AM
So this pg has resurfaced...interesting. Lots more people want to join this time around, I wonder why?

Anyhow, thanks for asking. I would love to rejoin the Order!

04-21-06, 09:54 AM
I'm gonna have Banda put on his bandana! HiHo The Sea Live! The life For Me!

Falcon Darkflight
04-21-06, 10:15 AM
I can't wait to get this thing started now :)

04-21-06, 11:43 AM
well considering the threat i got

... sure i am in ... please don't hunt me down

04-21-06, 02:38 PM
Ha! I remember at the old GHO my first mission was to hunt down and kill Kaiser. Lmao. I even used a battlefield that completely took away his speed advantage. Quality. Also, since I wasnt very active before the first crash I think I will just have my character join the GO through a quest I am currently in.

04-21-06, 03:15 PM
your first mission was to do what!?!?!

oh someone i know better do some explaining right now

04-21-06, 03:46 PM
Just curious... what on earth is a grander? I looked it up and the dictionary and grander in noun form refers to either a grand piano or a thousand dollars. Are you an organization of piano movers or something?

Falcon Darkflight
04-21-06, 03:48 PM
Yeah. We do domestic removals and collections of piano and furniture related things.

04-21-06, 04:46 PM
Lol. I remember getting that same mission regarding Kaiser. That was of course, until he joined as well.

04-22-06, 05:46 PM
At first I was uncertain about how 'Snaff could fit into any organized structure, but now methinks he just might be able to squeeze it.

It may not be immediately, it may not be clean, and he could just get himself kicked out shortly for theft of comrade's footware, but Bogg just might find himself a home in that whole financial department or with the subterrainean relations...

Of course, some massively complex IC explanations will have to go with this... which might not be the swiftest to come about (ack, finals), but if a spot could be kept open for this wretched fiend in a way, that'd be terrific.

04-22-06, 09:08 PM
I'm interested in joining this, I'm fine with the Black Sails Armada or the Silver Vega. Has the Gold Digger started yet?

04-23-06, 03:37 AM
Gold Digger has not started yet and will be postponed until further notice.

I'm going to assign Oran in the Armada and Bogg into the Financial section for now.

04-23-06, 09:18 AM
So we're going to do the entire series of intro threads before we do Gold Digger? Are we supposed to be PMing both of you our character reasons now, or is that after you've finished the new Grander's order quest with Cyrus?

Falcon Darkflight
04-23-06, 02:31 PM
Sorry i've been inactive over the weekend. I'll try and catch up on whats happening by tomorrow...damn Althanas downtime!

04-23-06, 06:59 PM
come on come on come on!!!! lets get this party started!

Falcon Darkflight
04-24-06, 02:48 AM
Emblem - In answer to your question, I suggest that you send me or Raelyse a PM to discuss how or why your character would join The Order. This way we can figure out how it would tie in to a story, or otherwise find a way to enlist you an be able to justify it.

Cyrus the virus
04-24-06, 04:50 PM
This "Facade" needs to be nipped in the bud. Make the damn recruitment quests so we can freaking do something. If we move this slow all the time, I'm going to be tempted to leave.

Bleed American
04-24-06, 08:53 PM
Ya Falcon, lets get gold digger going already.

04-25-06, 06:24 AM
Gold Digger will not be taking place for some time, though there will be something similar to it for your initiations.

Those in navy, you will join with Torin before the lot of you are invited into the Order.

Those that are in infantry/calvary and magic, you will be joining with me. What happens is that Raelyse will be posting several missions which you will then accomplish. You will then be offered these missions upon completion of these quests.

Each quest will have 3-4 members that wish to seek initiation into the order. These missions will be posted soon and if you have any suggestions, please PM them to me ASAP.

Expect one way or another, the missions to be up soon.

Here is the first mission, to be claimed by 3-4 infantry/calvary hopefuls:

Stable Wars

Background: There is a group of stables about seven kilometres east from Kachuck. There, they raise, train and distribute horses to everywhere from Raiaera to Corone. The horses have been analyzed and are said to be top-class and could easily be utilized by the Order.

Objective: Your aim is simple. Among the breeders and trainers, there is a certain individual that has been specially chosen. Her name is Miranda Soemaon. Your aim is through whatever means possible, "convince" her to join the Order specifically to breed and train horses for the Order.

Personnel: You'll be accompanied by Clement Whitestorm, a NPC created by myself. You can roleplay him as an NPC and I will only be appearing at the end to offer you membership into the Order at a rank determined by your performance. His profile is here (

Potential Obstacles: Miranda is very unlikely to come with you as she is highly commited to her job. Clement is skilled in the creation and use of potions that can temproarily knock out individuals. However, he is opposed to doing such things as he prefers to try and talk his way and only resort to violent means when there is no other alternative. This means you will have to go behind his back and take the potion. How you will do this is up to you.

Additionally, there is a small group (20) of Corone soldiers presently there that are assigned to guard the facility in exchange for the use of horses. They will more than likely be alerted to your presence when you arrive and leave. You can deal with them as you wish.

Present Participants: Zerith, Damien + 2 or 3 (Possibly Emblem)

04-25-06, 04:41 PM
For those of us in the Navy, are we going to be doing a similar sort of joining quest except with Torin or will it be something different altogether?

04-25-06, 05:17 PM
Those in navy, you will join with Torin before the lot of you are invited into the Order.

Aren't I already in?

04-25-06, 05:33 PM
Count me in for Stable Wars. This is the perfect opportunity to get Zerith a horse as well.

Torin Reahkari
04-25-06, 06:26 PM
For those of us in the Navy, are we going to be doing a similar sort of joining quest except with Torin or will it be something different altogether?

Yeah, it's the same. Currently my character (and the Armada) operate out of Etheria, so if you want to start a thread there, or whatever, just post a message here or PM so I know, and I'll post ASAP. It doesn't need to be any longer than 5 posts unless you have a specific spoil you set out to do, so..yeah. Post away.


04-26-06, 05:20 AM
Okay, Zerith make the thread the rest of you join as soon as possible. As soon as that one fills up, I'll make another one or someone else will. Awesome.

Also, everyone that should be a member join in the profile thing.

Falcon Darkflight
04-26-06, 01:31 PM
Just a small update for those of you interested (namely Raelyse and Cyrus).

My solo in Concordia should be, pending my work internet access being restored in the next few weeks and the ability of my boss to see whether im doing work or typing up my posts, in its closing stages during the next fortnight. I will discuss this personally with you but this means my official induction into the new order will be officially completed. Thank god.

Davies Turner suck, man. Cut off the net three days before the LCC. Bastards.

04-28-06, 01:59 AM
Tentatively, Zerith, Damien and Emblem will be participating in Stable Wars. If they are willing to take one more, I would not mind as long as that person made his interest known soon.

Members Requiring Initiation
Red indicates the member has a initiation in progress.
Blue indicates the member has claimed but has not begun an initiation
Cyrus the Virus
Ayithe Solete
Bleed American
Sarah Dahlios

This is also the finalized list for divisions.

Grander - Raelyse
Grand Commodore - Falcon

Infantry and Cavalry Division

Joshua (016573)

Black Sails Armada

Luc Kraus
Bleed American

Non Battle Ranks
Sarah Dahlios - Financial Sector


Lavinian Pride
04-28-06, 03:33 AM
Well, gave it some thought, and there is potential with Sarah in here so I'll give it a go. I'd like to apply for a position.

The Barbarian
04-28-06, 03:44 AM
Well, I've been recruited. ^_^

04-28-06, 04:29 AM
Lavinian Pride and Barbarian will both be leading initiation quests. When he completes it, Barbarian will post the outline here. Each will have a party of 3-5, depending on what the leader wants. Once you complete the quest, regardless of score you will be accepted into the order. Score will determine your rank. When we start to get money, rank will determine salary.

Must Hate Dwarves

Background: As you all know, Erebus is located in the mines of Alerar and is almost completly surrounded by mines on all sides. The fortress is well defended from assaults but what the Order really wants to do is access the vast wealth of the nearby mines. About 3km east of Erebus, the Order has identified what it has deemed as the most vulnerable of the nearby mines. It is operated by the Ghin'Zil clan which consists of thirty to forty miner dwarves. Their hometown with their families is about 1km north of the mine.

Objective: Your aim is to reach a settlement with the dwarves in order for us to take custody of the mine and exploit it. Though there is only about 5000 gold worth of coal left in it, the Order views this as a perfect initation mission for new members.

Special Restriction: Intelligence has informed us that within the mine, there lies a beast that attacks any who enter. It is too strong for us to defeat without commiting military force. However, it appears that the dwarves either keep this beast as a pet or know a secret to taming it. Therefore, even though you are allowed to use violent means, try to keep as many dwarves alive as possible so that we may eliminate the threat of the beast. Once it is out of the picture, feel free to do what you will with the dwarves.

Remember that the Order does not care how you accomplish the mission, only that you do.

Potential Bonus: Mining tools are in short supply in Erebus, at least. So the more mining tools you can liberate from the dwarves, the more smiled upon your rank may be. Another type of supply the Order could use is lumber, food, weapns or whatever may be in the nearby dwarven village.

However, the best way for you to accomplish this mission would be for you to reach an agreement so the dwarves would continue to mine, but for the profit of the Order instead of themselves. If you can accomplish this, you are guaranteed at least one free promotion.

Personnel: The leader for this expedition will be Sarah Dahlios (Lavinian Pride). She was particuarly chosen by the Order to accomplish this mission due to her negotiation skills.

Participants: Sarah Dahlios + 3 or 4

Thread (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=956)

The Barbarian
04-28-06, 04:50 AM
Alright guys, as a PG, we're going to need to be able to defend ourselves in times of war. This will be a good initiation quest and useful too.

I'll need 3-4 people to help out.

Liberating the Reapers (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=9852#post9852)

Background: In the belly of Radasanth lies a large underground network that was once a base for a demon cult called the Hell Reapers. Already void of these demons, it still houses a large supply of swords, staves, maces, axes, bows, and plenty of arrows, along with an assortment of armor ranging from iron to damascus.

Objective: Collect the weapons and armor. Simple enough, except the person who tipped us off about this place also informed us that the Hell Reapers are sending their own units in to gather all the supplies. There is no exact number of how many will be there, but the approximation is of at least a few dozen. The loot will be teleported back to HQ with the help of Oberon.

Personnel: The informant, Oberon Détruire (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=585), will be escorting the team through the bowels of Radasanth. It’s in his best interest that the Hell Reapers do not come into possession of the items. ((He is my NPC to control since he is my other PC.))

Potential Obstacles: Besides the Hell Reapers, the underground network is known to be filled with traps. Some are obvious and others are not. Using these to your advantages may prove useful. Be careful, as some of these demons are level 1-4. The foot soldiers are level 0, but the “officers” are obviously stronger and shouldn’t be taken lightly.

Participants: Tyrael Ange + 3 or 4

04-28-06, 05:10 AM
There are now 3 initation quests to choose from.

Stable Wars, Must Hate Dwarves and Liberating the Reapers

Remember this, the faster we recruit these members, the faster we can begin Operation Gold Digger. Then the dough will really roll in and you can all get that solid gold dagger you wanted.

Friendly reminder for all to join using the PG Hack at the bottom of this (http://www.althanas.com/world/profile.php?do=editprofile) page.

EDIT: Your performance in these initiation quest will go a long way to see whether you are eligible to perform in the Ghost Hand Partisans, the elite commando esque force in the Grander's Order.

Cyrus the virus
04-28-06, 06:13 AM
I'm very glad to see things coming together. I'm confident that should all these initiation quests be completed, we'll all have a tighter bond as a group. Not only that, but some sweet character interaction will have taken place.

I like it, I like it a lot. Good work.

04-28-06, 06:24 AM
Unfortunately I've had to work insane hours this week so I've been unable to get the thread up. However since this is my last shift this week, the thread will be up within the next 24 hours.

04-28-06, 06:32 AM
Zerith, if you don't want to make the thread you don't have to, as Damien/Broken can do it. However, if you want to, you could make the thread.

Those of you in navy (Torin, Redeemer, Ayithe, Tal'Ethurak, Kaiser, Emblem) will do a special initaition quest with Torin that will be posted later today. For those that were randomly assigned there, you can elect to move and I will find someone else more willing.

04-28-06, 06:44 PM
Actually if Damien wouldn't mind I would greatly apprieciate it. I just can't seem to come up with an intro for the thread. It will be much easier to come up with a intro for Zerith once I have something to work with. Sorry about the inconvience.

Ayithe Solete
04-29-06, 04:15 AM
I dunno if i moved to infantry actually...i'l comfirm that later when Falcy gets up. Hes asleep in my front room :P

The Barbarian
04-29-06, 05:03 AM
I'll be putting up the intro post for the Liberating the Reapers quest after I get some sleep. Tried starting it, but my mind is too fizzled out. So keep your eyes open for that link.

04-29-06, 05:23 PM
So is Damien going to post sometime soon? He hasn't been on in like a week and it has me worried.

04-29-06, 06:23 PM
Damien is also Slayer of the Rot and he has told me he will post soon.

04-29-06, 06:33 PM
If there is room, I would like to join this PG.

04-29-06, 06:36 PM
I have added you to the list, feel free to choose an initiation thread.

04-29-06, 06:46 PM
I seem to have this unfortunate problem with reading this whole thing, so I don't really know what or where the Initiation threads are... If you could point out a good one for a whip-wielding ex-thief, then that would be great.

04-29-06, 07:03 PM
Choose one of the following. When it fills up, the "leader" for the thread will post it. Complete it and you will be offered membership.

This goes for all the rest of you that haven't claimed a thread yet.

Stable Wars (http://www.althanas.com/world/showpost.php?p=8502&postcount=68) featuring Lavinian Pride, Emblem, Zerith, streak 101 - Thread (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=902)
Must Hate Dwarves (http://www.althanas.com/world/showpost.php?p=9374&postcount=78) featuring Broken, Makira, MadGoblin, Reiko Liberating the Reapers (http://www.althanas.com/world/showpost.php?p=9375&postcount=79) featuring Barbarian, Falcon, Nightsangel, Amy + 0/1 - Thread (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=811)

04-29-06, 07:13 PM
I'll gladly sign up for Must Hate Dwarves... It seems the most interesting of the bunch

04-29-06, 08:15 PM
Barbarian is Sword-For-Hire.

The Barbarian
04-29-06, 09:02 PM
Yea, I'm not Slayer.

Alter Egos of Me
The Barbarian
Death's Nephew

Also, that intro post should be done in about an hour. Finishing up another post write now.

The Barbarian
04-29-06, 10:06 PM
Alright, post is up guys. Link in my original post for the quest.

04-29-06, 10:47 PM
Can I join stable wars?

04-29-06, 10:54 PM
Go ahead. And Stable Wars is full.

04-30-06, 07:49 PM
can someone PM me when the initiation quests start? and if they have can u give me the link?

04-30-06, 09:31 PM
Why, "Must Hate Dwarves" sounds like a good 'un for ol' 'Snaff to take a crack at it. It involves one of his best skills: ... hating!

Can I takes a financial crack at it?

05-05-06, 05:54 AM
I have swapped the leaders for Stable Wars and Must Hate Dwarves and Lavinian Pride will shortly post the thread.

Falcon Darkflight
05-05-06, 06:28 AM
Those remaining members who have not had an initiation, please PM me. Now that I finally have my internet access restored, and the grace of a week off work, I intend on getting FULLY up to date.

Raelyse, I apologise for my lack of activity in this area. As you know via our e-mail conversations the sparce amount of activity I DID have during this week was dedicated to our LCC battle. I will ensure that I am up to date with everything (including my solo) by next week.

05-05-06, 05:37 PM
I have swapped the leaders for Stable Wars and Must Hate Dwarves and Lavinian Pride will shortly post the thread.

Yes, I apologize for all the time I inadvertently wasted. I didn't actually realize how much stuff I'd committed myself to until LCC started.

Also, I'm not Sword For Hire, you couldn't pay me to be Sword For Hire, for chrissakes.

05-05-06, 06:34 PM
Well, Broken, I look forward to working with you.

05-05-06, 09:09 PM
i'm really clueless on how i should enter in stable wars can i just post like i was already waiting for an initiation?

05-05-06, 09:28 PM
The thing you must remember that except for Sarah, this is not a initiation and you will only be informed of the Grander's Order, its purpose and your imminent membership once you complete the mission.

Streak, you can enter the bar where Sarah is and interact with her.

05-05-06, 09:38 PM
hate to be rude but......can u make it simpler for me?

so how exactly do I interact with her? I act like i've been looking for a job and then she hires me?

05-05-06, 09:41 PM
That should be up to you and Sarah. If you are having problems, PM or IM him and ask for help.

05-05-06, 09:44 PM
I'm gonna try and wing it. let the writing that is made up whilst u type commence!

05-06-06, 02:24 AM
Heh >.> sounds like an iinteresting PG for Sivienna to join. She'd be good in the financial department seeing as she is an noble vampire's daughter...but problem is shes geting reincarnated at some point soon...if you have no problem with her disappearing for a short time then her reincarnation taking her place while her soul gets mended then I"d join with Sivienna...but thats totally up to you guys...tell me your htoughts before I go any further cuse i need to know what you guys think before I join....

05-06-06, 02:51 AM
Guys I wrote instructions on what to do at the end of my post, maybe its the size one font that made it hard to view, but if you could ammend your introduction Streak to fit it I would appreciate that.

Also when in doubt don't just post, please contact me so I can give you ideas and we could work on something. Id rather the thread run smoothly than anything else...

05-06-06, 11:36 AM
meow. Rael convinced me to join. I'll also join Must hate dwarves as my intro quest too.

05-06-06, 11:40 AM
I've decided to now close applications for Must Hate Dwarves. Broken has told me he will post it up soon. For those of you that still haven't posted, please post in poor Barbarian's thread. He feels terribly unloved and I feel terribly bad for nagging him to post the thread.

Falcon Darkflight
05-06-06, 11:45 AM
Seeing as I have had no requests via PM for initiations, i'll join Barbarians thread to bolster the numbers.

05-06-06, 07:23 PM
Now for stable wars what do u mean by report in? like as if we already knew about the initiation? or like someone working for clement comes to get us or somefin'?

05-06-06, 07:30 PM
Are we going to have a posting order for Stable Wars?

05-07-06, 01:17 AM
Oh, hey, sorry for being dead for a while again. Am I still in this power group? o.0

05-07-06, 01:24 AM
Emblem and Streak: Talk to Sarah.

Khal: Join 'Liberating the Reapers' and when it's finished, you'll be in ICly, like everyone else.

05-07-06, 01:51 AM
Hmmm i have no idea which intiation thread for the GO i should join into. Um can anyone tell me which threads have an avaialble slot?

05-07-06, 02:00 AM
I have people over, but I have the intro banged out in my head. I can promise that "Must Hate Dwarves" will be enjoyable. It'll be up later on tomorrow.

05-07-06, 02:47 AM
Nightsangel, I propose going into 'Liberating the Reapers'... It appears to be the most open of them, as the others appear dead closed

05-07-06, 02:54 AM
*Nods* I think i will do that one. Put me up for the 3rd one which i believe is Liberating the Reapers. So i can join in under that one.

05-07-06, 03:10 AM
Getting around to posting, but Raeysle has me in now, he's convincing. I'll join Liberating the Reapers as well.

05-07-06, 04:51 AM
The Grander's Order welcomes Reiko, Amy, NightsAngel and MadGoblin into their ranks. Unfortunately, the initiation threads are all full up. Barbarian has told me he will only accept a member who will be active and can contribute.

For those of you that still want (need, rather) to be initiated, please post here and I will arrange something.

Lavinian Pride
05-08-06, 02:11 AM
For those in Stable wars.

My alternate account IS Dissinger. Please, if you have a question PM me on THAT account, as I only switch to this one to post...

Falcon Darkflight
05-08-06, 07:20 AM
Liberating the Reapers is officially underway. Those involved, please begin posting as soon as humanly possible.

Please note that all information on the Order is now all included on the opening post of this thread. It makes it easier to navigate, rather than pouring through hundreds of posts to get a single link.

05-08-06, 04:01 PM
It's (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=11810#post11810) up, good luck.

05-08-06, 05:11 PM
Is everyone that signed up to do Stable Wars way back when still going to do it? It's been forever since there was a post, or I missed it. Diss, how organised is Stable Wars going to be, are we just going to wing it or do you have a rough sequence of events getting to the end?

Edit* Gah! Their quest just started and they already have 2 replies. We had several days head start and we're behind them now! We must catch up!

Lavinian Pride
05-13-06, 03:22 AM
This is the second chance for those that signed up for stable wars to post. If you do not post in this round I will continue on without you.

I also have made it clear that these posts are to be done with your characters reaching Erebus by whatever means you deem reasonable. You should have already been there a couple of days, or be just arriving having followed Clement in.

After that we're going to be traveling, and reach the stables soon.

Following that is the introduction to our budding problem, and from there collaboration on how to best achieve the objective.

From there it depends on the plan. Our success and failure I'm hinging mostly on you two, I will try to direct the events, but I will not strong arm us to a winning position, if we fail we fail.

I seriously do not suggest picking a fight with the coronian guard posted at the stables.

The Barbarian
05-13-06, 03:30 AM
Let's keep my thread moving as well. I really hate seeing threads die because people don't post. If you don't have the time to post, just say so. That way we won't despise you and want to tear your throats out.

What? Doesn't everyone think like that?

05-13-06, 09:00 AM
I apologize for my lack of being here and posting this week. You see, my soon to be sister-in-law went into labor on wednesday. Unfortunantely the baby was a stillborn, missing an arm, spine and the back of his skull.

So yeah, this has been a bad week for me.

05-13-06, 12:54 PM
Its okay Zerith, thats why I'm giving a second chance rather than just going on without you.

At least you have a reason unlike some people around althanas that seem to forget their commitments. We'll wait for you then.

05-14-06, 02:22 AM
Uh... Is it just me, or is our recruitment thread going nowhere? I mean, I'd like to see myself actually FINISH this thing...

Must Hate Dwarves... I thought it was going to be one of my better works, too. If someone could tell me why none of the others are posting, I'll be glad to stop whining and wondering, and get right back to waiting patiently.

05-14-06, 02:34 AM
We're waiting on Slayer, who is busy. He's not a posting machine.

Cyrus the virus
05-14-06, 10:38 AM
Slayer's going to be very, very slow. If you want to keep the rest of the members of the thread happy, you need to have him post or make a solo to join, or something. Cause this guy doesn't seem very happy about having to wait, and it's not fair to him to have to do so.

Cause even though I love Dan, I don't want to see the PG suffer because people aren't enjoying their threads.

Falcon Darkflight
05-14-06, 01:47 PM
Yes, I would also be interested in seeing some activity in Liberating the Reapers as well, now that we have a little bit of a break from the LCC.

05-14-06, 06:34 PM
I posted in that quest, andjust really want to know to sorta clarify. It's just me, Nightsangel, Sword4Hire(r some other variaion of his) and Falcon, right?

05-14-06, 07:39 PM
Sorry for not posting in Liberating the Reapers yet. I was busy with LCC and i dedicated the time I had online to posting in that. Now that that is finished I"ll have more time to post in my other threads. ^_^ I'll get to posting in that one as soon as my mind settles onto writing.

05-15-06, 08:51 AM
I'm making a new initiation thread featuring Khalxaen and more tomorrow. Any that are interested (even if you've never expressed it before) can apply now or after I post it.

Cyrus the virus
05-15-06, 08:55 AM
The super-cool Khalxaen is joining?! Yipee!

The Barbarian
05-15-06, 10:44 AM
Actually it's The Barbarian and Sword-for-Hire is an NPC I'm using for this.

So yea, glad to hear you'll be posting soon.

Falcon Darkflight
05-15-06, 10:56 AM
So, the ball is finally rolling. At last!

05-15-06, 02:45 PM
Not for me. :(

Falcon Darkflight
05-16-06, 06:18 AM
Ok, just to clarify a few things:

- I am handling Kaiser's initiation in the way of a one on one in The Citadel. This is not to be confused with our current battle, we are intending to re-start and put our backs into it.

- Sifer, if you want an initiation routine sorting out you can join my searching for a purpose quest in Corone. That also goes for Ayithe as well, but thats the limit because I don't want more than three people in at one time. PM me for details, preferably as soon as physically possible.

-Nightsangel needs to post in Liberating the Reapers. Activity is short, and I don't want to make the next move until she turns up.

Now, as you may or may not know the 'Grander's Order' teams "A Good Few Men" and "The Grander's Order" progressed to the next round of the LCC so we have until 19th May before round 2 begins. Luckily my activity is up again so it shouldn't effect too much, but I would like an answer on the above by Friday please so we can stop from straying.

May I also take this opportunity to wish A Few Good Men the best of luck in round 2!

05-16-06, 07:00 AM
Sifer, I'd think it be good if you went with Falcon, because for this initiation quest, it's almost at full capacity with new members. If you really want to join, I could let you in, either that or make another one.

Background: The Grander's Order is in the process of acquiring several resources that will really put it on the map. However, a look at the present personel reveal that there is not much in the way of sheer manpower for menial tasks. Your job is simple: rectify this problem.

Objective: Everything has already been arranged by the Grander, Raelyse Salidan. We are the customers to a group in Salvar known as the "Yeria" group. You are to engage Diy Beluny of such a group and get the package. How you find him, get his attention and get the package is up to you. After you get it, you will need to find means to transport it to Alerar and then to Erebus.

Reward: You will all be offered membership into the clan. If you do not want it, you will be "terminated" by us because we do not want the outside world to know about what we are doing. If you haven't guessed, the contents of our little package are going to be quite illegal.

Falcon Darkflight
05-16-06, 09:35 AM
Seeing as this thread has been open for what seems like an eternity, i'm going to put my foot down. I know a lot of you are getting tired of waiting for some action, as am I.

I'm going to set a deadline of Thursday 18th May for everyone to at least state their interest in doing an initiation. After this date, I will personally accept no more requests to be initiated, and then its up to Raelyse to decide whether or not to enlist you.

My personal initiates are as follows:

- Sifer
- Kaiser
- Redeemer (I will discuss this more with him)
- Ayithe

As well as those under Barb's leadership in Liberating the Reapers.

As a PG with 20+ members, its not easy to get straight off the boards into the deep end, and I appreciate that. What I would like to see is everyone putting in, including myself, a good effort to get the dirty work out of the way so we can start this PG's operations.

Also, please note all Grander's Order updates will now be posted on the front page. This includes new initiates, missions and changes. It saves us sifting through hundreds of posts to find one niggly bit of information.

Falcon Darkflight
05-17-06, 06:14 AM
I am pleased to announce I have just almost bankrupted myself (seriously, this killed me looking at the price...) to purchase server space for The Grander's Order website!

As of today I will be starting work on the web page, and will be asking you all for some sort of your own personal input as well, and any suggestions you may have regarding content.

The current contents will include:

- GO News
- Announcements
- Mission logs
- Member profiles
- Inside information about the Order
- Regiment listings
- History, background and evolution.

Is there anything else you would all like me to include? If so, PM me or post below.

05-17-06, 06:17 AM
Colin asked me to put Abbie into the mix for a trial. Not sure how a happy-go-lucky lying thief will go into the mix, but why not.

Let me know if you need any graphics made up, like banners and stuff.

Falcon Darkflight
05-17-06, 06:45 AM
That would be nice. Can you design an emblem for the Order? I could use something to go on the home page if thats possible...I would be very grateful.

Look at the state of this...


This is the temporary link until the website is completed. As you can see, it needs a complete makeover.

Like I said...any ideas?

Cyrus the virus
05-17-06, 01:33 PM
Hey, cool. Now I have to be in regardless of what happens, with at least one character, or else I'll feel bad for you spending money :p Good tactic, you bastard!

And Abbie's good with banners and the like, but let her make a skin for Althanas before she starts on this :p I'm anxious for what she's working on... Mmm, green.

I have no real ideas, except for maybe links to member quests and quests that impact the Order in some way. I assume that's what 'mission logs' are for, though.

05-17-06, 01:50 PM
I know a little bit of HTML but nothing to be really proud of if that helps at all.

Falcon Darkflight
05-17-06, 02:12 PM
I have a basic layout for it now, Raeylse should be coming back with a few ideas. The current state of that site is fucking atrocious and needs to be "Abbie-sised" as soon as possible!

05-17-06, 03:29 PM
Well, let me start something for the new skin, and then I'll put something together like a splash or something.

edit: Well, alright, Colin twisted my arm. I'm in.

Falcon Darkflight
05-18-06, 02:39 AM
Thanks Abbie! :)

05-18-06, 06:00 AM
The quest, named "Grand Purposes" will be started by me soon. The participants will be Abbie and Khalxaen. If anyone else wants to be a party pant, then they can contact me and join with my approval before we move on.

EDIT: Thread (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=13886) is up.

Falcon Darkflight
05-19-06, 06:04 AM
Update on the site:

The official Grander's Order website domain is as below


I'm going to start putting content in as of tomorrow. I'll start by putting our clan information up, and all links to the initiation threads we have and a little coverage of our progress in the LCC as well (for all GO teams).

Abbie, when you have time (and only when you have time, I don't want to hassle you if you have things to be doing) let me know what you're looking for in terms of the skinning.

Raelyse, anything you could contribute would be helpful.


On another note, Liberating the Reapers is falling desperatly inactive. We are still waiting for people to post. May I remind those who are in this thread and anyone else in other recruitment threads to please try and get some posts done by next week if possible.

05-20-06, 08:34 AM
Awesome, I'll talk to you.

Lavinian Pride
05-20-06, 11:06 PM
Just because I'm damn tired of googling it and the link Raelyse put up don't work;

Vital Statistics

Name – Clement “Baldric” Whitestorm
Age – 32
Race – Troll / Human (Appears much more human than troll)
Sex – Male
Alignment – Chaotic Good
Height – 7’0
Weight – 150 lbs
Approximate Level – 3


Clement is a kind individual who will always help those weaker than himself. Because of his troll blood, he is quick to anger but his quick intellect always calms him down if the situation is not too extreme. This conflict of personality is strange but not common to those of dual ancestry as strange as Clement’s. As a result, he has learnt to hide his emotions so he appears with nothing but a charming grin at all times, even when he is angry inside.


Another product of his dual ancestry, Clement has a rather disfigured body. He is seven feet tall and thin, making him quite a frightening sight to behold. He walks upright at all times, towering over all individuals. His clothes are often sophisticated and charming, if you can find someone of his body stature attractive. In battle, Clement wears form fitting clothing that allows him to use his lanky body effectively. He always wears long sleeved clothes.


Hand axe (Dual or Single) combat – Proficient at both melee and ranged combat

Spear (Dual or Single) Combat – Proficient at both melee and ranged combat

Chemistry – Clement carries chemicals that he can use as both explosives and healing. The healing chemicals he concocts are capable of healing minor-medium wounds, with the minor wounds taking minutes and the medium wounds up to one hour. If he can find chemicals, Clement can create something that can heal major wounds like broken bones, but that takes powerful herbs and many hours. All of Clement’s drugs give the user a groggy and supernatural perception of the world around them. His explosives have varying power, depending on what chemicals or herbs he uses.

Troll regeneration – Minor wounds like cuts and grazes heal instantly because of his troll blood. Medium-Major wounds also heal faster.

Other attributes – Clement is a very intelligent person, especially adept at biology and chemistry as well as problem solving. His troll blood also gives him extra agility and strength.


Clement carries on his body six hand axes, each about one and a half inches long. They are suitable for both close combat and throwing. Each is made out of Oak and Steel.

His preferred weapon though are two long spears, Retribution and Punishment which he straps to his back. Each is about five feet long with about half inch long blades. They too are suitable for both close combat and throwing. They are made of Damascus and Yew, as well as being specially enchanted with magical runes to both fly faster and allow the user to recall them at will.

Underneath whatever clothes he wears, Clement always wears form fitting clothing. This allows him to move nimbly and with little restriction. He also wears various belts and straps to secure his weapons.

Clement also carries with him assorted chemicals that he can use to create healing or explosive materials which he can use proficiently.


Hundreds of years before his time, the two ancestors of Clement Whitestorm battled for supremacy of a strategically placed island off the course of Corone. The two factions were the human Whiteblade clan and the troll Warstorm clan. The battle lasted for one year with no side gaining an advantage over the other. One night, the Whiteblade clan sent their most skilled diplomatic, a female cleric named Sarah Whiteblade to the Deathstorm camp to negotiate a peace treaty because of the casualties the war was causing. Bearing their flag of diplomacy, Whiteblade was granted admission into the Warstorm camp, where she awaited the presence of the Warstorm leader to negotiate. He never came.

Warstorm sent his most powerful shaman, Trosk Warstorm to her. He captured and tortured her, manipulating her mind and mutilating her body by casting spells on her until her mind was more troll than human, though she still resembled a human more than a troll. Using Sarah Whiteblade, Trosk and his leader were able to infiltrate the Whiteblade clan and kidnap more female clerics, mages and warriors and manipulated them into Warstorms. With his newfound army, Trosk overturned his leader and became the leader of the Warstorm clan. Trosk than went on the offensive against his next enemy, the Whiteblade clan. They were easily decimated, leaving the isle under Warstorm command. To signal a new age, Trosk mockingly changed the name of the clan and island to Whitestorm. To symbolize the unity, Trosk decreed that all trolls of the previous Warstorm clan were to procreate with the twisted women of the Whiteblade clan, to create the Whitestorms.

For many years the Whitestorm clan lived peacefully on the island since no one dared attack the human-troll hybrids. That was, until the Castigar War. The Castigars adopted the strategic island as its new base of fortress. The Whitestorm Clan was no match for them and fled as refugees to the mainland of Corone. There, many of them scattered and became mercenaries due to their human linguistic abilities and intelligence combined with their troll strength and agility. The Castigar War waged for many generations, with many members of the Whitestorm clan even joining the two opposing factions. The site of Whitestorm against Whitestorm was a sad sight, but one that the Castigars and their opponents did not care for. The Whitestorm clan was also slowly thinning to extinction due to the lack of trolls on the island of Corone led to the troll blood being thinned out in the ancestors due to procreation engaged with pure blood humans.

Then one day, Clement Whitestorm was born. The son of Trask Whitestorm and Elearnor Whitfurrows, he was loved in his home. Unlike most of his brethren, Trask Whitestorm had a proper partner and wife, not a one-night stand with a prostitute. Trask and Elearnor dearly loved each other and their son. Trask was a warrior towards the end of the Castigar War, serving on the faction of the Red Dragons against the Castigars. He was retired at the birth of his child though, working as a lumberjack and a farmer in Concordia. He had met Elearnor during the War, to which she was a healer. The two fell in love and after the war, moved to Concordia. When they had their first child, life was happy. When Clement grew up, he enlisted into the army of Radasanthia, returning home only when he was off day.

One day, a warrior from the newly formed Ghost Hand Order arrived, obtaining recruits for the clan. Trask was too old but Clement, age 30 at the time could not resist. He quit the Radasanthian army and joined the Ghost Hand Order. His parents were one of the few outside the order to know, due to his father’s connection with the Red Dragons.

His talent was quickly apparent and he quickly progressed the ranks. He remained there for two more years, honing his talents. He was quickly inducted into the special rank of the Ghost Hand Partisans as a Phantom. His strength and intelligence impressed the leader, Canen Darkflight who became one of his most trusted soldiers, despite his low rank.

Clement remained a Ghost Hand Partisan until he was called up to fight with Canen and Dxun against their newest assassination target. Unforturnatly, they got the wrong man. The fortunate part was that they received a powerful, though unpredictable ally, Prince Raelyse Salidan of Myrusia. Canen inducted Raelyse into the Ghost Hand Order impressed by his strong personality, battle prowess and motivational abilities. However, not yet sure whether the prince could be trusted, Canen instructed Clement to monitor Raelyse as his “personal assistant.”

Clement rose to the challenge, eager to prove his worth to the Order.

Falcon Darkflight
05-22-06, 02:10 PM

05-23-06, 12:45 AM
I just posted in LIberating the Reapers. SOrry it took so long for me to post guys.

Falcon Darkflight
05-23-06, 05:40 AM
Its ok. Im sure you didn't ignore it or anything, we all get busy.

Let's get this thing underway.

05-23-06, 05:51 AM
You all suck, why did you put all the hot laydees in the quest that I'm NOT in?

Falcon Darkflight
05-23-06, 06:25 AM
Because, Colin, you told me too.

Lavinian Pride
05-24-06, 01:35 AM
Stable Wars whats up guys? We had a good run then we hit a brick wall... Writer's Block what?

Falcon Darkflight
05-24-06, 02:32 AM
There's no motivation. I think that people are seeing these initiations as long winded and boring. Well, we have something in mind that might just cure that boredom. But finish the initiations first and get the tedious part out of the way...

05-24-06, 06:08 AM
Actually I'm just waiting for Emblem. Though if he doesn't post by the time I get home from work, I could get one up tonight if you'd like.

05-24-06, 02:27 PM
Well, there is no posting order, so if you want to post, post. Just make sure you get one in between my posts and I won't care which order its done in...

05-24-06, 02:34 PM
... Oh yeah i am supposed to be joining this clan ... but err ... Falcon ... when are you going to start my initiation?

bah ... maybe i could get someone else to do it?

05-24-06, 04:26 PM
Sorry for not posting my turn yet... I am having trouble getting hold of a computer from which to do so... I should have this problem fixed in the next 24 hours... Again, sorry

05-24-06, 04:47 PM
Sorry I haven't posted. I've been crammed at school. 200 page book to read in two days and do a report on. Finals are coming around so I'm a little lazy but i'll try to get a post out.

05-24-06, 04:49 PM
Alright just wanted to be sure that people were aware we were moving on...

Genrally there is no set posting order, just that everyone posts before I post again. Hopefully that clears up any confusion...

Falcon Darkflight
05-25-06, 03:20 AM
... Oh yeah i am supposed to be joining this clan ... but err ... Falcon ... when are you going to start my initiation?

bah ... maybe i could get someone else to do it?

I've been busy with work i'm afraid. Without boring you with details, recently its been a lot more hectic, and i've been working through my 'posting time'.

Give me a half day to get straight and we'll sort it out between us.

05-25-06, 03:57 AM
ok, ok, yeesh just giving a reminder to everyone that i am supposed to be joining this clan, when you get the time and your up to it then post something ... hmm do i have too much free time?

Falcon Darkflight
05-25-06, 09:42 AM
Post in 'Liberating the Reapers'. If you are stuck, pm me for a description of how you should go about it. I know it is closed but as Raelyse will appreciate we need to get members initiated asap but without rushing it, we have a clan quest coming up soon and it would be useful to have solid initiates for it. Raelyse, if there is any issue with this please let me know.

Please can you all do your utmost to ensure that any posting you need to do in your retrospective threads is up to date or as up to date as you can get them. I know we are all busy at the moment with exams / work ect but lets make that special effort to get this clan underway, because at the moment I am unhappy as to how slow things are proceeding.

I would like to know the situation on all initiation threads as soon as possible please. Would all leaders contact me via pm and tell me how things are going, who is and isn't active and if there's anything they need further, such as the introduction of NPC's to 'fill in' for absentees.

As you can all appreciate, we are trying to work hard with various ideas at the moment, despite work commitments and schooling commitments. If there are any problems whatsoever, if you need any help, you can contact me on:

English daytime (8:30am - 5:30am): chrisburton@daviesturner.co.uk (e-mail only)
English othertime (anytime after 7:30pm): manaquin_gunshot_romance@hotmail.co.uk (E-mail and MSN)

Or of course PM me.

Cyrus the virus
05-25-06, 12:24 PM
A Grander Erebus is going well, we're somewhat almost done and all three of us are active. No, noone can jump in at this point :p

Falcon Darkflight
05-26-06, 02:40 AM
Good stuff. Dissinger informed me his progress is going well, and looks like he'll probably be the first to wrap up an initiation.

Just need to wait for Barbarian now.

EDIT: Kaiser, as agreed your initiation will take place in a battle between Canen and Kaiserin. Thread here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=15676#post15676).

Ayithe Solete
05-26-06, 11:06 AM
I cannot be bothered waiting anymore for something that isn't happenning. I shall create my own intiation and do it myself. Busky isn't in one either, i have spoken to him he's joining mine. I'll post it later.

Falcon Darkflight
05-26-06, 03:05 PM
Seeing as this thread has been open for what seems like an eternity, i'm going to put my foot down. I know a lot of you are getting tired of waiting for some action, as am I.

I'm going to set a deadline of Thursday 18th May for everyone to at least state their interest in doing an initiation. After this date, I will personally accept no more requests to be initiated, and then its up to Raelyse to decide whether or not to enlist you.


05-27-06, 07:11 AM
Don't join Liberating the Reapers.

Barbarian will be active soon, I know he will.

PS. Cyrus, you aren't the leader! I am so the leader. LEADER IS ME.

Cyrus the virus
05-27-06, 01:41 PM
No, I'm the leader.

I am now the leader of the Grander's Order! HAHAHA!

Only because I have such influence over you punks.

05-27-06, 09:38 PM
If you're the leader, I'm Ted Coppell. Who I don't know who that is.

A reminder to all members in any initation quests of any kind, (AGE, LTR, SW, MHD or whatever) to join via their Edit Options page.

Ayithe Solete
05-28-06, 04:33 AM
Correction, its in your Edit Profile.

05-28-06, 04:51 AM
New initiaton quest featuring Ayithe, Busky and Khalxaen set to be begin. It will be GMed by Ayithe.

05-28-06, 09:54 AM
It would appear that I have been blessed with a recruitment. For the Archery division, it would appear. I even brought my own bow. Next initiation quest, I'm ready and rarin' to go!

05-30-06, 04:56 AM
Sorry for the holdup on my end. I'll be back soon (I hope) and get busy.

05-30-06, 06:00 AM
Yeah you should be. I hope you burn in the part of hell reserved for people who don't post.

Oh yeah and don't worry, Khalxaen's not in it anymore so the only one you're annoying is me and since I do you every day, I guess that's okay.

Cyrus the virus
05-30-06, 12:57 PM
Why isn't Khalxaen in it anymore? :(

Falcon Darkflight
05-31-06, 02:51 AM
Probably for the same reason half of Althanas have suffered an inactivity curse on the weeks leading up to the finals.

Cyrus the virus
05-31-06, 02:57 AM
Doubt it. She's too awesome for that kind of failure. I'm a Khalxaen fan.

05-31-06, 03:11 AM
I'm not in the thread with Abbie anymore because I'm joining another one instead. ;D

I have a fan, wth |:

Chris Locke
05-31-06, 11:02 AM
May I state my interest in joining the Silver Vega, once my character is fully accepted.

06-01-06, 07:07 AM
Well Raelyse convinced me to join, so I'm joining with this character. Can I be one of the Ghost Hand Partisans?

Falcon Darkflight
06-01-06, 11:09 AM
I will leave it up to Raelyse, Grim.

Ok, I have to debate something here. Namely, our ability to actually keep up with whats going on in this PG. So far, initiations haven't gone too badly (except for LTR, which is easily the most inactive) but i'm starting to wonder whether its worth perhaps downsizing a little bit so we can filter out inactivity and get the active members posting?

My point is that we have several initiations going on, but in some cases inactive members are spoiling it for those who want to get it done and therefore holding everyone up. It seems to be creating a negative atmosphere.

This is what I propose, and it may sound harsh but its the only way things are going to get done initiation-wise for new members:

I suggest that any members who haven't posted in the last two weeks be removed from our ranks. That can be OOC or IC. I also suggest a deadline of a further two weeks be given to allow those who have had exams, work or outside issues to catch up, before further inactive members are removed from the list.

We have 20 pages of talk, over 100 replies to this thread and not a damn lot to show for it, when you think about it. It's about time we did a clan quest, initiated or not.

I would like to kindly remind you all that, whilst it was my own choice to do so, I have paid money for a GO website. I would imagine this allows me the right to ask each and every member to at least attempt activity.

Apologies to those of you trying your best.

06-01-06, 11:14 AM
not to be a downer bird brain

i know you situation and all but ... you not really one of the active ones either :p

and besides my initiation, although it may seem trivial, actually has a chance of the grander's order sticking its middle finger up at me ... err but if not then clan quest weeeeeeeeee

Falcon Darkflight
06-01-06, 11:19 AM
not to be a downer bird brain

i know you situation and all but ... you not really one of the active ones either :p

and besides my initiation, although it may seem trivial, actually has a chance of the grander's order sticking its middle finger up at me ... err but if not then clan quest weeeeeeeeee

I am active, actually. You know the situation in my personal life, and therefore know that these problems have already been resolved. May I also remind you I can only post one hour ish per day and I am still more active than some of those with regular home access.

Your initiation is being dealt with by me personally. Win or lose, you are going to be initiated. Thats why its called an initiation battle.

If you are questioning my dedication I suggest you take that statement back.

06-01-06, 11:22 AM
not at all bird brain, i know you pretty dedicated. i also know that a 1 hour time period for posting sucks ... actually not that i have ever had a 1 hour window mind you.

ahh whatever, your one of the leaders so its up to you

Cyrus the virus
06-01-06, 11:31 AM
Hey, I had suggested not having initiations for this very reason. I win.

06-01-06, 01:17 PM
Well, as long as I get in eventually, though i'd prefer to get something started sooner rather than later...

Artifex Felicis
06-01-06, 01:34 PM
for someone like me (amy) in Liberating the Reapers, what should I do to prove activity and what not?

06-01-06, 06:29 PM
I'm guess I could still be labeled as active. I'm just waiting for emblem to post in SW, not to mention the circumstances in my life at the time. Yet I'm still working around all of that.

The Barbarian
06-01-06, 10:02 PM
Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted yet. I'm having some major family issues with my mother and now we've found out my grandma has cancer. So lots of energy is being devoted to helping out around the house since my dad is kinda freaking out about it (obviously) and I'm working more in his place. I'll try my BEST to get a post written by tomorrow night, but it might be more likely Saturday morning.

Again, sorry about the wait. :(

06-02-06, 12:25 AM
Emblem will post tomorrow in SW but if youw ant to post ahead of him you can, so long as you all post before I do again, I don't care abotu what order they come in...

Falcon Darkflight
06-02-06, 02:27 AM
Well, thats a start I suppose. I just needed re-assurance that some of the members were going to bother completing the threads.

I would just like to say though...isn't it strange how everybody seems to have family or personal issues at the moment? Don't get me wrong or misunderstand me, i'm not calling you liars or anything, but its just wierd because it's happening to me too...

06-02-06, 02:48 AM
In the US June is notorious for High school and Junior High Finals. Its the end of the shcool year so they decide to cram in the exams. So that took emblem. Also wiht the summer coming up all the retail businesses are getting geared up and it starts stressing people. Thats why so many vacations happen summer time..

Falcon Darkflight
06-02-06, 02:54 AM
Yeah, figures. It can be the same here too in England. I guess its just frustrating when those of us who are lucky enough to have the time to post are kinda waiting around for ages. I'm just having a pop at those who are just lazy as opposed to having real world issues to deal with. And I DO know a few people who simply can't be bothered...not that i'll name names.

This is the last whine i'll have on the subject as it's probably getting on everyone's nerves now. These initiations will be over soon, if the lord has his way.

06-02-06, 03:01 AM
Preaching to the choir Reverand preachin to the choir ;)

Falcon Darkflight
06-02-06, 04:33 AM
Amen, brother.

06-02-06, 07:53 AM
Alright I have been given my initiation quest by Raelyse. Those involved will be my self, Khalxaen, Telum and Striker. I will try to get it up sometime today. And since the slut prince himself told me I was supposed to post an outline.

Background All three of us are recruited in someway by a GO captain by the name of Edmund Silvanus (the exact details of they way you are recruited I will be leaving up to you). He gives us our initiation quest.

Objective: There is a garden in the forest that exists for the sol purpose of harvesting Soema flowers. Our job is to take controll of the Garden and bring back about one kilo worth of seeds to Erebus. The garden is protected by forest creatures (mostly centaurs though I may through in some other stuff to make things more interesting).

Rewards: Membership into the clan and what ever spoils you manage to loot from the forest creatures (likely crude weapons or armor).

Participants: Myself, Khalxaen, Striker, Telum and Edmund Silvanus (level 2 NPC).

Edit: I have just been informed that Telum is also in this thing.

06-02-06, 09:08 AM
Yeah I was just recruited for this. Thanks for the last minute change :D

06-02-06, 10:04 AM
Just a thought: Don't feel compelled to post if you have outer stuff to settle. Deal with that first and come back to Althanas and the GO with only ALTHANAS and the GO in your mind. I can be impatient but I fully understand your situation.

I want every single one of you to be initiated so we can really get the party started, but not at the expense of any other stuff.

It's just a game, babes and fellers.

06-02-06, 10:17 AM
Alright my initiation thread is up. For those of you who are supposed to be in it click here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=17011#post17011) and post when ever you're ready. If you have any questions, comments or concerns please PM or AIM me.

06-03-06, 01:39 AM
I wasn't told which initiation thread I was supposed to be in. Should I post in that one? Wouldn't want to be cutting in line, after all.

06-03-06, 12:44 PM
Yes, Striker go ahead and post in the one I started since that was the one I was told by Raelyse you were supposed to be in.

06-03-06, 06:13 PM
I'll be in action soon. DSL is back, and now it's just a matter of dealing with my son being gone for 3 months starting today and another goddamned election. I'll do my best to post *somewhere* soon, and I'll contact Raelyse when I'm ready.

06-03-06, 07:25 PM
Just at a curiousity....how many PC girls do we have here? I know Sivi and Abbie are in...anyone else? Other than my character eventually?

06-03-06, 09:22 PM
umm Sarah is in as well...

06-04-06, 12:00 AM
Abbie, Jasmine, Sarah, Kit and Inari, Amy, Makira, Sivienna, Khalxaen and one more, who will stay a mystery until a quest is completed. Yeah, we ain't no sausage fest like the Brotherhood and the Facarse. Biggest excuses for orgies ever.

Originally Yeah Whatever by Abbie

I'll be in action soon. DSL is back, and now it's just a matter of dealing with my son being gone for 3 months starting today and another goddamned election. I'll do my best to post *somewhere* soon, and I'll contact Raelyse when I'm ready.

No worries, don't rush it.

06-04-06, 12:44 AM
And I say to thee, Why not?

Service is one of my specialties. ( Don't dare think of that kind of service! D: )

Though I'm at a loss to which one should I go to.

06-04-06, 12:52 AM
sweet... you should hurry up and post now in our thread..

Falcon Darkflight
06-04-06, 03:28 PM
Edits made to the first post of the thread. Information updated.

06-05-06, 08:38 AM
I'm here to join.

Falcon Darkflight
06-05-06, 08:52 AM
Ok. I'll talk to Raelyse about setting up an initiation for you.

06-05-06, 08:56 AM
Too late, already have one in mind.

Falcon Darkflight
06-05-06, 08:59 AM
Wah. Ok.

Falcon Darkflight
06-05-06, 10:56 AM
I need two active members to accompany Canen on this one, starting Wednesday 7th June:

Mission: Operation Iron Will

Description: Three Haicheyanne have managed to seep through the portal connecting Nocturnis and Althanas, including the demon still at large from the Concordia Forest massacre of the former Ghost Hand Partisans and Canen's student, Sekonda Artremeas. In an attempt to track down Canen they have followed his trail to Alerar, and have intruded the Kachuck mines. Unfortunatly this not only poses a personal threat to the Grand Commodore, but also the interests of The Grander's Order as the main resource shafts deep inside are now patrolled by these murderous beasts and have been rendered inaccessable.

Primary Objective: To take a tactical assault team inside to kill all three Haicheyanne before more of their kind arrive and infest the mines.

Secondary Objective: To collect data on the Haicheyanne, profiling their weaknesses.

Tertiary Objective: To compile a useful list of details about the innards of the resource mines to present to Grander Realyse, in the hope the Order could use this information in the future to their own advantage.

Known hostiles: Haicheyanne (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=891&highlight=Haicheyanne) x 3

Spoils: Haicheyanne's Samael Javelin (2), Haicheyanne's Maul Scythe (1)

06-05-06, 11:04 AM
May I join?

Note: I will be participating in Operation: Iron Will with Falcon.

06-05-06, 11:33 AM
If you can be active, you are in Dharyn. Our only requirement of our members is that they be active. I'll see if I can sort out a initiation thread for you.

The best would also be if you contacted me or Falcon (prefably me since I have this week off) via IM or PM.

06-05-06, 11:51 AM
Falcon has offered me a position in his forthcoming quest. However, I will contact you as well if you would prefer.

06-05-06, 12:14 PM
Search for Tulurin.

Background: The order is in search of some muscle in order to bolster up its ranks. One of their targets has been resistant to join the ranks. A skilled Samurai, by the name of Tuliran Kjloroman has refused to join the ranks of the order, and therefore has become the perfect assignment for initiates to undertake.

Objective: First and for most, your objective is to search out Tuliran, and convince him to join the order using any means necessary. He is a skilled master of the sword, and it is not advised to use force, however if it is necessary, then use violence as a way to subdue this man. However, do not kill or injure him to greatly, for he is a valuable asset to the order, and we need him alive and in good condition for him to be of any use to us.

Potential Problems: Tuliran is a skilled trainer of his arts, and it is unknown if he has any followers. If you are able to locate him, and he does have a group of trained samurai, it is in the Order’s interest to recruit both him and his trained men, which would bolster the ranks of the order greatly. However, if he will not go down without a fight, dispatch his trained men, and finally convince him it is of his best interest to join the Order.

Remember to keep Eric close at hand. He may be a stuck up elf, but he is your key into the Order. He is not only following to make sure you bring in the Samurai, but he is there to scout for potential members in your group.

Members: Zigurate Bandit, Khalxaen, and Cielalune

06-07-06, 01:37 AM
It seems that Zerith has brought to my attention an opportunity to join The Grander's Order, and after thinking on it, I've decided to offer my enlistment. In other words: I'd like to join. If there is any disagreement or restriction, I'll abide by it and continue on my own for now on Althanas. Again, I am only requesting to join because according to Zerith, I'm wanted here for reasons unknown.

On just a small note, for the initiation quest, I'm alright with a solo one. It saves the trouble of having other PCs falling victim to inactivity, thus preventing arguments. I'll admit right now, I do not have access to a computer everyday, so I figure it may just be for the best. Of course, if any are actually willing to join along, I don't mind. It's just that it seems as if most of you guys are far too busy with other quests and such.

06-07-06, 10:28 AM
If it's alright with Colin, you could be in my initiation thread. It's only just started, and being alone with Raelyse would be bad for Abbie's health. ;) I too am not the fastest poster, due to work, so if you can stand me, I'll be patient with you. :)

06-07-06, 10:40 AM
Don't you pay attention? Jeez. He said he was doing a solo. I have you all to myself.

06-07-06, 12:09 PM
Hehe, well thanks for the offer Abbie.

And yes, I will be going solo for my initiation thread, after sorting out the details and such with Raelyse. If all is well, I may be able to start the quest by tonight. Really looking forward to it.:)

Ayithe Solete
06-07-06, 12:58 PM
Poor Abbie :(

06-07-06, 01:04 PM
Whatever you do Abbie, don't go into a room alone with him ;)

Falcon Darkflight
06-07-06, 03:13 PM
Aye. Oh, speaking of which, Falcon will need to report to Seth in the Dark War. How do you want me to go about it, seeing as the two have never really met beforehand?

06-07-06, 03:48 PM
Is our quest set to begin today, Falcon?

Falcon Darkflight
06-07-06, 05:15 PM
I will post it out tomorrow. I need one more member, really, but we can at least get it started.

06-07-06, 07:16 PM
Well, I will have to kick the Prince's ass if he tries anything. Nice opening for a newbie, eh? ;)

Dissinger, Break It Down. ;)

06-07-06, 09:06 PM
I ban all smilies from this quest from now on, espicially when Raelyse is in the same sentence. It is punishable by being alone in the same room as me for more than 10 minutes.

Lucifer Blight
06-08-06, 01:40 AM
I'd like to join this Power Group as well. Something about brutal methods to achieve goals is just...cool. Falcon, if you still need one more member for your quest I'll happily join it for my IC reason. If not, that's cool too.

06-08-06, 02:44 AM
Just don't let Raelyse kiss you or anything, and you should be fine Abbie ;)

ooops...was that a smiley?

Liliana Ambria
06-08-06, 02:50 AM
Aye. Oh, speaking of which, Falcon will need to report to Seth in the Dark War. How do you want me to go about it, seeing as the two have never really met beforehand?

I would say introduce yourself and we can strike up a brief conversation. If you want we can pm each other back and forth for collabtory dialogue...

ooh...I feel like a wannabe college punk, making up big words to sound impressive ;)

Oh....better run before COlin wants his ten minutes...

Falcon Darkflight
06-08-06, 06:13 AM
I'd like to join this Power Group as well. Something about brutal methods to achieve goals is just...cool. Falcon, if you still need one more member for your quest I'll happily join it for my IC reason. If not, that's cool too.

Lucifer, good call. I'll pm you and our other friend with details and get the thread up today.

I would say introduce yourself and we can strike up a brief conversation. If you want we can pm each other back and forth for collabtory dialogue...

Thats fine. I'll try and get a post in tonight after speaking with you over pm to discuss our evil plans.

Falcon Darkflight
06-09-06, 06:35 AM
Operation Iron Will (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=18324#post18324) is up. I'll include the link on the first page.

Lavinian Pride
06-12-06, 10:31 PM
Stable Wars!

Zerith you got leadership against the Guard. Do as you please and See fit. I'll lead Oran around, though he may be leaving later this week I can bunny him since he gave me permission. That way we can finish this all...

06-12-06, 10:34 PM
Done and done. I'll work on the first post tomorrow morning, that'll give me the rest of the day to come up with ideas on how to deal with Bryce.

If the pace stays the way it is now, there's no doubt that this will be done before my wedding.

Lavinian Pride
06-12-06, 10:36 PM
Then all it relies is on Oran for a bit, and Banda for the remainder, think of it as a wedding gift guys ;)

06-12-06, 11:20 PM
My initiation thread is up, just incase anyone would want to bother reading, or perhaps monitoring every once in a while. Hopefully, this quest will be done much quicker than my other ones, seeing as how it's only a solo quest, and I need not have to wait for others. Enjoy the read.

Our Friend. (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=1460)

06-13-06, 04:32 AM
Today is the day for me. Election day. Thankfully, the last one until November. My boss has had me jumping through hoops lately, so I apologize for not being around much. I figured quality over quickness.

Though I am still waiting for a dance-off post from Dissinger...

I hope to be back in commission very soon (like, this week). :)